Introduce Yourself



  • dkr529
    dkr529 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello everyone! I’m 40 years old, 5’ 7” and my starting-over weight is 230.6 lbs. I’ve been on MFP off and on since November 2011. I have never been involved with any groups or had any accountability buddies on here though so maybe you all can help. :) I’ve definitely found that when I’m being conscientious about logging my food, water and workouts that I’m much more likely to live a healthier lifestyle. I will look to see how many calories I have left for the day to stay within my goal before deciding if I can afford another snack, or when I’m close to hitting my step count goal for the day it motivates me to get up and take a lap around the neighborhood before bed. So.. this time around I’m going to try to stick to these two mantras that I read somewhere that have really stuck with me…

    If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up!
    Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard!

    That is so true! And personally I’m so over the hard of being fat and all that comes with it. From getting winded walking across the parking lot, to having to unbutton my pants to put on shoes, to my knees or ankles almost giving way going down stairs, to never being comfortable, to never liking what I see in the mirror…. I’m over the hard that comes from being fat!
    Who is with me!?

    I really like that this group has been around a while and is still active with members commenting on posts and encouraging others. If you want to friend me to share daily food dairies or exercise motivation to have an accountability buddy I’m open to that as well.

    Starting weight: 230.6 lbs (1/1/2022)
    Current weight: 226.9 lbs (1/5/2022)
    Target weight: 135.0 lbs (the one day goal)
    The be happy with myself again weight: 150 lbs (Target date: 2/15/2023 - Avg 1.5 lbs per week loss)
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,744 Member
    Welcome, @dkr529. "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard!” is bandied around here quite a bit. Something to get you through the tough moments - and then, eventually it will be "maintaining a healthy weight is hard..." :)

    There are many great posts in the archives here that will help you on your journey - look for those written by NovusDies.

    Come join any of the threads going on - a few of them are active everyday, and it is really nice to see a new "face"! Several of us our counting on 2022 being the year we reach our final goals. You too!
  • Promise2bfit
    Promise2bfit Posts: 282 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am new to the social aspect of MFP. This year I owe it to myself to get healthier by any means necessary. Support on my journey is a huge black out area. Hard to find like minded people who have over 100lbs to lose. Losing weight isn't as difficult as keeping it off. Add me as a friend if you like and lets go on this journey together. Have a great day and much success!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,999 Member
    pr0mise wrote: »
    This year I owe it to myself to get healthier by any means necessary.

    While you certainly want to lose the weight and be healthy, please do it slowly and thoughtfully. You need the time to develop habits that will sustain your weight loss over time. You’re young and want to enjoy your new self in the years to come!
    As a yo-yo dieter, I didn’t learn these lessons until I was 70. I do regret the loss of all the years I could have been happier. But I am soooo much happier now with nearly 100 lbs. gone.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Welcome new members!….please join in any conversation….we are a great bunch of “ losers “… we are at all different spots in our journeys…some of us are only beginning, some have lost a lot and some are in maintenance….all of our stories are unique but we are all here to get healthy and to lose weight….
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,999 Member
    HelKimKim wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I am here because I have over 175 pounds to lose. I always try to do it alone, and it never works out for me so, I decided to join the group. I hope that it will motivate me to reach my goals of losing weight and becoming healthier.
    My starting weight is 387 lbs.
    My current weight is 375 lbs.
    My goal weight is 200 lbs.

    Welcome! We’re all here to help you.
  • MelissaAY1017
    MelissaAY1017 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all!

    My last time around the MFP mountain was (yikes) almost 9 years ago. All in all, despite the events of those years... Love & loss, moving, job changes, etc. - it took 9 years to completely undo my progress. I think I'll take that as a win. 🤣

    Fast forward to July 2021 - after a marked "loss" period of life changes, I finally got myself back on a scale and started over.

    Since July 6th, I've lost just shy of 60 pounds. To get to an ultimate/stretch (best guess at this point) goal weight, I have 84.8 pounds to go.

    I'll be turning 37 next month, and while the journey is definitely different than it was at 28 - I'm different, too. ☺️

    I'll be the first to admit I'm not great at "keeping up" with groups/MFP friend encouragements - but I'm hoping that maybe I'll engage a bit here, get some ideas, celebrate some of all of our wins... Even have some fun, dare I say?
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Welcome to the group of Larger Losers!….lots of good advice in older posts….please join in the conversations….we are a small but mighty group!…any questions don’t be afraid to ask and all advice is gladly taken!
  • vbcoach817
    vbcoach817 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, I am 53 years old and have struggled with weight pretty much my whole life since middle school. Like most of us, I have had ups and downs and tried different things. I stepped on the scale this week and was really upset that I hit 322 lbs. Heart disease runs in my family on both sides so I have GOT to get this weight down and live a healthier lifestyle. So yeah, I am definitely a larger loser. I am looking forward to interacting with others and gleaning knowledge and encouragement. I also hope to give encouragement as well!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,999 Member
    Welcome to both new members! We’re really out here but sometimes weekends are slow posting times. As Connie said go back and read some of the earlier threads. Great and helpful advice.
  • jenniferelizabethwiseman
    Hi! I started off in MyFitnessPal in February 2015 at 300 lbs. I am a nurse practitioner, and felt horrible about the example I was setting for patients. My weight was also affecting my marriage and was keeping me from enjoying vacations and my favorite hobby of singing in a show chorus. I started diligently logging calories and also watching sodium, and tried to get plenty of fiber and protein. It worked, slowly, and I got down to 220 lbs by the end of 2019. Then COVID hit, and between the stress of work, less activity, and drinking wine more often I gained back 30 lbs. In February 2021, starting at 250 lbs, I enrolled in Wondr Health through my insurance plan--a mindful eating program. That, in combo with the information I learned with 4 years of logging on MyFitnessPal, has worked REALLY well--I am now down to 162.4 lbs! My goal is 140. Really thrilled with how this is going! 0m8dwqgeh57w.jpg
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,999 Member
    WOW- what a difference. Except for the smile you’re a whole new person.
    Welcome to the Larger Losers! It’s a little quiet here this week. But we’re all really out here. ❣️ I know you have plenty of wisdom to share with us.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,192 Member
    Welcome @jenniferelizabethwiseman - what an amazing transformation! You look sensational!
  • jenniferelizabethwiseman
    @Yoolypr and @Bella_Figura, thank you for the greetings! I don't spend nearly as much time on MFP as I did when I was logging regularly--now am on the site for the program I am using in conjunction--but I still come on here fairly often to update my numbers and also to check foods that maybe I am not as familiar with in terms of calories and macros. And sometimes just for socializing/support! Some weeks are easy, some, not so much. I am still working on recognizing my new body image, and once I get to goal, will need to learn to maintain. Looking forward to reading some of these threads!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Wow!….what an amazing transformation!…we could all learn so much from you….please join in our group and share your journey with us…we are a small informal group at all different stages of weight loss….there is a lot of wisdom in older posts here….welcome!