Airport Lounge Discussion



  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Good evening,

    I will get caught up tomorrow. So for tonight, here is tomorrow's word: EDUCATION

  • Dpecora653
    Dpecora653 Posts: 4,029 Member

    Thought of the day:
    Wrap a rainbow of joy in your heart,
    Let the sun paint a smile on your face,
    Remove all clouds of doubt and fear.
    Receive God's gift of LIFE!

    Have SELF-LOVE Tuesday :)
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,349 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. I am going back to work. I am still sick but I think I am just going to wear a mask in the office so as not to get other people sick. I am kinda scared to do a covid test. I will do one once my fiance leaves for work and we will see what it says. I hope it is not covid. My fiance will have to go stay somewhere else until I test negative if it is. I don't like the idea of staying without him, but I do understand for his job we have to be safe. So I will test.

    @Kurtize - I hope you are able to get your haircut. Also get your poinsetter and Christmas cactus.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I should probably do a covid test, but I am fairly certain I had this before a couple of years ago. I ended up on 2 different kinds of antibiotics because the first round did not work. My eyes are sensitive to light. So computers hurt to look at. Way to go on your NSV. That is great. Once I get over this cold I am back to working out.
    @EclipsedAgain - It sounds like you have been busy. Lots of cookies and lights and a wreath. Unfortunately you might have to buy new lights.
    @CSEGUIN2 - I love it when everything times out perfectly. I am hoping to feel better soon. I hate being sick.
    @LindieMaeP - CBD oil does miracles for animals. It is great. Helps with anxiety and a lot of things. I hope it continues to help Amigo. I am sure he is going to gradually improve from this point.

    Well it is time to get some breakfast. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,209 Member
    Diane: I did have a good time. Now I know that I can't have too much coffee on the same day.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,437 Member
    It's 45 feels like 42 with a high of 46 and chances of rain all day. Insight Timer Quote: Who you are surrounded by often determines who you become.--Vicky Saunders I AM: I am certain that I can be grateful again. Axe Sharpening: Worrying about what you don't have and how far away you are from where you'd like to be preventing you from doing anything at all.--Mike Trotter 1st Phorm Elite Trainer Action for Happiness: Leave a positive message for someone else to find. Fitness quote for today: Morning: I feel like today is a great day to work out and I have this sensation every day.--gymaholic Motivational quote for today: Be your authentic self. The people who are meant to be in your life will see your quirks as the most interesting things about you.--unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 12,330 steps yesterday.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,424 Member
    @novembergail,, Hope you slept well. LOLOL TY TY TY TY they are very undercover!! LOL SO CUTE!!
    @Dpecora653,, so many do not love themselves (Oh there's a balance in that too!) who feel they aren't worth the while, but they are. Lets remind those we love ,,, why we do so. Build up, not down.
    @Tabatha_Cain ,,, Please keep in mind it can be 5 to 10 days (10 isn't the norm) for the test to be positive. Hopefully you aren't positive. Hopefully you'll feel better fast!! Oh I love my 2 NSV!! I blogged about them on the team blog site.
    ✍️🖊️📓💻 Seasonal 5% Challenges ~ BLOGGERS!! ✍️🖊️📓💻️-️-seasonal-5-challenges-bloggers-️-️

    YOU WILL get a message most likely that'll say to the effect of pending approval since this is a private team for 5% members only. There are 4 of us looking for your names and will approve you right off.

    @Patti241, Oh but no doubt it was so worth the fun you had!! YEAH!!

    Rain coming in tonight through all day tomorrow. I used to detest rainy days, and I am still not wild about them, but they give us more time to work on things inside. Its all in how we view things.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,542 Member
    LOL @EclipsedAgain oh I have done that too, so I simply copy and paste the post in the chat it belonged to and continue from there. I hope your having a good day eh ?
    @Tabatha_Cain since you have had this before, and before Covid, then perhaps it's time for a virtual doctor's visit since you might need meds - I hope today went ok for you - if the screen is bothering you can you switch to dark mode or put sunglasses on? That might help some what, the blare of the white screen on MFP gives my floaters aggrivation and I wish I could put it on darkmode...
    @Dianedoessmiles1 yes Amigo still with us, Gene weighed him today, 12 lbs - so we will go from here, Gene went out and bought him dry food to nibble on when he wants, except he is ignoring it for now. He does get up and go get water... His blended food is only good for 12 hours so what I will do is blend the special food and give him that in the syringe then he is getting the good food for his gut ... how's Izzy doing ?
    @everyone I hope you are having a great day today, we are suppose to have snow, but nope no snow works for me, the temps will be rising and I like that, no frost no slip ups!! It is pretty grey out though. Have a nice Tueaday and enjoy what ever you do.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 5,826 Member
    Good afternoon, did get my hair cut.

    @kaliswalker - Loved the snowwomen picture, that's me LOL
    @EclipsedAgain - LOL, I have done the same thing.
    @LindieMaeP - Glad Amigo is doing better.

    Have a great rest of the day, hugs and blessings


  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,424 Member
    @Eclipsedagain ,,, LOL I did that the other day on our PS4L team page. Being a leader when I realized it the NEXT Morning, LOL I was able to delete it, not sure how many saw it. I put a chat on the Exercise/LTGL feed.
    @LindiemaeP,,, Oh Linda ,, Amigo is a tough kitty!! Izzy is doing okay today. She's happy I got up so she can have the heating pad. Meeting tonight, I am doing the initial call so I'll be in person. I did get a ride though.
    @Kaliswalker,,, HAHAHAHAHAHA Ok now that was a HUGE BELLY LAUGH!! TY TY TY!! LOL
    @Kurtize,, Awww TY TY TY!! We also hope you have a good evening.
  • EclipsedAgain
    EclipsedAgain Posts: 3,737 Member
    Good evening all, I'm back!
    @Tabatha_Cain I hope you're feeling better, at least well enough to go to work.
    @Kurtize I didn't know you were here!! Glad to see you :)
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I saw that post! I just scrolled past lol, you're liable to turn up anywhere!

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was TOPS and weigh day. It's not good. I gained 5.75 lbs. I know why and all I can do is keep trying. Couldn't mix up the cookies at work as I forgot the molasses at home and Hubby wouldn't walk them over. Oh well I'll get it done tomorrow. For dinner the residents had pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, soup and an eclair. TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY! My plan is to get my planned exercise done first thing in the morning before I have time to think about it and before my appointment at the bank. I will also make healthy choices for meals at home to help me get back on track.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,542 Member
    Good evening everyone dropping in for a second or two.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I would think your IC went well and you did well - it is a learning for all of us indeed. I'll be watching soon in an hour or so. I did manage to blend up his other food so we can dropper it, he fights but he swallows and does not throw up and his bathroom seems to be going ok - I cleaned his litter and before I could put fresh in there, he was in there using it, so the works are working good. However, one thing I note, he seems to be drinking a fair amount of water. He used to get water from his food which was wet, but with not eating a sufficient amount, he's drinking water several times a day - or is seems he is, he goes and lays by his water dish lol
    @CSEGUIN2 - nothing wrong with a little accountability, good for you for recognizing what you are doing wrong, not making excuses but a plan of action to address the reasons. You will do fine!!
    @Kurtize thank you, I would like to see him doing even better, but to be honest, I am pretty sure, he's going to leave us soon. For some reason he is attached to Gene, so we will see. How'd you like your haircut? I need one but not this month, I hve glasses to get and I still owe 213.00 on them but I hope to have them by the 22nd.
    Well have a good evening everyone, and enjoy what ever you are doing.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,424 Member
    @Eclipsedagain,, OOOPS!! LOLOLOL I did laugh when I saw I had OOPSED!!!! I did write myself a note to please be more careful. LOLOL!!
    @Cseguin2 ,,,, So sorry about the gain. It's so easy to gain and harder to take them off. Usually when I gain for a bit, until I get determined enough I'll just gain. Some of us just do that, then we get that determination and POOF OFF IT GOES!! You'll do this, we know you will. Sounds like the residents really should of enjoyed that meal! YUMMY!!
    @LindiemaeP,,, TY TY TY The IC went very well. My HH forgot a part which was needed, but it was so easy to swing it around into a question and she was very back on board. It was fun. TY TY TY!!! I am sure you and Gene are loving up on Amigo as much as he'll allow. You both love him so much and he easily knows that.
  • Dpecora653
    Dpecora653 Posts: 4,029 Member

    Thought for the day:
    Remember to wake up each morning feeling exceptional! You are important, needed and unique :)

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday <3
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,349 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    Well I hope you are all doing well this morning. I ended up testing positive for Covid yesterday. Then I told my boss and he told me that since my symptoms started on Friday I can come back to work either Wednesday or Thursday. I am not feeling well enough to come back into the office so I am working from home where I can take breaks and such. I am not really big on working from home. I thought I would like it but I find I am less productive when I work from home. I could do it if I had to but I just feel less serious about it. Maybe I should get out of my Pj's and put some actual clothes on to make myself seem more productive. That I have heard can help.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I did test positive for covid. I am not sure if we are suppose to get rain or it is just suppose to be cold. Right now it is cold.
    @EclipsedAgain - Have fun working on the blanket. I hope you get it all done soon
    @LindieMaeP - I am glad Amigo is still with you.
    @CSEGUIN2 - I am sure you will get back on track. You can do it and we will be here for support should you need us.

    Well it is time to get ready for working from home. I hope you all have a great day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,437 Member
    It's 42 feels like 42 with a high of 50 and rain likely this afternoon. Insight Timer Quote: seeing the unity under the imaginary diversity.--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM: I treat others with compassion and kindness. Axe Sharpening: Success's main weapon against you is intimidation. Don't listen to the fear. Attack those thoughts. Shove em' right back in their face and take what you want.--Jeff Huffman 1st Phorm Advisor Action for Happiness: Give kind comments to as many people as possible today. Fitness quote for today: Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.--courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational quote for today: Do one thing today that makes you happy.--Unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 10,605 steps yesterday.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,209 Member
    Diane: Yeah it was fun.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,424 Member
    @Dpecora653 ,,, Debbie, lol I'm just glad I did wake up today. Since we have, woohoo let's use it wisely. Bring a sense of purpose to others, hope and of course laughter.
    @Tabatha_Cain ,,, Oh hon, I'm so sorry you have COVID. Sigh. Hopefully over the weekend no one got it, but likely they may of. Thankfully the strains now aren't nearly what they were at first. Please take care. Oh I'm sure your boss cares, time is money isn't just a saying. Likely from head quarters he's forced to say it. Oh so very likely. I've heard the same thing if you dress 4 the part youll act the part. Lol as I sit here in my comfy (maybe to comfy? Nahhh! Lol no such a thing!) bed with a Miss Izzy kitty who's purred herself asleep on my lap.