June 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,010 Member
    June Goal: 100 Miles

    6/1: 5.51 miles
    6/2: 5.04 miles
    6/5: 7.10 miles
    6/7: 5.51 miles
    6/8: 6.01 miles
    6/8: 6.32 miles
    6/11: 10.02 miles
    6/14: 6.25 miles
    6/15: 6.02 miles
    6/16: 6.30 miles

    64.08/100 miles completed for June

    I haven't posted the last couple of days, but I did run. Yesterday I ran 6 miles. It was hot again, and the first mile was pretty tough since I started out running into 18 mph winds. But once I turned and wasn't running right into the wind the run improved. I actually enjoyed it. It's hot in the summer, but I do enjoy running as it is just starting to get light, but the sun isn't up yet. I was able to run through the sprinklers at the courthouse again and I took some carrots with me and stopped by to see Lilly/Sunny.

    Today was still hot, but not as windy. I decided that I would go ahead and run a 10K so I ended up with 6.3 miles today. It was another good run. They weren't watering at the courthouse, so no sprinklers today. But I did take some carrots to Lilly again and I saw a great blue heron at the creek. And even though it was a slow run, I had negative splits.

    Tomorrow will be a rest day. My car was totaled after the hail storm last month. So I have to clear everything out of it so they can come pick it up. And now I have to find a new car. It's really frustrating because there is only one car dealership in town and most of the cars there have hail damage. I'll probably have to drive at least an hour to find one.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,875 Member
    @kgirlhart my truck was "totalled" in 2009 with a hailstorm because the damage was greater than the value. I received a nice check from USAA but they did not require me to give them the vehicle. It is still completely driveable so I just had to remove the collision insurance. Still have it. I don't notice the dents so much. Of course I did not have to repair any windows. Most of the cars in the neighborhood had broken windows and we all got new roofs from that storm. It was pretty scary.

    Checking in with 72.24 miles out of 100 to date. It's been hot here also but mostly cooling to under 80 in the morning altho the dew points and not the sahara dust have not helped. The AQI has been moderate the past few days going up sometimes to poor in the afternoon in places. I need to update our run the world file as I think we are still in the middle of the pacific!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,056 Member
    @7lenny7 It's so great to hear how quickly your finger is healing. The body is indeed amazing. And, I always think it is weird that if a part of your body is injured, it has a way of finding every little thing to run into. It seems to become an accident magnet. Enjoy your trail runs over the weekend.

    Sorry all. I wrote this a few days ago and never got back to posting. I have read to catch up. You guys are all doing great with your injuries, heat, mental toughness, etc. I've just hugged and liked as appropriate. If I have time I'll comment on a few later.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday/Saturday.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Wow @Teresa502 that chainsaw woodcarving of the bear is freaking awesome!!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,498 Member
    01.06 5.52km at 8:09/km
    02.06 3.00km at 7:46/km
    08.06 3.02km at 8:08/km
    10.06 3.23km at 8:03/km 10x pace repeats
    11.06 4.00km in 8:17/km
    12.06 2.10km in 7:37/km
    13.06 5.00km in 8:04/km incl. 5 minute fast run
    15.06 5.50km in 8:21/km
    17.06 4.35km in 7:55/km

    35.72/60km, 1.7km ahead of target!

    Today I apparently didn't feel like running. Was going faster than I should have, and wanted to finish quickly. So I ran quicker :wink: instead of the slow, longer run I had in mind today.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Yep that was a good article @marisap2010. Thanks!
    When do you find out if you get to be in that RNR video?
    Wow @AlphaHowls that is a big tree that fell. My brother is in Peachtree City GA and he must have got that same storm come through. 2 trees fell in his yard, just barely missing the house.
    Glad to hear the finger is healing quickly @7lenny7 and it isn't really impeding your outdoor activities 😁
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,056 Member
    @Teresa502 You live in a very pretty area. I can see how the bear would have startled you. He is very talented.

    You're doing great @yirara . I sometimes run faster just to be done with it too. I think we all do.

    Wow @AlphaHowls ! I'm glad you are okay.

    Great running @7lenny7 ! Love the pictures. You also have a great place to run. Funny about the racoon being still until you took it's picture. Usually when I get my phone out and point it at wildlife they run away.

    Funny article @marisap2010 . I can't seem to get the video to play, but I know it's my slow internet. I'll keep trying. It's so cool that you got to do that.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,056 Member
    @7lenny7 Exactly like that! :lol:

    @polskagirl01 Some days are just hard. Hang in there. Hopefully you got it out of your system today and next week you'll have a great run! Love the pictures and the baby swans!

    @marisap2010 Great running. Enjoy your painting class. You may be "more creative" after a couple. :wink:

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @quilteryoyo when you lose posts are you on your phone or computer? If you're on your phone, one thing I do to avoid the frustration of lost posts is to type it out in a different app first, like your email app. Then I just copy & paste the entire thing into the MFP app, fix any @username issues and post it. Nice job with your runs! Great rhododendron photos. Do they have a nice smell to them? I don't think they grow up this far north and the few times I've seen them I don't recall if they had a scent.