Shape Shifters Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    Woot! Woot! Christmas vacation has officially started for me. I go back to work on January 3rd. Time to clean, focus on me, my family and friends, housekeeping, etc. Snow is headed this way. I'm so excited...I just can't hide it...sigh...a great big smile.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,337 Member
    edited December 2022
    Current Weigh In:

    This is my first official Weigh in out of Maintenance
    I see that I'm still in the Maintenance category- I thought I was taken out of there @jessicakrall8 ?
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,337 Member
    12/17 8.000
    12/18 7,530
    12/19 8,844
    12/20 11,336
  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    12/11 8684
    12/12 9021
    12/13 9937
    12/14 7304
    12/15 7434
    12/16 6890
    12/17 10325
    12/18 9871
    12/19 2495
    12/20. 2565

    well, some are not too bad but the last 2 days were 16 hours of straight work. 2 more days like this…I hope I survive it. Lol
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    Current Weigh In:

    This is my first official Weigh in out of Maintenance
    I see that I'm still in the Maintenance category- I thought I was taken out of there @jessicakrall8 ?

    You're in both tables...I'm only reporting on your stats in the ACTIVE table. I think she left you in the Maintenance as she knows you'll be back soon. Does this mean you get to cause double trouble?! NO! :blush:

    Nice loss this week! Happy Holidays!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    ac204 wrote: »
    PW: 189.4
    CW: 187.7

    Flu bug got us 🤧 I started feeling under the weather last week. Tried to rest, eat well and fight it but lost and been in bed for the last few days. Feeling better today but have a horrible cough and low energy still.

    @Jessicakrall8, I'll post my steps in next day or two when I'm up and using my computer again. Unfortunately steps will be low. I tried getting out a little but it was tough.

    Feel better soon @ac204 !! I'm headed tomorrow to get a flu shot and my first shingrix vaccine...hoping it won't knock me out all weekend, but I have the time off, so feels right. Hope you can kick the flu and enjoy the holidays!! Don't worry about your steps...just rest and get your strength back! Nice loss this week, but sorry for the circumstances!
  • TexanMom8152
    TexanMom8152 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm sure you have all heard the saying "a day late and a dollar short", in my case it's a day late and a pound up.

    Weigh Day - Tuesday
    PW 241.4
    CW 242

    We went out to west Texas for the week, but with the cold weather pushing in, we decided to come back early. If we are going to spend most of the day inside, why not do it at home. Jason can spend time with his friends that are also home for Christmas before getting on the bus to go to the bowl game. Part of the decision, we spent all day yesterday binge watching 1883. All 10 episodes in one day.

    @jessicakrall8 - Shingrix is tough. The first shot is the worst. We also took it along side the Flu shot last year. Plan on pampering yourself with a low key day.

    @ac204 - Hope you feel better soon.

    @SavageMrsMoose - Crazy story, but my husband loves dipping Oreo cookies in a dark red, Cabernet or Merlot. When he left a job close to 20 years ago, his staff bought him a box of Franzia and a huge pack of double stuffed Oreos. M&Ms almost sound like a step up. 😁

    So my first attempt at using the spoiler feature - This is Jason throwing corn to the lake deer. They are like pets at the lake - no hunting allowed. (Now on our land 5 miles away...)

  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Previous weight-166.8
    Current weight-166.8
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,813 Member
    20 Dec: 20.583
    21 Dec: 19.707
    Happy Thursday everyone <3
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    CasandraW wrote: »
    @jessicakrall8 can you please excuse me from weigh ins until January please. I’m somewhat watching my consumption but don’t want the stress of it. I will weigh in January 7th.

    @CasandraW I've asked the MODS to mover you to the Support team until January. That will give you a break from weigh ins and you'll be back up and running starting Jan 7th. Enjoy your holidays! CONGRATS on your badges meeting your exercise goals for two years straight! THAT'S QUITE AN ACCOMPLISHMENT! WOOHOO!! :blush:
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal loved the link to the minimum, better and preferred concept about dealing with food and exercise. Definitely made me think about where I'm at at need to go. Also, love your positive thoughts about the holidays. Like many, I do have some sadness with this time of year over lost loved ones, and it is so important to remember what this is all really about.... A time for reflection and kindness.

    @TexanMom8152 I can't imagine what would go better with an oreo than a nice cab! Lovely picture! Sounds like Texas won't get it as bad as in Feb 2021.... but stay warm.

    @ac204 Hope you feel better soon!

    @CassandraW Amazing accomplishment!! Those stinking Applewatch challenges are HARD!

    Quiet day for me here in Colorado. We are missing most of the storm, but my daughter was going to fly home on Christmas Eve through Chicago has changed her flight to come home through Denver on Christmas Day when hopefully things will be better. At least she will be with her fiancee's family and not stuck at O'hare...

    Everyone enjoy their holiday times!
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    And the snow started earlier today but has started slowing down. Icy Temps near or below zero so unless I'm walking Dinah, my butts inside. My little great nephew ended up in the er today with a 105 temp. Flu A.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,376 Member
    @Armygirlarmyof1 - I hope your nephew is better soon — how scary!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,376 Member
    Here’s my weekly weigh-in report:

    Name: PatriceFitnessPal
    Weigh-in day: Thursday
    PW: 131.6
    CW: 131.5

    SW: 168
    LTD: 36.5

    That’s not much of a loss but I’ll take it!

    P.S. I wrote this yesterday but realized this morning that I saved the draft and forgot to send it. Sorry for the delay in posting @jessicakrall8!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    Good morning y'all:

    Temps are dropping today from 55 down to single digits overnight! Brrr! I'm calling this @jugar weather! LOL (She loves the cold)...we're literally polar opposites! LOL! Aren't you lucky, me and my comedy are appearing here FOR FREE all week! :blush: ANYWHOOoo...I got up early to get my shower before temps get crazy, so my hair will be dry before I head out. I'm feeling fine after my two vaccines yesterday and only have sore arms. I am headed to the grocery right before noon to pick up the last few things I need for the holiday. I'm not doing anything fancy, so it's mainly staples I'm picking up. Winds are whipping here already, so I'm keeping most of the drapes closed and have towels under the outside doors, to avoid drafts...doing all I can do to keep things warm and toasty. Reading a really good holiday book right now so looking forward to curling up with some hot chili later in my favorite oversized sweatshirt (that used to be too tight to wear and now looks like a dress YES!!) and reading tonight. Hope you guys stay warm and toasty, safe from the storms going across the US. If you live somewhere warm, PLEASE send me pictures!! I'm beyond jealous!

    Got my walking done this morning plan another walk for this evening, indoors of course...

    Keep your animals indoors and please travel safe if you're on the road or in the air over the holidays! OK I've given out all my free advice...anything else and I'd have to charge ya! LOL

    Enjoy your day! Post some pics if you have warm climates or want to share your decorations and/or pet pics! I LOVE THOSE!

    Jessica :blush:
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,594 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Tue 12/20: 15,994
    Wed 12/21: 10,456
    Thu 12/22: 13,402
This discussion has been closed.