Mission Slimpossibles Team Chat - JULY 2022



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @trooworld Thanks I saved the link for the stock. Do you like Colleen Hoover? I just finished two of hers and they were both good, It Ends with Us and Reminders of Him (was my favorite of the three of hers I've read). Also if you haven't read it The Silent Patient and The Storykeeper's Secret were really good too, the latter made me cry but it was worth it. Those are all my neighbor's books, I try to get the physical ones back right away.

    Hi everyone, new week, it's a little quiet in here, hope everyone is doing well! I've been mostly resting to keep my back from getting worse today but tomorrow I need to do some cleaning as I'm getting my new fridge on Wednesday. I'm not sure if I'll go to the food bank farm tomorrow, may skip it since I have a lot to do. Diet's going well but I've had to cut back more as I was gaining at what I thought was maintenance, skipping weights until my back is better then doing stretching, been slacking a bit at my night stretches so that's up after I finish this. Have a great Tuesday.
  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    edited July 2022
    Weigh-in day: Monday (Sorry a bit late)

    PW (Previous Weight):131.0
    CW (Current Weight): 130.1
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning Team! Just a quick check-in today. My Joe is struggling again and we aren't sure if it's another UTI or low sodium. We are waiting for test results and I'm praying we don't end up in the ER. His primary gave him a test for dementia and he was terrible it was so sad to see my brilliant husband unable to do simple tasks. :'( Tonight my sister and I are supposed to go to our first TOPS meeting and I'm hoping that Joe will have a better day so I can go. We are going to the movies this afternoon to see Mrs. Harris goes to Paris. It's supposed to be a fun feel-good movie and I could use those emotions today. You all have a great Tuesday! :)
  • DanielleHeitzenrater
    DanielleHeitzenrater Posts: 36 Member
    @trooworld thank you I didn't even see the leader boards this week I can't find them.. I hope you are feeling better it is never fun to be sick.. I have friends who have cricuts and they look fun!! I love making the wreaths it just gives me a break from everything..

    @Katmary71 thank you I have 4 more orders for them that is what I have been doing besides remodeling the house because we are putting in a wood stove for this winter and the gardens it has been crazy!!

    @TeresaW1020 thank you they are very fun to make my daughter who is 9 going to be 10 next month has started doing crafts with me as well we made little barbie wreaths for her doll house that my husband built when she was a baby!!

    @Cornanda thank you it has been a roller coaster the past few months and some days I do get tired I just have to push myself to continue..congrats to you getting on the leader board
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 523 Member
    User: FushiaKat
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW: 152.0
    CW: 151.2

    I want to get to my goal weight already. Stop the insanity of my husband butting in to my getting healthier / weight loss. Apparently .05 pounds a week was not good enough for him. When I told him I lost .08 pounds last week, he said "Getter Better" I am angry about that, why can't he just accept that I know what I'm doing?
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I hope Joe doesn't end up in the ER too, sounds like a real tough day, you two are always in my prayers. I hope you all enjoy the movie and Joe is doing better by the time you read this.

    @FushiaKat I couldn't help but laugh, you're doing amazing and it's slow at the end, you DO know what you're doing and he doesn't so good luck trying not to lose it with your husband!

    Hi everyone, it's Tuesday and still a little slow in here, is it mid-month slump or something else? If you need to vent or are struggling please know we're here for you, MFP is literally aside of a pain group the first place I've ever opened up and one thing I've found most the time is what I'm dealing with is something someone else is also struggling with so even though it's hard to be open you'd be surprised at the support and how common some of the issues are that we go through. I'm still flared up, was hoping to take it easy but tomorrow the new fridge comes so I'll be lugging food, I guess I'll rest on Thursday and try being careful tomorrow but I had to clean up so I'm not feeling too hot. Not much else going on, still doing dances each day and the rainbow challenge on my feed and need to come up with a new recipe to plan my next grocery trip. Have a great Wednesday!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - hoping you wound up at the movies and not the ER. Hope Joe feels better. I really hope that he doesn't have dementia and just needs more time to heal from all of this. You're a strong lady who never complains!

    @FushiaKat - you absolutely know what you are doing! I'm amazed with your progress every week.

    @Katmary71 - hope things go well with the new fridge today and that you can rest up after that.

    The good news- they gave me something more interesting to do at work. And this lets me set my own start time. So, I've been able to exercise before work! It means getting up early, chugging a half a cup of coffee and then having a more relaxed cup while I'm working, but I'm OK with that.

    The bad news- The thing they gave me to do is a learning task, and I'm struggling with it. The learning is all on line and I feel like a college student trying to learn chemistry by herself during covid. I ate some things yesterday.....not terrible, but I'm not proud of myself either.

    OK, gotta run- it's time to exercise!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @FushiaKat I’m sorry but your husband ticks me off! :# All weight loss experts will tell you that losing .5 lb. a week is great and you are so close to your goal that you are lucky to get that much off at all. Plus, weight loss is not linear and there are a lot of factors that go into losing weight. Maybe Google some facts and hit him over the head with them. Hang in there and be good to yourself! <3

    @Katmary71 Thanks for the prayers! I truly covet and appreciate them. And I’m praying for you as well that your pain will subside and that you take it easy! <3

    @Cornanda No ER and yes to the movies! Ohhh I complain plenty, but I also annoy myself so much when I do that I either have to slap myself in the face or figure out how to deal. :D I’m glad that work is going well for you and that you can set your own start time and get in your exercise. I’m sure you will learn what you need to and be just fine. Don’t be too hard on yourself. <3

    Hi Team! Well, my Joe is feeling better so that is a relief. He is also trying to adjust to the fact that he has dementia. I have been telling him that for a while now but taking that test in the doctor’s office made it for him. But we have had some good talks about trusting God and each other. :) We did make it to the movies, and Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is a very sweet, feel-good movie. My sister and I also made it to the TOPS meeting. I belonged to this chapter over ten years ago and there were seven women who are still there, so it was a lot of fun to reconnect with them. I wasn’t happy with my weigh-in but that is OK because I’m back on the wagon and I really feel these weekly weigh-ins with the group and my sister will help keep me motivated. I will also still keep my Friday weigh-in here. :grin:
  • Divya365
    Divya365 Posts: 95 Member
    User: Divya365
    Weigh-In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 167.8
    CW: 167.6

    Only 0.2 lbs this week :(
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @Cornanda Yay, you can work out before work, that's wonderful! I hope the learning gets easier for you.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm so glad Joe is feeling better, whew! I can't iamgine having to get used to dementia for Joe, that's pretty frighting but I agree turning to each other and God is the way to go. So glad you made it to the movies and the TOP meeting. I think one thing that stands out from your post is you, your sister, and your husband are a great support system for one another, I'm glad you have such amazing relationships in your life.

    @Divya365 It's in the right direction, I know it's not as much as you'd like but you're getting closer, hopefully next week will be better.

    Hi everyone, looks like half the gang is hopefully doing some fun summer stuff! I was trying not to move much but having to move all the food out of the fridge and back in made that impossible, my freezer was packed and I have a ton of salad dressing. I figured out the medication (anti-depressant) I take for sleep also helps pain which is why cutting in half is causing an increase in pain right now. Freaking medications drive me crazy, I can't talk to the nurse for two more weeks so I'll go back on then have the pain clinic up the drug I take for pain and get off of one for sleep and onto a regular sleeping pill that doesn't make me a zombie hopefully. I have a couple hot dates weekend after next and can't be in this much pain or I'd have to cancel. I haven't been on a real date for two-and-a-half decades and of course once I did the math I started panicking but if I back out now it will be worse next time and he's a nice guy so I won't flake. Doing good with the dance a day and rainbow eating, have to pick out another recipe though. Have a great Thursday gang!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - You and Joe and your sister DO make a great team. You will get through this together. That's really cool about TOPS and I hope it goes well for you.

    @Divya365 - it sucks when you have a week like that, but you got this!

    @Katmary71 - Those med switches are tough on you, but you always power through. I know you'll get this one figured out. How do you like the new fridge? Hot dates?! Oooh, you have to be better for that!

    No big shakes here. Just posted because it's so quiet around here.

  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Thursday
    PW: 139.0
    CW: 138.6
    It’s very hot, work is super busy, husband invited (many) people over for a barbecue in the weekend, and here I am dreaming of laying in a pillow fort and reading by some water in the mountains 😁.
    I’ll walk the dog and it’ll be alright again- he has this funny walk, like has springs and high heels in the same time and a thing for knees, so after watching him for 5 minutes and having my knees kissed 3 times, I’m in a good mood again.
    Hugs to all that need some !
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @Katmary71 I've not read any Colleen Hoover but I've come to the conclusion I am not really into mysteries and thrillers. Give me a horror novel and I'm happy but the others, not so much lol. Maybe I'll give those two a try though. I've read both the Silent Patient and The Storykeeper's Secret. Didn't like the Silent Patient but really liked the Storykeeper's Secret. It made me cry, too! How's your back now? Some hot dates? Woo hoo!

    @RaquelFit2 Congrats on the loss!

    @TeresaW1020 I'm so sorry that Joe is struggling. I hope you didn't end up in the ER again. Hugs to you. I see Joe is feeling better, good to hear! I'll have to see Mrs. Harris, I could use a feel-good movie too. Wow, that's cool that there are still women in the group from when you went before!

    @DanielleHeitzenrater They are posted within this thread and also here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10845957/announcements-and-results#latest Thanks, I'm still sick, I've got the dreaded 'Vid. :( Cricuts are fun! I can do a lot with mine. Wreath making seems like a good way to keep your hands too busy to eat! :D

    @FushiaKat Congrats on the loss! You are soooooo close! I'm sorry your husband isn't being supportive about your rate of loss. That's too bad.

    @Cornanda Oh yay about your job and exercise! I'm sorry you are having a hard time learning online. It's not easy to do, I did my masters fully online with group projects and all and it was TOUGH.

    @Divya365 At least the scale is going in the right direction and you didn't have a gain.

    @GabiV125 Congrats on the loss! Your dream sounds relaxing. I'm sorry you have people coming over to ruin it lol.

    Hi all. I've been in COVIDland, I tested positive for it on Weds and have been without energy all week. Not feeling too horrible, I'll survive it. Not tracking. Not exercising, just focusing on getting better. Hugs to you!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • DanielleHeitzenrater
    DanielleHeitzenrater Posts: 36 Member
    @trooworld thank you for the tag to see the results!! Oh no you are sick I hope you get better soon it is rough being sick and not be able to do anything.. Everyone has been getting the vid it is horrible I think it is spreading more now than in the beginning it is scary I really don't want it either nor my kids ugh..
    hopefully you get better fast!!
  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @Katmary71 I've not read any Colleen Hoover but I've come to the conclusion I am not really into mysteries and thrillers. Give me a horror novel and I'm happy but the others, not so much lol. Maybe I'll give those two a try though. I've read both the Silent Patient and The Storykeeper's Secret. Didn't like the Silent Patient but really liked the Storykeeper's Secret. It made me cry, too! How's your back now? Some hot dates? Woo hoo!

    @RaquelFit2 Congrats on the loss!

    @TeresaW1020 I'm so sorry that Joe is struggling. I hope you didn't end up in the ER again. Hugs to you. I see Joe is feeling better, good to hear! I'll have to see Mrs. Harris, I could use a feel-good movie too. Wow, that's cool that there are still women in the group from when you went before!

    @DanielleHeitzenrater They are posted within this thread and also here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10845957/announcements-and-results#latest Thanks, I'm still sick, I've got the dreaded 'Vid. :( Cricuts are fun! I can do a lot with mine. Wreath making seems like a good way to keep your hands too busy to eat! :D

    @FushiaKat Congrats on the loss! You are soooooo close! I'm sorry your husband isn't being supportive about your rate of loss. That's too bad.

    @Cornanda Oh yay about your job and exercise! I'm sorry you are having a hard time learning online. It's not easy to do, I did my masters fully online with group projects and all and it was TOUGH.

    @Divya365 At least the scale is going in the right direction and you didn't have a gain.

    @GabiV125 Congrats on the loss! Your dream sounds relaxing. I'm sorry you have people coming over to ruin it lol.

    Hi all. I've been in COVIDland, I tested positive for it on Weds and have been without energy all week. Not feeling too horrible, I'll survive it. Not tracking. Not exercising, just focusing on getting better. Hugs to you!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

    Thanks @trooworld !❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • tupsundus
    tupsundus Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I have been on holiday for the past couple of weeks and, I have to confess, it has been a struggle to stick to regular weigh-in days (or counting calories, for that matter). So, to not to overly stress about it, I have decided to take a break from the challenge until the end of the month. Is it OK to re-join the Slimpossibles team in August..?
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    weigh in day Friday
    PW: 229.2
    CW: 231.4
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    Friday weigh in
    CW: 167.3

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    @GabiV125 - The thought of how your dog walks and knee kisses made me smile. Your dream sounds very relaxing. Enjoy the BBQ

    @trooworld - It's sort of a relief once you've got the Covid out of the way. Glad you're not feeling too bad. Get better soon!

    This week, I've been working on a crochet project that I started in 2009!

    Happy Friday Slims!

This discussion has been closed.