Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • makingthyme
    makingthyme Posts: 72 Member
    Good morning.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yes! I found my invite last night. I requested the Rain Dancers. Thank you for checking on me, dear lady. Hugs.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,278 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is a bit chilly outside
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,524 Member
    It's 57 feels like 57 with a high of 85 for today. I AM: All my thoughts and efforts lead me to the success I desire. Axe Sharpening: Food is made to fuel your body, not your fear.--Stacey Erving Jr 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy International Day of Sign Languages!!!!! Action for Happiness: Let go of other people's expectations of you. Fitness quote for today: If you ever feel like giving up…Just remember, there is a little girl watching….who wants to be just like YOU!--fitnessmoti Motivational quote for today: Negative thoughts are the nails that build a prison of failure.--Jon Gordon Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 14,720 steps yesterday. Today's training plan: Back/Biceps in the gym after breakfast.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,609 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,522 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain,, LOVE how much you are enjoying work!! I've always said "If work isn't interesting or you do not enjoy it, FIND something else! Life is to short to spend so much on something we do not enjoy." Love it when we have the freedom to do a job without micromanaging!
    @makingthyme ,,, WOOHOO Glad you in with the Rain Dancers, no matter what happens in life, dance in the rain we can do anything!! I am on Positively Strong 4 Life (CL). GOOOO ALLL TEAMS!!
    May our efforts pay off! They will if follow them! I have 6 lbs to lose during the rest of the year to hit my YEARLY GOAL!! GOOD Thing I had set it reasonable!! WHAT A YEAR its been!! Last fall I had broken my left baby toe, had surgery because it developed a chip ,, in May. That got infected, been in the hospital 2 times with it once in June, again July. Ended up with a picc line and IV antibiotics for 6 weeks, than oral for 2 weeks. It's been almost 3 weeks and I can tell it's NOT cured. Its beginning to hurt, but this time I have to wait for the "seeable" evidence so they can treat it aggressively. No matter what life throws at us, protect our minds, I still have a LOT of fun and enjoy things. Pain is only pain.
    @Patti241 I LOVE how cooler it is!! It's 57 now at 2:30 PM with a strong wind (Fiona is coming up the coast though not on the coast, the wind is at 17 MPH gusting to 27. Nice day to fly a kite! LOL
    @Macrat12 HI Sarah
    @Lindiemaep ,,, LOL Indeed soon you may be have some ice up there!! Now to get a few penguins!! THey are just WAY TO CUTE!!! I know you also enjoy them. I saw some at the Boston Aquarium. That was a fun place to go!!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 5,960 Member
    Happy Friday, hope all are doing well.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out freezing for my walk with some strong breeze. Then it warmed up to cool but comfortable. Almost decided to go home not long after I started it was so cold. But decided to tough it out. Also completed the rest of my workouts. With the adjustment of no bands as it would bother my thumb, and also only did one set as it was bothering my hip and back area since starting work. Also did some cleaning in the kitchen.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,522 Member
    @Kurtize , LOVE THAT!! Mind if I "steal" it?
    @Cseguin2 ,, OH MAN it was the 40s this AM!! By the afternoon we got to 57 which was better, the wind was quite strong with Fiona coming up the east coast. Well she's a passing through the Gulf of Maine as I type. BYE BYE Fiona and TY TY TY for NOT stopping in the Greater Portland to "visit" us. Do any of you live in FL? Hoping the next one forming won't do so. Please be so careful with your workouts with your thumb etc. We do not at all want you to have any injury, the thumb is enough.
    THANKS to my being on the In Between Challenge with the Fit 4 Life in Gr8ter Shape ,, I am so geared up in a way I've not been for awhile to hit my personal goal!! IF my body behaves (HAHAHAHA! I already know it won't, I am starting to feel that "special" pain when the infection is alive and flaring rearing it's not to cute head) I want to lose 4 lbs to be at 165 by the end of the challenge. IF IT DOES behave and allow me to exercise as I wish, I'll aim to lose 6 to 8.5 lbs (the 8.5 means I'll HIT MY 5%!). My year goal is 163 and I WANT THAT SO BADLY!!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,278 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,524 Member
    It's 61 feels like 61 with a high of 92 for today. I AM: I am the power. Axe Sharpening: Always stay humble. Always be reasonable. But always know your worth and act on it.--Claire Thomas 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy World Gorilla Day!!!! Action for Happiness: Accept yourself and remember that you are worthy of love. Fitness quote for today: Keep your eyes on your goals and keep on grinding in the gym. Every. Single. Motivational quote for today: You cannot always have happiness, but you can always give happiness.--unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,403 steps yesterday.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,146 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I have moved so much all my life, but I hope this is (one of) the last! I was a preacher's kid and we moved often, then I was a Navy wife and we kept moving. Then I was a preacher and moved a lot, so it's hard for me to settle in only one place. My brother and I both start rearranging the furniture if we don't move that year for some reason! It's in the blood, I guess!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 5,960 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Help yourself glad to share it.
    Good afternoon all, happy Saturday.


    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    My job is feeding people that have mental illness issues. The age range starts at about 30. But don't think there are any old enough or ill enough for a senior home.

    Today was a gloomy day with rain on and off. Not supposed to be much better for several days. My walk consisted of a 4 block perimeter for 2 laps. Other workouts done. Also got some paper work done as well. Son is here over night and we played Monopoly on the Wii. Also visited my friend for a little bit.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,522 Member
    @Patti241 HI Patti!! Are you using blankets yet at night? I've turned my heat down, but not off!! The wind has died way down now that Fiona is long past us. I didn't lose my electricity, it was sparsely out in our area, down the street they were out for a few hours, but we weren't. I was prepared just in case, but I am anyways because the squirrels LOLOL they aren't to smart here!
    @Macrat12 HI
    @Lavalily ,, LOL I get that!! I didn't move much as a kid, only 5 times. One of those was just down the street to a much bigger house the first one I was only 3 so that didn't affect me other than my own room. BUT as an adult I LOVED moving for many times,, hmm 20 times!! I GET that "oh, I need something very different, I'll change around the furniture thing"!! I did so when the pandemic hit, I totally redid my place. Now though it's exactly what I wanted this place to look like when I first moved in here. It's perfect for me in every way! May you feel the same way about where it is you are moving into! This is the last place I'll live in until I or if I can't be on my own. I over look the harbor. I had seen this place many years ago when it became available I GRABBED IT SO FAST!! The moment I got the call I said "YES" "Don't you want to see it first?" "No, I'll take it, I saw it years ago." But, of course I had to see it. GLAD I did. May you feel the exact same way.
    @Kurtize ,, PERFECT WAY to be healthy it's all there!! TY TY!
    @Cseguin2 ,, sounds good!! Is it in a group home (My GD second job was in a group home with people dealing with brain injuries) we got to laughing so hard when she came home and told me "It's like dealing with you and Momma!" "What do you mean hon?" "I have one who reminds me of Momma, she only wants to sleep all day, and eat, that's it. The 2nd client is like you. I have to be on my toes, I NEVER KNOW what'll come out of her mouth next or what she'll do. I've been training for this ALL of my life!" We laughed and laughed, We still do!! She's in a very different job now. I used to dread days and days of rain, but no longer. We went through a severe drought and now we should be okay after many days Hopefully you'll do well enough with the rainy days.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,609 Member
    Good evening folks, all exercise minutes have been accounted for and the rings all closed on the Iwatch. Amigo helped me do my LTGL - stretching, he didn't growl at me when I used one part of the bed LOL he's moved closer to my desk now but still on the bed.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 you must have some Kenites in you - nomads!! I know I had some in me for the longest time, I loved to move, but now like you am more stablized and enjoying my area that I live in. One day I will most likely have to move, but not today and I don't worry about tomorrow. I had a visitor today, my great neice and her daddy and grandma ( my sister) came by and spend a couple of hours with us. Mya is only about 3 months old now but she is getting big !!
    @Kurtize great poster !! thanks for sharing !
    @CSEGUIN2 it sounds like you enjoy your position, it may take a bit of time to adjust some what, but you seem to be doing fine. How are your studies going ?
    @lavalily I hope all goes well and you can move in and call it a day in the new place.
    Oh dear, that hurricane Fiona has wrecked havoc on the East coast of Canada, the military has been called in to assist and some homes were washed out to see and last I heard one woman missing. Well, what can you do about nature ? Sometimes no matter how much warning you get, and they knew for days Fiona was coming, you just never know what will happen.
    Well, it's time to get off of here, by the way @Dianedoessmiles1 the Vancouver Aquarium HAS African Penquins !!! I have visited with one of them, Hope many times ... and I don't care for snow and ice, so you keep it, here's one for you ...
    27q5tudtm8nj.jpg Hope

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,522 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, trying to get my HOPES WAY UP for a half decent wintah? Last year blahhhhhh was such a HUGE disappointment with only HALF the snow we had been getting. MAYBE THIS YEAR!! In 2012 in one storm dropped a very beautiful 31"s at once!! LOL SO COOL!! OF COURSE that was ONE WINTER I wasn't living in Maine, but in Colorado!! @Katiecondy1 HI!! LOL When I moved to CO the first thing those in my new congregation did was to say "OH WE GET A LOT OF SNOW here!! Have you ever seen snow?" Apparently many from California were moving in. When we said "Maine" they were so crushed sadly saying "Oh than you are.' LOLOLOL we laughed and laughed. BUT!! Soon we'd be joining them when welcoming others who were moving in with the same line!!! Anyone who's familiar with the Northeast Accent (think Boston and up north) knows we do not use our R's. The congregation I belong to often has audience participation with questions and answers. I enjoy answering. One night I had done so and the speaker said "We know you study hard, and enjoy answering, but we can't understand your accent." I laughed probably to hard. My FAVORITE accent is the real Southern Accent. That drawallll is so neat and pretty!! Up here we tend to speak fast, well hey we NEED to it's to cold and stand around. See Linda's pictures above. I CAN"T WAIT TO SEE SOME!! SO NEAT to you got to have your family over today. Awww babies are so precious!! They just are. Amigo please share with your Mom. When I am doing stretches Izzy does them with me. She's sooo funny!! When I change positions so does she though hers are different than mine.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,524 Member
    It's 64 feels like 64 with a high of 81 for today. I AM: My outside world is a reflection of my inside world. I nourish both. Axe Sharpening: I won't regret all the things I wanted to do in this life before I die. I won't regret pushing my mind and my body beyond what I imagined possible. I won't regret becoming the most successful I can possibly be. Will you?--Tony Sentmanat 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Avoid saying 'I should' and make time to do nothing. Fitness quote for today: Before I even start lifting, I Motivational quote for today: Loving ourselves works miracles in our lifes.-L. Hay Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,241 steps yesterday.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,278 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Diane: We turn on the heat in the morning to get the chill out of the air. At night I have my blankets on.
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,427 Member
    Oh reminders of ..need to clean the furnace,,change the filters and make sure to get the ductwork cleaned out. Stack in at least another cord or two of wood, then we will be ready!! Here in SoCo it has been comfy cool at night (to me) in the 50's , only need a light blanket, but then I have two cats and two small dogs cuddled up around me they are like lil furnaces!! Hoping and Praying for a snowy winter!! We have not had enough rain to break the drought but indeed Mother Earth will do as she sees and change seems to be in the process. How we lil creatures we are have the nerve to think we can control her mystifies me. Adapt or be eliminated..
    Diane..oh no..Dad gum it ,,was so hoping that last round of antibiotics would take care of that infection.
    Ya'al take care and have a good day..evening which ever applies! Ta for now!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,609 Member
    Good afternoone everyone, the heat is on in our building but we have ours set as low as we can without affecting the other suites and it is just too hot all the time, so we use our fans all year round and if it gets really hot we turn the a/c on even in the winter. Sadly our windows are open 24/7/365-6 a leap year and it gets so dusty in here even Amigo sneezes which is funny to see a cat sneezing lol
    @Dianedoessmiles1 aren't accents interesting ? You drop the R's and my grandmother dropped the A's so when she was calling me it was Linder not Linda. I grew up close to Detroit and across Lake Erie from Ohio and we were greatly influenced by American TV so we learnt to speak with that accent. Also influenced by music as well. How was your meeting, did you do service afterward, or were you too tired? Becareful not to over do it now .. Amigo is resting nicely on my bed, just enough room for me to go and do my stretch exercises when it is time.
    @everyone I hope you all are enjoying your weekend, filled with activities you enjoy doing. I was out this morning. I did a nice walk around and met a lady at a garden I like to photograph and thanked her for taking such good care of the garden. Also met a gentleman who wants to move into the area and he asked me why I liked living here, well, I said, the little park, the park for the kiddies, being close to the buses and a nice walk to safeway and it is quiet enough... will he and his missus be a neighbour one ? maybe! Have any of you been to Vancouver BC Canada?
    Here's a little taster :
    Rain sculpter at Queen Elizabeth Park - one of my fav free parks - and the sunset view is spectacular at times ! Also a fav for fireworks when they are allowed to be shot off from the barges ..
    Is that your team plane landing yet ?? LOL I love that I am close enough to see planes come and go but far away enough to enjoy them!
    Well I better mosey on outta here and get some things done - hagd