Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Happy day everyone. It warmed up a bit here today. And the sun was out. Great combo and no strong wind. I worked on the graduation card again today and am ready to stamp a greeting inside. I have picked one out but will wait until tomorrow to approach it with fresh eyes.

    I did my scheduled errands and planted some green beans late this afternoon.

    While Sandy looks wonderful I have only this to offer. My lettuce is ready!


    Looks like lunch tomorrow!

    It is Tuesday so will login to a Live YouTube as usual.

    Wishing everyone happy days.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    Having breakfast but had to comment on LINs beautiful lettuce! Wow, already ready! Shame to eat her for even a lettuce has a heart! Meanwhile my poor geranium which I nourished with care all winter is looking sorry for herself. I forgot to haul her in overnight and it’s ruddy cold here for mid May. All caused by the wild fires in western Canada with smoke blocking out the sun.

    Anne. Yikes! Just checked and it’s 3C here at 7:30 am.☃️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    We’ve warmed up to 5 degrees. Where’s my shorts! Anne. 😎🐕‍🦺🌴
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It’s not a bad day with a few clouds and plenty of sunshine. We enjoyed our walk and I met a couple of other dog walkers so stopped for a chat. Sheila phoned me yesterday evening to tell me her back x-ray results aren’t good news because it shows her lower spine is crumbling and crushing nerves so no visit today. She is naturally very worried because her GP wants her to see a surgeon and talk about having an operation but her biggest concern is her little dog Rosie and what would happen to her. It seems one person after another near me is struggling with health issues which is a bit depressing.
    I have been gardening again and this time dismantling an old compost heap that had been sitting under a piece of carpet. I need a Stanley knife to cut it up a bit at a time but can’t find mine anywhere so paused for a cup of tea and looked online to check if I can purchase one tomorrow after my visit to a friend for, yes you guessed it, coffee and cake! I’ll work for another half hour then make myself an evening snack. Becoming cooler too so need to close up my greenhouse.

    Soon be warmer Anne. I see the planet is expected to warm up beyond the 1.5 degree danger zone in the next 4 years!

    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Good Morning to All. Happy Wednesday. Its been a busy week as we did a few errands, but mostly worked around the house. Pressure washed the patio and weeding all the flower beds. Lori finally was able to put up the umbrellas, too, as wind subsided. We are officially open for summer. 😎. We pick Mike up from the airport today…so we are excited to see him. Sara will be back from UK vacay on Friday. She will come see us next weekend. My back is doing better. So no complaints from Cali.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    And here’s my Lollo Rosso lettuce, in spite of cold winds!

    Hello Joy. Lucky you, open for summer! I hope your Sara had a great time in the UK and will have lots of adventures to share.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Celebrating my son in laws 60th birthday! Busy fun day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Good evening. I spent the day sorting card making supplies, crushing boxes and I finished both the graduation card and the birthday card that I need to mail tomorrow. Oh, and I planted the rest of my seed potatoes. They were finally growing small sprouts so it was time. I watered everything as the forecast for rain tomorrow is iffy.

    Jackie, beautiful lettuce! Looks like it is ready to harvest. Did enjoy my cutting of lettuce. So fresh and tender.

    Sandy, enjoy the celebration.

    Joy, a busy week at your home. Enjoy the visit and all the treats you purchased. 👍🏻👍🏻 Glad your back is feeling better.

    Anne, I hope you resisted wearing shorts today. Glad it is a bit warmer. Heading in the right direction. I hope your geranium peps up. We had a smoky atmosphere today also caused by fires West of us. I assume Northwest of us.

    Be safe and happy.


    Boop boop be boop…(or something like that)


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Jackie, beautiful lettuce

    :) Jake had an appointment with the doctor today so he could get prescriptions renewed and they gave him the next Covid shot. I was sad and disappointed when I heard this because we've gone and gotten all of our shots together. He had the brilliant idea of going to Walgreens and happily they were able to give me my shot right away. We celebrated by going to Dairy Queen for ice cream.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Woke up to 3 degrees again! No danger of heat stroke here. It looks like Mary Jo will have to reseed and I’ve offered my magic growing window again if this is the case.

    No, no shorts LIN, even if I had shorts to wear, lol. I was huddled in my warmest polo neck all day. However, warmth is in sight according to our weatherman when we warm up to a balmy 54 F this afternoon. It’s just above freezing right now with “frost warning” on the iPad, as though we can’t feel it for ourselves.
    The fires should ease today out west and what a blessing that will be.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday!😀 We had a great time celebrating Carl’s 60th!
    We toured St. Augustine in this golf cart playing hide and seek with some rain, followed by a great lunch where I had salmon that was delicious. Came home and opened presents followed by some cheese cake to sing happy birthday!
    Hoping to sit by pool early since it is going to be a cloudy day, but will see if I can catch some sun.
    My grandson and his girl want to take me out for dinner tonight but I will pay since he is still an apprentice electrician. He has until next April before he will be certified.
    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

    P.S. Barbie I will be getting vaccinated once I am back home

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    After an early shopping trip and walk round the block with George and Betty, I took both of them to visit a friend I hadn’t seen since before lockdown. Lots of catching up and talk of vegetable growing since she also has a veggie garden, then home for lunch. On the way I picked up the Stanley knife ordered online.
    During my visit I’d received a call from my old boss I worked with over 40 years ago telling me of the death of someone else from way back when, so I promised to phone him once I was home and that call took close to an hour because he loves to reminisce and I don’t have the heart to tell him I’m busy! I declined a visit to the funeral since I didn’t know the man that well.

    Lin, you may know Betty is named after Betty Boop due to those big eyes! Love the teapot.

    Another great photo Sandy with everyone looking relaxed.

    I’m still declining any more Covid booster jabs because my life remains quiet so I don’t find myself in big crowds. I didn’t hear of anyone catching flu during the Winter months either and will hopefully build up my own immunity.

    Both pooches are snoozing and this evening I’m going to watch a travel programme about Sri Lanka…. Golden beaches and sunshine! Charmaine is flying there on Sunday to hopefully sort out family issues over her late mother’s house but I know she won’t be looking forward to it.

    Our weather seems to be finally settling into signs of early summer so I will concentrate on more garden tidying tomorrow. Happy Thursday and enjoy the rest of the day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Good evening. Another busy day with errands and then cleaning and straightening around the house. Still making little progress. But I will keep at it.

    Jackie, I didn’t remember that association with Betty’s name. ❤️❤️. My doctor had said I might as well wait until fall to see if they update the mix in the COVID shot and get it along with a flu shot.

    I will just muddle along here and see what happens next.

    I was searching for a form to fill out to apply for a senior property tax credit. No explanations or instructions. And the form is the one used for homestead exemption as they don’t have time to create a new one onli e. Hummmmm, I think I will need to call the assessor’s office to try to get more information. It has to be filled out and filed with the county by July 1st.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Friday! 😀 My last full day in Paradise! It has been wonderful and relaxing and next week I go back to my hectic schedule. My son in law is a handyman to keep busy after his early retirement, yesterday he fell off a ladder and dislocated his shoulder. My daughter and I drove to get him so she could drive him to the hospital in his truck and I drove her car back home. They were there from about 11:30am to 8:00. First the doctors said he might have broken his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder, then after X-rays they said no broken collarbone but it seemed his shoulder popped back in place. He was still in horrible pain so they finally did an ultra sound and discovered is was dislocated in the back which was unusual. So they sedated him for a few minutes and popped it back in place. He is fine, just a little sore and wearing a sling. We told him he turned 60 and fell apart.😂😂😂

    It is cloudy right now but hoping the sun comes out for my last pool day. Florida is funny that way, sunny, then rain, then sunny.
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    Golly…..did anybody read about the 95 year old lady with a walker in an Australian care home who came towards the police holding a knife at an “admittedly slow pace” and got Tasered! Think I will try and avoid senior care homes!.

    Will warn my 58 year old son who’s prone to climbing ladders as a hobby SANDY. Very painful for your poor lad. I’ve had a bone popped back and don’t want another!

    Maria and her two removal containers have finally gone. Maybe new folk tomorrow!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    It’s a pleasant day with a gentle breeze and warm enough to feel comfortable without getting hot. We enjoyed a lovely walk first thing, chatted to a few people on the way then spent a couple of hours gardening in my wild bottom! I’ve managed to chop up lots of cuttings using my electric shredder once I managed to drag it out of my shed. Question is, is it getting heavier or am I getting weaker? I think I know the answer!

    Lin, that teapot!! Absolutely gorgeous. 🤣

    Yes Anne, I saw the article and thought of my 96 year old friend Les who uses a walking frame and can be quite cross at times. A disgusting way to treat anyone but elderly and with dementia is appalling and so upsetting for her family.
    It made me feel sad reading that Maria has moved on, as if it’s an end of an era. I would be very happy to see some of my neighbours move away though! I think my loud gang have gone away overnight and left their little cat outside crying at their door. George is concerned because he thinks it’s Brady!

    Oh dear Sandy, dislocations are extremely painful, especially in that area. A good job he is only what we call walking wounded! Enjoy your last day in Paradise. 😎

    I’ve collected lots of eggs today so definitely an omelette for my evening meal.
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited May 2023
    Good morning All. My son just left our place for the weekend as his best friend is getting married at a winery up in the Sierra foothills. He borrowed our car… I will be doing a few things around the house. Before he left this morning we sat outside with our morning coffee. I was in shorts at 0700. It was so nice…..I wish he could move out here with us. And yes, Lin, we enjoyed our Trader Joes croissants😎.
    Mike will be back Sunday evening and stay the week. The San Diego fam will be here on Friday. I am so excited to see my great grands, who are now 2 and 4 years. On Saturday, my other son and his family will be here. So lots of grocery shopping to do before the group. My granddaughter who visited UK will be here too. Last year, Lori bought a corn hole game and a pool basketball game. So much fun. Of course, Granny Joy plans to observe all the fun from the lounge chair, margarita in hand. Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, had another busy day around the house but ended up with some stomach issues. Hoping it better tomorrow.

    Wishing you a good weekend.

    I love the copper tea cozy.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Another beautiful day so an early walk across the top of the moors. The cuckoos are still calling and Skylarks twittering. After a couple of phone calls I’m now in the midst of weeding and pruning my wild area at the bottom of my garden without spoiling its natural look.
    Happy Saturday everyone. Lin, I hope you are feeling better today.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! 😀. I will be leaving later this morning for my 2:00 flight home. I had a wonderful time being with my daughter and her family and of course Dexter. Back to my hectic life for the next couple of months starting with therapy twice this week, sitting Wednesday and Marisa’s graduation the same night. Meeting Thursday and cardiologist Tests on Friday. Dog sitting for Ewok and new puppy in June and reunion in July.
    I guess keeping busy keeps me going!

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Another chilly day accompanied by much needed rain. Which means I made an enormous shepherds pie and I’ve just popped it in the oven. This weather makes one yearn for woolly socks and warming winter dinners! The Ms are looking after enormous cat Hobbes while Derek and Bev are sunning (ha ha) themselves at their friends parents cottage in the Kiawartha Lakes whilst Mike took one look at the dreariness and decided to go into work. We, that’s Bean and I might go and see the mountain cat this afternoon. Oh and it’s our long weekend, Victoria Day on Monday, so I guess we should have expected the normal gloom.

    Just been to see what Jillys barking at, and it’s the new owners arriving at Maria’s ex house. Didn’t manage to catch a sight of them though to check on age etc etc. Dont expect them to be in their eighties !

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, feeling better than yesterday and am thankful for that.

    We have temperatures in the 60’s F today. Warmer than yesterday but in the forecast they are saying we may be back in the sweaty 80’s next week. We did not get the rain that was forecast so I am already watering my deck containers.

    I sorted through lots of photos and papers yesterday. I found a photo of my great grandmother. Also a story written by the Grandmother’s youngest sister about her life. It was very interesting. Lots of detail about life in Alberta when she and her mother joined her father and two of their sons on homesteads. The paper is in kind of poor shape as it is an old time photostatic copy of the story. Something my mom must have taken home when we were cleaning out my grandma’s house.

    Today, I need to get moving on making the cards for my May donation to the card charity. Working!

    Be well everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    A bit warmer this afternoon and NO rain. Michael will be over for lunch, the Ms are looking after the naughty giant Hobbes, the new people were in Maria’s old house yesterday, the fireworks were going off last evening to celebrate queen Victoria's birthday, how old would she be today? my Mother’s Day flowers are still alive and gorgeous, and at least in this small corner of the world so far, all’s well. Jilly will be a happy pup, walkies with Michael and probably new folks to woof at.

    Hope everyone’s day is wonderful as well, and seeing I don’t drink, remember Victoria if you have an evening drop of the hard stuff,

    Anne. 🍷🥃

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    A gorgeous day with wall to wall sunshine. You can guess where I am pottering after a stroll across the moors. We still endure a north westerly wind which was unheard of summertime before the weather went cockeyed but actually it is keeping our temperature around 20c which is perfect for gardening. My purple mange tout are now planted with sticks to climb and I’m now going to find homes for the sunflowers.
    Sunday, so of course neighbours are making as much noise as possible with petrol grass strimmers. No chance of listening to the church bells!

    Dear old Victoria would probably be a couple of hundred years old today Anne and no doubt looking even more severe! Enjoy your day with Mike.

    Lin, how lovely that you found the old photograph and interesting how families travelled so far without our modern modes of transport. I have a copy of a great uncle’s journal when he travelled by ship to Australia and was shipwrecked on the way. It’s written in a matter of fact way as if it was a regular occurrence in his life!

    The noise continues but she does appear to be moving further away so I’ll grit teeth and go back outside! 😬
    Happy Sunday everyone. I’m assuming no news is good news for Patsy, John and family.

    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) I planted zucchini and pumpkin yesterday, sunflowers the day before. Jake is waiting for the tomato plants at the store we like so he can buy one and plant it and then plant beans. Meanwhile we continue to pull weeds and spread bark. Lest this sound like we are hard workers, I'll tell you that we work no more than 90 minutes a day in the yard.

    :) My sources say that Queen Victoria was born on May 24, 1819.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Home Sweet Home! Laundry is started and I will be going to noon Mass today. Good to be home but I did love being with my daughter and family and of course Dexter her lovable dog.
    I get to rest today and tomorrow before things get busy again. Have to put in a grocery order for tomorrow but other than that will catch up on all the shows I recorded while gone.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi. Another day of miserable back pain. Cannot work on cards or do anything. Living on Tylenol. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

    Hugs to you all.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) It got really cold here after a week of warm sunny days so all I did in the yard was water the stuff I planted. We found a beautiful tomato plant that is safely hiding in the garage til tomorrow

    <3 Barbie
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Sandy, I hope your day was calm and peaceful.
    Oh dear Lin , so sorry to hear you are in such pain. I tried an 8 hour Tylenol that was helpful. I am thinking of you and hope tomorrow is a better day.
    Barbie, sorry for the change in weather, but you saved the tomato plant 😍
    Its going to be 97 here tomorrow. I will have my morning coffee outdoors but won't be able to do anything else.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m joining you with Tylenol Lin. Somehow I managed to twist my instep of all things. I think from wearing worn out old sandals with little support in the garden. Awake all night in agony and I’ve asked the family not to come over today and I’m not going anywhere either. The pain is easing a bit but I’m SO tired and just want to have a quiet day hopefully napping. Poor Jilly Bean! It’s not blue so just a sprain I think. My favourite sandals heading for the garbage bin.