WaistAways Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    @lauren_989 I'm so glad you had your perfect day! I had a good one too. Let's keep on going and have another one tomorrow.

    I'm hungry... but I'm going to bed anyhow! See you all tomorrow :smiley:
  • BlueSkyNomad
    BlueSkyNomad Posts: 60 Member
    Ok, I have never used this app... but here's an invite for an upcoming step challenge on Stridekick:



    I've joined. A bit late but looking forward to the next one :)

  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    CW 193.2

    No hockey this week, but I upped my weights for my tabata class so the nice muscle soreness has kicked in. It's a precipitation mess outside so I likely won't get much movement in so I'll have to work extra hard to stay out of the kitchen!

    Maybe some sewing projects or knitting can happen.
    I had planned on hitting up GT boutique (if you know it, you know it!) for some inexpensive office attire as I'm doing an in-person training course for the next 3 weeks and only have a rotation of 3 outfits at my current size. Walking around a mall might help me get some steps but the convenience of that food court or a maple latte from Second Cup will try to lure me to the dark side... Wish me luck!
  • BlueSkyNomad
    BlueSkyNomad Posts: 60 Member
    Can I be excused from this week weigh in, please, @jugar ? My mother in law has been hospitalised. Thank you
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    @jugar I'm going to hold my weigh in off until tomorrow to see if I can get it down. I am up only 1/10 of a pound, so not worried about it. Just would be nice for it to stay the same or be green.

    I haven't logged much this week (Hello Breakfast Club), but my eating has been ok. I have been REALLY hungry a few days and have eaten all the snacks I pack in my lunch for just in case times. This weekend we have the Super Bowl and our EAGLES are in it to win it. Not going to lie, there will be some snacking, but I feel it won't get out of control. I can do this.

    No exercise lately. In fact, my pilates subscription expired (due to a breached credit card I cancelled) and I didn't even realize it until the other day. Still spending most nights vegetating in my chair after a busy day at school. Still getting my steps in through the regular activity I get all day.

    I meet with my dietician again next week. I've lost a little, but haven't managed the rest of the suggestions.

    The weather here is so spring like, so I really should walk after school. Also gearing up to sell my house and start looking for a new one. I need to manifest all my wishes for a home because I REALLY never want to move again. LOL. I just want to feel settled.

    Kelly, hope you get some sleep and Mabel is feeling ok. Kristi - Congrats on your loss! You work so hard. Ashley - You are doing great! On vacation and still exercising. You've go this. Liselyn - You work so hard at this, you deserve to forgive yourself for an off day.

    Oh and set points are REAL! Along with our bodies fighting hard against us to go back up from which we came. Seems kind of unfair to have our body work against us like that.

    Got to go get these kiddos up. Pep Rally for the EAGLES this afternoon.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,600 Member
    PW: 189.2
    CW: 188.0

    I kept up my logging this week, with the exception of Wednesday when I just felt ~very hungry~ so I had an extra snack (protein cereal) to help. It was also TOM for me and I had killer cramps to start the week.

    I went to circuit strength training on Tuesday, and then spin class Wednesday morning. Honestly, I love spin in the morning and leaving the studio to see how beautiful my city looks. It just really starts me off on the right foot!

    Yesterday was a super busy work day so I went for a walk in the afternoon with my husband and pup, and this morning, I started off with an almost 2 mile walk. I may just go for another long walk as my exercise because it is so nice outside!

    Tomorrow morning I have a hot yoga class which is always a workout, and then a spin class dedicated to Super Bowl halftime shows on Sunday. That’ll be 4 days of moderate-to-vigorous exercise which I consider a win. ☺️

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    @ jugar I was previously 70.1kg and now weighing 69.5kg.
    Not much of a change but am feeling better and have been walking loads, doing HiiT and yoga. Something every day. Next target is to start running and play badminton.
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    @ conleywoods Congratulations at losing inches!
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    @ jugar Just had a blah day! So annoyed with myself that I did really well all day with my food plan then fell asleep on the sofa, woke up hungry and started eating. :( Need to definitely plan for these weak moments ..
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    @ ells_bellz Sounds like you have something to look forward to - spending time with your son. How old is he? My son is 20 but thankfully still likes to spend quality time with his Mum. I really look forward to summer when he comes home from University and we are outdoors hill-walking and cycling. Sure you will have a great time :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Can I be excused from this week weigh in, please, @jugar ? My mother in law has been hospitalised. Thank you

    Of course - I hope your MIL will be all right :heart:
  • adrimango
    adrimango Posts: 136 Member
    MoStacy wrote: »
    Weigh-in Thursday
    PW: 207.9
    Cw: 209.5

    😢 Struggling, but I am going to keep posting.

    I see you! Can you pick one thing to focus on? Water? A walk a day? What are your plans for the weekend?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    @ jugar I was previously 70.1kg and now weighing 69.5kg.
    Not much of a change but am feeling better and have been walking loads, doing HiiT and yoga. Something every day. Next target is to start running and play badminton.

    Almost 2 pounds - that's an excellent loss. I am wondering if you'd like to change your weigh-in day from Sunday to something later in the week? Or you could weigh in again on Sunday and then go on from there. Just let me know - it is an easy thing to move around if it helps. Thanks! (and do not worry about the blah day. they happen. but a plan that liberally uses the word "no" is always handy!)

    @wishfuljune you are giving me gym envy! As much as I love being in a super quiet rural setting, sometimes I'd like me a hot yoga or early spin class. Keep up the fantastic exercise - it is seriously inspiring!

    non-zero day for me today: I had to do some tedious running around, could not find something I needed, and really wanted to go buy a bottle of wine. To make everything better, of course. I know I would have had at least 2 glasses, and then the rest would be sitting there tomorrow needing to be used up. My plan for the week has today through Sunday as dry days. I got in the car, said no, and drove straight home so that I could put that good zero in my tracker. I'm feeling pretty good about giving that to tomorrow me - I hope she'll be grateful!

    @micki48 it is so good to hear your news :heart: I wish you did not have to move again, but also hope you'll find that spot that gives you happiness and joy to move into. Enjoy the game!!

  • adrimango
    adrimango Posts: 136 Member
    Another trip to the gym! The fancy breakfast was yummy and fun. I didn't go crazy and left feeling full but not stuffed. I had the protein shake I usually have at breakfast for lunch and a healthy dinner after the gym. We are expecting some snow Sat night/Sunday which I'm excited about. We so rarely get snow here.
  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @bobagurl2017 🎂
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Coming to the end of the week already! Here is everyone still needing to weigh in by the end of Saturday:


  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    Weigh in day : Friday
    PW: 220.4
    CW: 219.8
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Happy belated birthday @bobagurl2017 Hope you enjoyed the rest of the day!
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