February 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,176 Member
    @Aine8046 added you on Strava! FWIW, I would do the ride! Those are so much fun.

    @Teresa502 Great work on your hike!

    @Avidkeo super speedy!!

    @rheddmobile The flooding pictures are crazy!

    Got caught up I think. I hope I didn't miss anything major from any of you. See you in March!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Tramboman happy birthday, and I'm so sorry to see you go. Its been amazing having you here and we love you and your input.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Sunny, mid 20s F, and just a light breeze from the south today. Ran 7.0 kilometers in honor of my 70th birthday.
    And this is my farewell post on the forum. I didn't want to disappear, lest you think I was abducted by aliens or shot by a jealous husband. Thank you all for your love and encouragement these past few years. We've laughed together, shed some tears together, but most importantly supported each other through the good times and the not so good times.
    Keep it sleasy, everybody!!!


    Wait what??? @Tramboman - you can't leave! Not only will I miss your quips and insights it will make me the oldest in the group!

    Happy 70th Birthday!!!

    Yeah, happy birthday but don't abandon us!!!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,770 Member
    edited February 2022
    2/1 – 7.04 miles
    2/2 – 3.11 miles
    2/5 – 3.15 miles + 9.2 miles
    2/7 – 5.18 miles
    2/9 – 5.12 miles
    2/10 – 3.21 miles + 3.19 miles
    2/11 – 5.14 miles
    2/15 – 5.31 miles
    2/16 – 5.16 miles
    2/17 – 4.09 miles
    2/18 – 5.15 miles
    2/20 – 10.01 miles
    2/21 – 5.20 miles
    2/23 – 5.84 miles
    2/25 – 5.70 miles
    2/28 – 5.15 miles
    Total – 96.26 miles

    Last run of the month this morning was a little chilly at 27F. I’m ending the month under 100 miles, but it was a short month (even though it felt long) and I got in some hiking days and a 20-mile bike ride yesterday, so I’m good with 96.26 miles.

    @shanaber – I wish we could share rain to parts of the country/world that need it. I was watching a couple of youtubers who were visiting Morocco and it was so dry and barren there. They said that part of the country had not received any significant rain in 7 years!

    Welcome to the Run the World group @shesgotaplan! Glad to have you!

    Hope you are feeling better @marisap2010.

    Keep those beautiful pictures coming @Aine8046! I’ve not been to Vienna yet….

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Tramboman!!! Oh my gosh, I’m going to miss you and your regular posting and valuable insights here in the forum. I wish you the very best in life’s journey ahead of you! (P.S. - it's not too late to change your mind and come back to us!)

    Congratulations on your HM PR @eleanorhawkins!! That’s quite a PR!

    And congratulations to you @martaindale and your hubby also! Sounds like a fun, challenging weekend!

    Thanks for starting the new thread @Scott6255.
  • shesgotaplan
    shesgotaplan Posts: 29 Member
    2/1: 4.26 km
    2/2: 3.46 km
    2/3: 3.36 km
    2/4: 3.21 km
    2/5: 4.61 km
    2/6: 3.63 km
    2/7: 4.49 km
    2/8: 2.76 km
    2/9: 4.93 km
    2/10: 3.34 km
    2/11: 3.02 km
    2/12: 6.00 km
    2/13: Rest
    2/14: 4.32 km
    2/15: 2.85 km
    2/16: 4.48 km
    2/17: 2.94 km
    2/18: 1.88 km
    2/19: 6.33 km
    2/20: Rest
    2/21: 3.67 km
    2/22: 3.43 km
    2/23: 4.10 km
    2/24: 3.83 km
    2/25: 2.98 km
    2/26: 9.85 km
    2/27: Rest
    2/28: 7.33 km

    February Total: 105.06 km
    February Goal: 100 km

    Today's run felt hard after the long one on Saturday. I'm looking forward to a nice easy one tomorrow.

    @Avidkeo - I agree, the cost of iFit is quite painful. We were given one year free with our treadmill purchase and are fortunate to have a health & fitness reimbursement through work that makes it more manageable.

    @shanaber - It's definitely feeling easier than it was when I started. Careful of that arm! :)

    @Tramboman - Farewell and Happy 70th!

    @eleanorhawkins - Congrats on hitting your stretch goal. Only in my dreams could I achieve results like that.

    @martaindale - It sounds like you had a blast at the Fairy Tale Challenge.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,049 Member
    Congratulations on your races @eleanorhawkins and @martaindale!

    Happy Birthday @Tramboman! Hate to see you leave the group. It's not to late to change your mind. But thank you for letting us know. We would have been worried if you had just disappeared.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,421 Member
    @martaindale - sounds like a fun race weekend! It is so great that you and your husband were able to run the HM together!
    @eleanorhawkins - congratulations on a fantastic PR! Way to smash it!!

    I got out in the heat (85F) with Hobbes and managed to squeak by on my goal. Had agility class tonight and we are both exhausted. Tomorrow I will start the month with a 'rest' day but will get some yoga and core strength work in.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,173 Member
    @shanaber I do remember @HonuNui . I was just thinking about her yesterday and wondering what she was up to. She hasn't posted lately. I miss her snorkeling pictures.

    @Tramboman Happy 70th birthday. I'm so sorry that you are leaving the forum. You will be missed. I hope you at least check in to see how much we all love you and will miss your posts. Like others have said, if you ever feel like coming back, you know you will be welcome. And, also thanks for letting us know, so we don't blame aliens or wonder what happened. I hope you enjoy your 70's and get to do some traveling, or whatever else you want to do.

    @eleanorhawkins Congrats on your HM PR, especially when it was so hard to finish!

    @martaindale Congratulations on your 10K PR and such a nice HM! Love the pictures of you and your DH. Such a nice looking running couple.

    I didn't post yesterday, but I did get in a wun of 2.20 miles to make my monthly total of walking and running 50.02 miles. I was hoping for 50 so that I would be at 100 for the year. I'm hoping to better in March. See you over in that thread. Thanks for setting it up @Scott6255 !