Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Wohoo! Snow❄️🌨️

    @SusanM18MFP - That soup sounds yummy. Is it a thick soup?🍵

    It's about 12.35am here at its still hot... 28°C / 82.4°F. My 2 kids just can't sleep even though we have turn on the evaporative cooler for the whole house. 1st Dec is the last day of school and also 1st day of Summer.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday ❤️
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,908 Member
    @jadepearl -yeah One time we saw at a buffet restaurant near the sushi section-must eat rice-do not waste it-which is just sad. What are froster exercises? Thanks-so much time goes into practicing and rehearsing.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    I just caught on a few days of posts as I don't often stop by here but maybe should. The past week was busy - up at the house last week helping my sister and BIL clean out the bedrooms so they can move their bed and personal belongings upstairs. There'll be lots to do in the coming months but they'll be living in the house until the spring so there's time. Lots of running around to do last Friday with two birthdays - GS's yesterday, daughter's next Monday - and some grocery shopping to do. Then we were down to our daughter's on Saturday for our GS's birthday party, home on Sunday to watch football (CFL division semi-finals - my team won their game YEAH!), and I was out yesterday to the retirement home with my choir to sing - postponed from last Monday because we had too much snow! It was gone by Thursday but it was snowing on Sunday when we came home and we're getting a bit of light snow today - SORRY Diane! I'd send it to you if I could! There's only a couple of inches out there but fortunately for me there's nothing on my "to-do" list that takes me out for the rest of the week. Winter tires will be installed on Thursday and a new back wiper on Friday but hubby will look after that. Going to see if the thread I purchased last week does the trick in my new fancy sewing machine and then I might sew up a couple of pillow covers that I made with fusing tape a few years ago. That involved lots of ironing but did the trick. I need to get that machine going soon as I want to make Santa bags for my kids. It's just been SO many years since I did any sewing. There are things to do this week - start some decorating and go over some Christmas music before we practice next week for our December visits to the retirement homes. I got back to exercising yesterday and today so the scales are moving back down but they're still not where I want them to be. Will have to see if I can move them another 3-4 pounds in the next three weeks or so before Christmas. Just need to keep the eating on track so hopefully no eating out or take out. Hubby has to get his cholesterol levels down so that should help me to stay on track and limit the take out.

    @JacquelynLewis1 - Welcome to the group! I hope that you have success in meeting your goals. I KNOW that you'll find great support here!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,686 Member
    happy tuesday everyone! it is a mostly cloudy and not too cold of a day here today. my daughter says hello to everyone. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! later on, i will be doing some dancing! have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 4,751 Member
    edited November 2021
    I really dislike those hot nights. Temperature is not so bad yet here in Western Australia. School for me doesn't break up until the 16th December for the children and 17th for me.


  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    bookieNJ wrote: »
    @jadepearl -yeah One time we saw at a buffet restaurant near the sushi section-must eat rice-do not waste it-which is just sad. What are froster exercises? Thanks-so much time goes into practicing and rehearsing.

    Foster exercise is like a half-somersault. It's a maneuver which is performed when one has a vertigo episode. You have to kneel down - look up at the ceiling - touch the floor with your head- tucking your chin so your head goes toward your knees and wait for it to stop. That's the start of Foster. It continues on....
    Yes, it's lots of hard work and lots of practices, rehearsals, etc.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday ❤️
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    peppikaye wrote: »
    I really dislike those hot nights. Temperature is not so bad yet here in Western Australia. School for me doesn't break up until the 16th December for the children and 17th for me.


    Didn't know there's another Aussie here. 😁 I am from SA. Are you a teacher, if you don't mind me asking? Yes, I really hate the hot nights. Just heard from my friend that her flight to WA is cancelled due to the new Omicron variant. She ain't happy as she wanted to be with her family.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday ❤️
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - lol... I hear ya... Die-t & life-style indeed.

    I just love desserts. Not sure if you have these freakshakes over at your side. It delicious but so high in calories. Even looking at it can make you gain weight. Sadly this shop has closed over here but these were sold there.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday ❤️
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was sunny but cold. We had snow over night but it's gone now 😒. Today was rest, weigh and TOPS Day. Up 2.5 lbs 🙄. Goal this week is to get my eatting back under control and my water where it needs to be. I am still bellow 160 (barley). No plan on going back. I can do this! We can all do this! Almost forgot to tell you that program at TOPS was another exercise one aimed for the back. Well let's just say found a few moves I could use some work on.
  • SusanM18MFP
    SusanM18MFP Posts: 1,324 Member
    Several asked about the recipe I used for Split Pea Soup. Here it is:

    1 package dry split peas
    2 quarts water (add as it cooks down)
    2 medium onions browned
    1 lb ground beef browned
    1 carrot - grated

    Cook the peas for 4 hours (or so) in the water over low heat, then add the onions, ground beef, and carrots. Simmer for another 4 hours (or so). Stir occassionally.

    That's it. I should note that I used chicken or beef broth instead of water. I think it was a 48 oz container that I poured in to start. I added a cup of water when I added the remaining ingredients. And I use a whole package of grated carrots rather than just one carrot. I also threw in some no-salt seasoning blend, something akin to Mrs. Dash's. It is a pretty thick soup.

    It's a good recipe for me. Few ingredients and minimal need to stand over it while it cooks.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Ideas for Christmas gifts for your pet dog

  • kaliswalker
    kaliswalker Posts: 1,298 Member
    LindieMaeP It seems unreal that we live close to where people are dealing with such tragedy.

    CSEGUIN2 Your dog is gorgeous. What is the name?

    NovemberGail How is your hand feeling now? I love the pictures LOL!

    jadepearl I have vertigo but have never done anything about it. The worst is when I do a floor exercise like a sit up, etc. Sorry to hear you gained. In my experience, the quicker I take it off the easier it is. Where in SA are you?

    SusanM18MFP I love spit pea soup too. Haha I even feel a little virtuous when I eat it, as it's full of veggies. I will try your recipe!

    Dianedoessmiles1 I am sorry to hear your friends Mom has covid. Let's hope for the best. I loved your story, sounded a little fishy.

    macrat12 Yes!

    wallahalla thanks for the laugh

    bookieNJ You had a fun weekend!

    Retired_Sue You are busy - singing, sewing, snow, decorating, exercise, etc. I know you are enjoying all of it!

    cormierannie Hello to you and DD

    peppikaye Christmas in your part of the world must be so much fun!

    Today I walked in the Watershed Park. It is situated on the side of a hill and the trails are sheltered by the a cedar forest, so there are only a few puddles. Most of the water just makes it way down the hill.

    I weighed in this morning, and not too much damage was done.

    My friend's unvaccinated son has covid, and is on a ventilator. He weighs over 400 pounds so he can't be put on his stomach which would improve his breathing. He is a dad with 2 young boys. The longer he is in ICU, I don't know if that's good or bad. Prayers and love are all I can offer his family, and it is all so sad.

    For those on a recumbent bike or treadmill here is some youtube scenery
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    edited December 2021
    @jadepearl LOL Thanks!! Precious little! LOL but, still,,,,,. I sure hope it's going to cool down. UGH Poor kids!!
    @Walla_walla and @BookieNJ WAVING to you both!!
    @Lindiemaep,,,, I SURE Hope you are all okay. Indeed even on a very bad day, there's still something even if slight we at least grin a tiny bit. A death of a very loved one we often remember something they said/did that can make us laugh. It doesn't last of course due to our sadness, but its still there. Good reminder.
    @Retired_Sue WOOHOO On the SNOW YOU GOT AND the CFL and how well your team is doing!! That's GREAT!! I NEED to also get out my sewing machine,,,,, LOL WILL I DO SO? I THINK SO!! LOL I probably need to start off very simply again and go from there. HAVE FUN WITH THAT!! And also with your exercise the weight will come back off.
    @Cormierannie,,, I had a parakeet with Izzy. She didn't mind him to much, he however was VERY SUSPECIOUS OF HER!! BUT!! I had him for several years and had Princess too, they did kinda of okay. I got him when I had a different kitty. I got him, Georgie ,, blue,,, when Little Dah was a kitten, he was a gift for her to play with. I knew since they were both babies they'd be okay. They were so funny!! She'd chase him, he'd chase her, and on and on it went. I'd laugh so hard at watching the fools. Though (when I got him they had sigh clipped his wings) as he grew he COULD FLY many times around her,,, nah the chasing game was there thing. SO CUTE!!! Hope your day went well.
    @peppikaye ,,, are you a teacher? I was until October a Foster Grandmother for a 2nd grade local elementary school. Oh my so much SUPER FUN!!! Helping the kids one on one and in a group was just so MUCH SUPER FUN!! I am sure how it is in Australia but in the US there's so much NONSENSE from Admin for excess paperwork many are quitting. It's just to much. So sorry about your friend not being able to travel. Covid also played into my decision of leaving.
    @Jadepearl ,, OH I LIKE THAT!! LIFEstyle has the word LIFE in it!! OH TY TY TY TY!!! WOW Those FREAKSHAKES LOOK AMAZING!! SO AMAZING!
    @CSEGUIN2,, I WANT SNOW!! LOL I WANT SNOW. I need to put up some place as a reminder my goals and keep them in mind. You can do this.
    @Susanm18mfp ,, YUMMY!! TY TY TY for sharing.
    @Novembergail LOL Billie would love the chewable mailman at any time of the year. Why make her wait? That's a must have 24/7/365!!
    @Kaliswalker ,, OH Lynn, so sad about your friends son!! I hope he's okay long term. The new variant we'll see how it turns out. I am now being even more careful!! It's up to each of us, on what we'll do, but I am being so very cautious. WOW I never thought of the video!! HEY TY TY TY TY!!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,595 Member
    WELL I thought I would drop by to see how folks is doing. It's late and I need to hit the hay shortly. Had a pretty good dinner of sweet/sour pork with rice and yellow bell peppers, nothing fancy, but it must have been ok cause Son at some and is taking the left overs to work tomorrow - told him I would attempt to make chicken fried rice tomorrow for dinner.
    @Kaliswalker - am very sorry to hear about your friend's son being hospitalized. So sad. It just adds to the mess we are in here in BC eh ? I worry about my 2 girls as they both have a blood condition and clot easily - and covid gives clots ! So this next varient that is out they do not know enough about - but the CEO for Moderna said the shots likely would not protect anyone from the new varient. So mask up I shall and think maybe I will cancel eating out too and just order in for safety till they know more. I know on the North Shore, the province closed a couple of parks because of the rain situation. Good thing I am south of them. Stay safe eh !
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - yup Amigo sure keeps me amused and he be so funny at times. He is very easily unsettled when loud noises occour so if he is pestering I might drop something just to get him to stop and he does for a bit. He loves his treats and runs for them but at one point stops - tried using them to get him to exercise, NOPE not happening LOL So far all we have here is rain, does not seem to affect our water or sewer system so seems ok.
    @NovemberGail I sure do not buy for animals, but I have to tell you a story from long time ago about a cat, a christmas tree and a bag of weed ... well not mine, it was my brother's and he foolishly put his bag of weed under the tree and during the night the cat tore the bag open and ate the weed, that was the cat's pressie and well my brother learnt a valuable lesson - don't bring drugs into the house .. dude ... looking back at it now, its funny - have not seen that brother for years. So becareful whatcha buy your pets, their noses WILL find it !
    Ok time to mosey on outta here, have a good Wednesday Morning to those who are up before me!!
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Morning all. First of December and 31 challenging days to the winter challenge. Party food, party food, party food. Think I’m learning that my tummy doesn’t like excess food anymore no matter how much I could eat before. I’m trying to teach my eyes that what they make me crave needs a lathe helping of Gaviscon to follow
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,908 Member
    @Retired_Sue. Hi! That’s awesome your choir is back to the retirement homes. My daughter has performed in one-but because of covid can’t come back yet-they Danced-such a wonderful audience!
    @jadepearl -thanks for the foster explanation.
    TEXASTITCHER Posts: 6,693 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your kind encouragement = I am slowly improving and able to move more freely.
    After growing up in the North (western South Dakota) I am glad to live in Texas - We really don't have winter. I have found the cold, snow and icey are four letter words that I want to avoid. We are currently having highs between 60-70F and the lows may get to the 40'sF. If you are having winter weather, please dress accordingly and take care outside and in the cold.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    @CSEGUIN2- Same here, gained too on my last weigh in. Let's do this together and lose some weight

    @SusanM18MFP - Thank you for the recipe.

    @kaliswalker - Are you from SA too? Am at the outskirt of Adelaide. What about you? Oh no, so sorry to hear with regards to your friend's son. Sending over quick healing vibes.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - So sorry to hear about your Mom's friend. Sending over quick healing vibes. You are a teacher too? Oh yes, the freakshakes are my kids favourite. It also high in calories.


    Another hot day today, hot & sticky😩 Thankfully, now at around 12.15am it around 18°C /64.4°F. Hopefully, all of us can get a good night sleep. Weighted myself this morning and happy to say that the water weight is going going gone.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday ❤️