Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,778 Member
    It's a good thing to do. And it allows you to better determine what goes in what you eat (and how much). And to experiment! I admit to taking the lazy way out quite a bit more often the past few two or three years at least.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,916 Member
    Learned the precooking/freezing meals tricks from hubby’s Sicilian grandma who cooked for an army of brawny sons and grandsons. She was less than 5’ tall and barely 100 lbs but cooked like Titan! And everything from pasta down to the bread was homemade.

    Honestly I had never cooked anything until I got married. So there’s hope for you PAV.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I do a lot of precooking also. Today was premade pizzas for Girlfriend and I. Boyfriend finally settled on having an egg roll with mustard. He's been coping with an upset stomach and nausea as part of his trauma recovery. We're just feeding him what he can eat when he can eat it until this settles down again.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,916 Member
    Alexandra, you are the queen of precooking and planning meals! 👸. And homemade rather than processed foods.
    I’m happy to figure out one week at a time unlike your long term calendar. Somehow you manage this for three disparate eaters too.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,778 Member
    Who said processed?!?!?!?! I think that err... never mind... fudgecycles are ONLY 80 Cal per 60ml (55g including the stick, 3 out of 3 so far!) and what could be more "natural" than gums of vegetable origin? Huh? Fudgecycles have BUNNIES!!!! (originally, at some point of time... MAYBE!)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,778 Member
    we all just need to find a way that fits our life at that particular time.

    Bingo! :smiley:
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    We can do this!…I, too am taking a different approach….being laid up has made me appreciate how much better I felt at a healthier weight….I swore I would never gain all of the weight back I had worked so hard to lose but I have managed to pack 69 lbs back on in a very short time….ugh
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,916 Member
    Kind of an odd food day. Usual egg, yogurt, fruit breakfast. Lunch was a pack of ramen noodles with frozen peas and no seasoning packet. Usually avoid ramen. Then went out to dinner for friends birthday. Luckily the restaurant has lighter dinners. Had a small steak, broccoli and green beans for about 400 cal. Ended the day only about 100 cals over my deficit.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    You don't have a lot of wiggle room, Yooly!

    Let's do it, Connie.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    You don't have a lot of wiggle room, Yooly!

    Let's do it, Connie.

    You know we can because we have before!….I have missed swimming so much this summer….life happens and it has been a difficult year for many of us for different reasons…I am trying to give myself more calories to keep from binging and still be able to lose weight….hugs!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,067 Member
    You know we can because we have before!

    You said it Connie! You'll find your way back, even if it takes you one stumbling baby step at a time. Most of life's progress is made of stumbling baby steps, not giant confident strides.

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    You know we can because we have before!

    You said it Connie! You'll find your way back, even if it takes you one stumbling baby step at a time. Most of life's progress is made of stumbling baby steps, not giant confident strides.

    You are a great role model for how it is done!….
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    Baby steps. That is the ticket.
    I am having breakfast - my old usual - three clementines and tea. And I was thinking of sharing that on the bunnies thread because I'm not sure I'll pull together a good day.

    Then it occurred to me - hey, maybe it is time to start logging again.

    That might be tomorrow. lol.

    Some part of me is resisting. I'll really do need to take baby steps - sneak these little victories in without the hamsters noticing. Until suddenly I'm there and they don't stand a chance.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,778 Member
    Why are you having a hard time or hamsters that are not on board?

    I understand hamsters being on board but getting distracted by shiny ice cream or cauliflower steakettes (and there I thought that portobello mushrooms were the correct vegetarian steak as opposed to cauliflower)

    But I'm hearing, I think, that they're not even on board.

    Make it easier on then to fall in line then not! 😘
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,916 Member
    You don't have a lot of wiggle room, Yooly! .

    Hardly any wiggle room. I’m old and short..... I get about 1500-1600 calories at maintenance. Deficit is about 1250 which is impossible to sustain.

    Today was lots of green salads, tomatoes, scallions with no-cal dressing. A fish taco with salsa in a low carb wrap. The usual egg, yogurt and fruit for breakfast. Unsweetened applesauce and banana snack. It adds up fast!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    I'm confused or confusing - not sure which :) - That some part of me that is resisting is the hamster part - and by hamsters I mean those sugar addicted beastly parts of me. I think they are feeling awfully in control these days and as soon as I start thinking about things like logging, cutting back on sugar etc. they go all snaky and defensive. Kind of like a reactive dog on a leash.

    But. Maybe. If I just move ahead in baby steps they won't notice where I'm going. And when they finally notice - I'll be much stronger then they are? And then??




    Hamsters in the cage!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    Yoolypr wrote: »
    [ I get about 1500-1600 calories at maintenance. Deficit is about 1250 which is impossible to sustain.


    That is like one good sized piece of decadent restaurant cheesecake!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,778 Member
    But it sounds as if you're spending all day having conversations with your hamsters about what they CAN'T have.

    You can't have grainz you can't have sugar you can't have ice cream...

    Why are you lying to them?

    They CAN have everything and anything!

    B U T
    But... well yes, there is a but.

    First you have your nutritional FOODZ because you need to be nourished.
    In sufficient quantity to not be too hungry.
    And you logz them.

    Then you addz anything and everything you want to have... in the quantity that it can fit!

    I don't think there is anything other than one meal a day that could work for most of us if we have full on restaurant meals every day.

    As you mentioned: a restaurant meal can easily get up to my full maintenance caloric burns which hover closer to 3K than anything else.

    If restaurant meals are an everyday occurrence they have to be "curated". I mean either the choices have to be other than just random ordering from the menu, or food has to be left behind, or taken back home for a second meal. Personally my preference would be modified ordering so that the meals are not as many calories.

    But, again, you have to look forward (at least a little bit) to what you're about to do. Whether it is along the lines of finding items you really don't mind (dare I say you enjoy ) eating, or finding ways where you don't feel as if you're turning this into a negative experience.

    You're not being mean to yourself and taking away enjoyable treats. You're taking care of yourself and adding to your menu tasty nutritious goodies... that crowd out the room for less desirable stuff....