2023: Envision where you want to be: Focus on health, energy, vitality!



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Ha ha! Actually that's kind of reassuring as I don't eat massive amounts of those at the moment. At least I do eat mainly good food, although I can think of a couple of things in my diet at the moment that aren't ideal. (Have been buying precooked poppadoms, because they're 36 calories each, and I can have them as something crispy with some cottage cheese or hummus). And I've certainly eaten my share of crisps/chips and sweets over the years!

    I think they are missing out alcohol, even though a little bit is fine!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i confess i had to google "poppadoms" cause i had no idea what it could be lol.. i see it's a thin crispy wafer type thing lol.. we have things like WASA thins but i think they are wheat based and yours are made from chick peas. anyway i learned something new lol! and yes i did laugh too at the acronym.. who knew "crap" had an actual definition!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    I have a grandson!! He’s adorable and healthy and I’m over the moon! My daughter is doing good tonight. There was a scary moment or two when they thought they may have to intubate and they ended up putting her completely under to speed up the c-section so they could care for mom. Very scary but she’s fine now.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, Suzy! Congratulations! I had been just wondering if there was any news! How terrifying for you, though. And scary and disorientating for your daughter. I'm glad that it all worked for the best and that she's recovering well, but must have been quite a shock to the system in all sorts of ways. Enjoy your new grandson! And your grandaughter who will no doubt be wanting more of your attention. I'm so pleased for you!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    so glad everyone is fine after scary moments... welcome to the world little one! <3
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - i JUST heard on the news HERE who won the Eurovision LOL.. im not saying who in case u havent seen it yet LOL.. BUT i thought it was so funny.. never heard of it til u mentioned it and now i hear on our local news who won it... :)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    I’ve got to go google it!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That's funny that you heard it on the news, Snoozie! I wonder if it's getting more coverage this year because the rest of the world can vote? I watched it live, round at my son and daughter-in-law's. We had a mini-party with food from some of the different countries. I don't know if they mentioned on the news that there was a lot of drama (there's always some drama) because the act from Finland was very, very popular, here in the UK and everywhere, and he won the televote by a large margin, but Sweden won the jury vote. As the results were being announced the arena were chanting his name and his song. I loved both of them, but do think he deserved to win as it was something so unique and so loved by the public.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL yes actually they did talk about the drama with Finland and Sweden even here.. i was just really surprised when i saw it covered on the news.. i was like "hey i know what that is!!" LOL

    Way cool on the party.. friends of mine always have an "Oscars" party similar to yours.. and they have great fun so im so glad you were able to watch it live with your family and have some fun!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    What a fun idea having different foods from the countries. I do remember quite a bit of excitement over the contest way back when.

    I’ve ordered all the supplements that my doctor recommended and will start those soon. Question: should I start one at a time and wait a week before starting the next one? What would you two do?

    Grandson is doing well. Just sleeping, eating and you know whating all day/night. His daddy is home for two weeks so I’ll probably be helping more once he goes back to work.

    My volunteer activities have slowed down considerably now that I’ve finished my projects. I have a very long list of things that I want to do at home so I need to get started on that!

    Snoozie are you still volunteering? Did you start your veggie garden yet? Vail, how is your yard work going?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thank you for the update on your grandson! I was forgetting that his daddy would have time off, so you won't be quite so busy yet. I'm glad he's doing well, doing what babies do.

    Oh, I don't know what I'd do with the supplements, Suzy! I'd probably take them all at once, but now you mention it, I can see the point in taking them one at a time so that you can pinpoint what's working. The only trouble is it then might take a month for something to show a difference. Thinking about it, I would still probably take them all at once. Then if there was something I suspected wasn't doing anything and I wanted to stop it, I'd maybe try a trial without it one at a time. But if they are things that won't do any harm, then I'd just keep taking them all.

    My yard work is going OK. The weather hasn't always been great, and I'm also getting hay fever symptoms now which is what puts me off working out there! I am just so bad at it. Some of the things I've planted have already died. And slugs/snails have eaten some of them (I planted strawberries in tall pots thinking they wouldn't be able to reach, but of course they can climb. And the local cats love using my newly dug earth as a giant litter tray, thank you very much. I have a host of anti-cat stuff which I put down, various granules and sprays that are suppose to put them off. I have two of those solar power cat scarers which make a high-pitched noise if the cat goes in their path, but the cats do their business right in front of them. I love cats, but it's kind of frustrating, especially as mine is a house cat so not responsible for any of it! I'm still in the process of digging out some sort of shrub which has sent runners everywhere, which is great exercise, so I'm carrying on.

    I am still losing weight. I'm getting used to eating less, and I think I'm accepting that I can't really have bread in the house, never mind treats. I'm a bit frustrated with myself now for settling so long at a higher weight, because I really do feel better now that I've lost more. More energy and vitality! I have just done yoga crow pose properly for the first time in many years! I think that is purely due to being lighter and I was just too heavy to do it before. I have just been making life harder for myself for all these years lugging that extra fat around. I'm trying not to get too annoyed at myself as it doesn't help, though, and I can only move forward from where I am now. I think I'm going to aim for about the middle of a healthy BMI range and see how it feels.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL Suzy at your grandson... as Vail said.. he's doing what he's supposed to be doing.. and honestly i say yay on dad being home because you know once he goes back to work, Grandma is gonna get busy!

    I can't remember what supplements you were given or how many? im guessing they are to be taken daily so my only suggestion would be to split em up during the day (depending on what the instructions are)

    i take 2 supplements, an omega (1 a day) and a coenzyme Q10 (2 a day).. i take one Q10 in the morning with the omega, and the other Q10 after dinner (or sometimes after dinner) jsut to spread it out thru the day rather than taking them all together.

    If there's an iron supplement in yours tho... a word of warning... make sure you are going to be home the day AFTER you start it lol.. and start slow like every 3 days or something .. it can have some side effects similar to your grandson's 3rd activity!!

    yes im still on deployment with the RC (locally).. at the same site; right now it's til the end of May but will likely get extended - but im only doing 2-3 shifts a week. I worked 5 days a week all last year and thru the summer as a volunteer so this site works as i can schedule my own shifts rather than being given a sched. i'm still busy with the retirees group they are a lively bunch lol.. but omg all these restaurant and coffee meets.. i am gaining weight i got on the scales today and almost fainted.. even tho i knew because i can feel it in my clothes. So i am back on the wagon so to speak.. proteins and veg and as Vail said.. smaller amounts rather than filling the plate!

    Thankfully spring is finally starting to arrive here so i will be able to get out and walk more and hopefully get some pickleball in .. altho i know it's the fork not feet that will be the deciding factor to dropping these extra pounds!

    I haven't been able to get anything into my garden yet because its been too cold.. my poor tomato seedlings are like 2 feet tall now in the sunroom.. one actually sprouted a flower this morning.. i have to get them into the ground soon but we're still getting frost ..i think im going to have to chance it by monday and put em in the garden tho ... even tho it's still showing temps dropping to 6C (44F?) that night..

    Vail i am so happy for you that you are feeling more energetic with the weight loss and adjusting to eating less... i know when i was recovering from that gut bug and was able to eat again, it was very small amounts to start.. but it appears i am now making up for lost time and over eating - not out of hunger just out of old habits coming back.. so thanks for that reminder that its just a matter of getting used to less.. i will go back to things like only eating 1/2 sandwich for lunch and the other half around 3 so im not starving at dinner or mid afternoon blah blah... i remember all the little steps i took at the start i just need to actually implement them.. as my doc would say.. stop talking the talk and do the damn walk!

    it sounds like that root extraction with the bush is a major workout!! my arms were sore the day after i dug up the garden before adding the top soil.. its not that big about 8 feet by 4 feet plot but boy.. digging down a foot in the whole thing was def a workout lol.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Vail, I am so happy for you and proud of you for achieving your weight loss. It’s so inspiring to me that it can still be done at our age. I just hear so many older women giving up and saying that it’s impossible after menopause. I really hope to one day be in your shoes but I’ve got some work to do to get there. The two of you are an inspiration! I need to tattoo it on my hand…”smaller portions!!!” Maybe as I lift that fork to my mouth I’ll see it and stop eating. Lol.

    I absolutely hate yard work of any kind so kudos to you both for doing it. I have some English Ivy I need to get rid of and just some general “clean up” to be done. I keep putting it off which just makes it worse. I would like to have some tomatoes this year though.

    I’m going to be taking fish oil, Berberine, dhea and turmeric. I think I’ll keep taking my multivitamin with extra calcium, as well. I hope I got the right fish oil supplement. It’s actually EPA/DHA. The Berberine is to help lower my A1C. The dhea is for my fatigue. Turmeric is for inflammation and joint pain. I’ll be sure to stay home for a day or two after I start them, just in case. Lol. I’m putting together an eating plan with meal examples and will meet with the nutritionist to go over it. I’m planning to walk in the mornings after breakfast. I just have to make myself do it. I have a friend who will go with me twice a week so that helps.

    They’re adding two pickleball courts at the park where I walk. Some of the women in the volunteer club I’m in get together and play. It always makes me think of you, Snoozie.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    OMG, Vail!!!!! I just googled “crow pose” and I am so impressed by you! Wow!!!! You did that? You are a ROCK STAR!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thank you both! The crow pose has been yet another wake up call. I don't think I could do your pickleball, Snoozie, or your hiking, Suzy (both of which I am in awe of you for!), but I do have some strength and flexibility, and have realised that what was holding me back on things like this is that I was just too heavy! I do know that heavier people can do this exercise and I admire them, but I just couldn't. I honestly think this and the bent arm hangs are not so much to do with strength (although I'm working on that) but purely it's easier for me to lift my bodyweight now.

    How are things going now, Suzy, with the supplements? I have never taken the middle two, so don't know much about them. You are maybe too caught up in grandma duties to answer! I hope all is going well with the wee one.

    You sound busy too, Snoozie, with the volunteer work and the meetups and the gardening and hopefully pickleball!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Following Snoozie’s advice on when to start my supplements, I started them yesterday because I would be home all day for three days. So, I’ve finished day two and I don’t think there’s any negative side effects yet. Based on what I’ve read, it can be thirty days before I get any positive effects from them. We’ll see what happens.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That's great that you aren't getting side effects. Just a shame that you have to wait so long for the positive effects! I hope it works for you. I'm really curious about those middle two! I looked them up, and it will be so interesting to see what happens. Actually, I haven't taken turmeric as a supplement but used to eat a lot in cooking, not so much now. I think it was one that was recommended on the podcast I follow.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I know you are all busy, but I just had to pop in here quickly to say I've crossed another ten pound barrier and I am now in the 120s! I never thought I would actually see that again! My goal weight is around 120 so I'm actually in the same bracket! The reason I have to post this today is I'm 129.5 lb and just know it will be up again tomorrow, so need to take this little celebration while I can!

    (One advantage of being short is your weight tends to sound less than it is - I'm still close to an overweight BMI, but 120s sounds good!)

    I got into the kg bracket I'm aiming for a little while back, and then next step will be when I get into the stone bracket (if I get that far, still not sure if I'll ever make my goal weight).
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    VAIL!!! huge huge huge congrats thats fabulous and such a huge accomplishment!!!! WOWSA!! you must be so proud of yourself you have worked so hard - and along with that fab achievement you are also so much stronger with all your yoga poses and hanging ... itsbeen a crazy busy week so sorry i havent been around but i'll have time toorrow to post but for NOW


    Im doing the happy dance for youuuuuuuuuuuu
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Vail!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! That’s fantastic news! What an accomplishment. All your hard work has really paid off. You are such an inspiration and I’m so happy for you! You need to go look at yourself in the closest mirror and tell yourself, “YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!” Way to go!