Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    @JenAWhite - Hi JenA 🙋🏼‍♀️ and if no one else said that to themselves in Forest Gumps voice then I’m leaving this group! 🫣 I’m not poking fun that’s just one of my favorite movies!!! 😂 I’ve only been here since August but it’s my favorite thing ever! I was having such a hard time finding consistent motivational friends. My daughter and I have been going to the gym since the 1st week of December. We started trying to do half and half cardio but quickly switched to just walking in and hitting the weights! We still go for walks on occasion!

    @trooworld - I have been more tired lately, probably because I get up earlier and go and do so much now. Hoping swapping back and forth from night and days won’t mess me up entirely. I love catching up in the mornings but it takes so much time when making breakfast and trying to chat with my mom. Great January loss and I’m so proud for you not eating away those stressful emotions!!! I hope you enjoy your newish phone!

    @lrjogger1 - That’s exciting stuff!!! So so proud of you!!! That picture of your dog is hilarious and I love his name!!! It’s freezing rain here too so I just did a Beachbody workout tonight with light weights. I’m about 3 lbs away from my comfy zone but I don’t plan on getting comfy there for long! Let get to that goal!!!

    @Brigit42 - thank you ☺️ I was usually fairly consistent with workouts but slacked off on the weights for quite a long while, it took me even longer to get my eating back on track but it finally all came together.

    @tammymccrady6278 - we’ve been baking cookies too but I’ve been using other sweeteners besides sugar. 3 cookies isn’t terrible. They sound so good. I would have eaten a whole plate full 😅

    @Katmary71 - I’m intrigued by this man that will voluntarily organize, and someone’s else’s things at that 😂 please keep us updated on his progress! I’m glad that the drs visit is over for you. I’m sorry it’s so cold and hard to get out and about. We have the same problem here right now but we will be back to warm this time next week and I’m ready! I need to focus on abs a bit more.

    It was kind of a slow day as I really focused on catching up and logging everywhere. Crafted for a bit but mostly just looked at my phone until this evening when I walked to my brothers to grab something for my mom and then we helped my sister and the two little girls get settled into their place just as the freezing rain moved in. We won’t quite go back to our routine bc the icy weather keeps cancelling school so I’m going to find some way to get out and have some fun this weekend before I go stir crazy. Thank you all for the kind words. I’m really excited to see what this month holds!!!


    Did a dance aerobics workout video
    FB Daily Challenge
    15 minutes weighted workouts
    Drank 113 ounces of water
    Logged all food and everything else!
    10,000 + steps
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 324 Member
    Hey y'all

    Welcome to all the new people!!

    Congratulations to everyone on all the losses.

    I hurt my back again a few days ago but, it's better now. A friend made me a "Yoga for Dummies" video so, I think that walking and easy yoga is going to be my thing for awhile. It's gonna take me awhile to catch up on all everyones posts.

    Surprisingly, I have been doing really good at getting up earlier. I allowed myself to sleep in on Sunday and I've been getting up between 8:00-8:30 am Mon.-Sat. This is huge. I've been tired trying to make this change though. I was getting up between 10:00-11:30 am everyday. Telling you this is really embarrassing but, this is huge for me. I used to get up super early but gradually just started sleeping later because I didn't really have a reason to wake up. So, I'm trying to change that.

    I have a few questions, 1) Is there a habit tracker for February? 2) What does in the green mean? 3) Where is this spreadsheet some of you talk about?

    Till tomorrow y'all, Good night.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,246 Member
    Wow! I've been reading the Book Of Mission Slimpossibles....this sure is an active group! As I mentioned in my last post, I had inventory day at work yesterday, and I was working from 4:00am until about 3:30pm. I never had chance to get online to see all this activity.

    @shaunarlr83 - awesome! I can definitely see a difference. Good job with the heavy lifting!

    @lrjogger1 - Prescott is adorable.... he works out with you! My cat Earl works out with me. I have to keep ousting him from the workout bench, which he thinks is a cat perch.

    After a tough day at work yesterday, I got home to find out that Rich's very best lifelong friend Mike had passed away. He had not been in good health, he was grossly overweight, and Rich had been saying for the past 3 or 4 years that he didn't think Mike would make 60. Well, he did make 60, but only just a few months ago. Rich phoned him yesterday and his mother answered the phone and told Rich that Mike had a massive heart attack on Monday. She had tried to call Rich at his old number (which was written down somewhere), and she didn't know enough about how to use Mike's cell phone to find the new number. She was really glad that Rich phoned when he did so that she could let him know.

    So this morning I am adding a page to my "death book" explaining how to get into my phone. I figure anything that Rich can't figure out himself, he can get someone "techy" to help him and just show them the book.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @shaunarlr83 - you look amazing, very inspiring photos

    @trooworld - good job not eating on a bad day!

    @Katmary71 - that nurse sounds like a trip!

    RN student and Prescott (your name is on the previous page lol)- Great workout!

    @micaroo4 - so sorry to hear about your BF's friend

    @tammymccrady6278 - Glad you're back on days. Stay strong with the cookies

    @DrewsAnna - nice job getting up early. Take good care of your back

    @sleepygirl79 - today is a new day!

    Sorry if I missed anyone- only had a minute!


  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @shaunarlr83 - Oh my gosh you are too funny about my username - "JenA" reminding you of Forest Gump's "Jen-ny." I hate to admit it took me a minute to figure that out. Now I love my Username!! :)
  • Brigit42
    Brigit42 Posts: 39 Member
    @JenAWhite and @shaunarlr83 Now that Jen just explained it I got the joke. LOL

  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @trooworld - That Tonal App looks so cool! I'm going to have to check that out. I really love apps to help support habits as I need all the help I can get. Thanks for sharing.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Friday Weigh In:

    PW: 74.8
    CW: 74.3

    Thanks 😊
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @sleepygirl79 - Hills are great!! My mom has a great one behind her house, I’m going to start walking up and down it once all of this moisture leaves. The best way I’ve found to stop late night snacking is to just not have anything that sounds good on hand! 😂 That’s hard to do with kids around though.

    @DrewsAnna - I’ve never looked at the habit tracker that was posted here but I meant to. Thank you for bringing it up again and @trooworld for sharing the link. I hope that back doesn’t flare up again! Don’t worry about that gain. You will lose it right away once you get moving again!

    @micaroo4 - I’m sorry work was rough and your hubs had an even harder day. Same thing with my aunt, she barely made 65, she actually called me to make her a big birthday cake that year and told me that was the last birthday she would celebrate, she was right. Passed away a few months later. Seeing her on her death bed, her organs slowly shutting down because she was obese, is what set me on my journey to stay healthy. I never want to endure the pains she endured.

    @Cornanda - Thank you!!

    @trooworld - Great way to find the positives on a negative day! Some days we need that mental break to not pay attention to what we eat and let our bodies rest!!

    @JenAWhite and @Brigit42 - Whew! I’m glad someone got it 😂😂😂 I used to say that my kids were the only people who got my humor and thought I was funny!

    @AmbersWay - I love how you spent your “me time” great no zeros and how fun celebrating your daughter!

    @gemwolf110 - Congrats on the new job!

    @Katmary71 - I’m dying over here!!! 😂😂😂 I love roller skating, haven’t tried it in years though. I would have to google the closest rink bc the one we went to shut down awhile back!

    I don’t have much excitement going on this week. My kids are gone so I’m a bit bored, crafting is helping to pass the time but I’m pretty sporadic with it. My uncle invited us to eat out tonight with my cousin who is here from Mississippi for the funeral, ended up being 8 of us there! It was nice to catch up and hug my aunt and share a few laughs before tomorrows sad day. I only had a hamburger, with a lite breakfast earlier I was able to sneak in some keto sweet cream and measured it out to make sure I stayed under calories! I attempted to go to the gym but there were so many boys up there, I just came home and did some walking here and then some strength training and stretching.


    FB Daily Challenge
    Drank 115 ounces of water
    Logged all food and everything else!
    10,000 + steps
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    @Cornanda whilst I was perusing your writing endeavor I felt a name might have been absent. Wallowing began in depths of my soul. Addressing this possible infarction was at my fingertips.

    And then your heroism blazed the page. The apology brought the vapors to ocular nerves.

    Alas tis I whom shall offer an apology and seek forgiveness.

    Selfishness has appeared and I cannot say it will not rise again I can says motivation is present enough to offer constraints in times pursuant.

    Oh my Gosh! thank you for cracking me up! Did you think it up with a Shakesperian voice in your head?
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