WaistAways Team Chat - AUGUST 2022



  • Tcathey45
    Tcathey45 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Morning! Happy Wednesday! 😁

    @CupcakeCrusoe I have to agree about catching up on the chat. I'm new so trying to get the swing of it.

    @ashleycarole86 I'd like to join the step challenge. I'm back to working from home so hopefully this motivate me to get up and move. Except from my desk to the couch. 😭🥺 Starting small - 5000 step goal.

    I'm also trying to figure out new exercise time. Considering that school will be starting back soon. This week I'm trying to use my lunch hour for workouts. Hopefully after kids are in school routine I can go to gym with my oldest son.

    Enjoy the day all!!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    It's a beautiful green morning! WTG people!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    I'm really impressed with how much you've learned from your wellness coach @conleywoods but more importantly how you're putting it into practise!

    In terms of exercise timing, I enjoy having my exercise done in the morning (and feeling smug for the rest of the day!), but am less thrilled about getting out of bed to do it. If I leave exercise to the evening it's less likely to happen, which is why I basically run/walk with other people or not at all!

    I'm joining the tomato club too! Except I have no issue with quantity as I will just eat them all. Yum. :# My plants were looking a little worse for wear last night, I think a combination of weight and wind, but I didn't have my ties etc with me to support them properly so did what I could and will tackle them tonight. Some tomatoes on another plot are ripening so hopefully mine will follow suit soon.

    We went for a short walk at lunch time, so that's the intentional exercise ticked off and I am working on getting my water drunk, in between fussing one of the cats who is being very demanding this afternoon.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    I did get on my mat this morning, took a short walk yesterday. Never did the measurements. I'll get there. Hubby getting a PCR test today to make sure I didn't infect him. Then my daughter MIGHT come home. LOL I'm still feeling good. Just a bit tired. I'll take another rapid tomorrow. Juliet gets her 2nd vax dose on Friday. That's the main goal in all this fuss. She was supposed to get it the day I tested positive and I ruined it for her. Don't want that happening again. I know someone is likely to get sick down the line, but having her have the most protection is key for us.

    I need a shower and need to check those tomatoes. It may be late to water them right now. Drinking my water and running to the bathroom as a result.

    So nice to see all the conversation. I like the positive, supportive energy.

    @KellyBgetsfit Hugs to you already preparing your classroom and all that. I'm supposed to go in the week of 8/22 to help set up. Start week of 8/29 with meetings.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    @LoraineGB Let's bug each other about the morning delay/avoidance/procrastination "thing" - maybe we can help each other get stuff done :smile: As to my music, I'm a flutist, now retired from my university teaching position but still playing. The combination of retirement and the pandemic put a serious stop to playing together with people for a while, but it is coming back! I do both contemporary music and classical music - madly swinging between working with young laptop-wielding sound artists to "straight" chamber music and also baroque music on period instruments. It all gives me a reason to keep in shape - I intend to play as long as possible! Gotta keep showing those youngsters how it's done, right? Actually, the recording I'm doing in October includes an English violinist (Simon Standage) who is 80! He is one of my heroes.

    Wow, that is impressive, I love how you can switch genres and the baroque music sounds very interesting! I also looked up Simon Standage and what a career he's having.

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar sorry, I forgot to weigh in!!! I did get on the elliptical this morning.

    @micki48 We only had 8 weeks off and kids had 9 weeks.

    The last time I consistently lost weight was Spring 2021 when I did IF. My lunch time is 11:15 so I am going to try to do an 8 hour window 11:15-7:15. I will be back tomorrow with my current weight.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @Kali225 many hugs flying your way. It is a lot of crazy energy going back to work, a new place, snack walls (yikes) and rage quitting a workout that just didn't fit after that is perfect! You didn't binge, and I'll bet that shower felt amazing. You will feel better after some delicious zzzzzzzzzzs

    Who's up for Thursday?

    what a crew!

    And who is running a tad late?
    @mmarceau2 (still in England??)

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    Evening folks! Great job on week 5 of July.. it's been a long time since we've had 8 people participating at once!

    There is a monthly summary for July still to come!! I promise I'll get it done before August week 1 ;)

    Brad and I did an awesome 30 minute upper body strength workout together tonight.. the muscles are shaky!! Love it.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    Tcathey45 wrote: »
    @ashleycarole86 I'd like to join the step challenge. I'm back to working from home so hopefully this motivate me to get up and move. Except from my desk to the couch. 😭🥺 Starting small - 5000 step goal.

    Wonderful!! Looking forward to having you for August.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    edited August 2022
    Good morning WaistAways!

    You're not going to believe this, but I weighed in at 181.8 this morning. If I can keep even half of this loss for my official weigh in tomorrow, we'll be in excellent shape.

    And I'm cancelling the gym for tonight, Whatsisface (what I call my husband online) wanted to play video games together, 🥺🥺🥺 so that's what we're going to do.

    I threw dinner together last night to use up some tomatoes and cabbage from the garden, but it ended up being really delicious:
    chickpea pasta cavatappi (banza brand, delicious!) with red cabbage, bacon, tomato, shallots, garlic, and pesto. It hit that pasta craving while still being a big bowl of stuff because of the cabbage, and a little pesto went a long way.

    I'm just gonna go with posts on this page, and declare bankruptcy before this page, lol.

    WAY TO GO:
    @AshenMoon, well done on the loss!

    @TCathey45 figuring out exercise scheduling before the school year is a very smart and good idea. Once the school year starts, it's hard to add onto that plate.

    @conleywoods it's funny you mention your husband wishing on a star- mine told me this morning that he's finding the weight I'm losing. :lol: Being consistent with food is a great goal, and one that will make for good and reliable habits.

    @DD265 :smiley: love to see the intentional exercise, and yeah, I could really rough up some tomatoes with just salt and a little oregano. Yummmmm.

    @Micki48 glad to hear you're feeling better, and I'm sure like you all, my family is also very relieved to be able to vaccinate my youngest. She's had two, gets her third next month.

    @jugar oooh, doing a recording, it all sounds really incredible.

    @KellyBgetsfit IF really works for some people to create a deficit, and I know if I could make it through the not-eating times, I could have larger meals, which is the dream, :lol:

    @Kali225 Sometimes in a workout your body just doesn't want to do it, for whatever reason, and it's good to listen. I hope today's better for you.

    @ashleycarole86 I love that you and your husband are working out together. Swole-mates. :heart:

    I'm gonna go start drinking my water, hopefully hang on to as much of this loss as I can before tomorrow! Have a great day, everyone!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    CW 155.8

    Deep breaths. I really didn't expect it to be that high. Green from here on out!

    @CupcakeCrusoe That looks yummy! I have tried several times over the last year to do IF but have failed. I am up 8ish pounds from where I maintained awhile. I get hungry in the morning from my workouts so it's a hard adjustment.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in
    Goal Zone
    Maintenance range 160-165

    CW 166.2
    (Out of range 2 weeks in a row)

    Ok - put me back in coach!! This is actually a 6 pound loss from my high weight after holidays but I probably needed 1-2 more days to get back.

    All good - I'd like to get back down to the lower end of my range anyway so let's do this!!
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    I get a headache about two times a year. Today is one of those days, it's not dehydration as I've been drinking more water this week (thanks to the accountability tracker) than in the past 6 months. However, I haven't had coffee for two days so it could be caffeine, we'll see.

    We have thunderstorms today, I woke around 4am to a clap of thunder and it hasn't stopped since. One thing I've found living here in MO, is that we don't have rain on it's own. We have majestic thunderstorms that rage and go quiet and rage again. At least the plants and the fields will have a days respite before it's 91 (33C) degrees and sunny again.

    I'm going to try a new workout today, I'll let y'all know how it goes
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    Happy Thursday!
    CW 155.8

    Deep breaths. I really didn't expect it to be that high. Green from here on out!
    First, I have to tease @KellyBgetsfit a bit. I went to enter your weigh-in, expecting there to be a really big gain after what you said. You only put on 0.6 - just over a half pound. Heck, I fluctuate that much every other day! And it's a bigger percentage of my body weight. Don't sweat that one too much, but your goal to keep going for green is wonderful. Go green!

    @LoraineGB ugh - the caffeine headache. There is no more miserable headache. If that is what you are having, you have my deepest sympathies. I only drink one coffee a day (it's really strong, though!) and without it, that headache can lay me very low. It does pass after a couple of days, but, I'd rather just drink the coffee :smiley:

    I'm off to Montreal today for a play session with my sound artist laptop musician whatever we're calling them these days. It's 3 hours of bus time, but I'll try to walk as much as possible before and after we work. If the thunderstorms aren't too terrible. Tally ho!

  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Shaky muscles are a great feeling @ashleycarole86 - like you are uncomfortable but you earned it so it's all good :D

    @LoraineGB I know a few people who get headaches when there are particularly bad storms (the pressure, I guess) so hopefully it passes soon.

    We had a new side dish of lemon rice with tea yesterday which was nice and fresh, but they wanted 200g rice (dry weight) for two people; I reduced it down to 140g but there was still far too much so will do 100g in future. It's a common issue I have with recipes but I feel like I need to try what the book says before making adjustments. As we have our recipes stored as online notes, it's easy to amend them without writing in the book so we make all kinds of tweaks as we go.

    I am craving chocolate and have asked OH to buy me some on the way home, so I can avoid going to the shop myself and buying All. The. Things. I am feeling that way out, but last time I just binge-shopped and this week I've delegated. Let's see if it's an effective strategy.
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