Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Just a quick note. It was very warm and sunny here today and I spent the day doing household chores. Nothing exciting. Which is nice!

    Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and then going to get my car washed. Nothing else planned for today which is good since I am tired from sitting yesterday. Took the kids to the park and my back wasn't happy with the long walk. I am thinking I am going to get the MRI to see if there is something else going on with my back and just get the shots to relieve the pain. I want to be able to enjoy my summer without going to therapy and being in pain. I am not good with home therapy and rarely follow through.
    Will call the doctor and get their opinion.
    I finally saw my hummingbird briefly but he flew away as soon as I moved. I think it is a new one but not sure. I love sitting outside and having them come to feed so close to me.
    Sad news is that Ewok has to have an ultra sound of his kidneys as his levels are high. That will be done on the 22nd so I pray he is okay because he is only 4 years old.

    Time to eat and get moving. Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited May 2023
    Good morning all my Pals….Im just out of shower and air drying my hair so wanted to wish everyone a nice day.
    Lin…great tea set. Glad its all quiet there. Always a good thing.
    Sandy, I am sorry about your back. I am happy to report mine is finally better. Its always best to get the diagnosis but I hate mentioning anything to my PCP then i have to follow up on the darn MRI, which I hate.🙁
    We took Lori to airport to fly to Boulder and attend my youngest grandsons college graduation. Time marches on.
    Deb is picking me up and we are going to Trader Joes. My son is flying in from Atlanta next week and we are stocking the pantry with his favorites. Sarah still in UK….they took train from London to Inverness. Next onto Dublin.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. Another day of chores and I did pick up a small order of groceries this morning.

    Take care everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    Yesterday was a busy one but I managed to spend a couple of hours visiting Les and chatting over a cup of tea. George and Betty came along too and gave him lots of hugs and kisses. He told me all about his time in hospital where he felt doctors were more interested in getting him to agree to non-resuscitation should he feel too unwell but he’s a stubborn man so told them he would soon improve if allowed home and one did then help him out of bed, into a chair and then kept an eye on him. It seems, in the end, they got the message, arranged 6 weeks care at home that every senior is entitled to after a hospital visit, and sent him home! In the past he has grown tomato plants in his greenhouse but nothing was arranged this year so I’ve promised to take a couple in large pots so long as someone can water them for him.

    This morning I walked across the moors in glorious sunshine then stopped at a garden centre to buy compost. It’s extremely expensive although I can’t imagine why! I will need more but over the weekend, will see how much the farm supply store charges. Just as we returned home, Linda phoned to say she would be passing and had a hooped plant protector for me so kettle on and a pot of coffee made and we sat on my deck and chatted until lunchtime. She’s gone to meet her son at the garden she now tends and I’m going to get more work done in mine.

    Happy Friday to everyone. Cute teapot Lin, with the pair of doves on its roof. Too big to drop down the chimney!! I’m delighted for Patsy getting the outside of their home shipshape. Everyone else busy too.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Good afternoon. Doing laundry again today. And I made leftovers for lunch and I am now officially out of leftovers! That doesn’t happen often. We have more rain on the way with the possibility of storms once again. This is getting quite repetitive.

    I got the schedule of sessions for tomorrow. I will watch what I can but will not attempt to make anything until after watching the sessions. There are tiny breaks but my gosh, it is 12 hours long! I knew there was a 12 hour window for the program but I thought there would coffee breaks and one or two meal breaks. I guess you just do whatever works for you.

    I got a notice of my refund on the robot vacuum. I did not expect a 15% restocking fee. I went to the store front and the minimum restocking charge is 10% (if totally new) and can go as high as 50% depending on the condition of the item. I will not order from that vendor again.

    Jackie, what a nice long visit with Les. Good for him standing up to the medical personnel. What kind of hoops does Linda have to share with you?

    Sandy, happy travels to you. I hope your back doesn’t cause you trouble.

    Joy, how was your trip to Trader Joe’s? I plan to go there early next week. I thought about going today but it is Friday and Mother’s Day is Sunday. TJ’s probably has lots of fresh flowers and plants to entice shoppers!

    Anne, Patsy, Diane, Jeri, Barbie and anyone else I have missed, hello and happy weekend to you.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all.
    Just came inside and now its normal Valley weather….not even noon and warm on patio lounge chair.
    Lin, we bought Mike’s favorites, which means sweets, croissants, etc. he is very disciplined while at home, so trips to Cali are time to spoil hm. Of course, I will be eating all that stuff too! Plus I picked up potato chips for myself. I am the opposite of disciplined😲
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just a lot of activity on both sides of me. On one side Maria’s sons appear to be moving her stuff out because Darren tells me the new folk move in, mid May. On the other side the new lady who is already moving out busy tidying the garden and putting cardboard boxes out for the garbage men. A much younger lady is apparently taking photographs of the desirable residence. And here’s me, piggy in the middle who maybe should be the one moving out! Talk about ironic!

    I spent much of the day cleaning, washing and ironing. I want the weekend “off” because it is Mother’s Day on Sunday and who knows I might get spoiled. Usually do!

    Happy hols SANDY.
    Hi, everyone from
    Anne in nice warm Ontario.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Still waiting on some laundry before packing but paid some bills, ordered a dress to be delivered to my daughter's because I need it for Marisa's graduation when I get home and didn't want to take the chance it wouldn't get here on time. I got my mani/pedi done and just need to sort through my clothes and pack. I leave at 7:45am for the airport, ordered my taxi today. Will check in while I am gone and want you all to behave yourselves because I don't plan on doing that. lol

    Have a great day and weekend.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Woooooooo hot weekend coming up. It is very warm right now. Little conditioner cranking away.

    Anne: maybe Canada is different but here in the states, retirement places are crazy expensive! And there is often a long waiting list. And there are many examples of abuse and neglect. It isn’t nearly like the expensive place dear Buzz lived in. Those are rare and very expensive. Here people go into those places and that is the ground zero for RSV and Covid. Sad but true. No I think I would advise you to stay put! You are in the best place you could be with frequent visits fronM your boys and daughter-in-law. Be safe and enjoy your little cottage. Just my thoughts!!!!!

    Lin: I love leftovers! Actually so does John. He never objects to them under most circumstances.
    I do get tired of salmon. Fixing fresh salmon can be terribly time consuming and leftovers are nice but also time consuming.

    Sandy: have a great time. We are wishing we were with you as you plan to be a bit naughty.

    Joy! It is necessary to spoil our kids. And grandkids! It is fun and there is no downside because they are grown and on their own to go back to a more disciplined life after.

    Jackie: you are doing a wonderful thing in visiting Les. As an older person with a small busy family I treasure visits from friends. Also the fur friends. I hate putting pressure on my busy family to visit and do little tasks for us. Also I love that you care for your plants like green friends with needs and wants. I have green friends here in the house. Not sure about gardening this year. Maybe not. I have big stuff to think and do to keep us chugging along.

    Hello to all sneakers….Barbie, Jeri, Diane, all of you absent but loved sneakers!
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    Dearest Patsy, just a daft comment on my part. I’ve no intention of leaving my small but dear little cottage. I’ve lived here the longest of anywhere, and Mark is doing his best to bring me up to date! 33 years all told. Things are exactly the same here as in the States regarding senior home price and you take your chances on the care. But, thank YoU for caring. Super advice and long may you, John, Katie, me and Jilly enjoy our homes and independence.

    And on that note before I toddle off for a shower,
    ……. BIG FANFARE……. The asking price just listed is………..
    …………………..$1,499,900. Yes really!…………………………

    JACKIE Les sounds like my kind of guy! A tad feisty. Roy would still be with us if he had gone home from the hospital instead of being put in that retirement home where he died from Corvid. I don’t think he was offered help in his home? I know my doctor looked quite shocked when I strongly informed him I wasn’t having any more blood tests, lol. It’s a bit like “she who shall be obeyed”. My old British pal vivienne had a tee shirt with that printed on it.

    ANNE, love to all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! 😁 On my flight to Florida! Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I’m preparing a mild version of the curry Charmaine cooked for us and doing my best to remember what went where! Smells good at least!
    It’s been a beautiful day with lots of warm sunshine so I’m continuing to get the smaller jobs done so that I can then concentrate on the bigger picture, i.e my wild bottom! Yesterday, late afternoon, my friend from the local apiary arrived to place the bee colony into a travel box and has left it in position until this evening so any bees that might have wandered too far from home, will find their way back before he takes it away. I’m expecting him around dusk.

    Bon voyage Sandy and have a wonderful time. ❤️

    Patsy, even gardening and growing a few vegetables is a commitment so probably best not to add pressure to your days, at least until the renovation work is completed. I’m well aware Les won’t be around forever and his 2 daughters find him difficult at times because he is what we call old school… father must be obeyed whatever their age! I’m able to breeze in and out without taking offence!

    Anne, I’m amazed Harry’s property is priced so high if it has so many problems. At this rate exchanges will take place for the next few years! Your Roy was caught up in the appalling situation where patients were moved into care homes knowing there was a good chance they would succumb to Covid and one day, when we are all gone to a better place, doctors and government officials will acknowledge their cynical behaviour.

    Lin, this is my tunnel for protecting my veggies. I haven’t had a close look yet because it hasn’t been needed but I gather it can be cut to size.

    That teapot is fabulous and reminds me of a YouTube video I watched recently made by a man who found a tiny green frog in his shop bought salad and found a terrarium so he could give it a home!

    Hello to everyone missed. Curry ready so I’m off to enjoy.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’ve enjoyed a nice warm but not too hot perfect day. Michael turned up and after taking Jilly Bean for a long walk the three of us got into his car to go to shoppers drugmart. I’m absolutely fed up with going au natural for the last two years. Don’t get me wrong I don’t ever plaster the stuff on but it’s nice not to have a shiny nose. As long as you are in the makeup section, Jilly Bean is allowed in. I needed a bit of help because the eyes need fixing and the lady who came to my aid was heavily made up which worried me a bit. However she turned out to be really nice, an east European judging by her heavy accent and understood that at 87 I just needed a little help. Nothing garish. Wow, I haven’t bought makeup for ages and the prices made my eyes water. Oh well. She sort of took a shine to me, Michael and Jilly and was soon showing us photos of her dog who looked a lot like JACKIEs handsome George. Not sure that was a totally good idea as she was the only assistant in the makeup section and we left with a small queue forming.

    The next port of call was pet treats for Bean who is in danger of getting middle age spread.

    Mother’s Day tomorrow and Mikes coming over again. That’s okay, we love seeing him.
    It’s an awful drive for him though because Canada is doing its favourite summer pastime of filling in potholes. Lots of car lineups from lane closures. All that activity added 3/4 hour to his journey.

    Anne. 💋💄
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good Lord. These Zoom classes will never end. I am exhausted!!!

    Back tomorrow. I will be sleeping when this marathon finally wraps up.

    Thinking of you.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    It was a bright sunny morning so after more laundry was hung out to dry I headed to my usual spot on the moors. As we drove closer I spotted a line of rolling fog but thankfully it stayed mostly in the valley below while we walked. I phoned Heather’s friend Sheila when we got back because I hadn’t seen her walking last week and it turned out she has severely hurt her back and in fact, ended up in A&E because she couldn’t walk. Her cleaner took her then home again so Sheila has asked her to accompany her driving to her vet for her dog Rosie’s prescription drugs. George’s groomer is booked tomorrow so I will phone Sheila in the afternoon to see if she would like to pop in for a cup of tea.
    Not much else to report. Beetroot seeds and a few Mangetout plants have been planted in a raised bed and I’ve spent a bit of time potting on tomato plants and a few perennials. The beehive and its contents were removed last night but I’ve noticed a dozen or so bees have found their way back and are investigating the area. Hopefully they will fly back to their Queen before it gets late.
    Rain is forecast this evening so when I finish my cup of tea I will strim the edges of the garden path but still not cut the main lawns. Another 2 weeks of not cutting but I’m not sure I will hold off to the end of the month because it looks untidy rather than wild…. There is a difference!

    Clouds are rolling in so if I’m going to strim today I’d better get on. Happy Sunday one and all.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good afternoon. A drizzly overcast day. Not a sunny happy day for all of the celebrating moms.

    I did some laundry and attended online church. Otherwise, I am trying to rest today. I did something to my back and I am incredibly uncomfortable.

    Hoping everyone has had a good day!


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, me and the Bean had a lovely day and my living room looks like a flower shop with all the gorgeous white and pink flowers. Mark and Michael who live miles apart incredibly bought me almost identical bouquets in the same colours. After chatting we went into the garden because Mark has an obsession with dandelions. He can’t let a dandelion grow! So whilst he dug up all the poor plants in the lawns me and Mary Jo and especially Jilly Bean who’s incredibly nosy watched all the activities going on, on both sides of us. Loads of folks emptying Maria’s house of furniture and loads of folks viewing Harry’s old house, which I suppose is a bargain, (lol), the way houses are selling for here. I’m keeping out of it in the future whoever my new neighbours might be. The house next to Mark and Mary Jo’s sold in only three days.

    Oh LIN, sorry you have got the curse of backache. Get well soon!

    And it’s teatime for me. Poor little Bean is worn out with all the excitement going on!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day! Had a wonderful day at the pool with Kristy and Dexter. (the pup).
    Kristy and Carl are ushering at an event tonight so I am just chilling with Dexter.
    One Day at a Time
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to all of you Moms. Sounds as if many of you had a wonderful day.

    I heard from my son in Tennessee early, which was a nice surprise and we had a great conversation. My daughter, who lives 1/2 hr away, texted me Happy Mothers Day remarking we will have to get together for lunch soon. And that was my Mothers Day. I thawed some chicken for my husband to barbeque along with some delicious asparagas.

    The hot weather has hit us this week. I enjoyed my coffee outside this morning until it was getting too warm for me. At 3 pm it was 91, so I am inside in the a/c now. Look forward to our warm evenings now until the mosquitos decide to pop out.

    Thanks for your comments on how to deal with giving meds to our "Jacque". At 13 he has heart and kidney disease giving
    him a diet of carbs and a few sugars. His trip to the vet a couple of days ago required an infusion of water and an increase in his meds. Everything we try he turns his nose up too. Not even macaroni with turkey gravy will entice him, so gold fish, animal cookies and cherrios worked for a short while. Got him to eat 3 pieces of broccoli one time and 5 pieces of yellow squash last night. His meds were increased to 3 x a day; we crush them then mix them up with applesauce and use a syringe to get it in him. Hopefully his liquid replacement meds will be ready from the compounding pharmacy tomorrow. We feel like we are starving our dog, so today we bought a pkg of Natures Fresh food, plus some canned pumpkin to try. He ate his food so hopefully we have found something he will eat daily. Yes it has protein in it, but we love our animal too much to deny him food in his last days. Like everyone our dog is very special to us. A day at a time as Sandy says.

    Well time to start making some dinner. Thank you for being there.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    Oh my, what a wonderful weekend for me. I actually saw Michael two days in a row bearing flowers and then Mark and Mary Jo turned up bearing flowers! Best of all though was the hydrangea which Mary Jo dug up from a too shady spot and which split into two plants to replant both at the back of the garden. Mark bought me it years ago for a long ago Mother’s Day. Well I thought the two plants had died, but peering shortsightedly at them tiny buds and leaves are appearing. Made my weekend!! Probably she won’t flower this year,but who cares, she made the replant trauma.

    Oh Diane, so sad to read you are going through what sadly we all go through with our little friends. You are doing a great job and the little boy knows he is much loved. I went through the same with my lovely never to be forgotten dog Jenny and all the kitty cats and I dread going through the same yet again with my dear little Jilly should I outlive her. But the joy all my pets brought me will never leave me you know.

    I can’t believe it, whilst all you poor folks are suffering from the heat and it’s hazy from the fires in the west the central heating just came on which means a nice warm bathroom to shower in. We are living in strange times.

    Hoping everyone’s day is happy and trouble free,
    ANNE. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday. Cloudy thus morning but sun is out now. Will be going out to pool shortly. Kristy babysits on Mondays for a two year old little girl who is adorable. Kristy ran to store while she is napping but home now. Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    It’s so chilly in the house despite bright sunshine that I’ve just changed into my thick winter polo neck sweater…….Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    What a shock when I got out of my car on the moors this morning. The freezing cold north wind is back and everyone is fed up! Thankfully I took a warm coat just in case. I stayed on lower areas as we walked and met several other dog walkers doing the same. Not quite sheltered but bearable. I did some hoovering before George’s groomer arrived then, when he had been trimmed decided my lawn just had to be cut because it looked a mess. As someone pointed out recently, I am surrounded by green farmland as well as common land so my garden won’t make much of a difference one way or the other! I’ve phoned Sheila who is still suffering a painful back but her GP won’t prescribe painkillers until the result of her x-ray is known. She is going to drive to me on Wednesday for morning coffee and I suggested little Rosie comes too, even if she is almost incontinent because my floors downstairs are tiled and easy to wipe clean.
    I’ve received my invitation to a 2nd CT scan next month, 7.30pm in the scanner now parked in a town about 10 miles away, the same one my hairdresser’s business is in and annoyingly, I have a hair appointment in the morning, same day. I might phone her to check if she is working later that day and combine the visits.

    We have many of our fields growing bright yellow rapeseed that cooking oil can be produced from. It might be because Ukraine will struggle to produce much sunflower oil but the problem is its pollen is getting into my nose so I’m constantly sneezing!

    Sorry Lin, you are suffering back pain too. I hope it’s nothing serious and you can gradually work it off.

    Sounds like a great Mothering Sunday Anne. A happy hydrangea rescue too!

    Enjoy the pool Sandy. Too cold here to be taking any layers off!

    Time to wash dishes then relax for the evening.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello, I have been doing a bit of cooking today and having been cutting out various shapes to work on the needed graduation card. Also need to write a check or two this evening. Hope to go to Trader Joe’s and the library tomorrow morning. It is drizzly again today with much lower temperatures. The furnace is running periodically which is fine with me.

    I spent an inordinate amount of time this morning trying to get my iPad to charge. It stopped all of a sudden overnight. After much fussing, I finally found the right combination, whatever that was, and it started to charge again. Yes!

    This afternoon I also tinkered with an over the air antenna attached on the tv I have upstairs. I finally got reception on a few channels. That is great as I can watch the local news without using the Internet. Wahoo!

    I don’t know what I strained in my back but it seems things take a long time to get better (if indeed they improve at all). Both shoulders are not working much and produce loss of suffering. Maybe that just moved around to my back. Oh well, I will try to persevere.

    Stay safe everyone. And may everyone survive either their hot temperatures or unseasonably cold ones.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! 😀 Another beautiful day in Florida! Will be floating in the pool again with Dexter.
    This picture is from Mother’s Day.
    Life is good!
    Enjoy your day and stay healthy!
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Martha Stewart at age 81 is on the front cover of the Sports illustrated magazine in a white swimsuit SANDY. I doubt for all her wealth and thus access to help in the beauty field she can look more beautiful than you. Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    Martha Stewart at age 81 is on the front cover of the Sports illustrated magazine in a white swimsuit SANDY. I doubt for all her wealth and thus access to help in the beauty field she can look more beautiful than you. Anne.
    Well said Anne!

    The nasty north wind has dropped so I enjoyed a wonderful stroll across the top of the moor with only George, Betty, a cuckoo and high flying skylarks for company. I’ve been advised the farmer that grazes sheep on the land moved them, with their lambs, to nearby fields so George was let off his lead to do zoomies and roll in fox poo to eradicate the scent sprayed on his coat by his groomer! Betty doesn’t chase anything other than the occasional boisterous dog that comes too close so has remained off lead.
    On the way home I visited the post office for stamps to post a couple of birthday cards then drove to town for a few items. It has remained a beautiful day, perfect for gardening 👩🏻‍🌾 so I’ve strimmed the overgrown footpath that leads to the parking area shared with neighbours then continued to tidy flower beds.

    Salad for an evening meal, including home grown lettuce, chives and apple mint.

    Happy Tuesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    Martha Stewart at age 81 is on the front cover of the Sports illustrated magazine in a white swimsuit SANDY. I doubt for all her wealth and thus access to help in the beauty field she can look more beautiful than you. Anne.
    Well said Anne!

    Omg you made me blush and almost tear up for those very kind words Anne. I made it as smas I could to hide all the wrinkles. Thank you my dear friend, you sure know how to boost my ego. ❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Sandy you look great. With the miracle of technology I was able to make the photo larger. Glad you are having fun