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  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Had a low-key day. I had a restless night due to IBS, and so I had one of those days where napping feels like the best use of...yeah, the whole damn day. Slept from 10 am to 2 pm, got up, ate something, and got the medieval chicken in the oven, as well as the saffron rice, and hauled out bread rolls and the creamed spinach to thaw. So after I got back from picking up Boyfriend, it all came together fast, and to rave reviews. I made a double batch so next time I can just warm it all up and call it a meal.

    Now I have to clean up the kitchen cause I didn't do it last night and didn't do it earlier today. Willpower being used to overcome tired. I really don't want to leave it, because it bothers me when things aren't right.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Got a gyro quichecake made, two meals of chicken taquitos made, and a batch of chocolate chip muffins made.

    Which means there's now two quichecakes in the freezer, which is how I like it, we can have taquitos Friday as planned, and I have something to eat for breakfast tomorrow.

    Tomorrow I have to go to the eye doctor. Hopefully this one takes my insurance. Then I have to come home and make fried pork bits for the month, cause we're out and I want to have something including them on Thursday.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Hope tomorrow finds you feeling better, Alexandra - and that the eye doctor is a success!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    best of luck with the doc!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    Hot. Windy. Can't open windows due to wind. AirCon is cooling the outdoors since I am in and out all the time trying to play musical things. Bunnies have been nuked... just grabbed a bag of green beans nuked a bit, added some onions and cut up snausage thingy and some canned tomatoes and a bit of canned tomato sauce and run it through... it is... well... something! :smile: Veggie bites from Costco consumed in the meanwhile. They are not terrible. But nothing to write home about in my personal opinion. Maybe if I warmed them in the oven they would be a potential tater tot replacement. Microwaved... nothing to write home about. Not a repeat buy item for me!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    I need to follow your example, PAV. Hungry - not feeling inclined to prepare anything - a dangerous time. So far not messed up too badly - ate an apple and some cheese but that isn't going to cover me for long.

    The veggie bites look tasty - dangerous too! Not low calorie nor filling it seems?
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Went to the optometrist today. Discovered I have a cataract starting in one eye, so while it's not to the point of needing surgery it's also something they'll keep an eye on over time. And I was right, my distance vision HAS changed. I intend to get a second pair of glasses because I don't need them until I need them very badly. When I get the new ones I'll see about getting a new prescription in these current frames.

    Boyfriend had one of those frustrating days where seemingly everything you do goes wrong, so he ate a comfort-food dinner and went to bed early. And Girlfriend is okay though she is sleeping only four hours at a time. As she said, "I get eight hours sleep every 24 hours, just four hours at a time....Up 8, sleep four."

    But I have organizing and tidying to do tonight, and I like to do that, it calms my head down. So that's what I'll be doing. Probably while listening to a lecture on paleontology or anthropology/archaeology.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,921 Member
    Spent the morning having a gut ultrasound. Not emergency just ongoing discomfort that I need to stop blowing off. I’m prone to ignoring things until ....and have a high pain tolerance. Results tomorrow.
    I had to fast so hubby and I went to Whataburger for a bacon breakfast on a bun (called a bob). Yummy and calorific much like PAVs egg McMuffin. Only had one! So I’ll be extra careful the rest of the day.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Found out my hysterectomy will be July 20th, so I want to be in as tip-top shape as possible before that--won't be able to do my regular exercise for a while after. Was given the choice of either a minimally invasive robotically assisted procedure or an open procedure that would also include a panniculectomy (tummy tuck). Both procedures are equally likely to be successful at getting rid of the cancer. The minimally invasive procedure has a recovery time of 2-4 weeks, whereas the open procedure is more like 6-8 weeks of recovery, and would not be able to be scheduled quite as soon because two surgeons have to coordinate. Although I would have dearly loved to get rid of the apron of loose skin I have from losing 140 lbs, it is just not worth postponing the surgery and having a longer recovery--I have already had to cancel my vacation and a trip for a family reunion, and if I did that more extensive procedure it would also put my international singing competition in early September in jeopardy. Super hard decision, though. I hope things go smoothly. I would be really frustrated if for some reason the minimally invasive procedure had to be converted to an open procedure after all but because it wasn't planned for, they would not do the panniculectomy. My mind just won't stop. Ugh!

    The minimally invasive is the way to go; that's how they did my tubal ligation, and while I was sore afterwards (plan to make sure you have elastic very easy stretchy waistbands on clothing for a solid ten days) it was very easy to come back from. I feel you on the panniculectomy, though.... I really do! That's the only real spot I have skinfold issues, and I'm still needing to lose another 60 pounds, so it'll get worse before it gets better for me.
  • jenniferelizabethwiseman
    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 good info, thanks. Part of my reasoning for not going that way is also that even if I had the panniculectomy, I still hate my upper arms which are very flabby and I have very saggy baggy breasts at this point from the weight loss as well, and any abdominal surgery won't fix THOSE things. I look good in clothes and don't have any issues with infections or sores or anything, and there is no way I am going for plastic surgery on my arms or chest, so...guess I'll keep the lights off when clothes are off.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    Fingers and toes crossed it all goes well and that they do the most awesome cleanup job EVER!!!!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,077 Member
    edited July 2022
    @jenniferelizabethwiseman, once again you prove yourself to be a very wisewoman! Good luck with the procedure - I hope all goes to plan and you make a speedy and full recovery!

    Yooly - I hope the results show nothing too concerning! Better to get these things checked out though...
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,921 Member
    Happy Canada Day PAV, Laurie and any Canadian lurkers out there! al8zwtyoyj47.jpeg
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,077 Member
    edited July 2022
    Glad you'll still remain attached to your gallbladder Yooly. Heavens, don't slow down! Just be a bit less vigorous!

    Oh Canada...The True North, strong and free...

    For some reason we used to sing O Canada in our school assembly. I can't imagine why. Perhaps our headmistress was a closet Canuck...
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    Hey, we will take all the good wishes! Evil bang-bang noise maker people all over the place. Eeeeek! Oh well. Nothing special happening here for the obvious reasons. Hopefully Laurie is having more fun! Our new Canadians originally from Syria were out at the beach I hear... still trying to figure out whether it was a lake beach, a river beach, or sea beach... but it is definitely not a cell friendly beach!!! :wink:
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Laurie is having great fun... At a damned river beach today... Felt like a nice little Lake but the water seemed much fresher.

    I have the boy for a few days and we're making the most of it before he heads off in a few weeks.

    Those fireworks just make the dogs crazy don't they?

    Glad for the good news Yooly... Slowing down is no fun 🙁

    Wisewoman... Seems like you made the best choice for you. I'm really inspired by your view on the loose skin. It is best to be practical and not to fret too much about it!

    Thank you for the Canada Day wishes 😁
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,921 Member
    Had my annual body skin check today. Looking for any suspicious spots of which I only had one this time. Got it frozen off with liquid nitrogen. 😱 Yow!
    I’m still PO’d at having to slow down. 🤯 I spent years avoiding exercise. Now that I can move more freely, apparently I’m getting fragile. But in my head I don’t feel fragile!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hey... I need my skin checked!!!! :blush: You don't look fragile to me!!!!!! :wink:

    hmm..... nothing improper or proper intended or implied. It's just that both independent comments are juxtaposed by accident!