criscra2001 Posts: 14 Member
edited March 2023 in Social Groups
Hello. I am happy to hear everyone wants to keep going.
Randi, I agree, I am very frustrated with trying to navigate the posts. I have tried to figure out how to delete some but it takes all.
So, if everyone could delete their old post but keep lasts weeks, we could move forward.

I really think the mental side of our challenge is a great thing to discuss.
It's not easy & can really get very depressing at times.

Thanks for all the kindness, Missing Tia but grateful she brought us much joy.

Ej, I'm sorry you are going through this. We value you as a member of this group. Sending prayers.

Cat, hope you are having a good day!!! How is your Knee?

Ann, Happy you will be staying with us. We did add the weekly challenge. Each person had a week. This was yours but Randi stepped in as it's going to be a busy week for you. I know this navigating around this posting is terrible. Can you take next week?

Ej, If you cannot take a week, just let us know. We will all work together and it's all good.
We are a team.

So, I could not delete a few, it deleted all of the posts.
Sorry, I tried to cancel it but it froze.



  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Yes I will put one on on the 12th
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
    I just saw this comment from Gerri in the other discussion thread. :'(
    Hi guys, I am sorry to say, I am leaving the group. I made Cat and Randi leaders so this group can go on.
    I am really sorry. Please delete me, as I could not delete myself without ending the group.
    Again, I am very sorry for this sudden withdrawal. God Bless & I truly wish you all well.
    I am shocked and worried. Gerri, if you are reading this, please let us know that you are okay. This group is you. You have been a great leader and stalwart cheerleader, and you will be sorely missed. <3
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 316 Member
    Gerri, praying for you. May God bless you and keep you and make his face to
    Shine upon you and give you peace.
    We will miss you 😢
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Gerri you amazing
  • criscra2001
    criscra2001 Posts: 14 Member
    I am ok, Please don't worry. A lot going on & I just feel I am not able to do a good job.
    I just wanted to do the best for you all & appreciate you all. I am just having a difficult time and can't seem to get out of this. I found I was being more of a complainer than a leader and for that I am sorry.
    Thank you for all of your support & kind words. I will miss you all also. You are a wonderful group.

  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
    edited March 2023
    Gerri, we often believe our own thoughts even when they are not true. Your thoughts were apparently telling you that you were more of a complainer than a leader. This is simply not true. You had surgery, multiple medical procedures, awaited the results of biopsies, and just plain felt lousy. Yet you powered through and always encouraged us. I am sorry that I never offered to help.
    Why don't you just coast with us for the next few weeks and play the role of group member? We can offer you support and have the pleasure of your company. I have the challenge mapped out for this week. Ann has agreed to do something next week, so we are good to go for a stretch. <3
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 316 Member
    Gerri, you were and are a wonderful group leader. We all share our problems on here. It is NOT complaining. It is showing ourselves to be human and vulnerable and in need of support. I value your presence in our group. I love checking in here and reading how we are all doing, whether it be good, bad, ugly. And sometimes even heartbreaking. Half of my prayer list comes from this group each day. Please stick with us. We can encourage one another.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 316 Member
    PS- I posted oner on the thread for March 6-12. Check it out if you hadnt already. There is a special treat for us on there.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Hi all, I agree Gerri you have been amazing so just cruze along for a bit.

    Got a walk in today, it was lovely in the sunshine.
    I did the breathing this morning it was great and made me feel so calm.
    I will try the new challenge next, I won't be as good at putting up super challenges like Cat but I will try.
    Have a good day everyone.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
    For my activity today, I did the hand massage. Pre-pandemic when I was stressed out at work, I treated myself to a monthly facial. My esthetician was absolutely wonderful. While my face was being steamed, she performed a hand massage just like the one I did today. Thanks, Cat, for mentioning your paraffin bath. I heated up mine today, too, and followed the massage with a paraffin treatment. I don't know why I don't use it more often. It is so good for winter dry skin and achy hand joints. I think it goes back to the question Cat asked this morning.
    How often do we take care of others and neglect outselves? Let’s change that!!!!!
    Indeed, let's change that. We are worth it!
    What did everyone else do? <3
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 316 Member
    My physical therapy lasted 90 minutes today. I am very sore but also very joyful. I CAN WALK! It is pretty gimpy, but my cranky knee will carry my weight again. I still have to use one crutch because my leg sometimes collapses with no warning, but what a miracle to be able to walk again.
    Thanks to all of you who prayed for me. I was able to manage an elliptical machine and the leg press machine plus s bunch of floor exercises, bitty little squats, and resistance bands. I think things are definitely looking UP. 👀

    I am going to try to do the hand massage every day. What a treat! My Mama always used Jergens lotion and I remember loving the way it smelled. Next time I am in a store, have decided to pick up a bottle of Jergens so I can also smell delicious.

    I didnt track calories at all today, but will jump back in the pool tomorrow. I have the youngest grandchild all day tomorrow and promised her we would make fruit salad. So I will get my fruit allotment for sure.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
    Awesome news, Cat!!! I am so glad to hear it. Isn't it funny how the sense of smell and memory are so closely connected? Have fun tomorrow.
    Ann, I was able to walk in the sun today, too. It is a great feeling. Thanks for checking in today.
    EJ and Gerri, hope you are both doing well.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    I dud the hand massage it was great thanks. It's snowing here so not sure if we will get a walk in today or not bit I will check in later, if not I will try to do some yoga.
    Have a good day folks.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
  • aworkinprogress200
    aworkinprogress200 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning team. I was saddened to sign on this morning and find that our leader, Gerri, decided to leave the team. She is the reason I was here to begin with and I found her to be a fantastic motivator and inspiration. I was so saddened that she feels she has not been helpful by expressing herself with things that are bothering her. That doubly hurts me since I have felt coming here and talking about my ailments and the things that were bothering me were helpful to me. Now I feel that maybe I was complaining about my ailments and should have been more positive. Since my health has been declining, I have not been here as much as I used to be. I do think about the group all the time and pray that someday I will be more active and feel better. I have enjoyed getting to know all of you. Those that came and left, I still miss because they added a lot to the team while they were here. Cat and Randi, congratulations on being the leaders now. I have no doubt that you both will be excellent because you have always been such good motivators. My decision to leave the team is not at all about you two. I respect and like each of you. It's just that I feel I am not participating enough and so I will bough out now. Wishing all of you a great journey and praying we all get back/stay on track and improve our health in this, our senior years.
    Take good care and be blessed.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
    Today went well for me. I stayed within my calorie limit and got in outdoor exercise. It was too windy in the morning, so I did my walking mid-day. I gave myself a quick facial massage. I've been doing my own facials since the pandemic, and I think I'll plan for one this weekend.
    Tomorrow I need to save calories for a late lunch of Indian take-in and chocolate babka.
    Hope everyone had a good day.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 316 Member
    EJ PLEASE STAY. Even if you dont participate in one thing, please check in and let us know what is going on in your life. I consider you a friend and I would miss you if you left.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
    titus2cat wrote: »
    EJ PLEASE STAY. Even if you dont participate in one thing, please check in and let us know what is going on in your life. I consider you a friend and I would miss you if you left.

    Sadly, she has already left. If you are an MFP friend of hers, could you send her a message?
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Oh no that's so sad that EJ has left I must admit I feel I let you down sometimes but I will try to make a better effort to be here more.
    Snowy today I don't like driving in the snow and hubby gets nervous but I have to do a school run for my grandson so hey ho!
    My son has to move out of his rented house due to a break up with the owners going through a messy divorce so it's a bit stressful also my other son is changing his job so I will have to have my grandchildren more which is good but another stress.
    I will do you breathing exercises they are fab and the hand massage, I think I may need to distress.
    Have a good day everyone and stay strong.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,312 Member
    No one in this group has ever let me down. We have all been facing challenges, and this was always a safe place to share them. Everyone has been kind and supportive.
    Good luck with your driving today, Ann. I hate driving in snow, and not having to drive to work is one of the best things about retirement. Hope everything works out well for both of your sons. Enjoy the grandchildren!