Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Jillys training is coming along fine! Up at 5am for a quick trot and then back to bed with me until 6:30am to watch the sun creeping over our windowsill.

    All for now, but who wants TV these days! Apart from Jeopardy; TV programs up here are a dead loss. Well I did watch Father Brown last night. The world news is rarely good these days and I’m just not interested in a bunch of grubby looking folks “surviving” on some desert island or ancient politicians trying to look 25 when tottering up plane steps. I much rather be engrossed in drawing, painting, writing about LINs ghostly iPad, the vacuum cleaner etc and even better, soon gardening time will be here again.

    From the above you will gather the Ms don’t fly back from Miami until tonight, so no doubt they will add to the “excitement” tomorrow.

    Anne about to have a shower, shut her eyes, and imagine being surrounded by palm trees. 🌴🌴🌴🏖️😎

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Ok, I’m going to try to post without it flying off the screen.

    Barney postponed his gardening visit yesterday because we had torrential rain but did pop round to go over what I want pruned and cut down. The original plan was that he do the work back in February but it’s been too wet and now some shrubs are flowering and birds nesting in a hedge so it’s Plan B. Possibly next Friday but I won’t hold my breath.
    It is certainly milder today so I took the dogs on to the moors before collecting Linda for our coffee and cake outing. The tea shop was so busy I had to park out on the road and we were lucky to get the last available table. Linda told me all about her recent visit to Wales, the land of legends, that turned out to be so spooky she felt the spirits didn’t want her there and so many things went awry she’s happy to be home!
    One of the packets of tomato seeds she bought a while ago only had half the amount shown on the pack so she had phoned the company to complain and they sent her another, with just 6 Indigo Rose black tomato seeds so I need to be very careful propagating them!
    I’m home and doing some housework but of course, have stopped for my afternoon cup of tea!

    British tv has gone all dark and moody dramas and reality series these days that don’t particularly interest me so I find YouTube entertaining. The BBC does have an excellent selection of movies but I cancelled Netflix and Amazon a while ago and can’t say I miss them.

    Anne, M&S used to get all their clothing manufactured in Wales and I think made a bad decision years ago to buy abroad because they lost their individual style so became run of the mill. To bring their business back from the brink their buyers turned to reputable labels. I buy my undies there because their sizes have always suited my shape.

    It feels wonderful to finally have doors and a few windows open to allow the fresh air in. Lots of large bumblebees buzzing round the shrubs that like to pop in for a visit until I gently persuade them to pop out again!
    It’s already 4pm so I will plant the precious seeds then do a little more housework.

    This morning’s treat has wrecked my healthy eating plans but I’ll stick to salad this evening!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Unbelievable. Windows OPEN to let the bumble bees in and out! JACKIE! I went out to pick up my trash bin and couldn’t get back inside fast enough. I’ve text the Ms in Miami to have their winter woollies ready when they land at Pearson Airport tonight. Probably spoilt their last hot day, but better warned than be in bed with pneumonia methinks. No sign of a busy buzzy bee here.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Anne, it’s amazing after our freezing north winds and constant rain that 14C feels like summer! The fruit blossom is bursting forth as well as Azalea shrubs. I do remember when I lived in Toronto, 4C felt balmy after a bitter winter… not something I miss! My last holiday with partner John was in West Palm Beach and I do still remember the shock to the system returning to a bleak, cold Toronto in February so feel for Mark and MJ!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Mark text to say it’s 30C in Miami, it’s now reached 10C here. It feels colder. Hey enjoy! 14C isn’t much higher though. I think I feel the cold more these days. I believe JOY is the same.?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy Friday!😘. Went to see cardiologist today.
    The good news is that because I quit smoking 31 years ago I probably saved my life. The other good news is that I don't need an angiogram but he is doing two other tests to make sure all is okay. An echocardiogram with contrast and a myocardial perfusion study. One is a stress test the other an ultra sound of my heart. If all is good which he thinks will be then they can give me meds to help. Diet and exercise also help. So tests are being done June 26. Blood work the week before. In other words I am fine. Just bring precautious.

    Therapy on my back starts in May so hopefully by pool time I will be in good shape. Not easy trying to take care of health but worth it.

    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Anne, I get mixed up so much ….. are you saying same with me for cold bones or for temperature?! Yes, I dont take cold winters anymore…cant seem to warm up and wouldnt fare well in Canada. Yes, also, to my Cali temperature. Today it is a lovely 95. Now in spite of my complaining about cold….I actually dont take heat…so was outside this morning doing my PT stretches by the pool and it was lovely. Right now, I cant go outside in the heat so I am sitting in family room with a little personal fan blowing cool air on me! ❤️
    Sandy, thinking of you today. I get all those heart exams each year. I am scheduled for August. It is always reassuring to hear “all is fine” after the test results are in. Let us know how things go.
    Also in therapy for my back.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello, waving to everyone. I didn’t sleep much last night and am quite tired. I heard from a friend this morning. She and her hubby lost one of their much loved Tonkinese cats. Mikey was a beauty who went camping with them and loved to play with his cat toys and an app on the iPad. Total shock, he was only a couple of years old and was diagnosed with heart failure. They took him to the best animal facility in the state and the doctor said there was nothing they could do for him. Now they have one kitty, a younger one, and I would imagine also very confused without his companion.

    Be safe everyone.

    Glad everyone seems to be doing okay.

    Hugs all around.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    Cold bones JOY. There was a time when I loved the cold and enjoyed skiing etc. Today, I’m a middle of the roader. Only happy weather wise when it’s about 75 Fahrenheit and how often does that happen except indoors of course with furnace or a/c.

    It’s pouring with rain outside to greet the Ms when they land in about a hour from now. At least the seedlings are still with us and instead of two leaves each are sporting four.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Anne, yes, only diff is I was born and raised in San Francisco…..mild weather. Never did like trips to the snow, etc. but, yes, my old bones ached all thru our rather mild winter.
    So glad your seedlings are surviving.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    I’ve just been reading a BBC article about a remarkable lady of 85 years who is about to cycle across Scotland for charity. She lost all her three children when they were in their forties - isn’t that so dreadfully sad - and remains active to take her mind off thinking of them all the time. When I was living in the UK I cycled everywhere. Often across the Yorkshire dales to the coast which would be about 50 miles there and back. Later, I wasn’t allowed to learn to drive my ex’s precious car, so my dad, who had a cycle shop fitted a seat on my bike for the boys when they were toddlers and provided bikes as they grew older. We literally cycled everywhere, me and the boys. Didn’t need a car.
    Could I still cycle like the 85 year old but at a slower pace? Well, I’m only 2.5 years older and yes, I think I could. No honestly. Wish I still lived in a village in the dales, and maybe, like the remarkable lady of 85 have our JACKIE follow me in her car with all our 3 pet dogs.

    I know, just a pipe dream, but it’s nice to dream! Too cold, or then too hot here in Canada to cycle much.

    Raining here. Mark and Mary Jo are in for a shock after 30C yesterday.

    Anne. 🚲 🚗
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another gloomy day with periods of rain. Family zoom call at 12:30 and then 4:30 Mass which is for Babe today. I ordered a new chair for my computer desk and will put that together this afternoon. My new glasses are giving my right eye strain so I am going back to eye doctor to recheck prescription again on Monday. Lisa talked Rob into buying another puppy which will only get to 3-7 pounds. Guess who gets to take care of the two dogs while they go to Florida for two weeks? She sent me this in a text to try and melt my heart.
    He is adorable but I am worried about Ewok and such a tiny dog. Ewok killed a bunny in their back yard what will he do with a 3 pound puppy? She claims it will work out, I really hope so.

    Anne, I have a bike in my garage but I have never ridden it. I used to bike ride a lot but now that I am older I am afraid of falling and breaking a hip. Maybe I will give it a try this summer. Maybe. lol

    Have a great day all and enjoy life to it's fullest.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Oh Sandy, is that a Pomsky? Spelled inaccurately I am certain. A friend who has had only Pomeranians has been looking into getting one of these. Last I heard, long waiting list for a puppy and very expensive. But that was quite a while ago.

    Busy day for you.

    Back to work here and then going to do a bit of cooking.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Jilly who is 9lbs was stood on by a large dog. The dog wasn’t a mean dog, he just put his foot in the wrong place. She won’t go near a large dog again and hides behind me if one comes near.

    Amber is the little dog who is the same size as Jilly and lost all her teeth. They have a big dog as well. Harley. Harley isn’t a bad dog either but she is clumsy. When both dogs decided to go indoors at the same time, Harley trampled Amber on the concrete steps and that’s how she had to have 23 teeth removed. Apart from that it cost the earth at the vets.

    Please SANDY, ask Lisa to be sensible and to get a large dog if she must have two. I don’t think a wee puppy will have much of a life.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    I’ve been on the go all day, starting with a long walk on the moors where I met David halfway round then housework, grass cutting and a last minute thought to go into town to buy ingredients for spaghetti bolognaise that I will prepare tomorrow as an extra meal while Charmaine is here. When we first knew each other over 30 years ago, she would prepare wonderful curries from Sri Lanka and my speciality was bolognaise so this time we can reminisce and laugh about old times while we eat! Grey skies first thing but by lunchtime the sun had burnt through which was as well since I had laundry trying to dry on the rotary line. All done, folded and put away! Rain tomorrow!! 😩

    Wow Sandy, does Lisa struggle with her maternal instincts? Now the children are off to school, perhaps she feels a need for something to nurture. The mix of breeds in that little cutie will probably make it incredibly feisty so watch out Ewok!!

    Crazy drivers on our roads these days Anne, so I wouldn’t risk cycling! Without a car I would stick to Shanks’s pony although even that can be dangerous on country lanes!

    My back is complaining that I overdid the chores so I will take a couple of pain relief pills and relax for an hour before bed.

    Enjoy Saturday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I think Lisa is out all day as a teacher JACKIE. By the way who’s Charmaine? Did I miss a post?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello again. Got a bit of tidying accomplished today and talked to a friend to discuss some church related business.

    We got a sprinkle of rain this afternoon and it is colder once again! Eeeck!

    I was checking something online and quite unexpectedly, I ran across a current photo of the first guy I dated. We went to dances at school and danced crazy dances. I could still recognize him. That was quite nice.

    And speaking of the exes, I believe Charmaine is an ex-girlfriend of Jackie’s brother. I could be wrong.

    Be safe everyone. Church tomorrow and some last tidying up around the house for an early morning appointment (on Monday) for servicing my cooling system.

    Oh, and I ran across episodes of the old program “Danger Man” today. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Thick fog this morning so I’m not sure I would find the moors for a walk if I wanted! Betty is the only pet that’s awake at the moment and she took one look when I opened the door for “pee-pee” and immediately returned to her bed by the electric wall heater!

    Yes Anne, Charmaine is an ex of my older brother that I would have loved as a SIL but to be honest, it was a lucky escape for her. Unfortunately he has always been an arrogant man that plans his life around what suits him and no one else. Charmaine was a young student nurse when she met him and he was already in his 30’s but she grew up quickly and he didn’t want someone with a mind of their own. Far more complicated than that but I won’t bore you! We’ve always kept in touch but not actually seen each other for nearly 20 years.
    I had better get a doggy walk in, then a tidy before she finds her way through the fog! It will warm up one day (Joy is already there!)

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning,we’ve just staggered up and are having breakfast, the later getting up is working. I get a nudge and when I peer over the duvet, Jilly turns her head towards the window to show me it’s daylight. She’s a quick learner and getting up at 5 is a thing of the past already.

    Ah JACKIE, I remember the ex girlfriend of your brother who you really liked but I was clueless about her name. I never lost touch with my exes sisters and mother either. They were so sweet saying I’d always be their SIL and I really loved my MIL who sadly died a year after our separation. Have a wonderful visit and lovely “memory” dinners.

    And talking of memories LIN, there’s nothing wrong with your little grey cells my dear, what a memory! Impressed!

    I don’t think Mike will be over because it’s pouring with rain today and apparently won’t know when to stop all week! He intended tackling Jillys claws. So maybe it will be a dull boring day with no traumatic events. MJ is already reminiscing about how beautiful Miami was. They had thought of extending their peaceful holiday for a few days but changed their minds when their hotel was suddenly inundated with packs of screaming noisy kids arriving with their parents for a long weekend. Can’t say I blame them! Only screaming grandchildren tolerated by most folk, lol.

    Anne. 💦💦💦
    …….. 🙃☔️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy Sunday! :) Sunny but chilly day. Cheryl went to Mass with me yesterday as it was for Babe. We then picked up her SIL and went to a place where her SIL knows the one one man band that was playing.
    We had some dinner and listened to him sing and play numerous instruments and it was fun. Kathy is Cheryl brother's wife and he had a stroke years ago and is living in an assisted living home. He is paralyzed on one side and is in a wheel chair. She goes to see him almost every day or talks to him on the phone. So she and Cheryl deliver Grub hub to make extra money so she can go out for dinner with Cheryl and they invited me along yesterday. Since I was frustrated trying to put my computer chair together I said yes, thank you. I will finish putting it together today.

    Anne, I really don't get a say in what my DIL does and I am not to sure my son does either. lol Worse case scenario which would be great for me is that it doesn't work and I get to keep the little dog. I doubt it though since the kiddos will fall in love with that tiny pup. First they have to get it before worrying about might happen. One day at a time. Glad Jilly is a fast learner and you are getting a little extra sleep.
    Still too early for me as I sleep between 8 and 9am. I require 7-8 hours of sleep to function.

    Jackie, I am glad you remained friends with Charmaine. I stayed friends with all of my exes family since it wasn't their fault we got divorced. I told Cheryl yesterday that she should try to date as she is still young at 57. Philip was the only guy she ever was serious with and married, she met him when she was 17. I don't think she knows how nice she could be treated by a decent man. Marisa goes to college this fall so she will be an empty nester so it would be nice to have a companion. Just my opinion.

    Lin, wow, if that were me I would probably reach out to him if that were possible. I always wondered what happened to my "first teenage love" but since he was kind of a bad boy I think he probably ended up in jail or dead. Too common of a name to find him on the internet.

    Hello to everyone and I hope you have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning to all! Just a short note to say hi and I luv reading all the posts as it seems you have all been friends for a long time. I also kept in touch with my ex family and most especially my MIL. She remained close to us til she died. That was very important to me since my parents died when I was 10.
    Well Friday was a big success, five of us “girls” to lunch and it was a long one. Birthday girl so happy. Debbie’s husband Charlie is never around for her special day. He is a member of the Rodeo Assoc. and works that week as the Clovis Rodeo is scheduled that week. Every Year. So it was us girls laughing and sharing memories.
    Yesterday I did some chores. Today my grandson from San Diego is visiting and he is going to BBQ. We usually play some games, too. So will be having another fun day.
    Wishing you all a good day, too
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Michael did brave the weather and bravely tackled Jilly as well. She wriggled and wriggled although held firmly under his arm pit and he drew blood. All over my light coloured sofa. He was devastated and says he will never try again. The pup wasn’t devastated, she calmly licked the bits of blood - little carnivore - and kept licking him as he sprayed with stain remover. Being quick, and it wasn’t THAT much, you wouldn’t know it happened right now.

    Oh SANDY it would be wonderful if you got to keep the little one! These wee dogs are such great companions for us older folk. Sorry if I spoke out of turn, but he’s so small to be with a boisterous family and a boisterous Ewok. With you, the children would see him as I take Jilly everywhere with me.

    Isn’t it funny how we remained friends with our in laws, friends much more than with the outlaw!

    Well it’s still raining here and apparently will until Friday. I didn’t expect Mike so had to rustle a quick meal which he mopped up. Breakfast sausages, mushrooms and fried onions, mashed potato, carrots and peas. Finished off with a couple of digestive biscuits and coffee.

    The Jilly Bean is sleeping off her encounter with the dreaded claw clippers. As soon as she saw Mike armed with them she ran under the coffee table.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, my eyes are not working well today. I need to take a break from electronics.

    Sorry friends. Hugs.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there- our nice weather continues but……allergens by the billions! Everyone is suffering. I am dealing with it all. Head, eyes, nose and lungs. I used to love spring. This is a strange spring.

    Son Damon is looking at A very interesting house right down the road. Very pretty and a great large house again. It isn’t a family house but a great house for entertaining. A huge hot tub included. It would be great to have him right down the road but only if he would be happy.

    John is doing pretty good. The stimulation of the construction and guys consulting him is a very good thing. He hesitates and often can’t find his words but everyone helps him. He continues to be a complex diagnoses for the doctors. He is making some progress but not in all areas.

    Damon is looking at places to moor his sailboat around here. There are lots of places and empty slips for rent. Yea! Maybe…..

    Katie is a total mess. I need to groom her and clip her nails. She has to have a special relaxant or she quite actually freaks out. Almost has a seizure! Over cutting her toenails!!!!! Geeeez

    I am not sure I could recommend a puppy at my age. I am glad threw caution to the wind and did a puppy at 80. A year later and I would have been plowed under. Cleaning up after them is hard. Katie was harder than most. She was smart and stubborn. But she also had separation issues. Very insecure and hard to socialize. But we absolutely adore her. Now she runs the show here. Her needs and desires are first on the list.

    Hello to one and all. I miss our chats but I said before time is in short supply these days.
    Love to all,

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Patsy, I am glad your son is looking at houses and slips for his boat. But, it is especially good to read your update on your dear John. Like they say, A day at a time.
    Thanks for taking the time to post.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited May 2023
    Lin, yes, take care of your eyes. Is good to take a break from screens.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    MFP seems determined to get me to go premium. Problems again so if I disappear once more I’m still around, only just not here.
    Morning all, maybe pop in again later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another rainy day here. Going to eye doctor this morning and then Bryanna and I are meeting Cheryl and Marisa for dinner later.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello friends.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) The weather was cooperative again today meaning no rain and not too cold so I worked for 90 minutes moving rocks and spreading bark. This is a relaxing and meditative activity for me and brings me great joy. I tell that to the neighbors who walk by and comment about how much work I have to do.

    :) Now we have eaten supper, watched Jeopardy, and watched the highlights of the Seattle sports teams that won their games last night.

    :) Evening entertainment will be "Better Call Saul"

    <3 Barbie