TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (November)



  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,968 Member
    Tuesday 2 November
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Been having a hard time reaching my steps, part weather part motivation. I better find the motivation because the weather is only going to get worse. And to top it off we "fall back" this weekend. :-/ There's an idea that has outlived its usefullness.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,968 Member
    mhoss2 wrote: »
    @DaffyGirl88 chocolate/Halloween candy is such a challenge for me. I think it comes from a different factory made with crack or something.. :D but so far, I have had zero pieces of candy which is a huge victory for me!

    @mhoss2 Right?!?! Why don't broccoli and cauliflower call our names from the refrigerator drawer?? :D
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    Username: rawrxamberx
    November Week #1
    CW: 329

    I’m honestly not surprised by this only because I went a little crazy last week for Halloween. This week will be better😊
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    (Daily Post - Tues. Nov 2)
    Logged: yes
    Under: no
    Exercise: yes
    Water: 6 cups
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Username: sandkp
    November Week #1
    startingW: 225.4
    PW: 223.8
    CW: 223.8

    Again my chosen day is biting me... monday was 223 tuesday was 222.8 so.. thanks wednesday for shooting back up.

    Its a pattern I am seeing and at least the shoot up isnt as much as the start so we are on a small downward trend.
  • kkay2345
    kkay2345 Posts: 130 Member
    Tuesday, November 2
    Logged: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: Yes
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    @mhoss2 I hope everyone had a successful day today.. whatever that looks like for you. and if you feel like it wasn't brush it off and start fresh tomorrow. Take care!

    I love this visual of Brushing it off...awesome!
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    Tuesday Nov 2nd
    Track; yes
    under: yes
    exercise; yup, got it done:)

    @HASWLRS "I really need to prioritize exercise first thing in the morning or else it just doesn't happen. I also really need the Halloween candy to be gone; I am making it fit into my calorie budget, but at the expense of healthy foods."
    I totally get it. I had to shift my day too to make some things happen. Stretching in bed for a couple min before getting out of bed gives me mobility, easing the movement of my hips around a little easier...then i'm not a grumpy bear. Just a couple minutes makes all the difference to my ability to move with less pain.
  • mhoss2
    mhoss2 Posts: 24 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Monday, November 1st

    logged: yes
    under: yes, barely. I got the numbers to work, but I was guessing on serving size.
    exercise: no

    water: 12 cups
    steps: 7,198

    I really need to prioritize exercise first thing in the morning or else it just doesn't happen. I also really need the Halloween candy to be gone; I am making it fit into my calorie budget, but at the expense of healthy foods.

    @HASWLRS I am the same way with exercise.. mornings work best for me as well.. my plan is to get up early and start with 10 to 15 mins and gradually increase and wake up earlier.. I am not sure if this will help but having someone hide the candy or putting it where you can't see it helped me stay away.. last year they were in the cabinets that I opened every day and eventually I would break down and have a handful in one sitting.. this year they are high up where I can't reach or see it. Keep up the good work!
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    Sorry been mia. We had a huge storm last week. Eating and logging didn’t keep track.

  • IvanaKirilova
    IvanaKirilova Posts: 54 Member
    logged food: yes
    under calories: no
    exercise: nо

    Enough of these lazy days. Tomorrow I'm starting a 3 day belly fat loss. It's also helping me build some curves. If anyone is looking forward to such a result I'll be more then happy to get a training buddy. The exersices are a good fit for home training cause they're mostly crunches. Well...thank you for all the support❤
  • ashleymullo6195
    ashleymullo6195 Posts: 145 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »

    Excersize - no still sick longest cold going lol and also got toothache now 😭
    Logged food - yes
    Under calories - yes - but too under and the app wouldn't let me complete diary but I'm not hungry much today

    @ashleymullo6195 Are you feeling better today, Ashley?

    Hello yes I'm better thankyou for asking forgot to pop on and write my daily on here
  • ashleymullo6195
    ashleymullo6195 Posts: 145 Member
    02/11 Excersize - no
    Logged food - yes
    Under cal - yes

    03/11 Excersize - no
    Logged food - yes
    Under cal - yes

    Goal is to try to Excersize more
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Daily accountability TBBT
    Day: Wednesday November 3
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Had to adjust today while traveling. Barely made the under cal thing. Eating on the fly with hubs is harder than alone... and even worse when they get the order wrong and your semi good choice is replaced with a duplicate of his order but we are already back on the road when I get to check the bag cause " oh... it will be right" Ugghhh.
    Thankful for college towns.. lots of walking that can get done! Which helped with so e extra steps. Still not reaching my goal yet but i will get there.
  • kristiekay1962
    kristiekay1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Nov. 3
    track: yes
    under: no
    exercise: 32 min.
    steps: 10271
  • mhoss2
    mhoss2 Posts: 24 Member

    Nov. 3
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes.. very light exercise as I was still feeling a little dizzy from the flu shot. Walked to the park with my daughter and played some softball, then took the dog for a walk around the block. For spending most of the day laying down, my step count wasn't too bad: 9,051. My goal is to break 10,000 today as I feel much better and finally got a good night's sleep.

    Happy Friday eve to my TBBT crew!!
  • mhoss2
    mhoss2 Posts: 24 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    Daily accountability TBBT
    Day: Wednesday November 3
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Had to adjust today while traveling. Barely made the under cal thing. Eating on the fly with hubs is harder than alone... and even worse when they get the order wrong and your semi good choice is replaced with a duplicate of his order but we are already back on the road when I get to check the bag cause " oh... it will be right" Ugghhh.
    Thankful for college towns.. lots of walking that can get done! Which helped with so e extra steps. Still not reaching my goal yet but i will get there.

    @sandkp --> eating while traveling is a big challenge for me, especially if it's a road trip! I love to just sit there and eat the whole time. You mentioned college towns.. may I ask where you all are heading?
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,968 Member
    gsheppy wrote: »
    Sorry been mia. We had a huge storm last week. Eating and logging didn’t keep track.

    @gsheppy Hope you survived the storm and glad that you're still with us!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,968 Member
    Wednesday 3 November
    Track: yes
    Under: no
    Exercise: yes

    Still struggling to get my steps up and my hunger in check. :(
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    I've been here for awhile but I feel like I haven't really started my weigh loss journey. As I am still the same weight I was the first time I joined TBBT a long time ago. Although I have not really lost weight I feel like being here has kept me in check enough to gain a larger amount.
    I looked up beginning a weight loss journey and the first thing that comes up is to know your why. So, I ask you TBBT - What is your why?
    Please share what made made you decide to begin this journey, what motivation do you have?
    Some of you have already mentioned this in your introduction posts. Some of us that have been in this challenge for awhile have already shared their "why" before, and if you have I encourage your to share with the new members or to even re-evaluate your motivations to continue the journey.