WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2022



  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @jugar I'm going to take a pass this week. I'm still sick and ended up with pink eye on top of it. I'm mostly living off crackers and soup. I never even made it on the scale. Hopefully I will be back to normal before work on Monday.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,583 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!

    As I work in HR, this week has been very busy with our end-year meetings on performance ratings, so I have been working 11-12 hours every day this week. I’m actually only working 10 hours today which feels like such a reprieve! Unfortunately, it’s going to pick up again with some other end-year meetings next week and so I am going to have to figure out when I work out. I don’t really want to wake up at 5am but that may be the only way to give myself that workout time.

    I am looking forward to tomorrow; after work I am getting dinner with my brother and his family and we are doing BBQ! Then we have friends visiting on Saturday to hang out for the day. I associate gatherings with food and drink so I will do my best to listen to my stomach and not eat/drink too much.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @conleywoods I hope you feel better soon! Soup and crackers are sometimes nice and comforting, but the reasons are rarely good. Take good care of yourself :heart:

    The new workout from the new trainer is going to be good, I think! I have 2 versions of the same set of exercises - a slow controlled version to develop strength and stability, and a circuit version for aerobic development and coordination. I like the guy's approach - we'll see how well it goes!

    It's time for Friday! Lots of folks for weigh-ins - a number fest!

    @wishfuljune - be sure to weigh in before the BBQ, and have a great time!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    CW 192

    @jugar I'd like to withdraw from the team competition and declare I'm in maintenance. This is me, this is where I'm going to stay.

    My maintenance range is 185-195. I'm happy here. I'm going to focus more on what my body can do and less on what it looks like (although I'm pretty happy with that too) I'm going to concentrate on muscle strength and joint health.

    Congratulations! The maintenance place is a good one - you look amazing and play hockey on the regular. What more can we say? That is beautiful.

    In the "Goal Zone" part of the team, you still weigh in every week, just to make sure to stay within your range. You get bumped back to the competition if you spend 2 weeks above the top of your range, and go right back down as soon as you spend 2 weeks back inside the range. Keep checking in for inspiration (and to offer some too!). I love it when the Goal Zone grows!!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Congratulations on hitting maintenance @PlaneMonkey!

    Congratulations to @JEB03253 on your retirement; I'm sure you'll have it figured out quickly.

    I had my health check today - they were able to take the blood on the 4th go! Normally they'd stop at 3, but I'd asked them to do the blood test first as I was nervous, then to give it one last try at the end because I didn't want to go back. I did some star jumps, and that did the trick. I know that my blood pressure is good; the other results will be 2-3 weeks. If it all comes back good then I suppose that's positive, but I'm not sure it'll help me get that dietician referral. I have decided that I'll pay for one out of pocket, if I must.

    The rest of the afternoon/evening I haven't felt like doing much, so I haven't. Mostly it's been snuggles with one of the cats, and I'll go back to that soon. Washed up after tea (baked a couple of potatoes from the allotment), organised the freezer ready to start batch cooking again and done the meal plan so I can go food shopping tomorrow. On the menu are a roast dinner - it's been a while - a pork stew, a lamb curry, spag bol and a chicken stir fry. We've agreed that rather than doing big batch cook sessions, we'll make extra of regular meals and add to the freezer without removing things for a while until it's restocked. Hopefully this will make it feel less of a chore.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    My weight was up a pound today. @jugar I’d like to wait and see if tomorrow is any better.

    It’s been a baseball week here, not with the outcome we wanted the last two games. It’s not over yet!!

    Hasn’t been a perfect week but I survived my first week back at school after Covid. And it was Halloween too.
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    Apologies, @jugar - requesting another pass.

    It’s been a tough week. I received some health news, and although I’m going to be okay in time, it derailed me.

    I’m hopeful for a better week next week. I’m disappointed in my starts and stops here.

    Have a good start to the weekend, everyone.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @JEB03253 It is so good to see you back! Retirement is SO difficult. I found the first year intensely challenging. It is easy to feel useless - the need to decide and direct our own activities after all those years of knowing exactly what needed to be done is a real bear. It hit me much harder than I expected it to, so be assured you are not alone in finding it tough! Let the anger give you strength, the disquiet give you energy, and any other negative thing give you some other gift. It is certainly not easy, but you'll get through it - and we've got your back! Hang out here whenever things get ridiculous.

    @kellie_erin I have said it before and I continue to think that your thesis advisor needs a stern talking to! So sorry you are fighting that and then re-injuring your ankle. Arrrrrrgh! Stick with your exercise any way you can - even if it is in a chair and using a lot of arms. Kneeling push-ups, lots of mat exercises - anything that gives your ankle a rest. Hang in there :heart:

    @micki48 and @jane_76 you also - tough times. Keep coming by to share how things are going. Hugs!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Thank you… very true… the issue is I have dinner pretty late because of work so I really shouldn’t be eating anything after dinner and usually grab multiples just because

    There is a concept that really resonated with me on the Half Size Me podcast that @DD265 is agreeing with in her suggestion and it's basically "know what your nature is, and work with it".

    So, it sounds like this is happening quite frequently for you, and it's challenging to change. Rather than fight that and feel like a failure, I sort of agree you flip the script here. Be a person who plans her after dinner treat. Let it be what will satisfy you. If you have your planned treat and a craving for something else comes up, pre track it for the next night and that way you've made a commitment to yourself that you CAN have it, just not right now.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It was a good week. Thursday night a dear friend took me out for a birthday supper and last night my trailer neighbor and another dear friend turned 77 so we went out for supper with him and his wife.. we are nearly birthday twins. I have felt a bit more composed on the healthy choices scale- feels better. Exercise is still way down. I'm not at my best mentally, in fact in some ways at my worst, so the fact I'm not in a big weight gain slide when in the past I've been someone who has ate my feelings in a big way feels like a win.

    Have a good time in Massachusetts @jugar

    Congrats on shifting to maintenance @PlaneMonkey

    Retirement is a major life shift @JEB03253 .. work takes us so much of our time that I imagine it's a really jarring shift. Look forward to hearing you found your groove.

    @jane_76 I think in the face of tough health news it's expected your progress might halt temporarily. I am glad it will be okay in time but that's still not easy to take. Be kind to yourself at this time.
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