Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - February 2022



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    @19shmoo69 - I'm sorry to hear about the death in your family. Will be thinking of you!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @broncobuddee This will be my new weigh-in day. Thanks! :)

    Weigh in week:  Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 186.2
    CW: 187.0
    Month +/-: +0.8
    Total Loss: 77.4

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @davors19 @FushiaKat @tammymccrady6278 @19shmoo69 @bgame4 @fatfifties Congrats on making it onto the leaderboard!!! @davors19 Congrats on the 40# down!

    @Cornanda I went for a walk instead of a weights-based workout. My reward was a coffee from the coffee shop that I walked to. :) I'm glad you got out into the sunshine. Enjoy your week!

    @FushiaKat Where did you find the habit tracker for Feb? I've been waiting for them to post the link.

    @19shmoo69 I'm very sorry for the loss.

    @askewcr I'm glad you had a good day.

    @Katmary71 Good luck at your doctor's appt.

    @amioc Welcome! Post your introduction here in Feb.

    @fatfifties Good planning. Have a great week!

    Hi all. The weather was perfect here yesterday, high 60s/low 70sF and SUNNY. I sat out on my walkway with my Kindle and read in the sun for a while. It was nice. I'm planning on doing a workout sometime today. I get off early today to do an errand so it will either be then or while my hubby is making dinner (it's his turn to cook!).

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • nfll406
    nfll406 Posts: 30 Member
    Whoa!! I had a very hard time figuring out where to get to a page that would have a “Leave a Comment”. Now I hope I’ll figure out how to get back! If anyone can help with this, I really appreciate it! I’ve never been in a challenge.

    Monday (01/31/22)
    PW: 170
    CW: 170

    Live in Montana on a cattle ranch. Very isolated with the closest neighbor being 5 miles away and I never see. Rarely leave the ranch so looking for accountability in addition to “friends”.
    Am 62 with two grown kids, 3 grandkids, 2 Corgis and lots of cattle!
    Currently recovery from a second knee replacement so my activity level is limited until I heal. Need to lose at least 30 lbs. Have been off and on MFP, or should say, have had the app for years and but have yet to get serious with it. So I look forward to this challenge! Thank You for adding me!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited January 2022
    @19shmoo69 I’m so sorry for the loss of your family members. Prayers for you all! <3

    @askewcr What a great day you had with your “sweet potatoes!” Yes, let’s get those goals together and have a great month! :)

    @Katmary71 I hope you have a good doctor’s appointment! I used to be horrible at planks but I’ve gotten better but still modify quite often. :)

    @amioc Welcome to the team! The end of the month and new month chat threads can get confusing. You can post an intro in both or just one. I look forward to getting to know you. :)

    @trooworld What a nice day you had yesterday! I’m jealous of your California weather. What’s hubby cooking? B)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Please don’t leave and please don’t quit on yourself. I know what it feels like to have to begin again. I’m doing it after gaining 20 lbs since October. Almost every day I feel like I have to regroup and start again. Tomorrow is a new month and another chance to make some positive changes. Are you with me? I sure hope so! <3

    @nfll406 Up in the top left corner of this page next to our team name you will see a small flag. Click the flag and that will let you be notified in the small bell up by your profile picture at the very top right of the page. I always click the bell to be taken to this group, which I find to be much easier than other ways. I hope that helps! :) We are so happy to have you here. Living on a cattle ranch in Montana sounds very interesting and I look forward to hearing more about it. Corgis are the cutest!!

    Hi Team! Today was a good day. I went grocery shopping and then came home to do my workout. I restarted Beachbody LIIFT4 and had forgotten how hard it is from day one. But I love it and I have vowed to do all eight weeks with my BOD team. Hoping to see some real changes and muscle gains. I’m getting serious about having a great February and even set up the Habit Tracker, which I will use! I am also going to post here to help keep me accountable. So please feel free to call me out if you see me not posting or doing what I said I would.

    2022 Word: INTENTIONAL
    Workout/Treadmill-Day one, LIIFT4, chest & triceps
    Eat one meal below my DDF blood sugar trigger-My trigger is 84, and when I had dinner it was 75
    Track my food and macros-Yup, I actually tracked it all!
    Eat min. 100 grams Protein-Protein was 116 grams.
    Bible study/reading-Yes, I worked on this week's Bible study. Read a chapter on fasting while eating string cheese! :D
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 366 Member
    It was such a pretty day here in Georgia. I made it to the gym and my ankle/heel did not hurt at all. :)
    It has been a great day. One thing I do for my inspiration is put a heart sticker o my calendar each day I go to the gym. I have 15 stickers on my calendar this month as compared to previous months of 0. That feels good!!

    Tomorrow is a brand new month. I will be more intentional about what I eat. One goal is to get more veggies and fruit in. I would also like to get more protein in.

    Let's go get it in February! B)
  • amioc
    amioc Posts: 175 Member
    FushiaKat wrote: »
    amioc wrote: »
    Hi I’m a little confused (doesn’t take much 😂) I joined a few days ago should I have introduced myself in the January chat group or February chat group?

    Hi @amioc just chime in here, even if you posted in the January chat group it can't hurt to post here too.

    Thank you 😊
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 517 Member
    Hi Team,
    My new freezer arrived today and it's the perfect size for us, not too big. I checked it earlier and it's at temp so tomorrow I will do a little bit of shopping for stuff to put in the freezer.

    I had a good day, my pain level was good today, so I vacuumed a lot and folded a load of laundry and as I'm writing this, I just remembered I put another load into wash. It's kind of difficult to do the laundry sometimes. My husband built me this really nice laundry room, but he's using it as his personal closet so there's no room to fold anything and not much room to hang stuff up either. I wind up folding clothes on our bed. He really needs to clean out his closet.

    I didn't get rid of one thing today; I just was so busy I forgot. And I actually added a freezer and a new extension cord for the freezer. I think I need a new matt to put in front of the laundry room door, so we don't trip over the extension cord, since my husband decided to switch the location. It's on the cat deck but against the wall next to the kitchen window.

    Welcome new members, we are glad to have you. You are welcome to use the Fit2Fat February Habit Tracker. Just click the link above (make sure you are signed into Google first) when it opens the spreadsheet, click our team's name at the bottom, add your name and the habits you want to track for the month. I hope I explained this correctly, if not please correct me. Last month was my first time using it and I really liked doing it. I just joined this team last month.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Today is my dog's vet appt.... He has a potentially serious gut issue and he's 12.5. He's acting normal. Not sure what's going to happen at this appt. My vet scared the heck out of me regarding how serious this could be.

    I'm struggling with a habit I haven't conquered yet. Eating while cooking dinner. Even though I usually have a snack around 4 pm, I seem to be starving when I'm cooking around 5 pm. In the past, allowing myself a snack plate of veggie while cooking has helped, so I will try that tonight.

    I'm getting back on the horse with exercise- it's been a bit sketchy lately. I'm still wanting to see a 6 in my weight, which would mean I've dropped down to the next set of 10 pounds. Didn't make it in Jan, sure hoping I can do it in Feb.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @FushiaKat Thank you for the link! I'm glad the freezer was the perfect size.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm sorry you are having a difficult time right now. Please don't quit. You are worth the effort. <3 Is there anything we can do to help you?

    @nfll406 You can bookmark the page by clicking on the bookmark icon (see below screenshot) and then it will show up under "My Bookmarks" on the right side of your screen. Wow you do sound isolated! That would get to me, I think, although it must be beautiful and peaceful. I love Corgis, they are so cute with their fluffy butts!

    @TeresaW1020 Yeah, it was wonderful to enjoy the sunshine! Hubby cooked wild rice soup and added chicken. He also made homemade focaccia bread. It was the best soup I've had! I'm glad you love the new workout. I will keep an eye on you lol.

    @askewcr I'm glad you weren't in pain. I think it's great you use stickers to motivate you...I used to do it and need to get back to it. Thanks for the reminder! Great goals...can you be more specific in your goal setting? Like, "I will eat 2 veggies with each meal every day" etc. I've always heard to be specific when setting goals.

    @Cornanda I'm sorry for your pup's gut issue. I'll be thinking good thoughts for him. Please let us know how it goes. Hugs to you. <3 I think pretracking a snack plate of veggies might help you with your snacking problem. What is your plan for exercise? Is there anything we can do to help you?

    Hi all. I did a yoga workout yesterday afternoon. My back hurt a bit but I just modified what I was doing and was fine. It felt good. My goal is 2 exercise sessions a week to start. That could be walking, it could be lifting weights, anything. Just do SOMETHING twice a week at a minimum.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    @FushiaKat I do what I call my “laundry walk”. I take my clothes from the drier one piece at a time and fold it on the way to where it belongs then do a fast walk back usually pumping my arms. It raises my heart rate as much as a normal brisk walk with the added bonus of having my laundry folded and put away when I’m finished. Clear a path first and crank up some workout tunes

    @Cornanda I have the same issue while making dinner. I find carrot slices are helpful since they require a good amount of chewing and if I don’t want to eat at all I’ll put on a mask so I don’t put anything in my mouth without thinking lol

    January turned out to be a crappy month for me. I usually like the start of a new year, new goals, etc. but this year I can’t seem to get myself motivated. Maybe I need to set small goals by the week or by the day. Any suggestions?
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    Weigh in day: Monday

    Previous weight: 197.2
    Current weight 196.0
    Loss to date: 29 lbs
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 517 Member
    edited February 2022
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    PW. 175.8
    CW. 175.8

    No loss but no gain. But... I lost 2.5" last week, so I'm taking this as a win! 💖
    Loss to date: 69.2 lbs
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Cornanda Your poor dog! I hope the vet can give you answers that won’t be so scary. Do you track your calories? I find it much easier to stop eating while cooking if I’m being really diligent a tracking. I need my pad of paper and digital scale staring me down when I pop that piece of cheese in my mouth that wouldn’t grate. :D Get on the exercise bandwagon with me. I am determined to stick with it all month long.

    @trooworld Yum that dinner sounds wonderful. :) I love wild rice and of course who could say no to homemade focaccia bread! That is good to set a minimum goal for your exercise. I think when we try to do more than we are ready for is when we end up not doing anything.

    @Jactop I’ve done that laundry folding trick and it really does work! I also make sure to do a good squat each time I reach into the dryer for another piece. January was a total bust for me too. Then the other day I read this great blog about why doing goals in February is better than January. Made me feel much better. Check it out! ;)https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/february-resolutions/

    Hi Team! Today was busy. I got up a little extra early so I could do my workout. Today was biceps and I swear I was dying when I got done! The program is no joke and it's only day two! :# After that, I went to work and quickly did what I needed to do and then went and got my hair done. Came home and hubby wasn’t having a good day with his memory. I am really concerned about what this all means. We see the oncologist in the morning, and I am praying we can get some real answers that will give us an end to cancer and fix whatever is wrong. But a part of me feels we are looking at a new normal and I’m so not ready for it! If you pray, please send one up for me and my sweet Joe. :/

    2022 Word: INTENTIONAL
    Workout/Treadmill LIIFT4, Day two, biceps and back
    Eat one meal below my DDF trigger Trigger is 83 and dinner was at 82
    Track my food and macros I tracked it all and had a very good day
    Eat min. 100 grams Protein Awesome day with 135 grams!
    Bible study/reading I started a reading plan on my Bible app for when I just don’t have time to do my regular Bible study. So, I did 15 minutes today.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,581 Member
    @nfll406 Welcome to Slimpossibles!

    @amioc We do an intro every month so if you can also post it here that would be great! I still learn new things about people that were here before me and I'm going on three years. Welcome to the gang!

    @Cornanda I feel the same about the group, it's the only group I've stuck with so long. Prayers for your pup today.

    @19shmoo69 I'm so sorry to hear about the death in your family.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You can't leave us, who would we talk about horror movies with among all the other many great things you bring to us? I hope you stay, if there's anything I or all of us can do to support you please let us know.

    @trooworld Sounds like a beautiful, relaxing day! It's been windy today so I'm staying inside.

    @nfl406 Welcome to the gang, you must be really busy all the time on a cattle ranch. So glad you found us, I'd love to see pictures of where you live sometime!

    @TeresaW1020 Love how you're starting off the month strong! I'd asked how your husband was doing but just read your last post, I really pray it's the end of the cancer and there's some way to improve his memory, keeping him in my prayers.

    @askewcr So glad your heel/ankle is doing better! I love the idea of the heart stickers, I respond well to that kind of reinforcement too.

    @FushiaKat So glad you're having a good pain day, sounds like you got a lot done! I wouldn't sweat not getting rid of anything, you finished a lot of stuff!

    @trooworld Way to go on finishing yoga! I like the idea of making yourself do SOMETHING, that helps me a lot to keep it open as once I say I have to do something I start disliking it.

    @Jactop I would think small things, you can think of now as a new month, new moon, new Chinese astrological year, end of Mercury retrograde, lots of good reasons to try something new now! Like a new recipe a week, a different workout, for me it helps to change things up to keep it more exciting even if it's just different music. I used to put things I had to do on little pieces of paper and pick them out of a jar, you have to do whatever you pick no changing your mind so if you picked scrub toilets you're scrubbing toilets! Since my workouts are pretty repetitive I play a game when I'm bored where I have to work out to songs with a certain word, I did "love" recently so LoveGame, Love Bites, etc, you get the drift or bands/singers that start with a certain letter. I get some weird suggested playlists from doing that though from opera to metal to rap! Recipes I just look for something that sounds good but I get Skinnytaste emails and she sends ones sometimes. Rewards can help too. I've roped a friend into trying an Instant Pot recipe with a pork roast this week from my Rootitoot cookbook so I'm excited to try that!

    Hi everyone! So I did this thing, I was telling a friend how I moved here to be by my family but don't know many people around here so I don't go to concerts or anything and she asked me why I don't go alone? Never really crossed my mind to go alone, I was supposed to see Lindsey Sterling with a friend for my birthday but my ex-boyfriend was supposed to be out that weekend and I wanted to keep an eye on things so that was a bust and of course he dragged it out. Anyway, I bought a ticket to go to a thrash concert in May in Sacramento this morning, I'm really excited! I have a couple people that would like to see them but no one around here, neither of my best friends are into metal so it's all me. So now I want a cool outfit and would love to lose a little more weight by then! I'm going to have a ton of snap peas, every seed has started. I didn't go to the food bank farm this morning because last week I was soaked from sitting on the ground, I'm going to wait for it to dry out a bit. My OB/GYN agreed to keep me on hormones for now at my appointment yesterday. My nephew cut school again yesterday so I went over to talk to him. I told him I didn't want him to fall behind in school, of course he said he wouldn't so I told him how Aunt Kathy cut school and fell so far behind she (I) got sent to a continuation school where all the troubled kids went. This post reminds me of something @AustinRuadhain would say:

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,581 Member
    Since we have so many cat parents here I wanted to share this, Jasper is obsessed with The Traveling Bird feeder on YouTube whereas Asher likes them in the wild without the tray. They both adore the app Mouse for Cats then Jasper loves Cat Alone and Cat Alone 2. It's at the point where Jasper comes up and stares at my phone and Kindle expecting to see critters, I can't even listen to music on my phone in bed anymore. l7yd76frcr81.jpg
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 517 Member
    @Jactop I'll have to try that laundry work out. It's a good suggestion.

    I set daily goals for myself, small ones that I can accomplish. Goals should be obtainable but with a slight stretch to reach them. If they are too big or too hard, they just won't get done. Then there's the feelings of guilt for not meeting the goals we set for ourselves. Start out small, maybe set a low step goal or water goal to start with. You can always increase or decrease the goal later depending on where you are. I use my Fitbit Versa II to help keep me on track. I have it linked it to Amazon's Alexa so I can set timers and alarms. I recently add alarms for the times I should be taking my medications because I suffer from Brain-Fog at times, which is just the most frustrating in the world and I need a little help now and then with reminders. It was not enough to have a pill box with different sections. I was keeping up really good then last week I missed 2 afternoons. Since I take medication 5 times a day, I find the reminders most helpful. It also reminds me to walk 250 steps per hour. I never thought I needed a Fitbit but now that I have one, its great and I use it every day.

    I stocked up the freezer some today, I will need to make another trip for shrimp, but I will get lettuce at the same time. It feels good not to have to worry about hub's dessert, the shelf I picked out for his Sherbert can hold 14 cartons. I read that I can freeze yogurt, I'm just going to put a container in there and try it out. It said the texture might change due to the water content, but Greek yogurt is the best to freeze.

    I was so busy today. I'm trying to keep up with my goals, I'm on my 5th book. I love Kindle Unlimited, I really love when it goes on sale at Christmas, and I buy another year. I need to find a new recipe, but I don't mind eating the same meals over and over. I just mix up my selection during the week. Lol, my husband has 3 recipes he eats, and I have 4. It also makes it easier for me to shop. Before I would have cringed if you told me, you at the same thing twice in one week. I have changed. I spice up my Squash Noodles with different flavors of sauce. But Roasted Garlic is my favorite.

    I'm looking forward to losing weight this week, but if not pounds then I will settle for inches.
This discussion has been closed.