Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    Good morning all. I have a problem that I’m not sure what I should do. I weighed myself on Sunday morning, then on Monday morning my scaled battery died then when I weighed my self again I was exactly 5 lbs heavier and it is more 4 in’s heavier than last week. I have tried taking out the batteries, bought new batteries. Ugh I’m not sure what to do. HELP
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    @shmoo1969 this lack of sleep is getting to me. I just got all in my head. Of course I need to get a new scale.(just a little afraid of what it may say)🥴. I have definitely put on 5 pounds overnight, but it was richly deserved :-). From Sunday to Monday unfortunately, I was doing nothing like having a great day with great food that would have put on that 5 pounds lol. New scale has been ordered, supposed to be here by Saturday, so just in time for my Sunday weigh in :-).
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    @AmbersWay Do you own any hamsters? The ones with the curly hair are super cute! I brought home a rat when someone let a bunch go at school and it ended up being a great pet. Feeder mice and later squirrels when my tree trimming ex-boyfriend would bring babies to me not so much. We should retry sweet potatoes together, maybe if we're both reading about them we can crack the big sweet potato code?

    @micaroo4 I'm with you if you can avoid snow driving definitely do it! I hope you have a great indoor workout.

    @GabiC125 Being on the opposite coast coming to OR would be tiring for sure, glad you were able to visit your young one and have some fun on the trails. Good luck with the ab challenge today!

    @trooworld Two crowns at once is no fun, hope everything goes well. Kathy from 5 years ago would use that as the perfect excuse to eat lots of ice cream!

    @laurelfit57 If you have a weight you can put it on the scale to see if it's accurate or not, also make sure the scale is completely flat. I've been on both sides of this when it actually IS weight I've gained and while I get the anxiety with facing the gain, on the other hand once you know the damage you can crack down and make a plan to get it off. I avoided the scale after Christmas (I baked and ate way too many cookies) but I did feel relieved to have the reality of what I'd gained when I was weighed at the doctor's. I hope some of it's off by the time you get your new scale.

    @shaunarlr83 Oh no, I hope your sister's cat is okay! There's some behavioral things going on but for the most part it was smoother this time, I tried keeping my brother's cat in a bedroom the first day then letting her out the next morning. Woot woot, start date is Saturday, that's wonderful! Nothing wrong with making big goals since you still did really good, I'm curious to hear your March goals now.

    @AustinRuadhain Great no zeros! Nice to hear about the massive salad, they do take awhile both to make and eat but you know afterward you got in a ton of vitamins. Do you have special salad bowls for them? I've had to lay off the salads a bit but remember in the WFPB groups I was in people would post photos of their new salad bowls, I found a couple good ones at TJ Maxx and Ross which were of course serving bowls!

    Hi team, doing a little better tonight, weirdly it snowed not far from here which isn't normal. Bill (my boyfriend) is currently driving in the snow in Carson City for work so I can't complain about the weather, I don't really mind the weather just feeling worse wears me out. I'm hangin out around the house today, did some HOA stuff and made beef and barley soup which I just remembered hasn't been put away yet, yikes! Have a wonderful Friday!

    No Zero Days
    stretched and did a short ab workout
    great water as I've been drinking herbal tea all day
    food under calories
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @JenAWhite Thank you for that. The last one was fun!

    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you ordered a new scale. Sounds like it was time.

    @shaunarlr83 I hate the cold which is ironic since I am originally from Ohio. I hated it then, too lol. Interesting that you were at the dentist yesterday, too. I'm glad you are all set. I'm glad the Stridekick challenge is helping you but I get being a bit lonely. I get lonely, too, even though I am happily married: my husband is gone most of the weekend visiting his disabled brother, he helps take care of him. So, even though it is a very good reason to be gone, I still miss him and don't have many friends here. I end up quite lonely and sad. :( I'm so excited for you to start on the floor. What will you be doing there? You are doing great, Shauna.

    @AustinRuadhain Great day! I already know that I won't be winning the challenge lol, but it will definitely make me walk more. I love the Tiny Habits graphic!

    @lrjogger1 Congrats on that A!!!

    @Katmary71 AND it was the two front teeth, which makes it even worse lol. Trust me, I was tempted as I have homemade butter pecan ice cream in the freezer but I did NOT. I had a smoothie instead! I'll call that a win. :D I'm glad you are doing better today. I was thinking of you yesterday, we had some rain and sleet. Beef and barley soup: is it the Rootatoot lady's recipe? If so, that is so good.

    @Ftofit Congrats on getting back on track and for the loss!

    Hi all. I had my dental torture done. It actually wasn't that bad as they gave me laughing gas (nitrous oxide) during the treatment. I hadn't had that since I was a kid! It was a nice "trip" lol. I didn't feel anything and didn't care about what was going on, which was nice because I was flooded with water during the treatment lol. I didn't get the cleaning done yesterday, I go back for that in 3 weeks. Just the beginning of getting crowns on my two front teeth. The good news is that since I had the dental work done, I didn't want to eat anything for dinner. I did have a nice-sized fruit smoothie. I lost 3 lbs this week, I'm sure partially from not eating but I'll take it!

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I barely ate yesterday as a result of the dental work. I'm calling that a win!

    Join our Stridekick challenge (miles walked/ran)...my username is LibraryGoddess: https://link.stridekick.com/join

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    edited February 2023
    The March 2023 team chat is open!

    Please continue to post this week's weigh-ins and stats here, and go to the new month for (re)introductions, and to post commitments and plans for the new month. Let's have a very green March!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 317 Member
    Weigh In Thursday
    PW 156.6
    CW 156.8

    I forgot to post my weight last night. There has been a lot of stress, I've been busy and last night I just went to sleep.

    I have a lot of catching up to do on everyone's posts. I'll get to that as soon as I can.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    @trooworld - great weigh-in!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,342 Member
    Hi MS...You have another new member joining your team ..Please welcome @rodgerd27 :)
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 317 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I finally caught up on everyone's posts. I see a lot of you have joined "stridekick" so I joined to, I sent friend request to: @JenAWhite @Cornanda @micaroo4 @trooworld @txcritter69 @Katmary71 I think I sent friend requests to @shaunarlr83 and @Ambersway If not please send me one. My username is the same as on here. @19shmoo69 I tried to send you one but I don't know your username on there. You can send me one to.

    @Katmary71 I loved the salmon bowl that I had. Things got pretty hectic this week so, I didn't try any meal plans but, I'm hoping to next week.

    I've had a lot going on this past week. I almost lost a friend of 40+yrs that was like a baby sister because, her and my sister have been best friends since they were in 4th or 5th grade. She is taking baby steps at improving everyday but, there for a few days we really thought we were going to lose her.

    I had a few days of believe it or not "PHONE DRAMA" I've never had so much trouble getting new phones and getting them activated. All because one person didn't know what they were doing.

    I had 0.2 lbs gain, lol, I'm really surprised it wasn't more. Next weekend is hubbys birthday and he likes to celebrate for a week so I'm going to try and be extra good because, I know I'll be doing some binging.

    I'm also going to try and be more active on here, I know I always say that but, I'm really going to try 🙂

    It is super late here, about 2:15 am, so till tomorrow y'all!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 126.8
    CW: 127.2
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 174.2
    CW: 172.3

This discussion has been closed.