Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Sunshine and roses here in Cornwall but then it is June. A wonderful early walk with enough of a cooling breeze to encourage zoomies from George as he chased invisible balls. Even Betty enjoyed herself but we didn’t see another soul.
    Everything is so dry but I’m taking my time weeding the bottom section of my garden so that when it does rain, plants that belong will be watered.
    Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    It’s 90 F here and we are told it feels like 97F. Yes it does. Bit of a shock after a chilly month of May. I holed up with the air conditioning and did an enormous wash along with all the usual stuff. It’s supposed to cool down a bit tomorrow. Hopefully it might rain but I think that will be north of us.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited June 2023
    Jackie, sunshine and roses sound great.
    Anne, cant believe its that hot there
    Its 95 here in the Central Valley of California. I was enjoying the lounge before noon, but too hot for me outside now.
    Tomorrow is my 86th Birthday and my family who live near will do something special! Like, when my kids were young, they could pick the dinner menu on their BD. I want shrimp louis salad with garlic bread. Yum.
    Happy weekend to all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) Among the first resolutions I set for myself when I started MFP was to seek every opportunity to be active, thus I walk a lot and ride my exercise bike whenever I can. This has served me well. Lately Jake and I have been watching a lot of TV together 8and I ride my recumbent exercise bike while I ride. My attitude toward housework, is "simplify, simplify" so I do only what's necessary. We are both happy with our casual attitude. Kitchen, bathrooms, laundry, clutter clearing are all top priority but everything else is frequently ignored. I walk for two hours every morning no matter what the weather.

    :) Weeding and spreading bark in the yard are meditative and therapeutic for me and I spend about an hour nearly every day from April to October doing both. Jake monitors the few annuals and vegetables, and all my plantings are bulbs which were labor intensive in the fall the years they were planted but require very little attention in the spring and summer.

    :) I line dance with a friend in the extra bedroom in my house for an hour every Friday morning.

    :) Temperatures this week have been about 46 at night and 63 in the afternoon (that's 8 and 17 Celsius). Perfect spring weather.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    We went to bed at 90F with the a/c blasting away and we’ve just got up at 68F !! The A/C, which is a window unit hastily turned off I can tell you. Jilly Bean could hear distant thunder but I think we only got the edge of apparently severe storms across Ontario. So a welcome cool down now after two days of summer. We only reach 70F today and I think the storm has helped the firemen from all over with the fires to the east of us.

    Happy birthday Joy. Enjoy your day!

    Must away. The Bean is nattering for her breakfast. Mikes over today.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2023
    A few June roses growing in my garden for you. It’s a climber called, appropriately, Summertime!
    Enjoy your day with family. Shrimps sound yummy. A glass of something sparkling too I hope!

    Phew Anne, too hot I’m sure but hopefully with a breeze off the lake. It’s another gorgeous day and when we walked over the moors first thing it was just 12c so, with a fleece jacket, perfect! Most of the sheep and lambs have been moved off into fields but there is a large group of horses with newly born foals and a few cattle and calves so I keep a good distance between them, George and Betty.

    Barbie, that’s good news that you continue your line dancing because I remember how much you enjoyed your get together before the pandemic. 8-10,000 steps daily are more than enough for me otherwise my new hips start to complain! I sometimes feel I do as many walking up and down my garden but since I don’t carry my phone when gardening, it doesn’t get logged.

    Lots of washing out to dry so I will coat myself in Factor 50 and do more pottering.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member

    Have a wonderful day!💕
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 2023
    Happy Saturday!💕 6:29am here and I am up because Charlie wakes at the crack of dawn. Mom, Dad and Robby were on their way at 5:00 am to pick up Obi. Going to be a long tiring day but I will get through it. Max has karate at 10am and maybe I will take them to pool after lunch. They have a great pool and they love the water. There is also a blow up pool in the yard so will see how tired I am. I don’t expect the parents to be home until dinner time, which means I will go to mass tomorrow.
    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Happy Birthday Joy🎶🎶🥳


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) I woke up early today but can't leave for my walk yet because my friend doesn't come til 5:45. I love walking with her but sometimes grumble that I have to keep to a schedule.

    :) The conversation continues about buying an electric car. I'd be happy enough to drive our Subaru for another 10 years but this is a big dream for Jake. He spends a lot of time online looking at cars even though we won't have the money for the down payment until the middle of July. We're going to buy a Tesla but whether new or used or what model is still a subject for decision. I just want it to be beautiful, luxurious, have heated seats, and be able to play the music and podcasts I have on my phone. Jake understands and has researched all the other features. I like most of the colors with red at the top of the list and a few that I would veto.

    :) Bessie has already had her walk to do "business" and has had her breakfast so as long as I don't get up from the table, she won't get anxious about her next walk. She understands sequence rather than time.

    :)Joy, Happy Birthday.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    Today turned out to be absolutely perfect. Blue skies and around 70F. My peonies are in bud and the Siberian irises in glorious bloom. Not to mention the chive flowers everywhere. Best of all though my very old red climbing rose is in bud and a beautiful rose on the other side of the fence has decided it likes my side better so thrust itself through a few gaps and I have a bush full of huge fat buds waiting to open. Not sure what colour. Could be a white rose! Hope so for obvious reasons, lol. The two hydrangeas are thriving after replanting and my tomato plants are sitting up looking perky. Spring and the big bed of tulips, daffs, hyacinths and apple blossom was beautiful but now June is busting out all over and I really like my little English cottage garden. Alas over too quickly in Canadas hot humid summers, but then it will be chrysanthemum time and red berries on the two holly bushes.

    Michael came over for lunch and took Bean for two long walks, so today has been just perfect for the two of us. I expect Mark and Mary Jo at any moment because MJ wants to see the visiting rose.

    Today makes one so glad to be alive.

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all
    Anne, thx for Happy Birthday.
    Jackie, lovely roses thx for BD wishes.
    Sandy, thank you for Happy Birthday
    Lin, thank you for sweet BD card
    Barbie, thx for Happy Birthday
    My grandson, two of my daughters, one son-in-law took me to special lunch.


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Joy what a nice photo of you and I assume your daughters celebrating with a birthday lunch. And Happy Birthday to you also !! Did you get your shrimp salad that you were wanting ? That sounds delicious with San Francisco Sourdough French bread and a big glass of ice tea !! You can tell I am a product of the Bay Area and the central valley now. Sad to say in the north Sacto area San Francisco Sourdough doesn't seem to be anywhere and none of the knock offs taste near as good. I am sure you understand this also and can agree.
    :smiley: Well I tried....

    I started my am outside starting to clean up our overgrown yard. With so much rain this year the leaves are plentiful and the roses have been so pretty. However once done there is lots of clean up. In my backyard I have carpet roses, which are almost done. Tackled that the last two days before the heat brought me inside. Today I started cleaning up the azaleas and then pruned two of them and two camellias. Still several more to do on that side of the house. So many more plants in back and in front also. Our gardener makes himself scarce during the month of May. Grr He has really slacked off in 8 yrs. Wished I could find a new one. When he kept it under control it wasn't bad, but everything is full grown now. Not his fault, but the previous owners did all of the planting. My last house had a lg yard to maintain; that was the reason for me to move. Hubby decided this was the ideal house to retire too. Easy to say when he only mows lawns and there is no lawn here.

    Jacques appetite is back and seems to want to eat us out of house and home. Cherrios was his limited snack this afternoon.
    He is doing ok taking his meds 3x a day now. He is happy again; Vision disappearing as is his hearing but nice to see his tail wag again. One day at a time here....

    Sandy wished I could say I had a great dental appt. They did my pannoral xray only to discover infection in an area of my mouth. Now I am waiting to get into an endodontist. No pain and on antibiotics right now. I have 3 choices for handling this issue. I have chosen to restore two root canals hoping to save those teeth. Not eager to do implants or a tooth pulling with a partial. This appeared last Dec, but with no pain I wasn't in any hurry. A week ago it reappeared, but E Tylenol took care of it. Made the trip to my dentist ... more xrays and now waiting for my two appts. Dentists have been the story of my life since a youngster. Not the best teethe at all and it is hard to deal with it when you do everything they ask. However this shall past too; now if I would stop worrying about it it would be nice. Hard to sleep with that worry and then I get exhausted.

    Well need to get some chicken ready for my husband to barbeque. He will be home shortly to take care of that. Everyone enjoy your beautiful weather and hopefully the temps don't get too hot for you. My first 90 degrees this summer.

    Take care,
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Forgot to mention the squirrels have come. Mama and her two young ones. We have a bird feeder, which the birds love. Our feeder is a special one to keep the squirrels out of it. However the residual seed ends up in the bark and the squirrels have found it to the point they were no longer passing thru. Plus they like my neighbors spruce tree behind me, which apparently homed several baby birds in nests this year as they have in the past. One squirrel was ok, but 3 too many. So we put the feeder away for a while and are chasing them away. A couple love to climb up the house to the peak, so the hose is on standby now hoping to discourage their residency any longer. My two hummers as so much easier to deal with. A least I didn't have the babies discovered in a tall front pillar here as I did at our last house. We had to get a company come get them out and block their entry way. Time for them to move on.

    And Joy....I could almost be another daughter. I too have a whole head of white hair . LOL
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Diane, thats exactly what I had….shrimp, homemade Louie dressing and a sourdough baguette. We have a small market that gets a delivery of fresh crusty bread…..not quite SF sourdough but good bread. We have to time it right….too early and its not fresh and too late and its gone!
    I luv azaleas but havent got any in the yard yet.
    Oh, and I luv the white hair. I was blonde for years, especially the working ones, but now its no makeup, no hair dye and I dont care!
    We were thinking of moving to the metro Sacramento area, but it was never right time. A family friend came to visit today from Lincoln.
    Thx for the Birthday wishes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    What a lovely day Joy!

    I put some listings on Facebook Marketplace today. I forgot about the volume of messages that ensue! I did sell one item already.

    Good to hear from everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    My beautiful weather continues so a very early walk on the moors where the only person I met was an owner of the local post office with their 4 dogs. I’ve enjoyed a fruity breakfast and coffee, tidied my kitchen and phoned Sheila to check on her health with back problems. She sounds quite cheerful because one of Heather’s daughters called to say she will drop in with Bella. I’m glad they will keep in touch.

    Well Joy, there’s no mistaking the family connection in your photo!

    Anne, your garden sounds delightful, especially the rose that’s doing its best to move in! I’m trying to identify a wild flower I uncovered at the bottom of my garden yesterday. Thought at first it was Viper’s Bugloss but the leaves are probably wrong. Might take a photo and see if you recognise it. For outdoor pots, I’m collecting washing up water and the cold run off before the hot water comes through. It’s amazing how much usually disappears down the plug holes so I must be more conservation minded!

    That teapot would suit my lifestyle Lin, although only room on the saucer for one small biscuit!

    That’s great news about Jacques Diane. You made me laugh about your hubby’s choice of your current home where there are no lawns! My experience of gardening help is similar to yours in that they work at their own pace. My 3 camellia have finished flowering so need a good trim and I plan to do it myself rather than wait for Barney to return otherwise the timing will be wrong.

    On that note, I’ll get on with the outdoor work. Hello to those I missed. No news of Patsy so I hope all is ok with her and the family.

    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2023
    PS. I woke up realising what the odd piece of copper pipe in the umbrella stand package was! It’s a Heath Robinson way of tightening the bolt at the bottom of the base to stop it wobbling. Anne will know what I mean using that name! 😆
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hi, to all you hirers of not so swift gardeners, I sacked mine three years ago! This was because he was supposed to dig up a bush. Well he didn’t, he just cut it back, which means every year I have to cut the hardy thing back. Charged me $50 at the time after covering the remaining twigs with soil so it looked dug up until the new growth appeared. He was quite young as well which meant he was capable of digging up a small bush.

    PATSY, I’m worried about our Patsy and I’ve written to her but no reply so far. I pray she’s okay and just not checking her email.

    I too had a chuckle about Diane’s hubby insisting on a property with no lawn to mow. Typical male logic!
    Fortunately Mark who is no gardener DOES mow my lawns and also has a deep aversion to dandelions. He’s forever digging them up which means that all around me they flower in glorious profusion whilst I have a bowling green lawn these days. God help us if he spots a puff beloved by small children but not 58 year old Marks.

    I still live in isolation! Maria’s old house is still empty though sold and Sarah the Persion princess seems to have run away after telling me she “couldn’t cope” with Harry’s desirable residence. Come to think of it even the rose is coming through the fence from Maria’s side.

    Well I guess I should do something!
    Oh, love the photo JOY. Beautiful hair on you gals. Mines still mainly brown and my mom never did lose her red (strawberry blonde). This can be a drawback and distraction when you feel like having a whinge and folk don’t look at the face under it.

    Have a lovely day. We warm up again tomorrow but today MUCH cooler at 72F.


    PS. The runaway rose is indeed white. I guess she needed a Yorkshire connection! . Maria was from Eastern Europe.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I started a post and had written quite a bit when a small box was in my way and I clicked it and made my whole post disappear. Not going to rewrite it all but here is a picture of Ewok and Obi meeting.
    Baby steps for both dogs and the little kiddos are super excited and want to keep picking him up but Lisa is monitoring them at all times. Obi had a good night and Ewok slept near the crate to be near him.
    Lisa mentioned how hard it will be to leave him so we will see.
    I am taking Marisa, Cheryl and Bryanna out for an early dinner today for Marisa's 18th birthday. Her actual birthday is next Saturday the 10th but her graduation party is the 11th and she would like to go out with her friends for her birthday.
    Tomorrow is an eye appointment and my cleaning lady is coming. Hopefully, our pool is open today although I won't get there until Tuesday. I did take the kiddos to their pool for 3 hours yesterday so I did get some sun. Their pool is so nice and so big and the water is warm compared to ours.
    I am going to noon mass so I hope everyone has a great day and I also wish Patsy would check in.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    The new neighbours are in their early 30s. No children. They are painting and revarnishing the wooden floors. Mary Jo found all this out, not me! Oh and the young man who MJ met is another Michael.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 2023
    Good grief, what an incredibly busy Sunday. Spent the day cleaning out more things, interrupted by online church, then back to work. Never got lunch. My back was killing me when I was contacted by a guy who wanted to buy an item of mine immediately. Well, okay, thought it wouldn’t take long but it was a crazy dance of changing time, place. I did get a few things at the grocery store in the midst of it. I had no Tylenol or aspirin and really just wanted to go home. Finally the transaction was complete. Went home and my tv wasn’t working. Fiddled with that, finally used the plastic neck traction thing for a few minutes and tried to start some supper. Well, as I was chewing the phone rang. It was my cousin that I hadn’t heard from for more than a year. I put my dinner aside and gulped down a Tylenol. When we finally hung up, I fell asleep.

    Patsy, we are missing you. ❤️❤️

    Have a good day everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Had a wonderful time at Marisa's 18th birthday celebration a week early. Then Bryanna and I went to see the new puppy for a short time. Today my cleaning lady is coming at 10:30 and I have an eye appointment at 1:30. Two of my friends are picking me up for a late lunch from the doctor's office as I have a hard time driving when my eyes are dilated. After lunch my eyes will be good for driving home. They are very kind to do this for me each time I have to have my eyes dilated.

    Lin, I am sorry you are still suffering with your back, have you considered going to the doctor? You are so busy each day you might want to just chill and do nothing one day. I am going for therapy on my back but it is still bothering me a lot so I am thinking of getting the shots to relieve the pain once and for all.

    Anne, your new neighbors sound nice and maybe someone new to chat with over the fence.

    Hello to everyone else and have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I still keep looking out for PATSY. She didn’t respond to my sent memo. I will keep trying. Maybe all the upheaval with the new siding is the problem.

    Just a normal clean through Monday here.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hello. Laundry finished, plants on the deck watered, online forms for upcoming dental appointment sort of filled out and submitted. Why is everything multi-page now🤦🏼‍♀️ with a signature required on each page? Eeeck!

    A Facebook memory appeared yesterday. Nine years ago, I did some physical therapy until I found out my insurance wasn’t paying much for each treatment. The therapist said I had a misplaced right scapula. Later in the summer I took a bad fall and hit on that side of my body undoing everything. Guess it is not surprising that I am having problems.

    I have materials out for card making. I hope to get some work accomplished today.

    Wishing everyone well!

    From hot and steamy Iowa.


    Artsy but not functional I would imagine


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Not really hot at 74 degrees F but I still might go to the pool to sit in the sun. I have therapy at 6:00 tonight, the only time they had available. Tomorrow I am going out for dinner for one of the ladies husband's birthday which was in May. He is 91 years young and still drives although he has very bad feet.
    I got a text from my son this morning asking if they asked me to sit for volleyball tomorrow. I said no, you did not and I have dinner plans. Lisa said they might have to pay the sitter $40 for sitting for the 3 kids and I was shocked. I did not realize babysitters made $20 an hour, I should be rich!!!! lol
    They will have to learn to give me notice if they want me to sit because I do have a life.

    Lin, I do feel for you and your back issues, do you still have the same insurance? It might be worth seeing a chiropractor to fix your back.

    Anne, I also sent Patsy and email with no response. I do hope all is well there, I wish we had Damon's email address.

    Take care everyone and enjoy our summer months.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Our beautiful weather continues and after a walk round the block with George and Betty I collected Linda and drove to a garden centre in an old town about 20 miles away. We sat outside on a deck overlooking a man made lake with coffee and cake and watched Moor hens doing their best to teach youngsters to fly. No success by the time we moved on to look at the plants. They had a huge variety, mostly roses, but expensive so went inside to gifts and garden furniture before leaving. On the way home we detoured to look for a business that makes garden furniture but being in a valley, lost a signal and the Waze app. Found the business after a long search but it was closed so I will phone for details another day. Little unexpected adventures had us laughing all day and I’m home with a few packs of herb and veggie seeds to add to my raised beds.

    I sent a Jacqui Lawson e-card to Patsy but it hasn’t been picked up yet which is a worry. I think it’s all we can do for now.

    A very artsy teapot Lin, you’re right and definitely not practical. Pretty though.

    Tomorrow will be another busy day with a morning hair appointment when I hope to get a shorter cut to cope with the heat. Bound to rain after that! My 2nd CT scan of my lungs is 7.30pm in the same town so a bit of back and forth driving!

    Time to cook an evening meal of minced lamb burgers with steamed veggies, then more watering of plants and seedlings.
    Happy Tuesday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just when I’ve got to know the delivery grocery guys and I’m comfortable with the ordering, my grocery store is swapping for another delivery firm. Got notice today and it all looks very complicated. I will wait for one of the sons to help in deciphering it all.

    With us all getting no reply from PATSY, I’m wondering if she and John have had to move out temporarily because of the Reno. Therefore no access to their computer. Worrying indeed.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 2023
    I found Patsy's son's business on google and reached out to him apologizing for invading his life. Hopefully, he will give us some answers or have Patsy check in. I hope that wasn't rude of me, I just voiced our concerns.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Thanks SANDY, I was considering trying to find Damon.

    Back to the grocery delivery. I find that a HUGE warehouse has been built where robots, yes artificial intelligence, scoot around sorting big orders out in 5 minutes. My grocery store has sacked my old nice grocery delivery guys in favour of this huge complex that’s just opened. And guess what, the first in Canada and imported from Britain. Called the next Industrial Revolution. Not my term for it! We are to be “zoned” in the greater Toronto area and in Montreal for future delivery. Well, everyone else is, old fashioned Annsie is figuring ways of tottering to the cozy Organic Garage with her old shopping cart where I can choose my own cucumbers etc. I had to go delivery during the pandemic. Will all the low paid workers at my present grocery delivery facility be sacked seeing they won’t be walking around filling orders? Just horrifying.
