WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2022



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Could barely make out that it's bras.. fun picture! I've spent a decent amount of time in France, but Toulouse is a place I've never been. Looks fun!

    10/15 exercise:
    10266 steps

    What's everyone's plans for a healthy Sunday? We are looking forward to our bike ride!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,083 Member
    Happy Sunday, Friends!

    Here's my weigh-in:
    PW - 186.1
    CW - 185.7

    Back later with my stats.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,322 Member



    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 11,969
    Mon 12,723
    30 min intervals
    Tues 15,129
    Wed 13,163
    Thurs 17,292
    Fri 22,814
    Sat 7,182

  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 552 Member
    Middle of October already? Geez! I’m glad the bronchitis is gone and my energy improved. I’m getting up early to go to the aquarobics class at 6:00 but wanted to touch base with you lovelies first.
    I’m planning to focus on increasing vegetarian fare (legumes, etc.) this week and also increase gentle stretching. I overdid it on squats the other day and my left knee has been wingeing. Getting back to pool exercises has been great. Time for more walking again!
    Have a great start to the week. I’m heading to bed.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 600 Member
    I am re-reading the book atomic habits by james clear and he mentions the 1% changes. @ashleycarole86 you are right how 1% adds up. I am the same way that if I can't do it right, why do it at all? I have been working on my mindset of if I have a bad snack or meal that doesn't mean it has to be a bad day. I highly recommend reading this book if you haven't! It's not specifically about weight loss but his theory about habits can help in any area of your life.
  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Weigh in Day: MONDAY
    PW: 197.9
    CW: 196.8
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Hope everyone is well. @jugar loving your trip reports as they come in. @micki48 I'm sure you'll find your mojo soon. I'm rooting for you. Well done @jane_76 for exercising your staying power and fronting an ugly weigh-in. I'm often tempted to ask for a pass when I know that an ugly number is likely (I weigh myself every day so I can see how the wind's blowing, so to speak!) So well done for swerving that emotion this time.

    Thanks, @YinxFed - means a lot.

    Doing the best I can to not have it derail me. One day at a time.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I'm not sure my steps will make much sense for last week, but here there are. The fitbit did not update to the new time zone so I think things might be a bit wonky, but at least the totals should be OK.

    Sunday - 6971 + 55 minutes bike
    Monday - 10,242 + 20 Pilates
    Tuesday - 11,110 + 30 Pilates
    Wednesday - 13,845 + 15 Pilates
    Thursday - 12,809
    Friday - 18,553
    Saturday - 10,131
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,083 Member
    Happy birthday week @CupcakeCrusoe - I always like to take a week to celebrate my birthday too. Hope you've got a great week lined up.

    @jugar thank you for bringing us with you to Toulouse - I love France.

    I have had a busy day today. I'm getting all of my lecture material together for Wednesday. I'm slowly getting my head around what I need to do to tick all of the college academic boxes. It's an uphill journey at the moment, but I'm getting there.

    Did an energetic workout with Caroline Girvan (YouTube) this morning and I will definitely be feeling sore tomorrow. I also took a lot of new measurements this morning and that was pleasantly revealing. Seems like I've shaved a little bit off my BMI, although the changes in inches overall were nominal.

    Night night, all.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    @lauren_989 It's funny you mention that because I have read that book.. read it last year I think! I have a terrible memory for those things so when my boss was mentioning the 1% rule I had no idea there was any overlap to that book. It's such a great concept though and it's helping me keeping the feelings of overwhelm at bay.

    @CupcakeCrusoe Getting that dance on I see... happy birthday week. Enjoy celebrating wonderful you!

    @jugar As an appreciator of music but someone with no musical talent, it's so fun to hear about your work! Brad is volunteering for a piano event here in Calgary called Honens (not sure if you know it?) this weekend and as a gift back to volunteers he gets free tickets to the shows, so we're going to get to see a lot of world renowned pianists over the next 10+ days or so.. looking forward to it!

    @YinxFed It's so motivating when measurements tell a story... I haven't done many of those but it definitely gives a different pulse for sure.

    10/16 exercise:
    9209 steps + 144 minutes outdoor cycling

    My knees are a tiny bit sore from our big bike ride yesterday, but nothing major. Had a more sedentary day that I wanted due to having to work late and then having plans for a video call with my MIL. Need to get to bed early!

    @bobagurl2017 (for 10/15 only)
    Hoping to get your week 2 steps for 10/9-10/15 by tomorrow if possible as I'm travelling for business Wednesday
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