Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • Brigit42
    Brigit42 Posts: 39 Member
    So the small town store I work near saved my Cupid butt. I was able to find a sweatshirt for hubby and sugar free drinks he likes and plan to make some keto brownies for him.
    @JenAWhite boys are easy. Happy with chocolate or even a gaming gift card.

    I’m struggling to stay away from my chocolates but have them out of sight which is helpful. Zumba tonight so I can sweat any extra calories off!

    My husband got me my heart of chocolates early and I finished them in two days. I CANNOT be around chocolate.
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 184 Member
    @Brigit42 I totally get you! My Christmas chocolates didn’t get much past a week. And that’s most of the reason I am here. 😄
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @sleepygirl79 - thanks for the friend request for My Fitness Pal!! I love new friends!!! It helps me so much!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,748 Member
    @AmbersWay When do you usually start planting outside? I started seeds indoors and am kind of cleaning up what didn't make it through winter right now but want to get some snap peas going. Wow hearing your list of what you went through during that period sounds just awful, I love that even if you struggled to get through the workout you were able to make it through, you've come a long way! I remember crying at the grocery store one time because I was so happy I could go which I know you'd get. Huge high five! Love the No Zeros too!

    @micaroo4 Oh my gosh that toy is so cute! It definitely looks like a dog, love it and the baby will too!

    @Cornanda That face would be so hard not to give a ton of treats, so cute! No clue on the photos.

    @bethanie0825 I was just thinking of you earlier wondering about you, it's great to see you. It sounds like you're getting back on track, I hope your stomach starts feeling better.

    @shaunarlr83 I'm so glad you're feeling better, sounds like a rollercoaster of a week. I'm sure all the hiking helped a lot and yay for Mom! I hope you get your schedule soon too, it's nerve-wracking right before starting something new.

    @JenAWhite I sent you a FR! Your sister's business sounds amazing! Wow you REALLY responded to everyone, incredible! It's funny when I started eating healthier there were SO many things I was doing wrong and hadn't known, perfect examples are buying bagged salads and thinking I was eating healthy because I ate oatmeal every day but it was like 3 servings with brown sugar and dried cranberries (being diabetic that definitely was bad!). How do you tend to cook? In the beginning it was a lot of sheet pan meals since I was cutting carbs out quite a bit and focusing on protein and veggies.

    @sleepygirl79 Oh perfect, I'm glad to hear you found gifts for the husband. Have fun doing Zumba, I love dance workouts!

    Hi everyone, hope you all had a great day! I had fun with my workout (ab challenge is making me push a bit on upper/lower weights too) then went shopping, got my work done, started seeds, and read and here I am. Funny how cleaning the house has fallen through every day the last few weeks, I have to at least vacuum tomorrow because the cat hair is crazy around here! Bill and I are FaceTiming and making a meal together so that's my Valentine's Day this year, we're doing Sknnytaste's chicken parmesan air fryer recipe: https://www.skinnytaste.com/chicken-parmesan-in-the-air-fryer and I'll let you know how it goes. Have a great Tuesday! I have my eye appointment tomorrow, I just broke my sunglasses and am having a heck of a time seeing so I'm glad it's finally here.

    No Zeros
    Great workout (chair cardio, ab and leg strengthening, stretching)
    great water
    relaxing bath
    ate healthy and under calories
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,148 Member
    @JenAWhite I don't have actual Korean stories. But I'll share what I have. My oldest son went to missions "school" in Texas. In his cycle there were several South Koreans. My son's name is Zakk. I guess they struggled with the Z sound so they called him Jack. The Kool thing is this influenced the name of my grandson, Jakk.
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    @JenAWhite I don't have actual Korean stories. But I'll share what I have. My oldest son went to missions "school" in Texas. In his cycle there were several South Koreans. My son's name is Zakk. I guess they struggled with the Z sound so they called him Jack. The Kool thing is this influenced the name of my grandson, Jakk.

    @19shmoo69 - This will be perfect to mention to my South Korean visitors! I love that he named him Jakk!
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @katmary71 and @AmbersWay thanks so much for the My Fitness Pal Friend adds! I'm already more motivated to get moving and cooking! Thanks for posting a chicken parmesan recipe @katmary71, it looks easy enough for me! And yummy! I saved it for sure.

    Happy Valentine's Day Mission Slimpossibles! I love the accountability here!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,148 Member
    @JenAWhite here's another story for you. My son was just out of high school when he was there. Legally an adult but basically still a teen. While there the S. Korean ladies were always telling him "Jakk (Zakk) you so cute". Towards the end of the cycle he found out that they thought cute meant funny or humorous. He told his momma "that this whole time he thought they were saying I was cute but they were actually saying that I was funny". I think it stung a lil bit.

    A nice side note is the S. Koreans would take him to lunch at the buffet. They wouldn't let him eat the buffet. Since it was a Korean buffet they spoke to the owner and ended up always ordering from a separate menu. He said the food they got for him to eat was amazing.

    I have humorous story to share next time.
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    @JenAWhite here's another story for you. My son was just out of high school when he was there. Legally an adult but basically still a teen. While there the S. Korean ladies were always telling him "Jakk (Zakk) you so cute". Towards the end of the cycle he found out that they thought cute meant funny or humorous. He told his momma "that this whole time he thought they were saying I was cute but they were actually saying that I was funny". I think it stung a lil bit.

    A nice side note is the S. Koreans would take him to lunch at the buffet. They wouldn't let him eat the buffet. Since it was a Korean buffet they spoke to the owner and ended up always ordering from a separate menu. He said the food they got for him to eat was amazing.

    I have humorous story to share next time.

    @19shmoo69 - Those are great details. We all have had disheartening teen experiences and can relate. Poor Zakk! Can't wait for the funny next one! I don't think I'd be good over there. Is Korean food pretty spicy?
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 184 Member
    Is there a way to determine the number of calories I should be taking in? Going by the site, even when I feel I eat well, I often end up over my intake.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,748 Member
    Hi everyone! I had my eyes dilated this afternoon and reading is all wackadoo right now so I'm just wishing you all a happy Valentine's Day and let's have an awesome Wednesday! I've been watching Reality TV all day aside of getting some work done after I got home, I don't recall them staying dilated this long before (they broke my eyeballs, HALP!). I'm just joking, I'd say I'm off to bed but I can't read so I'll just watch another trashy TV show or something. I took gifts for my nephews over earlier so they'd called to thank me on speaker and Bill and I FaceTimed, we're doing the recipe tomorrow night after I get back from a meeting instead of tonight.

    No Zero Days
    -did overeat though most was healthy
    -great workouts, really doing well with weight lifting though having some increased pain
    -great liquid
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,148 Member
    @JenAWhite it's like other foods it can be spicy if you want it to be.

    @sleepygirl79 I would do an internet search. If I remember correctly the best is a tdee calculator. It figures up your weeks worth of calories and then divide it by seven.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 286 Member
    @micaroo4 I love your Boz dog, so cute.

    @Cornanda Gus is adorable.

    @Brigit42 well done on this weeks loss.

    @shaunarlr83 I enjoy your family updates. It’s a blessing to have them nearby. Glad you got in some hiking time, I’m sure it’s a nice way to spend some time.

    @JenAWhite well done on your loss this week. I love the accountability help in this group. Thank you for finding my story inspiring. I’m proud of myself for not letting all the craziness get me down. I had the occasional “did this really happen” shed a few tears and moved along moments.

    @Katmary71 well for planting, it depends on what we’re looking to grow here. Lots of things go in during the fall, herbs we start indoors, then move them around the yard depending on the weather.

    I so understand a cry in the store. I was like room decor in my formal living room downstairs for months. I couldn’t get upstairs to help my youngest get ready for school. I remember when I was able to do stairs again. I was excited to have those mornings back.

    I hope your eyes are doing better today. Let us know how the recipe goes.

    @FushiaKat @Jen_967 @lrjogger1
    Congratulations on your losses this week 👏🏻🎉
    4 days into working out and I’m still ticking. I do a pilates, cycling and a cool down session. I really like the pilates, it’s great for stretching your parts.

    No zeros, I managed some meal prep today (made my chicken sausage, burgers, shredded chicken), have been having daily rest time after lunch, closing my rings and did some more organizing (I swear it gets worse before it gets better).

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @davidji82 @txcritter69 @JenAWhite Way to get on the leaderboard, congratulations!!!

    @Brigit42 Thank you! I gotta keep up something! :D

    @19shmoo69 Awww, I'm glad you got to see the little fella and have a good visit. Congrats on the loss!!! Thanks for the backstory on Sofu. Jakk...what a cool name!

    @sleepygirl79 I'm right there with you for no willpower around chocolate. I am glad you were able to find something just right for your hubby. I have heard good things about the calorie numbers from this site: https://tdeecalculator.net/

    @Cornanda Unfortunately, no! But I got back on Monday late afternoon, went to work yesterday but had planned vacation hours from 11:30 on through the rest of the day, so I had some rest. I worked all weekend so I'm really looking forward to this weekend (which is a 3 day weekend for me!). I love Gus, what a cute pic!!! I don't think you can size photos on here.

    @askewcr @laurelfit57 @txcritter69 @sleepygirl79 @Brigit42 @JenAWhite @lrjogger1 @Jen_967 Congrats on the weightlosses!

    @tammymccrady6278 That sounds like a great day. Happy Anniversary!

    @laurelfit57 Ugh my migraines come to visit about once or twice a month usually but the weather in AZ was different than Southern California so I think it messed with me. :/ Thanks, I did have some fun! I hope you can get the sleep sorted out. I'm sure the weight loss struggle has to do with your lack of sleep.

    @Katmary71 I tried a microcurrent machine but I tried it for anxiety. It didn't help my anxiety. I think at the cost of those things, I'll stick with medication, it works but it is a lot cheaper! LOL Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a fun dinner with your neighbor. I hope dinner with Bill came out well. Great job with your no zeros!

    @AmbersWay Oh good. Thanks. Your story is amazing and inspiring. You are doing awesome and I know that the plateau will break if you keep up your hard work! Great job with your no zeros.

    @micaroo4 You must have been exhausted. I get up early, too, but not that early lol. Boz Bluedawg is adorable, great job!

    @bebthanie0825 But you are back! Keep fighting for it.

    @shaunarlr83 Wow, that hike sounds amazing! I'm sorry about your depression and gain. Yay for Mom saving the day! Hugs to you.

    @FushiaKat Congrats on the loss. That's good you are still tracking and enjoying things. I hope you had a good Valentine's Day!

    Hi all. I'm back from my work trip. I gained 2.6 lbs, that's what happens when you eat out for every meal. :/ Hopefully I can get some of it off by Friday. I'm so glad to be back! I hope you had a good V-Day yesterday. My husband is sick with a cold, so we didn't really celebrate...I made us a nice dinner (steak, baby potatoes in the air fryer, steamed broccoli) and that's about it. I'm finally caught up lol.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I ate a healthy breakfast and ate veggies at dinner.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
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