TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (July)



  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    BlissfulK wrote: »
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    @DaffyGirl88 thank you, I’m still present and accounted for! I am finding that I feel too deeply what my daughter is feeling. When she wants to get into pjs and call off work and cry.. I feel obligated to be there to hold her hand, but ultimately I can’t keep doing this. I need to learn some balance here, but damnit!! The 16 yr old teenager who never has time for momma and now that’s all she wants?? Can I say No? I really don’t think I can!

    It is difficult though.. I’m shrugging off all my adult responsibilities so easily, just because my kid asks for a chick-flick marathon 🤷🏻‍♀️ Eh 🫤 whattayagonna do?

    We’re gonna work on this! Strengthen back up my ties here, I think will help!


    Omgsh, you look 16! How do you have a 16yo! Lol :) I hope she feels better soon. You’re an amazing mom, with much love to give❣️ It will get her in better spirits soon! Instead of getting in PJs offer to do some fun activities like bike riding at the beach, if one is near. Getting some sun can definitely elevate her mood. Getting up early for a morning brunch out. A walk in the sun afterwards to chat. Then getting some pedicures may motivate her to be more active and have the energy to search for a new job that she likes☺️

  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    I forgot to post my weight! Apologies!! I’m stepping out of the Just 10 days daily challenge to be more present for this group and GOT

    Previous Weight: 154.6

    Current Weight: 153.0
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    edited July 2022
    JbeanR0212 wrote: »
    MUAC Daily Post: Monday (7/25)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes - Net Under (by 12) / 💧144 oz.
    Exercise: Yes - 💪304 kcal’s : Yoga, Vertical Climber + sit ups ⛑ +13 PAI (178), 👟 4,698

    Goals/Day/Comments: Apologies for the pity party. Today I will rise, I will grieve and forgive myself.

    “May you look on the past version of yourself with compassion” - MHN

    * Thanks for the comfort @BlissfulK. That was a backslide I didn’t see coming. I can’t control the past or the events that surround me but I can control my response. To end the cycle I cannot give untenable worth to someone who limits mine.


    Well said, soo happy for you!! You’re amazing and have a bright present and future!☺️

    No pity party here :), you inspire many and deserve comfort when you need it. If you have a moment of need, we’re here to keep you lifted in your amazing spirits!
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    BlissfulK wrote: »
    I forgot to post my weight! Apologies!! I’m stepping out of the Just 10 days daily challenge to be more present for this group and GOT

    Previous Weight: 154.6

    Current Weight: 153.0

    We’ll done my friend! I know how hard you have worked for this so I’m happy to see the scale giving you that feedback you wanted. Congrats on the fat adaptation and the drop! Sorry you didn’t get more support from the keto folks on 10 Days.
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    edited July 2022
    @DaffyGirl88 this is my 7 year old Olivia on her brother’s board. She’s been working on carrying it herself and riding solo so she can have her own next year. Landen and I would also love this so we can play without trading off her ride hitches. She has more than earned his board outriding and turning many adults. He’s excited to upgrade to a 10’. And well for fun, here’s a not so flattering one he took of me.

    These shots are from our last trip. You can see the blue/green algae taking over the water. Our infamous Red Rocks park & amphitheater is in the background (if you can make it out). Dying to hear your SUP story!!!!
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member

    The 10 Day challenge was very fun! It was nice to see how the body responds to different things. The group was supportive! We supported each other with likes and that was more than enough :) I can’t keep up with all the postings with all the groups. I keep missing my weekly weight in here which makes the team suffer. Im getting behind in GOT and posting too, I had to let one go. I also kept forgetting to weigh myself before eating :) I think weekly weigh in is more than enough for now:)
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    JbeanR0212 wrote: »
    @DaffyGirl88 this is my 7 year old Olivia on her brother’s board. She’s been working on carrying it herself and riding solo so she can have her own next year. Landen and I would also love this so we can play without trading off her ride hitches. She has more than earned his board outriding and turning many adults. He’s excited to upgrade to a 10’. And well for fun, here’s a not so flattering one he took of me.

    These shots are from our last trip. You can see the blue/green algae taking over the water. Our infamous Red Rocks park & amphitheater is in the background (if you can make it out). Dying to hear your SUP story!!!!

    This looks like sooo much fun!!☺️
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    edited July 2022
    So that the family is complete. Here is my 12 year old Landen with his paddle converted to kayak mode (Olivia and I were in the kayak this day) & my 23 year old Jordan on lake Powell from when we visited her for spring break. She was testing out my kayak paddle after being jealous that Landen’s converts.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    @JbeanR0212 Wow, way to make me feel like a total loser. LOL

    First let me say that I have been trying to get someone to go with me for at least 3 years now. My husband has to be drug kicking and screaming anytime I want to try something new. I had planned for us to go last year on vacation but the rental place was closed. :s Then I told him all I wanted for my birthday was to do this. He investigated but never got around to booking, so never happened. Our 22 yo niece was visiting last weekend so I figured that was my chance, I rented 3 boards and off we went. Sadly there is no photographic evidence. :(

    We got our boards in the water and, following rental girl's advice, paddled our way over to a shallow sandy area to practice standing up. We were kneeling then. My husband fell in 3 times but my niece got up on the first attempt and stayed up for the next 45 minutes.

    It took me 3 tries to get vertical. The first 2 my legs were shaking so badly you could hear the board bouncing off the water :twap:thwap:thwap: :o so I sat back down. I got up on the 3rd try (3rd time's the charm) but my left leg continued to shake for the entire time that I was standing. I managed to stay standing for about 20 minutes before returning to kneeling and then finally sitting on the board. BUT...I didn't fall in. o:) My hat's off to you and your kids. Although kids can do anything, they have no fear AND their center of gravity is so much lower. LOLOL

    BTW...I will see your algae bloom and raise you one jellyfish infestation. My niece said the only thing that kept her from falling was fear of the jellyfish. :p
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    BlissfulK wrote: »
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    @DaffyGirl88 thank you, I’m still present and accounted for! I am finding that I feel too deeply what my daughter is feeling. When she wants to get into pjs and call off work and cry.. I feel obligated to be there to hold her hand, but ultimately I can’t keep doing this. I need to learn some balance here, but damnit!! The 16 yr old teenager who never has time for momma and now that’s all she wants?? Can I say No? I really don’t think I can!

    It is difficult though.. I’m shrugging off all my adult responsibilities so easily, just because my kid asks for a chick-flick marathon 🤷🏻‍♀️ Eh 🫤 whattayagonna do?

    We’re gonna work on this! Strengthen back up my ties here, I think will help!

    Omgsh, you look 16! How do you have a 16yo! Lol :) I hope she feels better soon. You’re an amazing mom, with much love to give❣️ It will get her in better spirits soon! Instead of getting in PJs offer to do some fun activities like bike riding at the beach, if one is near. Getting some sun can definitely elevate her mood. Getting up early for a morning brunch out. A walk in the sun afterwards to chat. Then getting some pedicures may motivate her to be more active and have the energy to search for a new job that she likes☺️

    I've always thought the same thing!
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    edited July 2022
    @DaffyGirl88 awe I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad. It does take good balance and core strength. You did it the proper way, you should start and end on your knees and then stand after paddling out. Big trick is unweighing your feet so you don’t rock off balance, bending knees slightly and not gripping with your toes helps. Year 2 under my belt & I stay on just fine even in waves standing. I was a bit rocky at first too but I became one with the board faster than I thought I would. Not sure what you rented but I’m betting it was a hard board. The inflatables are easier IMO as long as you can get them to 15+ PSI. I see girls on the water doing wild yoga poses on theirs and have been tempted to try but then that voice in my head kicks in imagining someone laughing at the chubby lady and me going overboard looking like a fool. I’ve gotten really into the freestyle SUP so I’ve been focused in that arena which still sends me overboard but usually at the end of a cool trick. It’s also been a fun way to connect with my son who likes to skateboard & snowboard. My youngest daughter is all of the sudden interested in rock climbing and I find this exciting. I haven’t done it for 15 years but got into it to conquer my fear of heights and fell in love. I might get us into an indoor climbing gym this winter for more bonding + exercise.

    I give you major props for trying & kudos for bracing the jellyfish. I’m a landlocked freshwater girl. Heck we don’t have gators or anything to fear here except for the toxicity of an occasional algae bloom & radiation from Rocky Flats (why I’m always upstream from there). The few times I’ve visited the oceanI have spent nearly every second in those waters in terror. On my honeymoon my former spouse and I were exploring along a sand bar of Holbox Island all day and didn’t realize we had crossed a river until the tide came in and we were on the track back. Had I known there were crocodiles there is no way I would have swam back across. Didn’t know until I was 3/4 the way there and a local yelled at me. Also jumped off fishing boat in the middle of the ocean because I was pressured to join the crew and swam next to a beautiful sea turtle. It was majestic but the moment but didn’t last long for fear something would come up and eat me. Another time on vacay with my kids I saw a shark fin approach my kiddos off Padre Island and I screamed at them to get out of the water. A short while after a baby shark washed ashore with a chunk missing from it. Needless to say I forced them to spend the rest of the day on the beach. I might be an adrenaline junkie but critters lurking in the depths both mystifies and terrifies me.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    @JbeanR0212 I'm just giving you grief, I don't feel bad. It is sobering sometimes when I can barely stand on skis and a preschooler zips by on a snowboard. Reminds me of my first distance bike ride. A 65 yo man passed me THREE TIMES!! I only passed him because he got two flat tires. 😂 I was 45 at the time. I would definitely SUP again but will need a new guinea pig because my husband is one and done. Maybe I can talk @sandkp into joining me. 😁

    Oh and yes it was a hard board. I rented it from the Navy. Their quality leaves a little to be desired but the price is right. Especially if you are just trying something out before investing $$$.

    Scary creatures in the depths of the ocean that's for sure! 🥺
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    Apropos of nothing, almost every day lately I've typed up a reply to a post and hit Post only to log in hours later to find it sitting in my drafts. 🤬🤬🤬
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I love all of everything I just read!

    You know when you are surrounded by heat and humidity for so many days of the year, it actually promotes hermit-tidess!! -Besides the obvious vitamin D deficit, the major symptom of this disease is actually forgetting that there really are activities that can still be done outside!

    If there’s an opportunity to go do something my first question is: where are we going? Second question: is there a/c?

    Also it is true! My daughter(Kyndall) is going to be 17 and I’m going to be 38 this August! ☺️
    Thanks for just giving me the most ultimate early-birthday present ever and making me feel younger than I am! Lol
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes - 1 mile walk
  • Naija82
    Naija82 Posts: 345 Member
    Update: Mon 25th Jul
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over! (Darn nuts again) Fasted for 18hrs 45mins
    Exercise: Yes - 13342 steps, 1hr 34mins of walking.
    Goals/Day/Comments: I woke up really hungry, seemed to have a hunger monster in my stomach, couldn't hold on for a longer fast and over indulged on nuts

    Update: Tue 26th Jul
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes under, fasted for 21hrs 1min.
    Exercise: Yes - 12285 steps, 31 mins walking and a 5k run
    Goals/Day/Comments: No hunger monster today
  • MamaSunflowers
    MamaSunflowers Posts: 231 Member
    edited July 2022

    What great posts to catch up on!

    Week 4
    PW 157
    CW 157

    No loss this week, but also no gain. We were away again for a long weekend, but this time staying with mothers in law.
    I'm trying to keep as active as possible, bit really I need to focus on logging all my calories again.

    We had huge forest fires around my town, and they've just opened up the area again. It is eerie and disorientating without the usual bushes and vegetation.

  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    Tuesday 26 July
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,976 Member

    Week 1 Winners(posted 6-7 times):
    @DaffyGirl88 (7of 7x's)
    @KimR_1986 (7of 7x's)
    @JbeanR0212 (7of 7x's)
    @Naija82 (6of 7x's)
    @mooreshelley09 (6of 7x's)

    Week 2 Winners(posted 6-7 times):
    @DaffyGirl88 (7of 7x's)
    @KimR_1986 (7of 7x's)
    @JbeanR0212 (7of 7x's)
    @Naija82 (6of 7x's)
    @sandkp (6of 7x's)

    Week 2 Honorable Mentions:
    @mooreshelly09 (5of 7x's)


    Click here >> Week1
    >> Week2

    Tops for Week 1 :
    1st - @Naija82. - 1.13%
    2nd - @Brandi_84. - 0.94%
    3rd - @susanshaughnessy80. - 0.80%

    Tops for Week 2 :
    1st - @JbeanR0212. - 0.86%
    2nd - @Sandkp. - 0.10%
    3rd - @DaffyGirl88. - 0.07%

  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Username: sandkp
    July Week #4
    startingW: 225.4
    HighestW: 226.0
    PW: 206 4
    CW: 207.2
This discussion has been closed.