Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - February 2022



  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 368 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Starting Weight 258.5
    CW:252.5 B)

    Have a great Saturday everybody!!
  • amioc
    amioc Posts: 175 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @FushiaKat If I remember correctly if it's under 10 calories they can say zero calories but I may be wrong.

    @amioc Is there anything we can do to help you? Maybe some kind of group activity would help everyone if you have any ideas? @Cornanda ?

    @trooworld You sound busy with work, hang in there my friend! Hope you were able to loosen up a bit, waking up stinks!

    @GabiV125 Sounds like a good plan with 3 months, are you starting to like exercise? It's the best part of my day to be honest, wouldn't have thought I'd be saying that a few years ago.

    @leonadixon Let us know how the hula hoop goes, I was checking those out a few years ago! Is your knee feeling better now? I hope so!

    @laurelfit57 Way to go on staying on track, sweet dreams!

    Hey gang! My nephew made it to school but I woke up and worked out early in case he didn't, was pretty worn out so I've had a real mellow day. Everything I order from Amazon has been screwy as far as clothes so I've made two returns in two days which is annoying. Workout was good, ate well, have Asher curled up purring next to me, life is good. I'm off to finish my cozy mystery, night everyone have an amazing Friday!

    @Katmary71 I’m always grateful for any help ☺️. I just don’t no what kind of help I need 😕
  • amioc
    amioc Posts: 175 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »
    Oh boy! I forgot the most important thing! Since many of us are feeling off track- @Katmary71 asked if we could do something to support each other.

    I really like the idea of one day at a time (thanks @laurelfit57) or a short term goal like @GabiV125 is doing. Can we so something with that? Maybe add something to our posts?


    This sounds like a good idea ☺️
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    PW: 165.8
    CW: 166.0
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Username: bgame4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 131 lbs
    CW: 133 lbs

    Phrase of the year: OWN IT!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yay for joining in on the Spring Challenge! Taking a 30-day break from soda is a great idea. The reason it makes you want snacks is that sugar only wants more sugar, so I bet you will see a decrease in eating off plan by taking the soda out of your day.

    Good morning! I forgot to post my Day One yesterday so here it is. I will be back later on day two! :grin:

    30 Day Spring Challenge, Day One:
    1) Weigh every day Weight 188.5
    2) NO sugar or snacking between mealsNot so great! I had a pack of Veggie Straws at the church and then a handful of sugar peanuts at home. :#
    3) 30 minutes of exercise or physical activity Church cleaning day
    2022 Word: INTENTIONAL
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,972 Member
    @davidji82 @amioc Congrats on the losses!

    @TeresaW1020 That's a good point. Maybe. Aww, thank you! I'm so glad Joe's chemo appt went well. I hope they all go that smoothly. I'm with you on the Spring Challenge commitment!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yeah that was a good article, wasn't it? Recognition does make a difference. Yeah Buddha bowls are awesome. That's a great idea to cook all that stuff on Sundays. I used to meal prep on Sundays and it helped so much. I really need to get back to it. No soda is a great commitment!

    Hi all. I've got a busy weekend but I'll try to get on here and post. Today, I am meeting a friend that I lost touch with about 10-15 yrs ago. Maybe longer. We are meeting at a restaurant and I already pretracked what I am going to eat: an Ahi Tuna Salad. I actually pretracked until my weigh-in day again. I am finding it helpful. I had a great day yesterday, I ate on plan and worked out on my lunch break. Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!

    My Spring Challenge commitment is:

    1) Exercise 3 days a week
    2) Drink 50 oz of water a day

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,972 Member
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,145 Member
    @TeresaW1020 – I only drink diet sodas…do you think the chemical sugar substitutes can trick the brain into thinking it’s real sugar? I’m curious. Might do some curiosity googling later :smile:

    @trooworld – How fun to reconnect with your old friend! I’m sure you will both start chatting like it’s only been a day :smiley:

    I ended last night with no soda! I drank a LOT of my cold brew herbal tea. Usually I use 1 Lemon Zinger tea bag and 1 Blueberry tea bag in a 32 ounce water bottle and let it steep in the fridge overnight. Found a new one at the grocery store to try that is made for cold brewing in 8 minutes. It’s called Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusion. I got the Blackberry Raspberry Hibiscus flavor. It’s ok, but I can definitely taste the cinnamon. Probably won’t buy it again and just stick to my usual. Anyway, wanted to let you all know in case you’re looking for some new flavored water … I’m looking at you, @trooworld :smile:

    Today is a card making day…need to make some thank you cards and also get started on some sample wedding invites for my future daughter-in-love to choose from. Tomorrow will be meal prepping. I hope everyone has an awesome Saturday!

    2022 Mantra: No Zero Days!
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,805 Member
    PW 221.5
    CW 221
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 208 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 219
    CW 219
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,155 Member
    Week 4's Group Challenge starts tomorrow. Hope to see you all there this week as we "Bust a Move"!

    Here's your link:

    Jessica :blush:
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 520 Member
    My Spring Challenge commitment is:
    Here is yesterday's update.
    1) Read for 30 minutes a day or use my Scroll Saw, I read All Creatures Great and Small for an hour.
    2) Move at least 30 minutes a day or walk 3000 steps. I walked 3225 steps.
    3) Weigh everyday - Yesterday 173.5

    1) Read for 30 minutes a day or use my Scroll Saw.
    I used my Scroll Saw and made a Grumpy Cat she reminds me of my Cat Kali Kitty

    2) Move at least 30 minutes a day or walk 3000 steps. Housework and Laundry.
    3) Weigh everyday - 172.8
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 520 Member
    Sorry I have not been around I had a procedure done at the Surgery Center on Thursday to see why I'm having trouble getting my food down. Everything went well and looked normal. He did take a bunch of biopsies and I should get the results in a couple of weeks.
    My husband drove me there and even thou they said he could leave he stayed in the parking lot in the car. The procedure ran 2 hours late and of course they didn't notify him about that, and by the time I was done and ready to go home, he had worked himself up and was so angry. He yelled at me all the way home which is about 40 minutes, and I had a migraine and my eyes hurt.
    Then later that night he told me he's never taking me again, to the Hospital or Surgery center. I've been a bit stressed out. He's still mad about them not letting him know the procedure was running late. They only notified him that the procedure was starting. I called the surgery center on Friday, and they said I can take an Uber there, but he has to come and get me, and they need to contact him before any procedure to make sure he will pick me up.
    I hope I don't need to go the Hospital or need any more procedures, so I don't have to worry about it. When I had the same procedure done about 20 years ago, they told me I had a Hiatal Hernia. This doctor said he didn't find one. I'm glad I don't have one, but it makes me angry that I was misdiagnosed. That's like the 3rd thing, and I'm still fighting to get Congestive Heart Failure off my chart.

    Yesterday was my Birthday and he gave me a big bouquet of balloons and an Amazon gift card. I ate the Yasso Yogurt Pop, OMG it was Delicious!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited February 2022
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yes diet sodas do trick the brain into thinking it’s had real sugar. There have been studies done that just putting something sweet in your mouth will trigger a glucose response because the body thinks that sugar is coming in. This is why when I do intermittent fasting, I can’t have any artificial sweeteners or even things with naturally sweet flavors because it will emit a glucose response. So, if you can stick to your unsweetened teas you are going to be much better off. When I got off of artificial sweeteners, which took a while, I really developed a love for bitter taste. For instance, I can’t imagine putting sweetener in my coffee. :)

    @trooworld Oh, that is wonderful that you get to connect with an old friend. I hope you had a wonderful visit and lunch. That is smart to pre-track your week. I keep telling myself that I should track. But we both know how far that usually lasts me. :grin:

    @FushiaKat Love the Grumpy Cat!! How talented you are! And good going on keeping your 30-day commitment to yourself.

    Hi Team! Well, we had a very good day today. Hubby has felt great all day and even went outside to clean up the dog’s messes. I cleaned out all our bathroom cabinets and I honestly don’t think anyone has as much first aide stuff as we do. Ridiculous! I also did a good workout but didn’t push too hard since it’s been almost two weeks.

    30 Day Spring Challenge, Day One:
    1)Weigh every day Weight 188.4 That is down one whole tenth since yesterday! :grin:
    2)NO sugar or snacking between meals I got snacky while cleaning and had some crackers but then stopped myself and put them back before eating too many.
    3)30 minutes of exercise or physical activity LIIFT 4, Biceps and back
    2022 Word: INTENTIONAL

  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    I love the idea of a Spring Challenge! I’m in! I have been struggling like many of you, and it seems to have more to do with my mental state than anything else, so my focus for the challenge is to start my days off on the right foot to increase my energy and motivation for the rest of the day. I have been tracking these since January, but posting here will increase accountability:
    • Get up right away (no Snooze or laying in bed telling myself I need to get up in two minutes)
    • Drink a glass of water as soon as I get up
    • Eat breakfast
    • Take supplements and brush teeth
    • 5 minutes of meditation
    • Exercise (any intentional physical activity before leaving for work)
    • Take a shower

    30 Day Spring Challenge, Day One (2/19):
    • Get up right away (no Snooze or laying in bed telling myself I need to get up in two minutes) ✅
    • Drink a glass of water as soon as I get up ✅
    • Eat breakfast ✅
    • Take supplements and brush teeth ✅
    • 5 minutes of meditation ✅
    • Exercise (any intentional physical activity before leaving for work) ✖
    • Take a shower ✖

    Phrase of the year: OWN IT!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 488 Member
    @cornanda Lisa my heart just breaks for you. I am so glad that your kiddos came home, I know that the extra hugs, love and support mean everything at a time like this. To have both of these things happening at the same time it must be just heartbreaking . Your pupper was such a lucky dog, to be blessed with such a wonderful family to spend life with and how lucky were you too! I know your mom must be a wonderful woman, you are a true testament to that♥️
    I am sending you a huge hugs and much love.

    @mom24_2021 haha I have definitely run the inner perimeter of my house when it is too cold or icy outside! You are one busy lady with 4 little ones (I had the same;))

    @trooworld that Budha bowl looks delicious!! I wish it was a bit warmer here, I would make it right now lol. So glad that your director recognized the project that you got done up! Recognition for a job well done is always nice. When I was totally on track and planning ahead, if I knew I was going to a restaurant I always went on line and looked at their menu to figure out what I would eat ahead of time. It really is a set up for success! Have a great
    time at lunch catching up with your friend!

    @TeresaW1020 i’m so glad that so far so good for Jo‘s chemo! I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for smooth sailing! I love the idea of the spring challenge! I am having a hard time committing to long-term goals right now, day by day seems to be my thing. I will though commit to drinking 64 ounces of water every day. I don’t typically come on here Friday and Saturday as those are the days I have my Grandkiddos. But I can come on to just post whether or not I have completed my challenge for the day :-). Congrats on getting the workout in, I’ll bet it felt great!

    @fushiakat. WOW!!!! You are one very talented artist with that Scroll saw!

    It was a good day today, I was able to stay on track with food, didn’t get in my 10,000 steps, I find that really challenging when the grandkids are here. The next couple of days will be a bit of a challenge food wise. I am going to an afternoon birthday party for my 90-year-old uncle. My cousin makes the most amazing food! She bakes all of her own breads, makes her own jams, jellies, salsas etc. it is very hard to stay away from food at her place LOL. The party is from two until five, I plan on eating a healthy filling lunch at 1 o’clock, just before we leave to head over there. Then on Monday is my grandson‘s birthday dinner finally (we have had to delay it twice due to Covid). He has requested Chinese food, which I love! I think I will have an afternoon snack and drink 24 oz. of water before heading over there :-) :-). I will make sure to work extra hard at my spin class on Monday morning LOL
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,629 Member
    @Cornanda I'm so sorry about your dog. I can't imagine how hard that is with your mom right now. Hugs and prayers my friend. I'm glad you were able to talk to a friend, I'm sure it helped to have the support.

    @trooworld That Buddha bowl looks amazing, I saved the recipe! I like the article you posted and the part about thanking your past self, I do stuff like make sure all the dishes are done and coffee pot is ready to go before I go to bed so those are definitely things "current" me is grateful for. Since I stopped procrastinating and thinking I need to do what I can today instead of putting it off until tomorrow life is less stressful because I'm setting myself up for success or at least for an easier day. Have a wonderful time with your friend today!

    @Mom24_2021 Have fun with the munchkins!

    @TeresaW1020 My nephew is 13, he just started with a therapist and they took him in for a physical. He's putting a ton of pressure on himself with schoolwork which seems to be the main issue. He only stayed home Wednesday last week so hopefully he's doing better now. I'm so sorry your daughter dealt with them and even worse that you lost her so recently. I'm so glad Joe's appointment went well, I'm praying he continues to do well with chemotherapy.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 No soda is a great idea, that's one of my weaknesses too, I grew up on diet soda and love the stuff but it's not the best for the body and every gut microbiome summit I go to says how bad artificial sweetener is. Like you I have plenty of tea and a ton of mint and lemon balm in my garden plus grow stevia, I may join you on this one! How funny, as soon as you mentioned Bigalow I was thinking of when I saw the exact flavor advertised on Walmart, I was so tempted to buy it but now that you didn't like it I won't. I make big batches of herbal tea in the Instant Pot and let it sit for a long time afterward so the flavor is real strong. I just got Tazo Sweet Orange, it's a little weird but good. Raspberry Zinger is one of my favorites for iced tea. If you have a Sprouts their Tazo and Pukka teas are buy one get one free right now. If you like hibiscus Tazo Passion is really good, I started drinking it as it's supposed to help blood pressure but I don't notice a difference in that, just enjoy the taste. That's one that tastes a little strange if I leave it for too long though. Have fun making cards!

    @askewcr Hope your Saturday was wonderful but your Sunday even better!

    @FushiaKat Awesome Grumpy Kitty! Happy birthday my friend! Sounds like nice gifts! From the way you described it I'd guess your husband was really worried about you, hopefully he'll calm down and I think him coming to pick you up instead of waiting is a good compromise.

    @bgame4 Glad you're in for the challenge! Think we all need a little kick in the booty this time of year, I'm lucky that the weather has been nice but know that's not the case for everyone. Love Own It!

    @laurelfit57 Sounds like you're going to be surrounded by tasty food, good luck, your cousin sounds dangerous to be around! Chinese food is a weakness of mine too.

    Hi everyone! Had a great relaxing day, I worked out then took plants to some of the Take A Plant Leaf A Plant Stands, it's really fun being a plant fairy and sharing things I have extras of. I went to Firehouse Subs because I've been seeing their sandwich advertisements for a year now and had to finally try the one that looked so good, it was tasty and worth the drive but it was 850 calories so that didn't leave me much for dinner so I just had some fruit and veggies and an Atkins bar. My body is really holding onto the pounds, I haven't been eating back exercise calories and I'm still not losing so I'm a little frustrated. I'm still plugging away though, going to make some tea since I don't have any Diet Pepsi! Have a great Sunday gang!

    Are we doing a 30 day or Spring challenge? I'm going to go with two items:
    1. No soda
    2. Meditate every night before bed, I love doing it but forget most nights
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 488 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 143.4
    CW. 141.4
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,972 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's exactly what it was like, when you meet up with a good friend after a long time, sometimes it can be awkward but it wasn't at all that way yesterday! Congrats on your no-soda day!!! Thank you for thinking of me re: the water flavorer...I had forgotten about the tea concoction but may start doing that again, I really enjoyed it. Have fun making cards...I made my husband's Valentine's Day card with my Cricut. It came out pretty good! And good luck with the meal prep.

    @digger61 Congrats on the loss!

    @FushiaKat Happy belated birthday! I absolutely love your kitty, that is so awesome!

    @TeresaW1020 I did have a wonderful time, thanks. I understand your resistance to tracking, it takes time, you might change your mind, it's just annoying lol. But it definitely helps! Congrats on the workout, WTG! I'm glad your hubby had a good day.

    @bgame4 Those are great goals! Good job on your progress.

    @laurelfit57 It was good and healthy! It really helped to pretrack my lunch yesterday. Thanks, I had a great time! Congrats on a great day! I hope you had fun with the grandkids. Wow, your cousin sounds like a fabulous cook. I hope you have fun at the party.

    @Katmary71 It was really good. Those are great things to do ahead of time. We try to do those, too. I love that those things make your life less stressful. I've been curious about Firehouse Subs, too. I'm glad it was good. Too bad about the calories.

    Hi all. I had a fabulous time with my friend and felt in-control thanks to pretracking my meal and sticking with it. My husband and I did an art night last night, just making art and watching a movie. It was fun!

    My Spring Challenge commitment is:
    1) Exercise 3 days a week - rest day yesterday
    2) Drink 50 oz of water a day - done!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
This discussion has been closed.