WaistAways Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member

    OMG I’m so sorry I forgot to submit my steps for last week! I thought maybe you took me off since I didn’t tell you to keep me in for Dec… if I still can, Id love to continue participating in the steep challenge.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I missed posting my nightly nagging yesterday - my brother called and we talked until almost midnight! He never calls - I almost had a heart attack :flushed: It was one of those endless all-over-the-map kind of conversations, but it was great to catch up. I'm sure you all had trouble sleeping because I had not reminded everyone about weigh-ins due!

    so here it is :smiley:
    Due through Friday:

    We're doing OK this week - some red, some green, but so far a net loss for the team. WTG!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    CW 191.8
    PW 193.0
    LTD 52.2Lbs
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,292 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    good morning all, I'm Sylvia here in Massachusetts, and a longtime Waistaway. My weight has swung up and down through life but never staying down for long...it will be a lifelong battle and I'll always have to be conscious. I'm a snacker, a too-big portions, and a stress eater. I did great in 2020 - was a bit obsessive, weighing everything by grams and tracking every morsel. When and why I stopped? Not sure now but likely life's curveballs hit and a day missed here and there just led to a string of them..and ultimately I fizzled out with that habit.
    Like most, I have quite a few stressors in the mix but things have calmed down mostly. It felt like November went smooth...at least not gaining, and I was checking in on here often which always helps, even if not posting much, just reading, but this last week hasn't been great and I know why, I tried to keep things in the house that I just can't keep - marzipan logs from Aldi being one. Back at it for December.

    This friend speaks my mind. LOL Seriously, @eggfreak I could have also written most of this. Breakfast club. Snacker, stress/emotional eater. When did it happen and how did I learn so much and then forget it? It is never ending. But we are all here together.

    Kids are up. Gotta go. More later.

    Ahh weight this am.

  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    PW: 188.4
    CW: 189.4

    I am glad that it was a maintenance week based on the three days of eating out and my work holiday party. I’ll take this as a win!

    We’re going to a wedding this weekend so this morning I will do another 20 minute workout so that I can re-pack my suitcase to head out for the wedding. I’m also getting my nails done which I am super excited about; it’s been a while since I’ve done that.

    I got my Rent the Runway dress for the wedding and it is stunning. It’s a full sleeve metallic gold full length dress. I have these new black heeled boots that will be great with it. I feel like winter weddings are hard to dress for in general because of potential snow, but this wedding we are going to is also in a barn so I was really concerned about the heating capabilities of the space.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    @wishfuljune Wow! I just looked up Rent the Runway - that is a great idea for an occasion you need something fancy but don't want to spend hundreds. We want photos of you in that gold dress!

    I had a great meeting with my trainer this afternoon. We spent the session evaluating how the program worked for me through these past 5 weeks since we started, what I discovered, what tweaks I made, what didn't work, and then he checked a lot of mobility and strength markers to see how it was all going. Now he'll make my next month's program and I'll have some fun new stuff to work on - and suffer with for the first couple of weeks, I imagine! It is challenging, but I think it has been very effective so far. I feel stronger, more balanced and fluid, etc. It is always interesting to work with someone new - I had not seen a trainer in a few years, and things were getting seriously stale.

    I hope you are all starting the weekend off with a smile!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Weigh-in Update -

    Due by end of Saturday to close off Week 2:

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,292 Member
    edited December 2022
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 224.4
    CW: 220.8

    This just goes to verify that my body is insane with fluctuations lol
    Or that late night snacking really is the culprit!
    Whatever it is… I’ll enjoy it while it lasts

    Great loss! That’s amazing.

    I didn’t log everything…still. However, I wanted to eat something after dinner but did not because I had you all in my head. Yay.

    Tomorrow we are taking my granddaughter to the theater in Philadelphia to see Cinderella. We are going to an Italian place for dinner. I glanced at the menu. I think I’m going to have shrimp and scallops. Not so bad.

    I have a lot of things I need to do this weekend to get ready for the last week of school.

    @jugar sorry you had a tough discussion with your taller half. Glad you came to us to vent. Hope things are better.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    176.4 this morning, so I know I'm not going totally the wrong way.

    Gym today is Poles and Pole Control, a conditioning class where we make our sensitive skin (armpits, inner thighs) feel the weight of our bodies on the pole, and condition the rest of our body as well (work on climbing the pole, biceps, etc).

    Recently my favorite instructor praised my progress and how hard I was working, which made me feel great.

    Yesterday I did the splits class in my house, with the playlist from the gym. Wasn't exactly like the class, but close enough, and I do feel I got a good stretch in. I need to do it more often if I ever want to do a split.

    @ashleycarole classes for this week including today's makes 330 minutes!

    @KellyBgetsfit I didn't have pre-eclampsia or anything, my BP looked great. I had gone until like 42 weeks, haha, and at one of the checkups, they were like, welp, your BP is suddenly VERY high, you're staying here until you give birth. And after I gave birth, now I had chronic hypertension. oh well.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • bobagurl2017
    bobagurl2017 Posts: 62 Member
    PW: 166.8
    CW: 167.6

    Hello all, it's been a busy week. Jack is doing so much better. When he was wearing the cone of shame, he was so miserable! But he's almost 100% and I think I am finally almost done with this head cold.

    My name is Mary, and I am relatively new to this group. Been with it for a few months. Divorced gal with a 14 year old son, and my fur babies: Sherri and Furrball (kitties) and Jack (Papillion/terrier mix). I don't think I mentioned it before, but, in June, I got my first injection for a double blind clinical trial on hypertension medication. I am a bit of a science geek, and it's neat to me, to see what they need to do to test new drugs. The current experimental medication that I am participating in, works similar to the new Covid vaccinations; working with messager RNA. The medication slowly releases itself after being injected into your muscle and binding with the enzyme in the liver that causes hypertension (makes the enzyme inert). June to beginning of December was the first phase. All the participating patients received an randomized injection. I still don't know if I received a placebo or the study medication in June. Anyways, the second phase of the study started this week. The patients could elect to get the experimental medication, which I did. It felt different, getting the injection. More pain and burning sensation in the injection site. So, I am thinking that the first injection I received was a placebo.

    Anyways, participating in this study really caused me to take my health more seriously. When they were screening me to be a participant, they told me that my labs showed that I am borderline diabetic. It caused me to ask myself, when is my health going to be a priority? Can I see myself injecting myself with insulin if I continue on my current path? I really hate needles. So....

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!


  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    The discussions lately about blood pressure are really interesting. I love that you are involved in a study @bobagurl2017 - the science is fascinating. I was hoping to be in a study recently, but I did not qualify. I did not have enough memory loss, so I guess that's a good thing! I think we'll all be interested in your ongoing results with the blood pressure clinical trial, but it is also good to hear that the screening helped you get on the path to improving your health in general. Pre-diabetes is a big yellow loud canary singing to us, and it helps!

    @CupcakeCrusoe great job! I have a quick question, though. Do you want me to use your weigh-in from yesterday (your "official" weigh-in day) or this one from today? I have put in today's for now, but let me know if you'd rather stick with yesterday's. Thanks!

    The sun is shining. I am gonna get OUT! I hope all of you get a chance to get out today too :smiley:
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    @jugar we can keep today's. If I don't make enough progress by Friday, that's fine. :smiley:

    @bobagurl2017 that is so cool!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,246 Member
    The December Week 2 Group Challenge is ready and will begin Sunday, Dec 11th. Join the team for Holiday Survival Planning. Here's your link:


    Hope to see you!
    Jessica :blush:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited December 2022
    annieo22 wrote: »
    I didn't realize that myweight posting was Saturday. I do prefer Sunday if that is fine and I will post tomorrow for the week.
    I live in Ocala Florida with my husband and we enjoy "retired" living which really means sitting longer on the couch than you ever had time for before.

    Found you! Please do all posting on this team chat thread. Great to see you!

    I totally get the retired=couch equation. We'll help get you going, I hope! If you have a weigh-in for THIS week, that would be fantastic. Sunday is our day 1 of each new week, so tomorrow is actually week 2. If you have tracked and written down last week's weight, let me know. Thanks!

    Now that we have you here on the team chat (hopefully), it would be good for you to go back to the first page and read the introductory information. If you have time to read everything from there to here, go for it! If not, no worries. You'll get to know everyone soon enough.
This discussion has been closed.