NOVEMBER 2022 CHALLENGES -- 11/01--11/30



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,697 Member
    I avoided eating any more calories last night, helped by having posted intentions here. So, thank you all (and MFP) because an online fam really does make a diff.

    Did have a diet soda though - and the water-retention showed today when the scale jumped up 1.5#. But water weight comes and goes like a phantom. It won't matter in the long haul.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,391 Member
    No walking today. Not feeling well. Maybe tomorrow.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,391 Member
    I'm A-okay today. However, it was 34 degrees this morning!!! 37 degrees right now...I might just weight until 11:00 when it's supposed to be 51 degrees...better. It is beautiful out there tho.
    My trainer is out of town this week, so not workout today. :D
    Three days until CJ's arrival!!! :D I'll get to stay overnight w/Sara and CJ so I got a new bag to pack my stuff in. It comes today...thinking about what I'll need. :#
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,697 Member
    Tracking every day now. Weight is down almost 2# from last week. Feels hopeful.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,471 Member
    Paula - great job! Tracking does help, although hard to get back into the habit. I am trying to get back into tracking too....keeps us honest right?

    How's the late snacking going? Still working on it here;)

    Highest weight ever: 306 (2013)
    Ultimate goal weight: 160
    11/15 - 172.8
    November goal - 168

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,697 Member

    Late night snacking has been getting easier, but last night I was soooo hungry again, thinking no snacks, noppity, nope! Right? Then I remembered I had to fast 12 hours for lab tests at 4 the next afternoon and the window for any eating was quickly closing.

    So, guess who had tuna fritters and tomatoes at 3:00 am at night? And counted it as the breakfast it essentially was. ...and didn't have to feel guilty about it either, because I really did need it to get through the day. What a treat! :bigsmile:

    The fight resumes tonight; but the cravings have been easing up (most nights). I'm being hopeful, like running up a hill and thinking: this time I might actually make it ...all ...the ...way.

    How are you handling it? Would love to hear. <3

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,259 Member
    Highest weight: 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 148
    November 30 Goal weight: 169.9

    Oct 31 weight - 175.2
    Nov 01 weight - 175.2
    Nov 08 weight - 171.8
    Nov 15 weight - 172.8
    Nov 22 weight -
    Nov 30 weight -


  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,471 Member
    Paula - What a great choice for your late night snack.... it could have been a bourbon and a pizza :) well done!

    I'm doing pretty well also. Because I do the intermittent fasting (and the small stomach from the WLS) I find that I don't eat enough. And then it gets a little late and I'm hungry. So I'm trying to eat enough so I don't feel like I need to go for carbohydrates. Last night I was definitely hungry at about 8 o'clock so I ate a yogurt (have you tried 2 Good Yogurt? Low in sugar, and really good) with some nuts in there. Totally did the trick and then I was good until I broke my fast at like 415 today. Need to keep working it. My brain has been so conditioned that "deserve" a's BS...but pulls me so often.

    I was able to do sunrise yoga today which was so nice at 7 this morning. I also finally did a weight class on the pelaton app. It was really good. Quick 20 minute upper body workout, I don't know why it's taken me months to actually do it. I don't do well exercising in the cold. I just can't get warm afterward, so my plan is to try to do the Pelotin app during the Winter. I really have no excuse. I have this beautiful fitness area in the basement. No reason to not do it. So I'm pretty happy about trying it today finally!

    Let's keep going!!

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,471 Member
    Had t8asuh2b7dvq7.jpg
    o share...clearly my kitties missed me today lol!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,391 Member
    Karen...such sweet kitties!
    We had our front yard mulch raked up and the lava rock spread out. Our yard looks great!! I can't wait for the flowers to bloom again. It will be pretty.
    It was too cold to walk early. Our housekeeper was coming today, so it was setting up for her and by the time she was finished, I'd had too much coffee and it was too late in the afternoon. :# Good excuses?? I'll be going to the post office tomorrow.
    I need to change up my walking shoes. I need new shoes and inserts and stuff...just don't like doing it...ugh! My poor feet.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,697 Member
    Well, those tuna fritters were deep fried in oil and maxed out calories for two days, woof. No weight loss happening here right now. But I am doing daily stretches, and I walked down the hill and back on Sunday with no crippling repercussions. So, maybe my knees strong enuf to walk again? Worth exploring.

    Karen, Give those kits another squeeze for me, okay? Such cuddles! My girlie is PO'd about a nail clipping and has refused me cuddles for almost a week. :'(

    Chris, Are you thinking of any particular brand of shoes? Do you need special shoes for the inserts? Good shoes make such a difference. Curious to see what you get. :sunglasses:

    I love my Hoka's. (Hmmm, I wonder if they're why it hurts less to walk now?)

    Peace out,
  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,471 Member
    Paula- I'm loving my Hokas too...great shoes!

    I did 2 workout videos today while working from home. Way too cold and rainy outside.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,391 Member
    edited November 2022
    I wear New Balance and the insert I use helps with the ball of my foot. Back when I lost my first 60 pounds, I did it all walking. I walked every day at least 4 miles. The ball of my foot drove me crazy. I would have to sit on the curb, take off my shoes and rub my feet until they stopped hurting. EGADS!! Then I started researching it, found out what worked and have stuck with it for years.
    Got 5.61 miles done in 109 mins to the post office and back. So many people out where it is normally just me and the barking dogs!!
    Tomorrow is Collin's birthday!! Sara goes in at 6:30 a.m. We'll go visit in the afternoon. I'll keep you all posted.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,697 Member
    Oh Chris,

    How exciting!!!!! Welcome, Colin! :flowerforyou:
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,259 Member

    Has Colin arrived?

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,391 Member
    Yes, Collin arrived yesterday. It was a pretty crazy day. I was supposed to spend the night W/Sara and Collin while Pete picked up Ronan and the spent the night together. Ronan has not had a sleep over yet and the thought of it was a little stressful for him. HOWEVER!!! things changed all around! Sara went into Kaiser and took a covid test that had a false positive. She took another on the next day and it was negative. She is not sick. But for Collin's arrival, Kaiser was going by the positive test. Pete was the only one allowed in the room and he could only leave once. They asked to speak to the manager and got it changes so Pete could go to the car, bring up their stuff then get Ronan and spend the night at their house. We can not go help or anything...sigh...we'll do the same thing today. Hopefully, Sara and Collin can come home tomorrow. It has been crazy!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,391 Member
    edited November 2022
    Must go for my walk. I'll be back later.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,391 Member
    Time to meet the brothers, my friends!!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,259 Member
    Chris. Congratulations to you and your family. So cute!!! ❤️

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,471 Member
    Chris - awe..such sweet pictures! Congratulations!!

    My husband unfortunately had to go to the bathroom and 3am and the walker is so I've been up since then ;( I can rarely fall back asleep unfortunately.

    Bella and I did go to the chiropractor this morning which was very needed and are now at their therapy. We are going home after...too cold! Only 30 degrees!
