WaistAways Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @jugar 171.1
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @MoonlitMuse If you find any articles about lumen I would be interested. I really struggled to find much info out there. Obviously buying for myself is different than recommendations to clients. It does its measurements based off CO2 ratios. I am also not into keto at all. Lumen has you eating lower carbs if you wake up and have a carb burning score. I usually get a low carb day from them which is 75g of carbs. If you wake up in fat burning so many days in a row you get a boost day. I only got a boost day once and I believe the carbs were 125g-150g...I think. It sounds like people who are consistently in fat burning get the carb boost every 5 days. They do talk about intermittent fasting but it isn't required or for that matter built into the program. People who are interested in IF are supposed to check their levels a few times after the 12 hour mark. If you were in fat burning and then moved to carb burning without eating they say you over stressed your body and you are fasting too long. Fasting windows are individual and may change over time. I'm really happy to have my wellness coach helping me interpret this data. I think some people could find this data really overwhelming. You really need to be able to organize and analyze the data to draw conclusions specific to you. You don't just take measurements and it magical tells you everything. Lots of experimentation involved. Hope that helps!
  • bobagurl2017
    bobagurl2017 Posts: 62 Member
    Stridekick looks promising. I just downloaded it
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Today went by in a series of distinct segments - it felt like 3-4 days! I actually got my strength workout done for the first time in ages. It felt good, and now I will build on that. No zero days! Food was less great today - I also had a snacky afternoon, but stuck with my no-alcohol run that I'm trying to do for the whole month.

    @PlaneMonkey Yes! The wind really came in hard this afternoon, and we'll be in the deep freeze for the next couple of days too. I will try to go out snowshoeing anyhow - with plenty of layers on for sure. The woodstoves will be well employed.

    Thanks for all the info about the Lumen. It is amazing how much it is possible to track :grimace: I hope it helps those who need it and enjoy the high level of detail on how the body is working. Wow.

    Garmin people getting together is also a great idea. I looked at Stridekick as well, @bobagurl2017 - that could be a fun way to connect across different trackers.

    I'm having step count tracker rebellion this month, though. I get tired of it sometimes. I know how long and how much I need to exercise, what works foodwise - and sometimes counting it all up takes away from the pleasure. Other times it really works. Go figure! I just rebel from time to time, and then put it back on. So this month I won't be reporting steps et al @ashleycarole86

    I will be sticking with the no zero days though! I am enjoying giving gifts to future me and thanking past me for the things from yesterday. I tried to give the gift of no cookies today, but I bought the cookies anyhow. And ate too many, of course. The rest are now in the freezer.

    Ready or not, here comes Friday - those numbers are welcome!

  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @micki48 so sorry you are not feeling well lately! That makes things really difficult.

    @cleaneater80 Nice job not letting the snacking in the evening spill over into the next day. I think starting over right away is a really helpful skill. Outside time definitely helps 😌

    @Gidgitgoescrazy Nice work getting some exercise in and avoiding snacks! That is always amazing!

    @jugar Glad you were able to get back to your strength work outs! Glad you were able to get the cookies in the freezer. I got into the cookies today too. Darn cookies!

    I finally feel like working out again after a month. I really focused on sleep and stress reduction and I think it has paid off. Planning to get back to my workout schedule starting this weekend. Today wasn't the best for food. I picked up Olive Garden and ate all the carbs followed by more carbs. I even have dessert for hubby and I. Today is my splurge day for sure! Lunch was very healthy and sensible so I was able to have a no zero day.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,600 Member
    PW: 191.4
    CW: 189.2

    Happy first Friday of February!

    I knew I needed to make a change as the scale kept creeping up over the past few weeks. I did another TDEE calculator check and realized that I was basically eating at maintenance when I was eating back my exercise calories based on my original calorie goal that I set for myself. 🤦‍♀️

    So this week, as I’ve logged my exercise, I’ve been changing the calories burned to 1, and that has really helped. I’ve also added more protein into my breakfast meal with a smoothie bowl, and that’s also helped me snack less throughout the day.

    So far this week for exercise, I’ve gone to group circuit class on Monday, a morning spin class on Tuesday, and did pilates at home on Wednesday.

    Today, since it’s going to be -6 F tonight, I’m going to do a GrowwithJo Cardio workout before we get pizza for takeout. Tomorrow I’ve already signed up for another group circuit class, and yoga on Sunday morning.

    I’ve been quiet on the chat because it’s a very busy time for work for me. I’ve got some projects that are going to be very time consuming over the next few weeks, and we’re closing on our home on the 13th. We also need to start packing at some point. One day at a time!

    Hope everyone is having an awesome week!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy I do like a spray tan; much healthier for your skin than the alternatives.

    @PlaneMonkey typical cat. She won't show any gratitude, either, I'm sure!

    I like the idea of no zero days. The other way I approach it is 'just one thing' that moves me in the direction of a goal, be it the treadmill, eating well, or a productive task. At the moment I have a couple of therapy-related books to read and I think see how a page a day feels. One on intuitive eating, one on self esteem and the other is on effective communication. I used to love reading, and often reading now feels like another chore to be ticked off the list. Hopefully it's not a case of 'I just turned 35 so Mills & Boon is now my thing'!

    This is my afternoon off and I was looking forward to time at the allotment, but the guy valeting my car was late arriving and by the time he's done all the daylight will be gone, so I'm catching up on admin and jobs at home. I have some beautiful snowdrops in the conservatory to plant out, plus garlic and rhubarb. Looking forward to the better weather and lighter nights. I suppose I should take advantage of not being at the allotment much over the next few weeks to get other things done really ;)
  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    @PlaneMonkey I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady (5 indoors and I take care of....quite a few outside). You should check out [url="http://"]https://thekittytube.com/[/url] . We bought two of these for the strays outside (we got them with extra insulation and the heating pads) since it gets chilly here as well. They absolutely love it and it helps me feel better knowing that they have a warm place to sleep.
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Have been trying to keep my calories down this week but seem stuck at around 1700. I feel better now that I am tracking my macros and hopefully will see a difference when I weigh myself on sunday! @IDebraK I hope you do well and can fit into the outfit for the wedding because it looks amazing
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    I thought I posted already. Sorrry if it’s a repay

    PW 206.9
    CW 205.7
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    edited February 2023
    Winnie for the win!
    @conleywoods so cute...

    @PlaneMonkey I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady (5 indoors and I take care of....quite a few outside). You should check out [url="http://"]https://thekittytube.com/[/url] . We bought two of these for the strays outside (we got them with extra insulation and the heating pads) since it gets chilly here as well. They absolutely love it and it helps me feel better knowing that they have a warm place to sleep.

    I made a shelter in a large bin with 2" foam insulation and reflective heat blanket wrap which is filled with straw and lives under my outdoor dining set under a water and wind proof cover. I dragged kitty inside at 5am when it was - 24 without the wind and she wasn't cold to the touch, but she definitely wasn't as warm as she usually feels when she climbs out of her 'house'. She's been inside for 15 hours now, mildly sedated and she's adjusted great! No more crying at the door, she's been very cuddly and is really starting to appreciate soft beds and food and water on demand. I'm planning to keep her indoors until Sunday when it warms back up to 'manageable' temperatures.

    I will check out that link once I'm on my computer. It would make me happier to have a heated pad for her if she insists to live outdoors.

  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday

    PW: 220.4
    CW: 220.4

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