Mission Slimpossible Team Chat JANUARY 2022



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited January 2022
    @shawetan You have great goals going into 2022 and you have a right that nothing is impossible! You will be posting your weight every Sunday from now on. Unless you decide to change your weigh-in day and then you just need to less @broncobuddee know. :)

    @ros0810 Hi Roz! Great to have you back! Never giving up on ourselves is so important and you are proving that you aren’t going to do that. ;)

    @Katmary71 Wow three yoga challenges are great! Just don’t overdo it. I am right there with you about needing to get sugar back out of my diet. It does no favors for anyone! :/

    @Cornanda We think hubby’s dizziness is due to his blood pressure meds but it could also be from cancer. All I know is that I’m so tired of being stressed out that he going to crack his skull open and give me heartache in the process. :# I will remember my inner strength and from whom it comes. Thank you, my friend. <3

    @trooworld Yeah, he bought us a Mr. Coffee for the full pots and a Keurig for the K-cups. The Keurig makes a cup of coffee in under two minutes. I love it! I hope your throat and the rest of you feel better really soon. <3

    Hi Team! We have some really good losses this week and I hope we all keep up our goals and crush this month. Last week we had some great discussions among a few of us on the importance of journaling. This morning my Beachbody coach asked her group to do a writing assignment we were to write down where we’ve missed our health goals in the past. And then to write down what we KNOW we’re capable of. She said, “You know that you're capable of finishing something, you know you’re capable of doing the right thing, you know you’re capable of hitting goals, etc.”

    So, I did the assignment and it felt good to write it all out. I even admitted that with my husband’s surgery tomorrow for his cancer, I would have to have some extra grace and patience with myself. I’m OK with that, but I also don’t want to get to the end of the week feeling ashamed of my actions. And I will know the difference. ;)

    I am not sure how much I will or won’t be around the next few days. It will come down to how my husband does with his surgery. I also have to find a way to juggle my work at the church. I know that our awesome motivators and the rest of your amazing team members will help support each other and I can’t wait to read about all your successes. B)

  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member

    Congrats on completing yet another month with Fat2Fit! You can see the results of Week Four and the month of December by clicking the links below...

    Here's a sneak peek into how your team did...

    Week Four-

    December -
  • gem_t_86
    gem_t_86 Posts: 40 Member
    Username: @gem_t_86
    Weigh In Day: Sunday - 2/1/22
    PW (Previous Weight): 13 stone 1lb
    CW (Current Weight): 13 stone 1lb

    Hi everyone, and well done everyone for the losses! Sorry for the delay in moving over to this month's new chat. I'm Gem and I live in the UK. I'm in my mid-thirties, single. I've been struggling with my weight for a long time, mostly because I've developed really bad eating habits over the past few years. I only signed up a few days ago so haven't lost much so far but I'm motivated to lose by next week :smile:

    I'm not setting yearly goals at the moment because I find that if I set really ambitious goals, I tend to get overwhelmed. So I'm taking things one step at a time. The things I'm aiming for so far are:

    - No diet coke/diet pepsi during January
    - Cook dinner every day this week
    - Track food every day in January even if I've gone way over my calories (starting tomorrow)

    I'll come back with some new goals later but I'm gonna see how these pan out for me for a week or so first :smiley:
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 508 Member
    Apologize for the long post.

    It is great to see so many new members, welcome!!

    I loved reading through all of the goals everyone has for the year, very inspiring!!!

    @trooworld I was right there with you on New Year’s Eve, I did a little better, I made it until 9:30 🤣

    @Cornanda so glad everybody else in your house is negative! How are you feeling?

    @TeresaW1020 I have no doubt that you are totally stressed out! Please take good care of yourself♥️. 2022 goals can definitely wait until things are straightened out for you. I love your word! I will sure be thinking about you and your husband tomorrow!

    I have set two month goals and six month goals, I am hoping after two months I will be at goal weight, so I will have to change things a bit. I have no idea what maintenance looks like, I have been yo-yo dieting for so many years and have never actually achieved goal weight in 34 years!! I have a feeling there will be trial and error involved :-).

    2 month goals

    Weigh and measure everything
    Log all food in
    No eating or drinking after 7
    Stay in macros and calories 6 days a week
    Drink 3-28 oz. bottles of water

    6 month goals
    Track 7 days a week
    Workout 5 days a week
    10,000 steps 5 days a week
    Log all food in
    No eating or drinking after 7 most of the week
    Stay in macros and calories 5 days a week
    Drink 3-28 oz. bottles of water
  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member
    User Name: Future Trophy Wife
    Weigh In Day: Sunday [Jan. 2, 2022]
    Previous/Starting Weight: 152
    Current Weight: 150

    [Please let me know if I failed to put this in the correct format. Thank you!].
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    @trooworld I hope you feel better, luck doesn't really know it's not the 1st, just do it when you're up for it!

    @TeresaW1020 I'm praying for your husband and his team tomorrow, lots of love to the two of you. Just take care of yourself and your husband, I'll step it up this week and check in more often. I think if I do that it won't be so hard for me to sit at my desktop (hard to sit with my legs not elevated for long). Let us know how it's going when you get the chance.

    Great losses team!

    @gem_t_86 Sounds like a good idea to take small steps at a time, I look forward to hearing how you conquer things as you go!

    @laurelfit57 I like your idea of two month and six month goals, those seem reasonable, I hope you're at goal in two months!

    Hey gang, did my workout followed by yoga challenges, a corny course on letting miracles into your life, then was a couch potato watching Mayor of Kingstown and Cobra Kai. When my Dad came over to change the locks we forgot the door that goes to the deck so I put glue in the lock so the house was secure but he's coming tomorrow to change that one then we're going to lunch. Jessica had me looking up dance workouts, if you want a fun short one I love this one, I did it this morning. I can do one or two and my legs freeze up so it's back to chair cardio or resting! Today is my 3 year anniversary of when I got my act together on here, pretty cool but I feel lousy from how I ate yesterday and am tired so no celebrating, just taking it easy.

  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Lisa. I live in the Midwest in the U.S. I am 61 years old and have been married 31 years. I have three adult children. I retired just before the pandemic began in early 2020. My plan was to travel a lot, ride my bicycle a lot more and spend more time on the volunteer projects that I love. I have a real passion for outdoor cycling and I am active in two local cycling clubs. Through my participation in the cycling clubs I have met many really nice people, and discovered that there are a lot of lovely bike paths in the area that I never noticed. In addition to cycling locally my goal is to go on more “Bike-cations”. I managed to do one in February of 2020 right before the pandemic started, and I did two in 2021. All of them were a lot of fun!

    I have always loved reading and I belong to two book clubs. I think of myself as a nice person who does not mind hard work, and who likes making any activity - work or pleasure - fun. I may not always achieve it, but my goal is fun, fun, fun. I have been fortunate enough to find an exercise class that I actually like, since prior to this group I thought of exercise classes as incredibly dreary, icky and something to be tolerated (very occasionally!) I also feel very blessed to have found the bicycle clubs that I joined since riding in a group makes exercise fun (instead of dreary, icky… :D ).

    I want to lose weight for several reasons. First of all, my doctor has been bugging me about it. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family and it is starting to knock at my door. I am kind of in denial, but I learned last year when I was about 10 pounds lighter than I am now that my “numbers” at the doctor’s office took me out of diabetes range. Sooo, I am trying to buckle down and lose 15 or more pounds so that I will have some ‘wiggle room’ to gain a couple of pounds and still be out of diabetes range. I have seen the really tough things that diabetes can do within my family and I really hope to a avoid that road. Secondly, I would like to be able to keep up with the stronger cyclists in my bicycle club. I think if I shed some pounds, and exercise to build both strength and aerobic endurance (if, if, if…) I will be able to do longer and faster rides without being completely exhausted or getting cramps in my legs. Third, I would just like to fit in clothes without them feeling tight in the waist, legs, etc. Did I say stomach?? I would love to have a flat stomach one day!

    I am very nervous about this challenge, but I am also excited about the accountability, the support and the prospect of losing this weight and feeling healthier. I love food and have a lot of difficulty with portion control. Tracking food and weighing food have never been easy, but I am going to try hard. When I lost weight before I took a little post-it note to my doctor (who I like) and wrote the following lines for her to tell me: “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” We both had a good laugh, but she was very happy for me. I hope to be able to present that little post-it note to her again soon.

    I worried about coming up with something to say in this introduction and now I have gone on and on. Good luck to everyone!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    So everyone. I now have 101lbs to lose. It's going to take a lot of time, consistency and motivation but I know i can do this!! One day at a time. My goal for end of March (12 weeks) is to drop 24lbs! Let's go!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @digger61 @GabiV125 @Vegan4lyfe2012 @Firefly743 Congrats on making it onto the leaderboard!

    @laurelfit57 @19shmoo69 @vegan4lyfe2012 @FutureTrophyWife @ppmusic06 Congrats on the losses!

    @TeresaW1020 Oh that's great! I love quick coffee...the sooner it's in my system, the better lol. Thanks, not feeling better yet. That sounds like a good writing assignment. I'll be thinking of you and your hubby today. Wishing all the best. Hugs to you!

    @gem_t_86 I feel the same way about big goals. I try to keep to small, accomplishable goals. Yours look great!

    @laurelfit57 Haha! 9:30 is pretty good. ;) Your goals look great, they seem doable. Good luck!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! Not feeling better yet. :( Happy 3rd anniversary! I hope you have a nice lunch with your dad.

    @FutureTrophyWife I LOVE to read, too! I have a long commute so I listen to a lot of audiobooks but I also read physical and Kindle books. I belong to a book club but don't attend many of the meetings. Often, I've already read the books and don't feel like re-reading the books. Congrats on getting out of the diabetes range.

    @roz0810 @3duffs You've got this!

    Hi all. Another day of feeling crappy. I get a COVID test today. I don't know what that will hold. I am staying home from work until I get the results back. I ate more chicken noodle soup for dinner last night. It's the only thing that sounds good to me.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    I’m Gabi from VA, with a full time desk job and 15lb to goal. In the last 2y I stayed within a 10lb window, forever planning to do one thing or another to get me out of my stall.
    Later this month I’m turning 50 and as much as I hoped that to be my finish line, it has to be my start line😁.

    We are a family of 4 and last week we were all sick (cough and congestion) to find out we have Covid. It was a good week for that as we were all off.
    For my fellow coffee lovers: in 32y I probably skipped morning coffee 5 times, and 3 of those were last week. Because I forgot!!!

    Good luck everyone this month and beyond!
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Annie, 55, a Brit who has been living in the US since I got married in 1991. We have 2 sons, our 24 yr old lives in Asia ( & we haven't seen in over 2 years :( ) & the 21 yr old is away at college, so we are also empty nesters.

    I first joined this wonderful group in January 2020 at 176 pounds. I reached my goal of 160 by my birthday last year & maintained it from July to October. Then we got Covid, my favourite fitness instructor left the gym, the holidays came & I was much less intentional with eating better foods and ....guess what? I have gained 7 pounds in 3 months...sigh....

    So time to reflect, reconsider my goals and jump back on the bandwagon again!!

    This month's daily goals:
    • drink more water than tea & coffee
    • go to bed before 11pm each night
    • 10,000 steps a day
    • do some form of additional exercise 5 days a week

    Best of luck to everyone this month - it's a clean slate - let's do this!!!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member

    So nice to see all the activity on here. I'm waaaaay behind, so jumping in where I am.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - I saw that 7 in your weight. You've dropped to the next decade. Congrats!

    @Katmary71 - hope you had a nice lunch with your Dad! Your cat is cute!

    @FutureTrophyWife - Welcome. My name is also Lisa. You seem to have a clear plan of what you want to accomplish and how you want to get it done. Go you! You'll find this group great for support whether you lose or gain, so no need to be nervous.

    @roz0810 - good for you breaking your goal down into smaller chunks. Make sure to give yourself lots of pats on the back along the way and we are here to help with that.

    @ppmusic06 - nice loss!

    @3duffs- holiday food and football snacks have gotten in my way lately too. I'm ready to get back to my plan!

    @trooworld - Hope you start feeling better and let me know how that test comes out. I'm making chicken soup tonight.

    @GabiV125 - It says a lot about Covid brain fog if you forgot to make coffee lol. Glad you are on the mend!

    Quick intro: I'm Lisa, I live in NE Florida. I'm in my 50s, married 30 years. Two kids in college- they are a couple hours away. I like to read. I've struggled with weight since college- yo yo could be my middle name. I've been trying to get weight off since 2018, and joining this group 2 years ago finally got the process going in the right direction. I've lost 18 pounds and I've got 22 to go. Yes, it's coming off slowly, but I can live with that. I've learned so much about myself and my habits. Losing weight is so much more mental than I ever realized.

    Kid #2 went back to Uni last week. She is doing some job orientation this week. Kid #1 is still here and leaves Sunday. Husband is now sick with presumed Covid. Not sure if there is any point in getting a test since I was positive last week- what else would it be? We are hoping the kids escaped since they got their boosters at the end of Nov. So far, so good on that front. I'm feeling pretty good today. Fingers crossed!

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Welcome to all the new peeps. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you a little bit more. And thank you to all my OGs for your encouragement all along this journey. I appreciate all of you!

    My name is Jennifer and I am a 47 year old (48 in 13 days) single mom of 3 adult children. My son, Marcus, is 26 and in the Navy, stationed in Virginia and engaged. I’ll get to add a daughter-in-love this July. My oldest daughter, Sydney, is 24 and lives with her husband, Nick, about an hour south of me, and my youngest daughter, Hunter, is 21 and is still at home with me. I also have a sweet little (fatty) rabbit - Kismet. I love to rubber stamp (I’m a Stampin’ Up demo) and make cards. I'm an active member of my church (Board member), and also love horror movies and books. I have worked in Community Development at my County for almost 17 years. I am focusing on KISS with CICO (for those that aren’t up on acronyms – Keep It Simple Stupid with Calories In Calories Out).

    I would like to be at my goal weight of 150 by my son’s wedding in July. Tight, but do-able. I’ve been thinking about what steps I’m going to take to make my goal a reality and I don’t want to put too much on myself…it’s the best way for me to not throw my hands up in failure. So instead, I’m going to go with moderation. Looking at sticking to mainly whole foods, but if I want something unhealthy (like vegan cheese or soda), then I will allow it. As long as it fits my calories for the day. I was going to carry over my 2021 mantra to 2022, but I don’t think I will. My 2022 mantra is MODERATION.

    @Cornanda – Yes! Thank you for noticing! I’m really hopeful that I don’t have a lot of salt holding in water on my next weigh-in so I don't bob back up to the 8! I hope you and hubby are tip-top soon!

    @TeresaW1020 – Prayers that your husband’s surgery went well and all is good there!

    And while people are out here singing the praises of coffee, are there any tea lovers out here? I’ve been a tea lover from birth :)
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    fatfifties wrote: »
    Weekly weigh in, hope im in the right place!
    Username: fatfifties
    Weigh In Day: monday
    PW (Previous Weight): 236
    CW (Current Weight): 234

    @fatfifties Yep, right place! :)
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @trooworld I made my chicken soup and remembered that I found the recipe when someone had a cold. It calls for a squeeze of lemon juice and a couple shakes of ginger. You add them at the end when the soup is done. the lemon especially brightens up the flavor!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hi Team! I just read all your wonderful posts but I'm way too wiped out to respond to each one, so please forgive me. After barely sleeping last night, hubby and I left the house at 5 am in the pouring rain and freezing wind. He went into surgery at 7:30 after passing his Covid test. It took three hours before the doctor came and told me that he did very well and hopefully all the cancer was removed. Almost two hours in recovery and then I was able to see him. He was very drugged on morphine and slept most of the three hours I sat there. I finally left because I was so tired and had to run to Walmart for mom because the other car didn't start and she needed a prescription. I think half of the town was the pharmacy trying to get a freaking Covid shot. Sheesh!! I bought a French bread frozen pizza and enjoyed every carby bite. I will go to bed soon because I want to be back up at the hospital by 7 am so I can see hubby's doctors. Prayers that he isn't in too much pain! :'(
This discussion has been closed.