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Mission Slimpossibles Team Chat - JULY 2022



  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 389 Member
    Happy Fourth of July Everyone! Enjoy your day!

    We celebrated yesterday at my husband's uncle's house and it was so nice. Great to see family and friends! I ate so much good food and drank a sprite. It was so good because I haven't had a sprite in months. I also ate cookies. My numbers didn't cause me to have a breakdown this morning because it was in moderation. I also helped to clean up and walked close to twelve thousand steps. <3 Headed to the gym today.

    I'll also take my nieces, whom I call The Sweet Potatoes, back to the park for their second lesson on how to ride a "big girl" bike. Their first lesson was just funny. :p They're 7 and 9 and had never tried a bicycle without training wheels. Have a wonderful day all and let's go get it!! B)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @Vegan4lyfe2012 @askewcr Congrats on getting onto the leaderboard!!!

    @Katmary71 It IS! Yes, definitely a deep cleaning when they leave. I hope it doesn't happen either, I'll go crazy! I hope the sleeping pill helps you get better sleep. That Greek pasta salad is delicious, thanks for the recipe! I like that it has so many veggies and makes a lot. Have a great 4th!

    @infamouscandi Congrats to YOU, that's an awesome loss!

    Hi all. I hope to get some laundry folding done today and maybe some meal prep. Other than that, I am going to enjoy some reading! Only 30 more hours of chaos before the dogs go home but who's counting? LOL

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,067 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hi Slims and Happy 4th to the USA-ers-

    This week at work felt better, but I suspect it will take awhile. I seem to have many opportunities to eat out lately which is throwing off my diet. I've also been a bit "loosy-goosy" with my snacking. And my weekend eating has expanded from one or two lousy meals to most of the weekend being lousy. I had a big gain, but I can tell I have a lot of water on board. I did get in more exercise last week, and was proud of that. Will continue to work on things.

    I feel I've been derailed by life this year- it's been a stressy one. I haven't lost, but I haven't gained. I would like to make a push to get some off between now and the end of the year. However, I don't think now is the time to get all strict because I will disappoint myself. And that is not a good pattern to be in. I need to have work settled into a pattern. Right now, my start and end times for the day change frequently. So, for now, I will work on what I can control- watch the snacking, eat when hungry- not just because, clean up the weekends, schedule as much exercise as possible. Adjust more if gaining.

    I'm sorry I can't respond to everyone individually, but I've read all your posts and think of you often.

    @TeresaW1020 - the past 6 months have been ALOT for you. I'm glad to see you balancing getting back at it while giving yourself grace. You're right- grace can become excusy, as long as you manage that and do what you can you will be all good. You know what to do and will get it done!

    @laurelfit57 - OMG- Vanny on the iPad. So hilarious!

    Saw Elvis this weekend- enjoyed it.

  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Username: bgame4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 136 lbs
    CW: 137 lbs

    Sorry, this is late again. We were out of town all weekend. I had a great time, but my eating was horrendous and exercise was non-existent.

    Phrase of the year: OWN IT!
  • lindaprofota
    lindaprofota Posts: 39 Member
    edited July 2022
    Lrprofota CW 237 PW 239 lose of 2

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 555 Member
    @trooworld WOWZA on the loss!! I totally missed that on my last post:). That is so funny that Daisy has a crush on the boy dog LOL. When my cousins dog was here, he excited Peed, so there was pee all over my house because every time he and Vannie played he Peed! I ended up buying a carpet cleaner and cleaning my whole house🤣. Is Daisy going to miss her boyfriend when he’s gone? Getting some quiet reading done today sounds like a great plan after chasing around blind dogs, yikes.

    Congratulations to @Vegan4lyfe2012, @askewcr and @trooworld!!!🥳🥳🥳

    @katmary71 sounds like you had a super busy day yesterday! That is hilarious about the one red bean in your yard LOL. I’m sorry that you have to take sleeping pills because of your pain, hopefully you will get some relief. Kudos to you for working out when you are so drugged out!

    @infamouscandy huge congrats on your loss!

    @askewcr sounds like you had a great and very successful celebration yesterday! Yay!! You were really pounding out those steps yesterday! It must have been so cute to see your nieces for the first time on their big girl bikes!

    @Cornanda Sounds like you have had a very big adjustment over this last couple of weeks, I should say over 2022! Are you enjoying your new job?

    Happy fourth everyone! I hope everybody had a great day celebrating.

    I was pretty happy with my way in yesterday, that I stayed the same after double gym classes the day before, I thought I was going to be up one more pound than that. This week I am totally back on track with the gym, so no gym classes on Saturday.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    Hi gang, just a quick check-in, I worked out this morning then the day was mellow, went to my brother's for dinner which was nice and came home before dark to keep an eye on the cats. There were a few hundred people on the street around the corner earlier and they have BBQs and are racing up and down the street setting off fireworks, my cats are both hiding, it sounds like a war zone. All the M-80s are making me real edgy. Happy Fourth aside of that, hopefully they stop before 2AM which is how long it usually goes. Off to post my rainbow for the week challenge, have a great Tuesday!
  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    Weigh In Day: Monday (Sorry I'm late)
    PW (Previous Weight):130.2
    CW (Current Weight): 131.0

    I gained weight. I blame it on cheesecake.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @Cornanda I'm glad work felt better for you. That would be hard to get into a routine with the start and end times changing frequently. Working on what you can control is a great plan. I hope you had a good 4th weekend. Hugs.

    @bgame4 I'm glad you had a good weekend! Life happens!

    @Lrprofota Congrats on the loss!

    @laurelfit57 Thank you! Yeah, it's really cute...he was on the couch and she came up to the couch and put her paws up on it and was sniffing for him. It's love! <3 Yeah, we are seriously going to have to mop every inch of this place with a strong cleaner lol...luckily, we have laminated wood flooring throughout. Daisy is definitely going to miss her boyfriend! They leave tonight at 6. I will be glad but I will miss them. I'm glad you are back on track, congrats!

    @Katmary71 Yeah, people around here set off fireworks, too. It drives all the dogs crazy and I hate it. We went to bed early to avoid it all, put the AC on and we didn't really hear it.

    @RaquelFit2 I would gain weight for cheesecake. :D Seriously, I would lol.

    Hi all. For the Americans in the group, I hope you had a great 4th of July. For everyone else, I hope your weekend felt as long as ours did. :D I had a good day, I read and almost finished my book. I ate some things I regretted. I will recover. I have somewhat enjoyed having the dogs here but I'll be glad when they are gone, I want to get back to my routine. It's been impossible to do my routine while they were here. Have a great Tuesday!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 555 Member

    Katmary71 I had to look up what an M-80 was, we can’t buy anything here but very basic fireworks. The city sets off a big firework display in July 1, in our River Valley, so the whole city can see it. Those go off about 10 PM and the party at the very latest is done at about 11, we sound pretty boring compared to you guys!Sounds like the party is in your neighbourhood for sure! Poor cats!

    @trooworld i’m so glad that you have laminated wood! Doing these carpets really gave me a work out that’s for sure! Poor Daisy, does she miss her boyfriend? I hope she is not pining away for him.

    It was another super rainy day today, I went and hung out with my daughter and grandkids. I was able to get in a workout at the gym this morning and then get my 10,000 steps in. It wasn’t a great night sleep last night so I will try to stay awake until 10!
    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 537 Member
    User: FushiaKat
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW: 152.8
    CW: 152.5

    Small loss. I feel like I'm settling somewhat. I feel so skinny now. Maybe in the next month I will get to 149 My back has not been nice to me for the past week, I have been in agony. It finally settled down some yesterday. We did enjoy watching the firework show from our balcony with binoculars last night. Canyon Lake puts a barge on the lake each year and shoots the fireworks off from there. For the last 10 years we have opted to view them from our balcony and forgo the crowds. When we lived in Dana Point near the harbor we would park as close as possible and walk to the Beach.
    My husband is having a custom computer built for me. They guy said my current computer is 5 generations past what they make now, it will not run Window's 11. It will have 128GB of Ram and be blazing fast.
    Last week I ate loaded baked potatoes for 3 days. I was hungry for shrimp, cheese sauce and potato. To make up for that I ate shrimp salad for the past 2 days. I actually like shrimp salad so it's not like I was torturing myself.

    Congrats to the team members who made it on the leader board. I will post my updated goals soon.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @trooworld I'm so glad the dogs seemed to have done well last night. I feel the same about regretting some things I ate but guess it's a reminder of why we don't eat that way daily anymore.

    @laurelfit57 I don't think it's fun hearing illegal fireworks, I wish it would stay to certain areas, not boring but smart to me!Hope you sleep better tonight.

    @FushiaKat I'm so glad your back is doing a little better. Funny the name of my street is Canyon Lake, I wish you were my neighbor!

    Hi everyone, survived last night but spilled a Bubba mug (like 80oz) of hot tea on myself and went to take my meds while still frazzled and stupidly didn't realize until after I forgot to split the old and new sleeping pills in half so I SNOOZED through the fireworks and through the whole night, I'm a real light sleeper so I'm surprised but I'm a zombie today so I get why now. Asher didn't come out until this morning from what I can tell, Jasper would peek out and hide again. Pretty mellow day today which is good since I'm tired. My brother got mad at me yesterday and was pretty nasty, I know it's because of his pain and being frustrated so I'm trying to let it go but he was a jerk. I'm sure I was nasty to him when I was first injured so I know what it's about, still makes me sad though. Anyhow, I'm off to do my stretches and read, have a great Wednesday.
  • DanielleHeitzenrater
    DanielleHeitzenrater Posts: 36 Member
    Congrats @vegan4lyfe2012 @trooworld @askewcr congrats on being on the leaderboard great job!!!

    I am back from camping and I feel refreshed after the holiday and ready to get back to it!! I have been gardening a lot and I have a head of cabbage I just harvested today I can't wait to cook with it I am so excited that at camp I took fresh lettuce, peppers and green beans to camp and ended up getting so many compliments on the vegetables!!!
  • tupsundus
    tupsundus Posts: 14 Member
    Weigh in Day: Tuesday
    PW: 173.5 (78.7 kg)
    CW: 173.9 (78.9 kg)

    A slight gain this week :/ I blame it on my pre-vacation mode which has included many nice dinners outside...
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @laurelfit57 Me too! Yeah, I hate carpeting. It looks nice but then gets so dirty and is hard to maintain. Daisy does miss her boyfriend lol. Last night after they left, she was laying on the back of the couch looking all emo lol. She did seem to be pining away for him, poor gal. That's impressive that you got your steps in despite all the rain! Great job!

    @FushiaKat That's great that you had another loss. I'm sorry about your back. I am in the same situation with an old computer that won't run Windows 11. Congrats on the new computer!

    @Katmary71 Yeah, the dogs were great but I'm glad they are gone. You are right, it was a good reminder. Oh gosh about the medication! I'm sorry about your brother's nastiness.

    @DanielleHeitzenrater I hope you had fun camping, I love to camp! That's cool that you have fruits of your labor to eat.

    @tupsundus You will get that gain off in no time, no worries! Hang in there!

    Hi all. Well, the dogs are gone and now I need to get back to bizness. My dog is definitely missing the male dog. I'm glad it's Weds already. Have a great day!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    Congrats @vegan4lyfe2012 , @askewcr, and @trooworld on getting on the board! :star:B):star:

    @laurelfit57 that pic of Vannie “reading” the post is sooo cute!! :grin: Fasting for 18+ hours isn’t that hard if you consider that part of that is evening and sleeping time. In the morning I drink 3 cups of black coffee and then switch to water, so that keeps me from starving. Working out fasted also helps me go longer.

    @Katmary71 I LOVED the Elvis movie!! It was so well done! One long read bean is funny. :D

    @trooworld I hope you are having a calmer time with the dogs gone. Is Daisy lonely or happy to see them go? :)

    Hi Team! I’ve had a busy couple of days. July 4th was relaxing. I made air fryer hotdogs with macaroni salad and chips. My sister and I were just going to drink a little but then it turned into a lot of drinking. She had never seen the show New Girl, so we binged that and had a great time. But I was super hungover yesterday and had to get up early to take Maggie to the groomer and go into the office. We also went and saw the Elvis movie. I was worried I would fall asleep, but the movie was excellent and held my attention the entire time. I also had an event committee meeting last evening. I came home at 8:30 and went straight to be. :grin: My diet is back on track but I haven’t worked out in a couple of days. I plan to do an extra long one tomorrow. ;)
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 555 Member
    @katmary71 i’m so sorry, I didn’t read your post properly I was so tired. That must have been awful with all of that noise! When you said the M-80s I just quickly googled and saw fireworks, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as illegal fireworks. I must admit, it is nice having them contained to an area here and out of the neighborhoods, I can’t imagine! I’m really sorry that your brother was taking things out on you, even when we understand why, it can be very hurtful. My sister used to do that a lot, I had to learn to have a very thick skin around her

    @fushiakat A loss is a loss, congrats! You will have fun with your new computer I am sure! It is a challenge when you were getting so close and feeling good to stay motivated for that last little bit! I think you just have to really decide what you were comfortable with :-).

    @DanielleHeitenrater it is always nice to get away for a while, welcome back! It is surprising how much people truly do appreciate fresh vegetables. I went to a party last year and brought along a vegetable platter with vegetables from the farmers market. Everybody wanted to know where I got the “real vegetables”, they thought it was amazing🤣

    @trooworld Poor Daisy, soon her boyfriend will be a distant memory🥰

    @Teresaw1020 Sounds like you had a great July 4, kudos to you for making it through the day so well on the fifth! My hat is off to you!

    Super draggy day, not much sleep last night and then this rainy dreary weather is not helping me any. I stayed on track with my food and got my 10,000 steps in. I think I will take a Tylenol p.m. tonight so I can get some sleep. After two classes at the gym tomorrow I am going to a street performers festival with my daughter and grandkids, I really need to have a good night sleep :-).
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @DanielleHeitzenrater Welcome back, congratulations on your head of cabbage, love when the produce starts rolling in! Sounds like you ate pretty healthy camping, that's awesome!

    @trooworld LOL about your dog missing the male, glad you have your house back!

    @TeresaW1020 So glad you loved the movie, I did too! I heard some people didn't like it but I can't imagine why. Sounds like fun with your sister!

    @laurelfit57 You're going to need your energy for the festival after 2 classes, hope you slept well and the festival is a blast.

    Hi everyone, not many posts, hope you all are doing well. Did my workout then had the pain clinic, nothing new there to report. I made chimchurri chicken in the Instant Pot which I've made a few times, I always forget how good it is until the next time. I get the rest of my stitches out tomorrow thank goodness, been a long month! Hopefully I can eat strawberries again before they go out of season. Have a charity meeting tomorrow night so it will be a long day. Have a great Thursday everyone.
  • Divya365
    Divya365 Posts: 95 Member
    Congrats on being on the leaderboard !!! @vegan4lyfe2012 @trooworld @askewcr

    User: Divya365
    Weigh-In Day: Wednesday ( Sorry for the delay )
    PW: 168.6
    CW: 168.2

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I am definitely! At first, Daisy seemed lonely and sad. Now she seems back to normal. :D I made air fryer hot dogs for the 4th too! So yummy. I heard Elvis was good. I'll have to see it when it comes to streaming.

    @laurelfit57 Yes, he already is, she's back to normal now lol! I was super tired too yesterday. What's up with that? Great job with the food and steps. The festival sounds fun.

    @Katmary71 Yeah it was really funny. I'm glad too! Yay for getting your stitches out!

    @Divya365 Congrats on the loss!!!

    Hi all. I was so tired yesterday that I almost fell asleep at my desk twice and I did fall asleep while waiting for my husband to come out of work! Luckily I work from home today so if I am that tired again today, I can take a cat nap and be fine.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
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