WaistAways Team Chat - APRIL 2022



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    Wow @conleywoods .. that is super comprehensive. Must feel good to walk away with so much valuable information. How did you like the coach herself? Sounds like you go back and see her multiple times so I hope it will be a great relationship. I would be interested in "going inside" too and seeing what is actually going on at a more granular level inside my body so this definitely has my interest piqued.

    Thanks for the congrats by the way... and the kick butt weight loss you posted this week! Spring break be gone indeed!!

    Well it's Friday and it's time to PLAY! Brad and I flew two bottles of red home from Niagara wineries that we're walking over to a friend's house tonight.. they are the same type but one was grown in clay and the other in sand. We're doing a taste test and such. We will walk there and back which is good because it's 4:30 p.m. and I haven't even hit 2000 steps yet... told you work from home days were way more sedentary!

    How is everyone planning to make this weekend a success? We have more food events than usual this weekend, so I'm going to need a lot of good planning and ways to fit in exercise around it. Hope everyone has a great one!

    4/21 exercise:
    16074 steps

  • ells_bellz
    ells_bellz Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone! Just a tiny loss for me 🥺

    PW 218.3 lbs
    CW 218.0 lbs 🥺

    So sorry 🥺

    Have a great weekend all ☺️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @conleywoods that is fantastic - I like the detail in your report, and hope it is not overwhelming. Good work on the lean body mass! More veg and fibre are always a happy place, but the metabolic/pre-diabetic stuff is really worth taking on "full pin" as they say here in Québec. And of course the dill pickle cure is the best! Shouldn't we all publish this and make a million bucks to split?? TheTeam WaistAways Pickle Miracle :smiley:

    I had a great ramble in the woods today - found a creepy tree we could not remember where it was, enjoyed the view of the nearby lake we can only see when there are no leaves on the deciduous trees (the lake is now all thawed!), and played tag with a hawk. I was hanging out in its hunting area and it was keeping an eye on me, it seemed. I also startled a group of 4 deer - they are looking good.

    Off into Saturday - are we seriously ready for that? Maybe?

    Here are the final weigh-ins due for the week. Hopefully the late people will catch up - consider yourselves nagged! No problem to get a week off if needed, but silence is NOT golden...

    Get those numbers in and off we go!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Saturday! I am up nice early to get started on laundry and meal plan. I have a 9am hair appointment, and planning on stopping at store after to meal prep for the week. I really need a reset. Other then a few weeks in March, my eating had been horrible. So many carbs. I am done with my spring classes so that will make a huge difference. I will have more time in the evening to cook.

    @eggfreak I am making soup this week for my lunches. Your eggs look delicious. Is that rosemary?

    @conleywood I am so proud of you for putting yourself first. It really helps having your husband on board. You got this.

    @jugar your adventure in the woods sounds so fun! I just read an article about all the health benefits of getting out in nature AND taking it all in as your described. We live right by the Bosque (river) but I never go in the Winter/ early spring because it is ugly with its bare trees! There are so many mountains by us, all about an hour away, but they are usually snowy/muddy until May. I need to get out in nature, that's my rambling point. It must be nice to live in the woods
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @EvMakesChanges I'm going for a massage Wednesday so it should help. My hubby has hands that are the size of dinner plates from being a night club bouncer and hockey goon in his youth so I don't trust him on a surface as small as my neck, but he's great for the lower back! The neck is better and I can finally sit up in bed instead of roll over while whimpering to get out of bed. My new set of resistance bands arrived and I want to get started while I'm still motivated! One more week to go until launch day!

    @conleywoods that scan sounds super interesting, especially the internal fat deposit information. I'm glad it got your husband's attention because as we've seen with @ashleycarole86 it makes such a difference for success. My husband keeps looking for a 'quick fix' and gets swayed by fake online keto diet pill reviews that you will 'lose 20lbs in a month without diet or exercise!' yeah, right.... Dream on buddy! It's been 600 days for me being mindful of eating after 15 years of yoyo dieting, I would lay money down those ads are false promises. All of us are here because we've realized that if you want results you have to do the work, which is hard to do, hence we seek the support of a like-minded group. As we say in Quebec, 'Ah ben, on continue'! Ohh well, let's just keep going. Lol

    @ashleycarole86 I'm really curious to hear if you can taste a difference in those wines!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 587 Member
    PW: 216.2
    CW: 220.2

    So a slightly rough week eating wise (that was an understatement). I ate a lot of food on easter and then didn't stop the next few days. I didn't track calories either this week. Yesterday I started tracking again and stayed within my calorie limit.

    I track my weight at home too and a while ago my husband said I always gain weight during my time of the month, so it's almost like I give myself permission to eat more or chocolate because my weight will go up anyway. I need to stop that habit/way of thinking.

    @eggfreak those eggs look delicious! I will definitely be making them in the near future!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @eggfreak those eggs look so good I almost wish I liked eggs! I'll definitely cook them for the tall guy, though. He eats eggs like a crazy, um, egg freak! And don't panic over the big bump up - soup will help, and probably more water and less salt? Good luck!

    @lauren_989 you make a great point about eating during that time of the month. It is silly to think you're going to gain anyhow, so what the heck - but tempting! One of the greatest things about menopause (there really are many) is that the annoying fluctuations go away, both of weight and even of mood. There is a lovely steadiness, but of course that means no more blaming TOM for gains when they happen or for being cranky and short-tempered :grimace:

    It's a sunny day, so as soon as I re-pot a whole bunch of my baby vegetable plants, it's outside with me. It is true that hanging around in the woods is healthy, even when it is muddy, leafless, full of fallen trees in some areas. It is not always beautiful by any conventional means, but being in that space is fantastic. Have a good one, all!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Not my eggs - just something I saw on the net that was inspiring :)
  • kellie_erin
    kellie_erin Posts: 212 Member
    CW: 187.8

    It's a little up and I expect I'll be up next week too as it's my last week of work and the stress of job hunting is already getting to me.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    @jugar I have been out in the forest more too! Did you know there is this thing called "forest bathing" it's a Japanese thing and I think it is called shinroku. We have little white wild flowers now but I am on the lookout for the itty bitty fairy slipper orchids.

    @ashleycarole86 I really liked my coach. She was very easy to talk to and has a lot of knowledge. She has degrees in exercise science and kinesiology. She was a professor locally for many years. She's a certified person trainer, certified integrative nutritionist (Or something like that) and a board certified wellness coach. I will also have a local support group but they have a lot to live up to compared to this team.

    @eggfreak I love eggs and those look amazing. Glad you are realizing that meal prepping can help you get back on track. Sorry to hear treatment isn't doing what it should for your mom. Hugs ❤

    @KellyBgetsfit Sounds like you have a productive day ahead of you. Getting your hair done is always so relaxing and fun! Enjoy

    It is always helpful when the husband is on board. Not that he isn't other times but I think he always has felt I do this for looks only. So we he wants to have someone eat fun foods he reminds me that I am beautiful at any size...so let's eat ice cream. I think this was a good wake up call and there are health issues that need consideration too. I think it scared him a little, me too! It's going to be a lot of changes but it has to happen.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,177 Member
    The Week 4 Group Challenge is ready and will begin tomorrow, Sunday, Apr 24th. Bring a friend as we work on the ULTIMATE POINTS CHALLENGE this week! Here's your link:


    Hope to see you there!
    Jessica :smile:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    Saturday night, and I'm
    Let's get caught up - tallies begin in 9.5 hours :smiley:


    And get ready for Sunday people - getting the final week of April off to a start:
  • bonnie_red
    bonnie_red Posts: 43 Member
    CW: 164.8

    I'm so sorry that I'm late in posting!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    @PlaneMonkey We could definitely taste a difference in the wines. It was a fun tasting - the boys liked one the best, and the girls liked the other! My husband (little devil that he is at times ;)) decided it was a good idea to order Dairy Queen Blizzards to the house while we were playing games, and then he got us all mediums to boot, and well... 1260 calories later (when I was already over my limit before those came).... it was one of those days. Chalk it up as an exception, make it so, and time to look forward!

    Tonight we had date night in Calgary... went to a pescatarian restaurant and then went to the theatre version of Kim's Convenience. A lot of fun! I was over again but under maintenance this time. It's harder to be at deficit for sure when we go out. Not sure where my weight loss from here is headed exactly but I do want a buffer between my weight and my top end of normal BMI so I'm planning to continue on a fairly regular deficit schedule for now at least. I've never been at this weight as an adult so I don't really have a reference point. New territory that's fun to explore!

    I've been having issues with the app - it wasn't syncing my exercise so I was entering it in manually, and then finally I re-installed the app and it knocked out a lot of my tracking. Odd. I definitely depend on this tool! I get a little data focused so I was annoyed but I'm just hoping it's all good now.

    We are taking a lovely couple that looks after our dog and are our neighbors up at the lake out for brunch tomorrow to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. If all goes as planned we're following that with an outdoor ride on the Legacy Trail... looking forward to seeing if it feels easier and/or I go faster after my winter of Peloton action!

    4/22 exercise:
    8784 steps

  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
This discussion has been closed.