Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,527 Member
    It's 55 feels like 54 with a high of 68 for today. Axe Sharpening: Do hard stuff. Really hard stuff. And do it for someone else. The feeling is indescribable.~~Rob Acosta 1st Phorm Brand Ambassador Happy World Soil Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: I think it's time for a bit of Motivational quote for today: Enjoy every minute of your day to the fullest.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,959 steps yesterday.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,148 Member
    edited December 2021
    I finished my third afghan with one more to go for my four adult children. My brother saw the picture and wanted one, too, so he'll be next. I plan to make one for myself with granny squares out of all the different leftover yarns from the afghans. It's been too many years since I've had time to do anything like this. All my years as a pastor or as a professor or as a counselor, I had no time to do any of my beloved needle arts, and now that I'm retired from all of that, I can do more again.
  • cindilp57
    cindilp57 Posts: 133 Member
    Good morning. I feel like it's a new day. We've been sick at our house since before Thanksgiving. I'm wondering if it was a message I/we needed to slow down. I think I was getting run down at the end of the last challenge. I was having trouble keeping up with everything. Next week I go back to work.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
    @Golfma4 Your grandson is absolutely adorable! That cute little pic just made my day.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been just cold out. Now it changes between rain and ice. Got up this morning to my schedule turned upside down. Phone never charged through the night. So instead of my walk I did my crafting, laundry and dishes. Went for a short walk before lunch. Didn't win the battle with myself about my workout. I am trying to figure out a balance with everything to be less stressed. Last night I warmed up pretty quickly once got home.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,913 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -yup they do enjoy them! My younger daughter’s personality is very similar to my hubby’s and my in laws. She is a good mix with my hubby but my mother in law has a favorite and it’s my older daughter. Younger daughter gets so frustrated with it.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,605 Member
    edited December 2021
    @Golfma4 - Such a cute baby! And they do change quickly when they're little! Glad that you had a lovely birthday!

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I would have been happy with something like that - even paying full price. I SAVED more than that on my machine which was a "Holiday Special" at the shop in town here where I purchased it! I didn't plan to spend that much but hubby thought I should get this one. Maybe I'll get adventurous and try some of the fancy stitches at some time in the future - we'll see.
    @lavalily - It's so nice to be retired and have time for things that we didn't have time to do when we were busy working. I got back into knitting although that's fallen off in the past 18 months even though I've had lots of time. Enjoy doing your needle arts. I'm sure that those afghans will all be appreciated!
    @cindilp57 - The body's response to lack of rest can certainly be illness. Sorry that you've been sick but I hope that you've been able to rest up for the remainder of the holidays.
    @CSEGUIN2 - It's so annoying when things aren't charged up but you did have the option of changing things around. I know that I prefer to get my exercise done in the morning but sometimes it has to be moved to the afternoon if I oversleep. Sometimes it's hard to find that balance between getting everything accomplished that we want to do and being too stressed because we have so much we want to get done! Good luck with that.

    My Ticats are headed back to the Grey Cup game (CFL championship game) next week being held at their home stadium. They'll be up against stiff competition from the team representing the west - the team that beat them handily two years ago in this game - but I'm looking for a totally different result this time. We had about 8-10 inches of snow in our driveway according to hubby (didn't look like quite that much to me - maybe 6") who went out to clean it this morning with the snow blower, Later this afternoon it started snowing again and we've had some snowy blowy weather out there for the past while so we'll see how much more white stuff comes down.
    I need to go practice my music as we have to practice tomorrow and it's always a good idea if the director knows what she's doing!
  • HerbsandMore
    HerbsandMore Posts: 2,350 Member
    @Retired_Sue So glad to see your back to your singing, know how much you missed doing that last year. I'm sure you will have everything in order, hope you have a great time cheering people up with the music. I know people in retirement homes really forward o the entertainment.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,527 Member
    @Lavalily ,, how cool!!! My Gram used to make quilts for us. PRECIOUS indeed!! Oh no doubt they'll cherish them forever!!! Is it great when we have time to do things we wish to do?
    @Cindilp57 ... UGH Sure do hope you feel better!!! It's hard so hard at times to find a balance, but it's also a must. We on the 5% would love our members to be active of course, but also to be balanced, having some of that precious ME TIME!! Its essential that we do so we do not get worn down and out. Please talk to your leaders if you'd like suggestions on how to find that balance.
    @Wallahalla ,,, Oh never a good idea though one could see why an adult might want one! SUCH a strange world we live in.
    @Cseguin2 ,,, Not sure where you live, I am guessing to the west of where I am. I live in Maine today it's cold but tomorrow its reaching up into the mid 30's. We've been in the mid 30s, but tomorrow RAIN is coming and we'll sigh sigh sigh shoot up to 55!! WAHHHHH you see, I ADORE SNOW!! Okay I PASSIONALY LOVE SNOW!! And yet here we are the 5th of Dec and barely a trace has fallen. I live in Southern Maine right on the harbor so we are warmer than inland. So sorry about the charger. I've found not being in the regular challenge I've SLACKED OFF so now each AM I write down how many minutes and the type of exercise I wish to get done. Most of the time I schedule it in ,,, in mins of 10 to 30, but can do 10 mins here, 10 there, it all adds up. Please go at your own pace. We really do not want any members injuries.
    @Bookienj ,,, is your oldest D the oldest grandchild/daughter? Often if so or the oldest of the child the grands ?? Hmm favor??? More than the others. It happens. I am sure youngest D gets frustrated!! Your youngest D is so very talented, well they both are. Its not easy from what I hear to be the youngest. My GD was an only child (her older brother died when she was 3 months old) so well raised by me from 11 up as a single kid. LOL tonight I got to laughing when she said "I don't want R(my GGS) to watch "Paw Patrol" I want him to watch the shows I like. LOL Yup she's not used to sharing, but as he gets bigger he'll likely not give her a ton of choice. She'll have to be flexible. It's fun huh watching which traits the kids have, looks etc.

    @Retired_Sue ,, OH MY YES!!! PLAY PLAY PLAY!! I'll be back to using mine either later tonight or tomorrow. I have part of the pants cut out and pinned. I am using a youtube video to make pants from a favorite pair. Once I get used to this stuff again, I'll be able to make stuff for my body. Oh the older I get the MORE COMFY I WANT TO BE yet, I do not want to look like a slob. Sounds like your machine is also so very very nice!!! PLAY PLAY PLAY!! I need to get used to so many different types of feet to use, the huge variety of those and needles. But so far I like the pants. I am doing them as a pair I can wear outside, but also as PJs. LOL hey it works for me!

    Today I had meeting, than a friend and I went to Bug Light
    Off in the distance are a few islands in the harbor. After that we went shopping for material. I found a yellow I really like that's stretchy and another comfy one that has a pattern. Those will make such a nice pair of pants. I may even go back and get enough for a skirt.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,913 Member
    Good morning everyone! This weekend my older one had a community band performance and then Sunday was for an honor’s orchestra. It was so different and nice to watch. The conductors/directors were so funny/caring and the kids love them. Masks were required for audience and the huge strings section and percussion. Brass and woodwinds took them off before playing. We didn’t care-beautiful concert and so worth it. @Retired_Sue good luck with all that white stuff! We were supposed to get 1-3” on Wednesday but it got downgraded to less than an inch. Thank goodness! My daughter’s dress rehearsal for his band concert is on Wednesday. What type of music group do you direct? I hope the weather behaves for you.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -yup oldest d (we can call her S) is the oldest grandchild-the long awaited girl in the family. My younger daughter is 3rd in line age wise. (I only have 2 kids-but I have an awesome niece and nephew). Aw that’s funny about paw patrol. I definitely have kids shoes I like more than others. Ty Netflix my 13 yo still has appropriate stuff to watch.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,695 Member
    good afternoon everyone! my daughter says hello! both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing in the afternoon. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,148 Member
    Hawaii had a freak storm this weekend. Blizzards on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, loads of rain down on the beach areas (where I live), gale-force winds (I thought my palms and other plants would break in half), temps went down to upper 60s (Brrrrr), and I actually closed the glass doors. Usually, everything is open here, just screens. Wind from the snow on the mountains blows down to keep us cold. I finally found a sweatshirt to keep me warm during the day. Today looks better for Hawaii Island (the most south-easterly of the chain) but is expected to hit all the other islands today. We lost our internet but it's back on this morning and electricity was not steady.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,527 Member
    @Bookienj,,, Oh that concert sounds so nice!!! Glad you enjoyed. Ohhhh we have have that storm on Weds! LOL Started out saying "We'll have plowable snow of 6" plus inches." Now it's "Maybe 1 to 3"s (3" on the coast), but my bones do NOT feel that yet. LOL Tomorrow night I'll tune in.
    Awww yes makes sense that oldest is the favorite. Is it right? No, but for their generation that was the norm. Of course when you are a Grandmother, you'll be so careful to not to that. My oldest brother was the oldest of all 21 and LOL You'd of thought he walked on water with my Grandparents. It was funny, but it was that generation. Thankfully we all pretty much agreed he did walk, well of course not on water, but he's such a kind guy. LOL I told his Mom yesterday "Its PAW PATROL at Grandma's" and R repeated "PAW PATROL AT GRANDMA's!" We laughed of course, he knows at Grandma's and SHE KNOWS At Grandma's ,,, I'll spoil him endlessly. WELL Within reasons of course. He HAS to behave well. When he was younger there's a "Roman" corner here, he knew it very well. LOL Its NICE on Netflix that your 13 yr old can find acceptable shows!! Thirteen is an interesting age. Its still a fun age usually, well more so with boys. But, I think all of the ages are pretty fun.
    Today I can't say a lot has been done. I did do 30 mins on my recumbent bike, that was nice and a record for me!! I am so surprised I was not only to do it, but to be okay doing it!! WOOHOO!! Most of the day was talking to friends, and now I am pretty worn out. Oh tonight ,, in a tiny bit FOOTBALL!! PATs VS Buffalo!!! Both teams are doing very well and though the Pats are ahead of them it's barely so it'll be a FUN GAME!! It'll be very windy Hehehehe with a slight possibility of snow. Slight so I won't get excited, plus both teams are used to snow. Its ALWAYS WAY MORE FUN when Miami or the Cowboys play is in February!!
    @Cormierannie,, I hope you also stay safe.
    @Lavalily ,, I saw that on the News last night (Local news, Greater Portland, Maine)!! WOW!! They said that does happen, but they also had a BUT ??? about it. Glad you found a sweatshirt!! I hope today is better.
    @wallahalla ,,, Oh that reminds me I want to make molasses cookies for a friend. NOT the store bought stuff,, that's just not good. I have my Grams recipe.
  • sunrisedancer1
    sunrisedancer1 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Good Morning Everyone

    It is 8 degrees this morning. That is low, even for southern Wisconsin. We have a thermometer in the chicken coop and it was 20 in the coop. Even though we have very cold hardy chickens, I find myself checking the temperature several times each day. We live at the end of a cul de sac and our backyard borders on a large, county nature center, A coyote just walked through the meadow in view of our back windows. We seldom see any during the day. Our dog went absolutely crazy. I had to hold him to calm him down. We have a pretty well fenced in chicken run and a secure coop. I do hope that coyote doesn’t have chicken in mind for dinner.

    @wallahalla- I love the “haircut” post.

    @lavalily It is difficult for me to associate Hawaii and blizzards. I am glad you have your internet and electricity now and I am glad that better weather is on the way. Stay safe and warm.

    @cormierannie Walking and dancing sound like great components for a perfect day.

    @bookieNJ It is so wonderful to go to concerts this time of year. I have not done so in a very long time. Naturally, I went to all of my children’s orchestra and choir concerts when they were growing up. My younger son’s high school choir put together candlelight concerts that were breathtaking. I kept going for a long time after they grew up because I taught in the district, loved the concerts, and had students in them. I have not been in years. Reading your post makes me think that I should start going again. You are right, the kids really have special relationships with the conductors/ directors. My kids have fond memories of them. What instruments do your children play?

    @Dianedoessmiles1 It has not snowed here in southeast Wisconsin either. At least, nothing has stuck on the ground. We have had flurries and some sleet, but the grass is still a greenish brown. I love snow too! At least in December and January, I love how pretty it looks and how everything seems bright and fresh. I have been with family in Florida several times for Christmas and it just does not have the same feeling for me. By February, though, I am ready to move on…lol.

    @Retired_Sue Enjoy your music practice! I love reading about your sewing. I do admire people who sew well. I am the oddball in my home. I struggled in 4-H to keep up with our sewing projects and I guess I never recovered. My husband sews so well! He learned from his mother. We have some very tall windows in back and never wanted to pay for custom drapes. He made some gorgeous, lined pinch-pleat drapes. I often show them off…lol. My younger son just started sewing recently and has become quite adept. His most recent project was a three layer sleeping bag for his dog. It zips on three sides and is sturdy and comfortable. He did not get the sewing gene from me. Perhaps I will try to sew again some day. Meanwhile, I appreciate those who do :)

    @blestmuch - Welcome to the challenge!

    Waving at everyone else! Have a marvelous day!
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,527 Member
    It's 32 feels like 27 with a high of 47 for today. Axe Sharpening: Time is non-refundable. Use it with intention.~~Stormi Knight 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: Stay Positive. Stay Fighting. Stay Brave. Stay Ambitious. Stay Focused. Stay Strong…Mentality is everything.~~~unknown Motivational quote for today: Enjoy every moment, because when you look back you'll realize how precious they all were.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,595 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is Every 2 min X 16 min (8 sets) followed by 15-12-9-6 for time: (12 min cap) to finish in the gym after breakfast.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,913 Member
    Good morning everyone for 5 more minutes! Winter came back today.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx for the perspective! Sorry you are getting that storm too. I think ours is just rain now-which is fine-dress rehearsals can still happen. Lol that’s awesome about your brother. My mother in law is an only child so I don’t think she realizes. And yay for paw patrol and your grandson knowing it. Yeah my 13 yo and I watched babysitters club which I love because I read them all. Now she is on “the worst witch” which isnt horrible. Between all the dance and homework there’s not a lot of screen time happening. Yeah 13 isn’t my favorite age but it isn’t horrible.
    @sunrisedancer1 -Aw I hope your chickens snd dog stay safe -and the coyote finds another area for dinner. My older daughter plays alto clarinet, e flat clarinet and alto sax. She is starting on percussion soon. My younger one plays mallets (so xylophone looking instruments) and snare/bass/timpani. My younger one only has 2 in percussion this year-so there are songs where she is playing sleigh bells, bass drum and triangle basically all the same time. Her teacher has them connected so they are all in reach.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,605 Member
    edited December 2021
    @Herbsandmore - It is good to be back even though we're only visiting the two retirement homes each month. We also used go to three nursing homes but so far they have not contacted me and asked about returning. With case numbers rising, I don't expect that they will any time soon. I'm hoping that we won't get shut down again either but we'll have to wait and see. We do have to have a temperature check, fill out the COVID screening form and we've had to show proof of vaccination.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I made a lot of my maternity clothing but I'm not sure if I'll get back to sewing clothing for myself again or not. It's been YEARS! Glad that you're finding material that you like. YouTube videos are great too. I also have several different feet attachments for mine - not sure when I'm going to get using all of them but I'll probably use at least a couple. Did you get any snow yet? We had about a foot fall on us between last night and this morning! There's lots of it out there but since it's supposed to get warmer, we'll have to see how long it lasts. Today is cool enough that it won't be going anywhere - yet.

    @bookieNJ - The concerts at this time of year are always a pleasure to hear. You sure can't play brass of wind instruments with masks on! Both my kids were in their high school band - daughter played flute and son played trumpet - and we always enjoyed going to their concerts and did what we could to support the band. My little choir sings at nursing homes so we sing older songs, some songs from musicals and this month of course lots of Christmas music. We also include hymns/sacred songs and a sing along section but we don't do anything too complicated and mostly just one part although we do add a bit of alto sometimes. Fortunately we've been able to remove our masks for singing which makes it SO much easier.

    @lavalily - That does sound like nasty and unusual weather for Hawaii! Glad that you found a sweatshirt to help you stay warm.

    @sunrisedancer1 - Hope that the chickens stay warm and safe from prowling animals like the coyote! We definitely have snow and it's -5C here today (23F) but doesn't appear to be too windy. I wanted to learn to sew when I was in high school but my mom was never a sewer. My grandmother made quilts - many of which she sold to supplement her income - but it was mom's sister who got the sewing "bug". Our high school did a night class in sewing when I was in grad 10 so that's where I learned the basics but I wouldn't call myself a skilled seamstress at all. For now I'm just planning to do some pretty basic stuff but nothing until after Christmas - once I finish off these bags which I will do today. I have other things that I need to be doing - like some Christmas decorating and baking. It's great that your hubby and now your son are so adept with a sewing machine. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be trying pinch pleat drapes although I think I'll make some valances for my upstairs bathroom and maybe eventually my kitchen windows.

    Practice went pretty well yesterday and hopefully we won't forget everything when we sing tomorrow. There are still a couple of things that I want to go over myself. Today I need to get things done around here because I'm way behind - or at least it feels that way - with my Christmas preparations. Hubby's just gone out to see if he can find a new cable for our snow blower as the one for the shifter broke the other day and he's going to need everything working if we keep getting snow. This is only the fourth winter for that machine but it really hasn't had a lot of use as at least a couple of winters it's not been used more than a dozen times - maybe.
    Better scoot - have a great day! I'm leaving you with a link to one of the "fun" Christmas songs that we added a couple of years ago and will be singing this month.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,527 Member
    @sunrisedancer1 ,,, Brrr that's cold indeed we don't usually see that for about another month. I live in Maine. Sure hope those chickens are able to stay warm!! Sure do hope those coyotes find out that veggies taste better than chicken!!! I lived in FL for a bit, but when it came to November and I WANTED my winter coat!! LOL I was so COLD!! My Mom was laughing so hard, she thought I was nuts!! But it had been in the lower 100's so at 60 I WAS COLD!! I packed up and moved back to Maine. Was it for family? Friends? A job? NO it was because soon it'd be SNOWING AGAIN!!! LOLOLOL I of course did not my family that,,, OOOPS YES I DID!! LOLOL
    @Macrat12 ,, HI Sarah!
    @Bookienj,, WOOHOO A SNOW IS A COMING tomorrow!! It's NOT much, but its better than NONE!! They are "Saying" Just around where I live 3 to 5, but yeah they say this stuff so often we take a "Yeah sure,, sure,, we'll see" and expect 1 to 3" at the most. Not that 2 more is a biggie. LOL It's not.
    @Retired_Sue ,,, LOL you'd be laughing so HARD if you could see what I've been through so far in "Trying" to even get set up to sew. OH It's like my brain says "HUH?" "WHAT??" I had sewn in the past, for awhile I was active with it, yet I could NOT remember anything about threading it, (its a new machine which doesn't help, but basically they are all the same. Than I THOUGHT the foot attachment park of the machine I thought was the foot part to change. So I took it off, and now I can't figure out how to put it back on!! I am in between laughing so hard, because I KNOW it's simple enough, and throwing it out of the 3rd story window, wishing I was still on the 6th floor!! LOLOL Oh I KNOW I'll figure it out, or I "THINK" I will. Maybe tonight after I do that, IF I do that, I can sew the very first part. It's amazing though that I am still excited by this. Tomorrow WOOHOO the snow!!

    Years ago, and until reading Sue's post, I had forgotten about this. I wanted my bathroom to be all fancy and ever just so. I looked and looked and LOOKED to find material to make a shower curtain (I always use a liner so regular material would do). I was in Joann's and found one that was "almost perfect" and if I had to , I'd use it. Than we were at the Curtain shop and I SAW EXACTLY what I was looking for!! ONLY it was a SHEET!! NOT a shower curtain. It took some imagination and cutting, but I cut it into 4 different parts, and put it together JUST the way I was looking for all that time!! It was so NEAT!! Everyone who saw my bathroom wanted to know where I got it, because they wanted one. OOPS SORRY, but hmmmm NO. LOLOL I am so cruel. If it's mine and a close friend wants something like it, I am always "hmmm no." especially one who was trying to make her place exactly like mine. We are nothing alike. I also made valances for my living room and they too were very nice, and also got many compliments. Sewing can be fun,, IF I can just LOLOL get the machine back together. Next time I thread it and do the bobbin it'll be done in a few minutes if that. Ohhh the older brain!!