Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hey y'all!

    Somebody said something about brewing tea and using it to make their oatmeal. I can't remember who it was because I didn't write it down, but I can't wait to try this in the morning. This sounds like such a great idea for flavoring. I also need to do something different with my oatmeal because it has gotten boring.

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly Leslie Sansones "Walk at Home" workouts are my absolute favorite. She's fun!!

    @shaunarlr83 Congrats on that divorce. You look fabulous in that picture of you in front of the court house. Girl, have that party. I did when my divorce was final about 20 yrs ago now and it was so much fun.
    @Katmary71 My ideal time to wake up would be around 8:00ish.... right now, I'm sleeping till around 10:00-10:30ish. That is so late and I feel like I could accomplish so much more if I got my butt out of bed earlier.

    Today was a good day! My living room is completely put back together. It looks nice. I got a lot of exercise moving shelves and tables and boxes. Changed a few things around etc... and I definitely hit my step goal. Lol, my hubby even made dinner. My food choices were on point, well.... kind of anyway. We had pork tacos w/white corn tortillas, cheese, green salsa verde and green onions. They were so good.

    I had a dr appt today to see my regular about a "lung cancer screening" they are sending a referral authorization to my insurance company. I'm positive I don't have it but because I was a heavy smoker for about 35 yrs. I quit smoking about 9 yrs ago, 10 yrs this September so, I'm not worried. They feel it wouldn't hurt to get a screening.

    Anyways, its after midnight and I'm feeling tired so, I'm gonna watch my shows. Y'all have a great evening/day 😀😀
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @AmbersWay- how low does your blood sugar get? I have that issue but have never tested. It's not a good feeling when it gets low. I try to eat a lot of protein and I find I have less problems that way. Now if it dips, it's when I've eaten something carby without much protein, or gone too long between meals. I take snacks with me everywhere so this doesn't happen. When it's down, yes you need to bring it up quickly, but to keep it staying up, you need protein. @Katmary71 's idea of a turkey sandwich is great. I think milk could work too. And I found this:
    The 15-15 Rule
    For low blood sugar between 55-69 mg/dL, raise it by following the 15-15 rule: have 15 grams of carbs and check your blood sugar after 15 minutes. If it’s still below your target range, have another serving. Repeat these steps until it’s in your target range. Once it’s in range, eat a nutritious meal or snack to ensure it doesn’t get too low again.

    Definitely want to eat whatever and quickly when mine dips!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @AmbersWay Enjoy the chili! Yes, we will lose it soon! I am trying to add more activity in to see if that helps. We'll see! Great job with your no zero wins! How nice to get a new dining set. It's nice to sit at a table and eat, isn't it? We don't really do that (we sit in the living room since our dining table is so small) but I like to do it.

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly Great job!:D

    @Katmary71 My husband made a date bread for me to take to work but other than that, I don't. I do have some recipes with dates in them but haven't made them. Oh, your comment reminds me I have made dates stuffed with blue cheese and wrapped in bacon! Yum. I'm so glad you got some sleep! LOL about the turkey burgers!!! Great no zero wins!

    @lrjogger1 Thank you! <3 You are doing amazing!

    @DrewsAnna It was @vegan4lyfe2012, our tea girl! :D That's great you got everything packed away. Yum, pork tacos, I'm having those on Saturday. That's good that you are getting screened even though you quit 9 yrs ago, better safe than sorry.

    Hello all. Another day and it didn't work out to work out: my husband is still injured and I had to cook dinner before my 6-7pm webinar. So, I try again today, although I have a headache so that may not happen. I bought these almonds on Amazon called SkinnyDipped Almonds. They are freaking delicious! The bags are really small (like maybe 6-8 almonds in each bag) but they are super satisfying. You may be able to find them at Target or Whole Foods: https://a.co/1BG6hFq

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I resisted the carrot cake in the break room.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I have seen "no zero days" on a few posts. What does that mean? I hope this isn't a stupid question!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Last night I did 30 minutes of Leslie Sansone walking. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I have not pushed myself to work out for so long. I accidentally picked a workout with boosted walking, which is basically jogging, and I felt uncomfortable but not enough to stop. It will get easier!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    @Becoming_A_Butterfly heres @trooworlds post, click the link at the bottom to read the original post!
    trooworld wrote: »

    I invite you to join me on a quest for a NO ZERO DAYS 2023! What is No Zero Days? There are 4 simple ideas behind this:
    1) There are no more zero days. A zero day is when you don’t do anything towards your goals. But that doesn’t mean you have to go full-throttle on your goals each day, no, just do something small if you have to, do a single push-up, walk to the mailbox, drink one less soda…anything not to report a zero day. Do one thing to make your life better each day.
    2) Be grateful to the 3 YOUs: the past you, the present you, and the future you! Be GRATEFUL to the past you for the positive things you’ve done. Did you do that push-up yesterday? THANK YOU YOUNGER ME. Second part of the 3 me’s is you gotta do your future self a favor, just like you would for your best friend. Tired and can’t get off reddit/videogames/interwebs? This one’s for future me, i’m gonna rock out p90x Ab Ripper X for 17 minutes. I’m doing this one for future me. Alarm clock goes off and bed is too comfy? This one’s for my best friend, the future me. I’m up and going for a 5 km run (or 25 meter run, it’s gotta be non zero). MAKE SURE YOU THANK YOUR OLD SELF for rocking out at the end of every.single.thing. that makes your life better. The cycle of doing something for someone else (future you) and thanking someone for the good in your life (past you) is key to building gratitude and productivity.
    3) FORGIVE YOURSELF. Tried your best to have a nonzero day yesterday and it failed? so what. I forgive you previous self. I forgive you. But today? Today is a nonzero masterpiece to the best of my ability for future self.
    4) Exercise and books: exercise is self-explanatory but the books, read a self-improvement book…reading gets you to the next level! I recommend Healthy as *kitten*: The Habits You Need to Get Lean, Stay Healthy, and Kick *** at Life. It does have a lot of F bombs in it, but I found it very helpful!

    Here’s more detailed information and where I got the above info:

  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    @trooworld - I love the workouts your doing!! I am trying to be patient and ride out the harassing. I know from the life we had together that he gets that way when he’s on a binder, I do also know I shouldn’t be tolerant of it anymore. I’m quite pleased with my patience and ability to let things go and just move on. I’m hoping it’s near the end of dealing with him but if not I will put an end to it soon. I just looked at those dates two days ago, now I wish I would have grabbed them. Those almonds look amazing, I’m currently eating my favorite, blue diamond blueberry oven roasted….so good but not the healthiest! I found out my brother loves trail mix but doesn’t like a very wide mix of nuts 😂 he approves of almonds so I’ll be looking for these!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - great idea with the tea in oatmeal!!! I’m definitely trying that soon! Sorry I missed your birthday and no grays???!? Wow! I’ve gone all blonde bc of how many I have! 😆

    @megnolia82 - I’m so glad you found out what was going on and was able to start treating it.

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly - I’m sorry you had another rough week last week. Love the inspirational pic! 😍 Great job getting those workouts done!!! Hope you enjoy it more next time.

    @19shmoo69 - I know several people that have been told they have a vitamin D deficiency and that is why they are tired all the time. Maybe you could try adding that in or getting outside a bit more.

    @hlnnan - making the leaderboards is always a great payoff!! It’s okay to have some off weeks just get back to it as soon as you can.

    @tammymccrady6278 - I felt the same way when I was married to someone who could eat whatever whenever. It’s hard! I have also started over again and again. I think you have the mindset to be better for yourself! You’ve got this!

    @Katmary71 - ugh that rain…I’ve been thinking about y’all out there dealing with that and to know it’s wreaking havoc on your health is the pits. Hugs! That soup sounds good! I’ve been enjoying your rainbow challenge update and I’m trying to do that for the fam in my days to cook! I’m glad you got some rest! Poor repairman lol! Hope the trip to Sac was better!

    @Cornanda - great mindset, little by little changes is the best way to go so I think your right where you need to be!

    @lrjogger1 - I’m glad you had a good vacation, great job exercising and maintaining No Zero Days!! I can’t imagine juggling school, walk breaks sounds like a great plan of action.

    @happysquidmuffin - That challenge sounds so fun! What a great way to motivate each other!

    @FushiaKat - now I’m craving cake! That sounds so delicious! I hope you enjoy your garden time!

    @DrewsAnna - I’m still working on earlier days too, I feel so much better and get so much done but I love my sleep! Yay for you stopping smoking years ago. Hope the screening is good. I’m glad you had a great physical day. I love the days I accomplish a lot, makes me feel so great!

    @AmbersWay - I’m going to have to try the tuna salad with cucumbers, I like it with apples so that sounds good too!

    @GabiV125 - I love making lists!!! Great job actually checking some things off!

    Thank you all for the congratulations! I actually was not sad at all. It was beyond time to leave and make a change. Best part was I new I had some black slacks but didn’t realize they were size 8s, I was shocked they fit!! I’m really excited for my future now and before I used to just sit and worry what it might be like.

    Athena’s body was found 2 days ago about 20 miles away on the couples old residence land. The woman fessed up that her husband beat her to death. The most heartbreaking part…..it happened on Christmas Day! We are all forever shaken by this. He buried her where they used to live and then they proved themselves to be even more horrid when they spent the next few days getting their hair and her nails done and dressing up to attend a company Christmas party. We all believe the story about leaving him for another guy was made up and she is probably more at fault than she admitted to. They did leave the 5 year old sister alone in that house for at least the weekend if not longer but from the sounds of it, compared to all the other disgusting things they did to these kids, leaving her home alone was probably one of the nicest things they had ever done for her. I’m so glad she is safe now. The entire truth will come out eventually but at least Athena has finally been found. I won’t update on this tragedy anymore unless you just want to know.

    We didn’t make a meal plan this week but we are all still doing great coming up with Healthy whole food meals. I just got my broken tooth fixed and have made it to the gym with my daughter the past two night after midnight. My mom took me to eat seafood and have a drink to celebrate my freedom. My ex-husband (that’s the first time I’ve said that 😂)has been leaving me alone but it’s only been two days so we shall see if it continues. Yesterday I cleaned at my aunts and also helped my brother reorganize his kitchen cabinets. Tonight I plan on working out with the nieces again if it isn’t too cold for them.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 542 Member
    Yes, I've tried those containers that make produce last longer, they work really great for strawberries. I own 2 of them but since my produce does not stay around that long I don't use it that often. I also noticed that when we got a new refrigerator 3 years ago that food lasts longer. Haha, I had to laugh about the turkey burgers. I hope you got your freezer fixed.

    I've been doing yard work the past 2 day's and I'm sore. There are so many weeds in my cactus garden. My husband say's I can only be out there 1 hour per day, but I like 2 hours. It's going to take me about a week or more to finish weeding. We also pruned the cypress plant. We borrowed our neighbor's Green Waste container and filled it up.

    I received a Jury Summons but I'm so paranoid about getting covid that I asked my doctor for an excuse. I just have to stop by tomorrow and pick up the letter. Plus, I don't think they will let me take my medication in the court room or go to the bathroom every hour in the morning. I would just be thinking how crummy I feel vs. paying attention. And I would need a reader since I wear hearing aids and can only hear if people speak slower and look at me most of the time. I love the hearing aids but the worlds a bit scary for me right now because I have not heard a lot of sounds for the last 11 years, so my brain has to relearn what they are. I'm having anxiety over it. I'm not giving up, but I never thought it would be so hard.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @Becoming_A_Butterfly Not a stupid question at all and thank you, @shaunarlr83 for a perfect answer! :D 30 mins of Leslie is AWESOME! 30 mins is what the CDC and the American Heart Association recommend, so you are kicking booty, and YES it will get easier, hang in there! https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/fitness-basics/aha-recs-for-physical-activity-in-adults or https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/adults/index.htm

    @shaunarlr83 Thank you! I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I'm glad you know what is going on. Oh girl, those dates are really good and such a good thing for a sweet tooth! I've never had the blue diamond blueberry but I think I need to lol. WOO HOO about the size 8 pants, nice NSV! I'm so sorry to hear about little Athena, how tragic. :( Some people are pure evil. I just don't understand.

    @FushiaKat Sounds like that yardwork is quite the workout! I'm glad you've got a reason to get out of jury duty, that's no fun to go to.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I resisted the carrot cake in the break room.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member

    Anybody have a recipe for this?

    Asking for a friend.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @19shmoo69 HAHAHAHA!!!! I have a lot of recipes, but no, I don't have one for this one.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi everyone! Today has been a challenge. I really struggled cuz I wanted to munch all darn day. And not on good stuff but I managed no only end up having 2 cookies and I stayed within my calorie intake. So a big yah goo that the day is almost done and I will go to bed one step closer to being healthy. Now I know how an addict feels I think. Food has always been my go to. Didn’t matter if it was comfort, stress , happy. Anything sent me to the cupboard. Today I managed to stay away for the most part. I sure hope it gets easier.
    I have gotten all my step goals in as well as my water Sure Hope tomorrow is easier lol.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    edited January 2023
    @DrewsAnna Have you ever tried savory oats? I kept hearing about overnight oats but didn't think I'd like them cold and really do, I'm glad I finally tried them! I still haven't tried savory oats though. I've been trying to get up by 8, gives me good time to get things done before Noon which feels great and is when I feel better. Sounds like a serious workout in the living room and good meals. Congratulations on quitting smoking, I know how hard that is! I hope the screening goes well and there's no issues, better to be safe.

    @Cornanda The snacks on the run are so important with diabetes, I had stopped crashing and wasn't worried as much then it happened while out shopping after a blood test and didn't have anything but mints, nice reminder of what I need to be doing.

    @trooworld Haha dates with cheese and bacon sounds awesome (definitely not the WFPB treat I was thinking of!), great job resisting carrot cake, those almonds sound awesome! I love the river meme

    @GabiV125 I hope your mood lifts, the music always helps me and I hope it helps you.

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly I'm glad you asked about No Zero Days, I see @shaunarlr83 helped with that. I had no clue Leslie Sansone does boosted walking, since I have to stick to no impact I was a little bummed by it but found more that are “no boosted walking” workouts. Jenny Ford on YouTube is decent too for walking ones. If you want one that's a cross between dance and walking videos let me know, I have someone in mind but can't recall her name.

    @shaunarlr83 Thank you on the rainbow challenge, it's fun seeing all the colors in things like salad or mixed veggies, have fun cooking the rainbow! Loved seeing you rock those 8s! Poor Athena, what a horrible situation, I'm so sorry to hear about her. Sounds like you had a fun time with your Mom, I'm glad she took you out. I love that your family is all on board with being healthy, what a wonderful support for all of you.

    @FushiaKat Sounds like you have your exercise planned for the week working on those weeds! I think you're making the right choice on jury duty especially because you have pain too, if you could slowly expose yourself to noise and adjust that seems easier than 8 hours in a courtroom. I get overwhelmed when my pain is bad at any other incoming stimuli if that makes sense so I think if you're the same it's smart.

    @19shmoo69 LOL that's funny, maybe a stir fry? Miscellaneous soup perhaps? You could get two of those for less than a dozen eggs this week!

    @tammymccrady6278 Two cookies and an under is awesome! It does get easier but there are white knuckle times while in a deficit for sure especially a good-sized one. Food never tastes as good as when you're in a deficit! I found myself thinking once I was having the best egg/spinach/cheese scramble I'd ever tasted and realized what was going on.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 What kind of tea do you put in your oatmeal? I missed that and am fascinated!

    Hi team! Love seeing all the activity here in the last 24 hours, everyone is doing wonderful! My fingerprinting is done, nice using a machine instead of an ink pad. I stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home and was dying to get bread and dips but left with the “worst” thing being some pretzels. I did my workout before I left but was easy on the legs since I had to drive a ways. The background check won't go through for about a week so we're still stuck working around school hours at the greenhouse. Aside of that I started a new book last night and read over half of it not being able to sleep, I'm hoping now that the rain stopped I'll sleep like a baby! Have a wonderful Friday.

    No Zero Days
    - did workout (did mostly arm cardio for cardio since I had to drive far), arm strength, and stretching
    - turned off phone early (trying to have less tech before bed)
    - ate healthy
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    Username: ftofit
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 164.1
    CW: 163.1
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh in: Thursday
    PW: 156.6
    CW: 156.3

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly 30 min is so right on!! Do what you can do and yes, in time it will get easier. Leslie Sansone is my absolute fave.

    @Katmary71 savory oats? I'll definitely be looking into that! I didn't think I would like the overnight oats either but, I found this recipe that I like from when I tried GOLO and its really good. I'll be making them a lot when it gets hot...... I'll share the recipe I have 🙂

    @tammymccrady6278 I struggle every evening with wanting to eat anything and everything. This year my kids talked me into making Christmas cookies and I decided it was ok to have some for the holidays. I have started getting back into crochet. Also, a nice hot cup of tea. I found it helpful to keep my hands busy. I'm finally just getting myself back on track. Next year, my kids have to make their own cookies. 😂😂

    Hey y'all,

    I'm really disappointed that I only lost 0.3 lbs. I have been working and struggling and I really expected to see more of a loss. However, it is a brand new week and next week will be better. With that being said, I was out running errands and wound up having a cheeseburger, lumpia and a soda. I went to long without eating so I was starving. Tomorrow, I'll be sure to drink all my water to wash it all out.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be upper 40's and dry so I'm thinking about taking my best buddy for a "pawdicure" 😂😂😂 if we walk it will be a 1 1/2-2 mile walk round trip with a lot of hills and Chipper really needs his nails trimmed. Lol, pawdicure, I wish I would have thought about that when I posted in my newsfeed.

    Y'all have a good night/day 🙂🙂
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 226.8
    CW: 228.2

    LTD: 19.8
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @tammymccrady6278 Good self-control, Tammy! I'm sorry it was a tough day. I'm wishing you an easier today.

    @Katmary71 I have tried savory oats and I really like them. Here's a recipe I've tried using steel-cut oats: http://www.thefullhelping.com/my-favorite-savory-steel-cut-oats/ Yeah, those dates ARE awesome! Not healthy, but tasty! Way to resist those TJs goodies! What are you reading? I'm sorry about the poor sleep. Good job on your non-zero wins!

    @Ftofit Congrats on the loss!

    @megnolia82 That diet sounds challenging. I'm glad you are getting some insights about it though.

    @DrewsAnna Hang in there, at least it wasn't a gain. I've done that before where I go and go and go and then I'm starving and cave for fast food. Awww, Chipper getting a pawdicure! That would be a nice walk. Let us know if you went.

    @Cornanda How frustrating! I'm sorry your body is a big old meanie, I hope you can talk it into some sense for next week lol. Hang in there, Lisa!

    Hi all. I did end up working out yesterday, I pushed myself to do it after work which is always a gamble because I usually don't want to do anything after work. I am determined to turn this ship around though, so I did a 37-minute weights workout on our Tonal. I earned a badge in the Tonal app, a 100K meaning I've lifted 100,000 lbs on the Tonal since we got it in 10/2021. That's actually not as impressive as it sounds as I haven't been using it consistently. My dear husband has earned is 1 MILLION LB badge! He HAS been consistent. I love the gamification of the Tonal, it keeps me coming back. Here's a pic of my badge along with my strength score. I started out at 150 strength score so getting up to 192 is a good improvement.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I did a 37-min weight training session on the Tonal earning my 100K badge, I tracked everything.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    @FushiaKat - I’m glad the yardwork is well underway. I’m excited to help my mom get hers back to where it was a few years ago….she started to transform her back yard into a secret garden. I’ve never been called for jury duty and I’m mad about it lol.

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly and @trooworld - my mom has been having trouble breathing since before her last knee replacement and she says it hit worse when she was really sick, she has been taking it easy all this time thinking her appointment with the pulmonologist would should something wrong that needed to be treated. In the back of my head I wondered if she just needed to start pushing herself a bit more. Yesterday he confirmed it and told her she just needs to start walking more to build her lung strength back up after so many months of barely getting around. He told her to start with 5 minutes and work her way up to 30 minutes everyday.

    @tammymccrady6278 - if you stay consistent it will most definitely get easier to resist. You’re doing great!

    @megnolia82 - I hope you make it through the last few treatments days okay! Sending more hugs!

    @DrewsAnna - Progress is progress no matter how little, I hope Chipper enjoys his pawdicure 😂 I haven’t heard it called that yet! Happy walking!!!

    @trooworld - that’s pretty awesome! I love little tokens or awards for achievements, that’s what keeps me addicted to my watch 😂

    Yesterday morning while I was getting dressed I accidentally started a workout, I logged a strength training workout with out knowing it so after my dental visit and went for a walk without logging it trying to even things out a bit. I didn’t get to exercise with the nieces because I was busy making dinner and it got dark too fast, I did talk my brother into walking at the park but it was so cold I gave up after 1.3 miles even though he was wanting to do 3. I made meatball zucchini boats and stuffed baby bello mushrooms with some chayote squash in the air fryer!!! Mmmmmm I’m glad there was some zucchini leftovers for lunch today.

    Today I’ll be running errands with my kids and then who knows what my evening will be but I’m in a crafty mood! Tomorrow I’m watching the girls while my mom attends a funeral and I wanted to take them on a hike but rain is moving in.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Hi everyone. Just a quick check in. Sending good thoughts to all of you. Have a good weekend.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @megnolia82 Oh no that stinks about Gatorade and how strict of a diet you have to do right now. I hope after the treatment ends you can get back to eating healthier food and get some energy in you!

    @DrewsAnna https://www.eatthis.com/savory-dinner-oats/ Here's some interesting savory oat ideas, it's funny because I'd love all those with a different grain but have some psychological block to thinking of oatmeal as sweet so it sounds weird. If you'll try it I will! The one with veggies and sausages sounds pretty good. I had to Google the GOLO diet, you came up with one I've never heard of! I'm curious to hear your overnight oats idea. When I was diagnosed with diabetes I thought I'd been eating healthy because I pretty much had huge bowls of oatmeal 2xs a day but with dried cranberries, brown sugar, and maple syrup. I like your attitude about next week, I think it will be a great week too! Hope Chipper enjoys his pawdicure!

    @Cornanda Oh no, I hope your body stops this, I know that's super frustrating! Hopefully next week will be one awesome weigh-in!

    @trooworld That recipe looks real good! I like how she writes, I'll check out more of her recipes too (it's in my recipe folder with all the other ones you've given me now!). I don't have miso paste, of course that was on my Trader Joe's list and I forgot to check that against my grocery list when I went yesterday, shoot! I'll have to get some of those ingredients. I was reading Riley Sager The House Across The Lake, it was pretty good but I wouldn't buy a physical copy or reread. I had trouble downloading books from the library last night and am reading one about why we like cats now, I'll find a novel to start before bed tonight most likely. Way to go on the workout! Very cool about the badge and on a good night when you pushed yourself.

    @shaunarlr83 Hey what does the “rlr” stand for? I figure you were born in 83 right? Hey 1.3 miles is still better than nothing and your dinner sounds awesome! You'll have to let us know what you make tonight! Have fun with the girls tomorrow whatever you decide to do.

    Hi gang! I got to spend a few hours planting seeds at the greenhouse so I'm happy about that, I found out when I got home my approval for being a volunteer went through so we can go during school hours now but will have to check in which isn't a big deal, hopefully the office is not too far from the greenhouse. Another tough sleep night but I'm hanging in there. Had a good funky Friday workout and ate well for the rainbow challenge. I'm frustrated with my boyfriend so I snapped at him and turned my phone off, he's supposed to come in the morning so I'll have to deal with it after I write you all (should I recite a poem from 5th grade for awhile?). I was going to share a greenhouse pic but my phone's off, lol. I'm going to a southern BBQ restaurant tomorrow followed by cake and ice cream for my brother's birthday and Bill will be here through Monday so I probably won't be around much this weekend. Hope you all have a great one!

    No Zero Days
    did chair cardio, leg strengthening, and stretching
    ate very healthy and under calories
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Good morning

    Before I post my weight, I'm going to start with an explanation. I had really bad insomnia on Thursday night. I didn't eat enough on Friday, and then went to bed really early. So I woke up this morning and my scale weight is really low, below my maintenance range of 127-133. So I drank a big glass of water to boost my weight up to 127. I'm sure that my weight loss is very temporary; on Friday morning my weight was 129.8, so to weight 126 this morning is just ridiculous.

    Weigh In Day Saturday
    PW 129.8
    CW 127.0

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Friday Weigh In

    PW : 74.9
    CW : 74.9

    Holding steady 😊
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in week: 3
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 216.8
    Todays Weight: 217.4
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @trooworld - Hooray for your workout and badge. I swear at some point you said you had 5000 recipes and now you said you have 7500 ish?! I thought I saved a lot of recipes! And you can always find the right one to share- impressive! How do you do that?

    @shaunarlr83 - You are always making yummy food. Did you craft anything?

    @megnolia82 - Hi! Hope you are feeling a little better. Or a lot better!

    @Katmary71 - I'm sending you {{Good sleep}} vibes. I hope that you and Bill work things out so you can have a fun weekend together. I'm glad the farm is getting going again- you seem to really love it.

    @micaroo4 @Tamevv - You are really good at keeping that weight steady.

    I've started tracking again this week, but haven't been consistent. I've identified some problems and am starting to work through them. I'm also monitoring and working on mindset. I'm not getting down and I will get there. I am a bit frustrated that my weight keeps going up. I think I'm doing enough to maintain at least for goodness sake! However, it's likely that more monitoring is needed to identify what is going on. It's easy to think you aren't making mistakes when you actually are. Not expecting much for next week's weigh in since an Italian dinner night out (work birthdays) has been scheduled for the eve before. However, I will celebrate that mornings weigh in so as not to use that as an excuse all week.

    Not too much going on this weekend- Hubs wants to watch all the football games, so I will see what I can tackle off my list while he's occupied with that.

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