Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    Hey guys!

    I had an amazing day yesterday. Stupid me, I tried to eat 4 cherry tomatoes with supper last night. Guys. I’m dying with no fruits and vegetables. But today I PAID for it. I went to work but only lasted a few hours.

    I had seen my doctor on Sunday and got a req for another test to see if the c diff infection is still active. Sent it away today so in a few days I’ll find out the results. I hope it’s not.

    Either way it’s going to be a long time before I can eat normally. I just want something green!

    Amazing work this month everyone! I’m so inspired by the consistency and perseverance of everyone here. You’re just fab!

    Have a good night. Make good choices! Breathe deep and move your body.

  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    sleon225 wrote: »
    Team! I’m so embarrassed! I’m on my iPad this morning getting ready to log foods I look at my bookmarks and I had 2 teams posted. I’m not sure how I did that, but I am supposed to be in the weight no more group. 🤦‍♀️. Note to self, don’t use tiny iPhone late at night while eyes are sleepy. Shall I move back over there? Or stay here? Sorry about that!

    @sleon225 No worries! It's happened many times before. Wherever you feel most comfortable is fine - we'll adjust the spreadsheet accordingly.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    @AmbersWay Yes? Is there some secret message in tagging me and not saying anything I should be concerned about? Yes I think you should celebrate, it sounds like you've made healthy changes since then so it could be the start of a healthier life anniversary or a reason to look back and be grateful it wasn't your last day of living. Here's my chair cardio playlist, I have some other stuff in there like chair yoga then have some ab ones saved in a different list but this is the big one, oh and some have weights just don't lift a lot if you do those:

    @lrjogger1 Oh those Brussel sprouts look amazing! I'm on my way, I love them! I saved the recipe AND emailed it to myself because I tend to forget after I save things.

    @trooworld Pumpkin walnut chili sounds awesome, I still have a pumpkin from the farm and was thinking of a chili, I'll check that out. I didn't realize how much I was slacking on water until my sweat smelled a little strong working out, made me shape up real fast!

    @shaunarlr83 Be careful using them then! I had old tubing from PT in 1989 and hadn't used it for a decade, when that thing snapped it whipped back and hurt me. I have a horrible startle reflex so when these things snap it freaks me out! Oh find the new set for sure. Cute scrubs will be fun! Oh no good luck with the crowd of women, I bet the gym is a good escape!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm making a note to send that salad recipe to you! Good idea to just move on from the pasta salad, you got this! It's hard when you're at a deficit for awhile, the hunger and cravings are a bear! The pasta salad I make of skinnytaste's could be adjusted and isn't too bad calorie-wise if you're interested in it, Greek Pasta Salad (has feta but you may have a non-cheese dupe to swap it with, she puts Kalamata olive juice in the salad along with olives which makes it really good!).

    @micaroo4 That death book is a great idea! My parents have been together since they were real young and when one goes the other won't know what to do at all. Sadly my dad tells me all these things to remember and I have a lousy memory so I'm going to tell him what you're doing! My Mom doesn't know anything about computers or how to do things online and my Dad doesn't know how to cook or probably even do his own laundry. I don't think my Mom has pumped her own gas since she was 20. I'm glad you got outdoors, I agree it's such a great thing to do!

    @FushiaKat I love your cactus garden and the wind spinners in it! How is it doing with the cold lately? My cactus is pretty hardy but I still covered everything last night. I love your space right there, it looks great! Flavored nuts are awesome, Bill and I found a guy who does smokes and flavors them at the farmer's market and they were incredibly delicious.

    @megnolia82 I hope the infection is gone too, good riddance!

    Hi team! Had a good day, woke up early and got my workout done then had a handyman come by about doing the fence and deck repairs which will start tomorrow. I have the pain clinic tomorrow too, I'm going to let them have it over it being so long for my MRI to go through! I'm pushing myself on my weight lifting and am going to do an ab challenge for February I think, I put some ab videos together but need to finish the playlist. Have a great Wednesday and here we go February!

    No Zeros
    good chair cardio, doubled sets of arms and abs, stretching
    good water
    nutritious day and under calories
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 180 Member
    edited February 2023
    @lrjogger1 congrats on your weight loss for the week. Any loss is to be celebrated. I agree with fluctuations. Definitely an increase when ‘Aunt Rose’ is visiting.
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I’m not going to say my fingers didn’t make it to the bottom of that yogurt container. Usually I’m at a location where I can find a spoon. I like the idea of having some in my car that @lrjogger1 mentioned.
    @FushiaKat I’m jealous of what looks to be warm weather. Cactus garden looks nice.
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - you just described my life before I got my mindset 100% on track! Hugs friend.

    @lrjogger1 - man you just reminded me I’ll have to deal with someone dying at some point. 💔 My daughters first patient to pass away happened in the waiting room and the family was screaming and blaming her, I happened to stop by to see her about an hour afterwards and she was still in tears. I’ll have to prepare myself. I am very much looking forward to everything else.

    @micaroo4 - your making me wish I hadn’t wasted my day cooped up inside, tomorrow I may bundle up and go for an adventure before more sleet moves in.

    @FushiaKat - I love love love your cactus garden!!!! ♥️🌵I’m always inspired by your goal achievements!

    @megnolia82 - man I feel for ya, that has to be horrid! Sending hugs!

    I seriously need to proofread a bit better, sorry guys! Hope y’all are good at deciphering 😑😑😑

    Good day on most levels! Up at 6:15 to make my brother breakfast. Got a chance to chit chat with mom before all the girls and my sister woke up. Drank extra coffee today!!! Ate a very light lunch. Then spent the rest of my afternoon cycling through making crafts, setting goals, maintaining logging goals, playing with the kids, losing my mind, watching my show! Mom and I had a brief break from company while we cooked a smorgasbord for dinner. To our surprise everyone loved the chickpea crust pizza we got from Aldis!!! We plan on making our own soon.

    I nearly waited too late to hit the gym but motivation struck last minute! I’m super sleepy now but really want to make a little more headway on the crafts I’m working on! I’ll definitely be sleeping in tomorrow and letting mom make breakfast for little brother since my sister will be here to help get the girls up and ready for school! I think she will be in her new place before the weekend, if not I’ll be hiding out at my daughters 🤣

    Tomorrow (actually now since it’s after midnight) I’ll strive for hitting ALL of my goals DAILY! I’ve been slacking on water and steps so I gotta get started early and stop looking at my phone for hours while I drink my coffee in the mornings. February’s gonna be a great month you guys!!!


    Jogged a mile on the treadmill
    Lifted weights
    Did the stair stepper which I loathe!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @lrjogger1 Thank you for the recipe! I will add it to my collection and try it soon! And congrats on the loss, whoop whoop! I hate those fluctuations. Yes, you will lose it next week!

    @shaunarlr83 I hope you get the hiking group figured out. That would be great to have a group to hike with. That job sounds great! It really helps to use an app, I think. If you remember lol, that's the trick. Are you tired at night? I know I have to visit with the group in the morning because I just don't have it in me to visit in the evening, I'm too tired. I hate that anticipation, too. I call it the "in-between" lol. This job sounds like it will really fit in perfectly with your life. I hope the weather gets better for you. Going to the gym should help relieve some of that stress from all the family in the house. I'd love to see some progress pics!!! Great no zeros! I love that you have so much support from your family, like being willing to try the chickpea crust pizza. Feb is going to be a great month!!!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I hope the No-fu loaf comes out okay, I don't think I've ever tried any recipes from that site but those I listed do look interesting. That's great you have all the ingredients for some of the recipes. That's great that you drink that much water, woo hoo! Yeah, my weight is already down some. I'm sorry about the pasta salad incident. You were starving, your body needed to eat, and nothing wrong with you. What could you do differently next time?

    @micaroo4 I think that is smart to make that book. Great job with the exercise!

    @FushiaKat You are doing great! I love your cactus garden. It looks great and well maintained. A slice of lemon cake for your birthday sounds lovely. Happy birthday early!

    @megnolia82 I'm sorry about the tomato incident. That must be frustrating not to be able to eat the way you want to.

    @Katmary71 Yes, that recipe sounds intriguing, I've never had walnut in chili before and I've tried a lot of different recipes for chili lol. That's interesting about your sweat. I'm glad you had a good day. I hope you have a good visit to the pain clinic. Great job!

    Hi all. I had a great day yesterday. I was very upset at one point because my phone was going out and my husband didn't want to replace it, also I was locked out of TurboTax and needed to fix our return, and I'm worried about the work trip. BUT I didn't eat over all of this anxiety, so that's good. And my husband agreed to let me get a new phone (well, I ordered a refurbished one from Amazon). I lost 5.6 lbs in January which is amazing for me. I'm so happy. Have a great day!

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I drank 101.4 oz water, got very upset but didn't eat over it, stayed within my "bites" (and cals) and tracked everything.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,422 Member
    Hi MS ...one more added to your wonderful team ... Please welcome @JenAWhite :)
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Hi MS ...one more added to your wonderful team ... Please welcome @JenAWhite :)

    @JenAWhite Welcome back! Great to "see" you!
  • lrjogger1
    lrjogger1 Posts: 224 Member
    @shaunarlr83 - dang girl. I can totally see the change in you. Nice work!! You inspire me to get to our community fitness center to lift. Keep it up.

    We’ll probably get to goal around the same timeframe.
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @shaunarlr83 - these kind of nspiring stories are the very reason I've come back here after a 2+ year break! So awesome! I'm most excited about the credit given to "lift heavy." I'll be going to the gym tonight and might opt for more weights than cardio! Thanks so much for the post!!
  • Brigit42
    Brigit42 Posts: 39 Member
    @shaunarlr83 Great pictures! So pretty <3 I see the difference in your back.

    Thank you for posting them. It's nice to see progress pics. You're giving me inspiration to get some kind of workout schedule together.
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @lrjogger1 - way to improvise when the weather gets in the way! (Inspires me as it has been almost too dangerously cold to go outside this week). I love the weight work-out and Prescott! So cute!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    @shaunarlr83 Wow sounds lie a seriously busy day! If you master a chickpea crust you have to tell us the recipe! So glad you found some motivation and made it to the gym, have fun crafting and show us what you're up to if you'd like. Great loss last month, wow! That is a big difference, congratulations!

    @trooworld Way to go on staying strong with the anxiety, that's a lot at once! Frankly that should go under you No Zeros too! That's an awesome January loss!

    @JenAWhite Hi there, welcome to the group! Hope you enjoy the weights!

    @lrjogger1 Great workout today! Keep it down, Prescott is in child's pose trying to relax already! He's too cute!

    @Brigit42 Great job getting back to working out with weights and not overdoing it!

    @tammymccrady6278 I'm glad the nights are behind you! Oh no just get back to it, chances are with your hours your cortisol was up from not much sleep and it's harder to control cravings then. Are you good at moderating? You sound like me baking at Christmas, I love baking and rarely do anymore because I'm not the best at moderating.

    Hi team, glad to see everyone's doing pretty well! I couldn't sleep and am beat, I went to the pain clinic and for some reason this nurse and I always butt heads but we did better today aside of none of my prescriptions being called in correctly. She gets on my case about things that aren't real logical, I'm waiting for a spinal cord stimulator and it's January and raining and she mentioned a medication vacation, are you insane? Today she told me I should try and get more sun after I told her it was real painful to be outside in the cold. I have no control over the weather but when I told her we'll be outside at the food bank farm next week she was excited and we got along better. Since my MRI request is a month behind being approved another went out but who knows it they'll get that either. Good news is she prescribed a topical that will help inflammation. The handyman is a trip, I keep missing him when I go out there but he did a few things and weirdly rearranged my shed a bit, it was so organized I thought someone stole stuff but who would want fabric grow bags? Workout went well and the ab challenge was good. Not much else going on, have a great Thursday team!

    No Zero Days
    - Ate well and stayed under
    - Good water
    - great workout
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