Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,822 Member
    This Cincinnati chili sounds interesting :wink:

    I had plans for nice soup... then freshly charcoal grilled chicken (125g of cooked white meat and a drumstick with a 113g pita, and a 64g grilled onion and 85g tomatoes and cucumbers to put in the pita arrived at the door! And just as I was recovering, I get hit with a second doorbell and with 133g of feta cheese-pies with only a small amount of cheese filling--would be the closest I can describe them...just baked... NOT FAIR!!!!!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,930 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    This Cincinnati chili sounds interesting :wink:

    I had plans for nice soup... then freshly charcoal grilled chicken (125g of cooked white meat and a drumstick with a 113g pita, and a 64g grilled onion and 85g tomatoes and cucumbers to put in the pita arrived at the door! And just as I was recovering, I get hit with a second doorbell and with 133g of feta cheese-pies with only a small amount of cheese filling--would be the closest I can describe them...just baked... NOT FAIR!!!!!

    Geez - why have I never had neighbors like this?
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    I had plans for nice soup... then freshly charcoal grilled chicken (125g of cooked white meat and a drumstick with a 113g pita, and a 64g grilled onion and 85g tomatoes and cucumbers to put in the pita arrived at the door! And just as I was recovering, I get hit with a second doorbell and with 133g of feta cheese-pies with only a small amount of cheese filling--would be the closest I can describe them...just baked... NOT FAIR!!!!!

    Surprise Greek food delivery..this is definitely not fair...for the rest of us! :D

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    I ended up getting a sub from Jersey Mike's on my way back to the apartment. I was tired at that point. I also ended up stopping by the store to get black olives for my nacho bowls.

    And the bowls ended up being so good. Just a bit spicy with the queso and jalapeno. The lettuce gave it some freshness and texture. The only negative was the guacamole. Not that it wasn't good guac, but it overpowered everything else. So I will either use less or I will exclude it from the leftovers tonight.
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    Made some beef soup today, It's been a year since the last one.



    Well...I really missed it, took some fortitude to not go for a second serving! :D
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,930 Member
    Beautiful soup there Dante! I am going to make some of that carob rusk. I’ve looked everywhere for it but no luck. Amazon prices are ridiculous. Almost as bad as trying to get Canadian ketchup potato chips.
    After one of the hottest summers on record, we’re having unusually cold weather for central Texas. Fifties in the daytime and 30s at night. Snow flurries forecast for Saturday! Crazy!
    Rather than follow Dante’s fine homemade example, I think we’ll go for soup Saturday at a Vietnamese restaurant. A big bowl of pho on a cold day.......
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,930 Member
    That would be vegetarian pho because those fatty beef or pork bits add up. I can control beef stews and soups at home but restaurants- not so much.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,693 Member
    Looks delicious even to this vegetarian, Dante.

    That sounds delicious, Yooly.

    I've not been binging this week so far - but not exactly eating at goal yet. Baby steps.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,930 Member
    Today is cold, blustery and raining 🌧 maybe even a snowflake ❄️ or two. Totally uncharacteristic of November in Texas where it should be about 70 degrees. In celebration of our almost 40 degree day, we’re going out for a big steaming bowl of pho. Woohoo!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,693 Member
    I picked up a package of veggie sausages in a flavour I haven't tried before: kale and caramelized onion. Sounded okay - but I'm not particularly impressed - won't buy then again. But one of those, some potatoes and a salad (field greens ... lol probably greenhouse greens) will be dinner tonight. Yesterday was a disasterous eating day only good thing about it was that I'm feeling a bit repulsed by starchy sweet food this morning. I think I have a food hangover - and no hair of the dog is desired.

    Hope your pho keeps you warm! The weather that you are describing is my least favourite. Shiver to think about it.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,822 Member
    edited November 2022
    Well, at times you kids appear to envy my downstairs friend problem. But, tasty as the items may be, they are occupying quite a bit of mental effort and more often than not cause derailment. Because yes: they are awesome tasting. But the world is full of awesome tasting stuff if one desires to go pick them up!

    So. Last night I got a 10pm delivery of 165g of still warm "custard" in kadaif. I've been logging this as bougatsa because it is a very similar filling and the main difference is that instead of phyllo pastry it uses kadaif. Actually the quantity of syrup would play into that too! While typing this I went looking for something similar on the interweb and even though I've only looked/not heard the video, yup the end product looks incredibly similar!

    Any which way you cut it, of course, this was a good 500 to 700 Calories over and above what I had already eaten and the mental discussion about putting it away for now didn't go over very well!

    And of course then I got a jolt of energy at 10:30pm. And instead of heading out for a walk out in the cold, I decided to make soup for today.

    Don't get me wrong. The soup is awesome and would even qualify for Laurie's vegetarian world: 5g of oil spray, 94g onions, 650g of just starting to look a bit wilted broccoli slaw, 475g of zucchini, and 302g of potato, 16g garlic powder, 2g chili flakes, 4 cubes of mushroom knorr, and water to make it all float! It's a good 4+ litres and less than 1000 Cal.

    BUT, of course, I had to taste it. And maybe one of the remaining carob rusks with it. That would be the one remaining HALF BAG of carob rusks... for another 700 cal.

    So... yes... I was a "tiny" bit over yesterday. And NOT happy about my surprise delivery in spite of it being extremely tasty. Food today? Something tells me there is bunny soup on the menu!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,693 Member
    I can see how the delivery would be a problem. I would not be able to turn it down, nor hold it until tomorrow when I had calories available. Bunny Soup today is a good response! Makes this bunny eater smile :)
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,930 Member
    I have a secret weapon for unexpected food gifts. Hubby! I can taste a bit but hubby can eat it all and never gain a pound.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,693 Member
    Does this mean I have to get married???

    Will need to write some odd sounding vows :D
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,822 Member
    who will be MY secret weapon?!?!? :smiley:
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,930 Member
    Well PAV - the lovely CCCGG doesn’t look like a championship eater….. Your dog has intestinal issues so that’s no good. How about guy friends preferably with kids?
    There’s always pleading for mercy from your food sharing tenants. I find showing insistent people my “before” picture and asking for understanding works well.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,693 Member
    I'm cooking up a batch of dal today....a pretty basic one that I plan to make my go too for protein/tastiness for awhile.

    Since the temperature has dropped I'm having dal for breakfast fantasies. I've just been a bit too lazy to do anything about it.

    Today was the day :) Dal for supper - dal for breakfast tomorrow.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,822 Member
    And yet, weirdly, dal is one of these things that I've never "warmed up to" in Indian food, and when you think about it, it is the absolute staple. Check out greek fakes recipes = φακές (if you leave out the "recipe" part your search will be a bit circuitous!)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,822 Member
    added three bunnies (285g cauli) to a bag of swanson alfredo chicken which claims to be full of traces of veggies :wink: Should have added a few more veggies! That's brunch for now!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,693 Member
    Greek Fakes = dal :) with different spices of course. Do you like the Greek version?