Shape Shifters Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 304 Member
    Sbus12 wrote: »
    If it wasn’t for my lunchtime walk, I wouldn’t really have any steps. As soon as work ended, I bounced around and my husband and I tag teamed the kids activities and dinner. NSV #1- I made a healthy dinner on a super busy day.
    NSV #2– I left my computer at lunch again and used that time for a walk. Sunshine was so refreshing
    NSV#3– I’m not beating myself up for not meeting my step goal today. Accepting that there is no perfection in this and take each day at a time.

    High 5! Sounds like a great day! Giving ourselves grace is important. Self-compassion <3

    What is NSV?
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,710 Member
    NSV stands for a Non-Scale Victory.
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    I am really dreading summer already. Sleeping is a bit of a challenge. I wake up around 4:30 because that is when the birds start singing. So that is when I put in earplugs. Then I usually make it until 5:45 and that is when Tinus wakes me up and I can't sleep anymore after. So if I want to get my 8+ hours of sleep, I have to go to bed at like 19:00, read some and turn the light off at 19:45. It makes me feel like a toddler. :smiley: I don't know how long I can keep this up. Usually in the summer I end up with daily naps because the day is too long and I am just exhausted and it's too hot to do anything. But I think a long sleep is better than 2 short ones, so I guess we will see how it goes.

    I'm right there with you on the exhaustion! I'm averaging about 5-6 hrs right now. I'm having trouble sleeping past 3-330am right now (2 toddlers have trained me well in waking up around then, but they go back to sleep and I don't. Or I wake up even if they don't.).

    I've been going to bed at 8ish, but I've started going to the gym after boys go to bed, so I'm not getting to bed until 930. I'm really hoping I'll be able to sleep more through the night because I'm not sure how long this will be able to last.
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 300 Member
    @pupbowl what kind of birds do you have outside? My husband has a cpap which is noisy but I have a lot of lung issues so I run two super loud air purifiers all night to drown out the cpap and any other noise. Seems to work for not hearing birds but I also use benedryl to help me sleep, it's a bad habit. Hope you get some rest!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    @dcresider I have had a very bad habit of recording my weight post workout, that I think I've finally broken. Even though I still weigh before and after, I record my "first in the morning before coffee or anything" weight, as my official weight on MFP. Here's why....

    My weight is always at least pound less, usually about 2 pounds, sometimes more, after a workout, particularly a run. I LIKE that number better, obviously! However, I've found myself restricting fluids during workouts to improve my number and its not healthy. Also, it makes the weight fluctuations even greater than they are already, which can be frustrating enough without adding the sweat loss factor.

    I still often weigh myself post workout to see how much fluid I've lost and also, because I like number, but I don't record it, except as a note in one of my running programs.

    Thank you. I remember always gaining weight when I used to train for a race, however those days have to come a halt.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,710 Member
    edited May 2023
    Is your current weight from today? And what day would you like to weigh in for the group? Also if you know your highest weight, that would be nice as well.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,710 Member
    Oh, there are so many garden birds here. The blackbirds start the earliest, but there are also tons of sparrows and starlings. I love feeding the birds, I just wish they would sleep a little longer! I am always an early riser, but if it starts with a 5, that is too early even for me. Especially because I have nothing to do all day. I will get used to the birds eventually, but that always takes a few weeks. So until then earplugs it is.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Happy Thursday all. I seem to have gone over my calories/ macros on Tuesday and Wednesday due to a little splurge after a nice weight loss. I just hope I don't self sabotage.

    Yesterday, I ended up missing breakfast, and lunch consisted of delicious Lebanese food. While I tried to keep track of my garlic hummus and tabouleh, and ground beef kebbeh (fried croquettes), I'm sure I went over with the white bread and the beef. I couldn't figure out the calorie intake so I guestimated and tracked.

    Feeling guilty, I did some lower body strength with heavy dumbells and a 20 minute hill workout on the treadmill. I was pooped.

    Later, we met friends at bar and grill, ate a grilled chicken sandwich with top bun removed, a few fries, and 2 beers (so much for not drinking) before we headed out to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (amazing concert). I did not drink at the venue.

    Today, I'm back on track with lots of protein and veggies scheduled. No cravings yet. Need to start drinking my water.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    It’s so wonderful to see all the interaction and support among our ShapeShifter team members. Here’s my weekly weigh-in report:

    Name - PatriceFitnessPal
    Weigh-in Day: Thursday
    PW - 134.2
    CW - 134.0

    SW - 168
    LtD - 34 pounds

    I’m traveling this week and staying at my brother’s house in Boston but the scale seemed to register a similar weight to my home scale so I’ll use this as my weekly weigh-in. I wonder if I would have used it if the number went up 😂🤨

    This week, my husband and I are spending time with our older son through Sunday, but I am going to South Carolina the next day (Monday, May 8th) to help our younger son drive back to Virginia. I’ll look forward to responding to all the great insights and discussion in more detail after returning on home with my son. So, I expect to increase my participation by Tuesday or Wednesday, but I’ll do my best to respond to specific questions that come up in the meantime. Keep up the good work, team! You deserve the best so — Go get those goals!

  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,710 Member
    Good morning Shape Shifters. Here is the card for today. Happy Friday everyone <3
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