Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Disaster struck this afternoon. Honestly, I can’t seem to achieve the sort of respected old age my granny achieved in her rocking chair, and she was much younger than I am today when she headed into the sunset.
    Mary Jo as you all know is an avid gardener and she entrusted me to look after her precious seedlings while away because son Derek couldn’t be trusted to water them. I was to water them every afternoon lightly. This I did. What she didn’t tell me - she’d sown them in containers with no drainage holes! In blissful ignorance I watered as usual but passing later I found the little darlings swimming in pools of water! Horrified! I grabbed paper towels and using these sheets as a sort of wick started to draw the water out. You might guess the phone rang during this delicate operation. Phone ignored. Phone rang again and phone ignored, phone rang again and thinking it had to be be an emergency I picked up. Our Sandy. I put her off until I finished which also involved sweeping earth up. The seedlings look very bedraggled and sad so please everyone cross your fingers. Please! I can’t furtively re-sow new seeds because they are various veggies. Can you imagine her surprise if she sowed tomatoes and lettuce and got marrows and beets instead, lol.

    All Sandy wanted to know was had my bra arrived. No, not until tomorrow.

    I can’t seem to lead an uneventful life, poor Derek my grandson, is told by his parents he takes after me. I don’t think it’s meant as a compliment!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Still not 60 degrees here but we took load of "stuff " to the neighborhood clean up dumpster and a load of yard waste to the yard waste pile. I pulled weeds for about 40 minutes when the sun was shining

    :) I am still wearing my winter coat, hat, scarf for morning walks but at least there is a lot of daylight

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good evening. Just about time for the weekly Tuesday evening get together online. I did a bit of work on cards today but spent much more time sorting through lots of old photos. I haven’t decided whether to send childhood pix of my ex to him or to just give them a toss. Probably toss! I did drive to the grocery store to pick up a few things. And I got a bit of currently not being used card supplies moved upstairs.

    I ran across this picture of my dear male Husky. I got him as a pup, an overgrown pup actually as no one wanted him. His birthday was today. Odd thing, my birthday is on the 25th of the month of September, his was the 25th of April and my rescue Husky’s birthday was the 25th of December! What a crew!


    Be safe everyone. Oh, and Jackie, the top of the teapot had blue flowers.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello and good afternoon dear sneakers. We have glorious sunshine. And it should be that way for all of three days! That might be it for a long time. This is PNW after all!

    Two guys are ripping off siding revealing rot and mildew.. it must be done because disaster looms otherwise. I am just glad John isn’t tempted to try to do something to help. Damon came in to check on the project as well as getting me to the doc and hearing about what is happening with my macular degeneration. He sat in with the doc and asked important questions. I get too flustered after I get the eye injection. One eye is stabilized and the other seems to e actually getting better.

    Reading about the sneaker long ago life, mine is oddly romantic and uncommon. I married right after high school. We went away to college as a couple and have been together ever since. (60 years) I think college helped us stay together. We were busy, little to no money, we were friends with other college couples. I worked in the art department office as well as majored in art. Andrea grew up in-the art studio. Actually so did Damon. There seemed to be a playpen beside my art easel for years. John framed and helped me mat paintings for art shows. Damon and Andrea both participated in the gallery show by having a tiny show with their own drawings etc. for us the key was being very busy with a creative life. Lots of wild and crazy people in and out of our life. It worked for us but certainly not everyone! We were lucky.

    Now we are here in beautiful Oregon. My beautiful John has had a weird kind of stroke that ribbed some of his wonderful brain. Our family groups together to help him. He only recently started accepting help of any kind. So I am busy helping him. I try to hold things together but I am comprised with arthritis and very bad joints. However, victory through challenge and effort. A bit of humor along the way never hurts either.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) A friend of mine posted some photos of her kitchen and in the picture was a potholder that said "Love is a four legged word".
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    THE SEEDLINGS SURVIVED! If you crossed your fingers for me, a big thank you!

    PATSY. Horrified that your siding is being ripped off because that was what was worrying Mark before he started the renovations. We are very lucky, just one small mildew patch in one corner and it was actually the concrete base and not the siding. A huge hole dug and everything repaired.

    Our lives do seem to cross in a way, because whilst I was recovering from the shingles and the allergic reaction to the vaccine, deafness etc, Mark came with me to Doctor Tim’s and like your Damon asked important questions because I couldn’t hear a darn thing. I don’t know if I’m adjusting to hearing loss or if it’s gradually healing itself. After a shingles cause in some cases it does repair. Maybe the scarring from the pox healing?

    Anyway the best of luck! and it’s so good you now know what caused Johns problem and therefore can deal with it.

    We married far too young and like you struggled with little money and two children in those long ago days. Before we left for Canada we put lining paper on the LR wall and under it the two little boys drew and painted the Battle of Britain in a huge mural. I wonder if it was found? But maybe not because the lining paper was very thick and supposed to last for ever.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Wonderful news Anne!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! 😁 I am here early sitting although all are in school now. The young ones have early dismissal so will be home a half hour earlier. The sun is out but still chilly. Should get into the high 50’s. I didn’t sleep well so might try to take a little nap before kiddos get home.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Anne -

    From District 6 Gardening…..looks interesting

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    WOW LIn where did you find that! I think maybe Mary Jo might be interested. They get back from Miami this Saturday, but maybe left it too late for tickets.Thanks for the info. It’s a senior citizen centre but not the one near me. However, we do buy plants from the garden centre next door.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Anne, it was on Facebook. They may be sold out as the post wasn’t recent. I don’t know any details. It just seemed intriguing. I would guess Mary Jo could find out very quickly.

    Have a good day with thriving seedlings.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    It’s still bloomin’ cold but George was in the mood for an energetic trot across the top moor so Betty and I followed on, less enthusiastically. There are now new born lambs sitting with their mothers so George stays on his lead but has got used to it so doesn’t pull too much. I only met one other dog walker and after a moan about the chilly weather we moved on to our ineffective government and the general mess the country is in. Of course we had all the right answers!! After a quick trip into town for a supply of cleaning materials we headed home and as I drove though the village I spotted Heather’s daughter walking Bella who looked happy as she trotted along so that’s a worry off my mind.
    This afternoon I spent time cutting up wood for kindling which is unheard of this time of year but now I see mist descending I’m glad I bothered. New booty slippers ordered at the weekend, arrived in the post and feel cosy so my feet will be warm!

    Well done Anne on rescuing the seeds. My variety of veggies are popping up in greenhouse and garden room but I dare not plant any out. Remembering that old saying, Ne’re cast a clout till May’s out!

    Enjoy your day Sandy. It does sound relaxing but perhaps not when the kids come home!

    Patsy, good news from the Optometrist then? Sounds like a hive of activity going on around you but that’s not a bad thing with so much being achieved.

    Wow Lin, your Husky was a stunning looker! That’s a wonderful photo of him.

    Barbie, that pot holder saying reminded me of a poem read at Heather’s funeral. She was the biggest dog lover and it was about our dogs waiting for us at Heaven’s gate and how angels sometimes throw a ball for them to retrieve… it had us all teary eyed!

    Joy, I don’t think you would enjoy our moors right now, especially if you’re lucky to be having warmer climes! I’m sure Anne isn’t deliberately avoiding your question, but your posts appear just above hers. She lives in Ontario, Canada!

    Time to prepare an evening meal.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, going out soon to see if I can plant my lettuce in the container I have had covered. I hope it is mot too wet.

    Back later but meanwhile, Anne, look at this (I am getting quite plant antsy right now). This is supposedly about a half hour drive from Oakville.

    “ Here is a flyer for our upcoming plant sale on May 27. This is our major fundraiser of the year so we hope to have your support and your plants!
    A sign up sheet for volunteers will be available at our meeting on May 11 as well as information for plant delivery and volunteers
    Hope to see you in May 27.”


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    That I do JOY, I live in Ontario, Canada and close to Lake Ontario, and it’s darn cold here as well JACKIE. My shabby slippers have gone into the dustbin so I’m wearing woolly socks right now. I’m waiting for my new bra to arrive. I am so relieved the seedlings have made it after the flood of biblical proportions, or so it seemed. MJ is in blissful ignorance down there in Florida and sending me cruel pictures of fabulous dinners in the hotel. Here, I’m not casting any clouts, I’m adding to them!

    Just spotted LIN above me. It looks as if us Ontarions LIN are all cheesed off with the weather and can’t wait to get our noses stuck in the pollen. It was a long, dark, miserable winter. Even the blossom is reluctant to show itself. Slowly coming out.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited April 2023
    Oh thank you Jackie and Anne. Its nice for me to place you on the Globe….or if I am in the mood, on Google Earth. Thats where I go if I am reading a book and the name a town or address or park, etc. i read on my Kindle app and get library books. I luv reading all about the gardening as I am not good at it. When Lori and I moved in, she got a guy and told what she wanted and most is slow growing, green and evergreen (thinking of the pool) so too many leaves don't drop too much. Lori decided to Google how to do the chemicals and she could save that big monthly bill. She does a great, sweeping it, too. It always looks beautiful, if I do say so myself. I know Jackie, i would be miserable if winter was long as in my old age, I am so so cold all the time. It really is warm here and this morning I did some exercises out on the patio. So, I can sit most of the afternoon! And not feel too guilty. Tomorrow is PT day. Friday my first born turns 67!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello! Unfortunately the soil in the container was too wet today so I mixed it up a bit several times and hopefully the sunshine in the afternoon has helped. I have my trowel at the ready, some bags of soil, and some paper covers for the new plants when they are finally planted. I hope that will be tomorrow.

    Sorting through things once again and I am stuck in reviewing photos. So many that I hadn’t thought of for a while and looking at the pictures renewed those brain cells holding memories.

    Joy, will there be a celebration of some sort for your first born? I hope PT goes well.

    Anne, how is Jilly today? Is she walking well now?

    Jackie, good to hear the seeds are sprouting even if you cannot plant them outside yet. And happy to hear you received your new warm slippers! Stay warm.

    Sandy, I hope you did catch a nap today. Still on tap for your meeting tomorrow?

    Barbie, I love that saying. I have had a number of perfectly lovely dogs in my lifetime. I think they have been my best friends.

    Patsy, thank heavens the damage to the house was found and can be repaired.

    I think I have a haunted iPad. The newest device speaks up and I have never asked anything. Honestly, it is starting to give me the creeps. I even power the device off and hours later, it makes some odd sound. 👀 And now you think I am quite crazy, but honestly, it is happening.

    Take care everyone.


    A crane teapot

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Lin, fingers crossed for tomorrow’s gardening. Friday We will do lunch to celebrate. One of her long time pals will join us. No hubby, just girls. Then when time, Debbie, Lori and I will go to the nursery. She likes miniature roses in the yard and we will let her pick our some as her birthday gift.
    I luv the crane teapot.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, oh, just heard on News that Iowa is in danger of extreme flooding. I hope you are safe where you live.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    LIN, a haunted iPad! That gives me a great idea for a short story.

    How’s Jilly, well she’s in training! She always wants lifting off the bed at 5 am being too short to get down herself. She then gallops off for a morning pee and expects me and her to stay up! Now I’m a morning person but 5 am is a bit much! So today I crawled back into bed, put my hearing ear on the pillow and fell asleep. I woke up at 6, turned over and heard gentle whines coming from the bedroom door. She’s a quick learner so I hope she’s trained by Sunday.

    Meanwhile Michael isn’t too happy because the girl who works with him has taken off for a weeks holiday which means he only has Sunday off. He will try to cut Jill’s nails then.

    The seedlings are thriving and drying out. Relief. And my winterized geranium bud is showing red. Mary Jo is still sending photos of plates of delicious food consumed at dinner. I had no idea she had this cruel streak, lol.

    Just waiting for the grocery order while early bird pest Jilly is now fast asleep on the sofa.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Joy, the current flooding is along the Mississippi River which borders the East side of this state. I live in Central Iowa so nowhere near the Mississippi. That is not to say that other rivers may flood later. We have a number of rivers that go through Des Moines. There was a massive flood in 1993 that shutdown many essential roads and it took out the water treatment plant. We had to get bottled water, no showers, etc. I was one of the people called into work. No overhead lights, bathrooms were closed so you had to walk down the stairs to use a porta potty. So flooding is always possible.

    Thanks for asking. Enjoy your day. 😎

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Anne, aha, Jilly is a great little companion although it would be much nicer if your sleep schedules matched. 😉

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Finally able to go to meeting today and so happy about that. It is a beautiful day with warm temps and sunshine. I will stop after my meeting to buy three birthday cards for my son, my daughter in law and my son in law who will all be 60 in the next few months. I told my son he is getting old. lol Hard to believe I have a son that old but it is hard for me to believe I am 81.

    Have a great day everyone and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Nice sunny morning but a skiff of snow on the grass. Our daughter’s 47th birthday is coming up (how is that possible). I remember birthday parties over the years. Some were snowy and cold and others featured little girls running around outside in pretty dresses. Times definitely have changed, I don’t see too many pretty dresses at the granddaughters bd parties.

    We went to watch The Lion King performed by our 11 year old grandson’s school. Grades 4-6. It was fun to see.

    Tonight we go see Annie performed by the school our other grandkids go to. This one will be much better done. It’s a Choir school where everyone must belong to the choir.

    Keep well. Be happy. Love life.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Lost a post again!! Might try later. 😩😢
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) It is spring today at our house. Temperatures above 60 degrees. Jake and I have done 90 minutes of work and now we're relaxing with Jeopardy

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    My bra arrived with two tops. Absolutely delighted with all three and in fact I’m going to order another bra, same make. It’s a make I bought when I was a young thing in England and I’m still delighted with it! The funny thing is it isn’t a M&S brand. They seem to be selling other makes these days. Jaeger etc.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hi all. A busy day with errands in a.m. and PT in afternoon. I have a goal to get stronger and more balanced so I dont suffer so many falls. Have a ways to go, cant always do the required reps. But the therapists are all so sweet and understanding.
    Sandy, my oldest daughter’s birthday is tomorrow and I am treating all to lunch. She will be 67. I cannot believe it either.
    Jeri, so happy you live close enough to see grandchildren in plays, etc. my greatgrand kids live too far for me to do that.
    Jackie, so sorry you lost your post. I hate that. Even sometimes with text messages, they disappear and its so annoying.
    Barbie, glad to see temp up a bit for you. Lori and I play Jeopardy every nite. We have to be a team as we shout out the answers at the tv…because Our memories are such that we stutter and try to get the answer out and end up describing what we are thing of. I got Final the other nite when it was the Warner Bros…being 85…that helped.
    Anne, so glad the bras worked out. I found some Instagram bras recently! I have always been ample and my bras always underwired. Insta had a picture ad of ladies happy with their no wire bras. I tried it and never going to change back.
    Well, I am going to pamper myself now (well I tried in therapy) with some reading. DI Janssen awaits and this book in the series is in Sheringham, a coastal town, and a mans body has been found!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good evening. My Internet connection and cable TV went out this morning. All was supposed to be up and running by 5pm. My Internet connection was restored early in the afternoon but no cable TV. I received a text that the outage ticket was being closed, did I still have any issues?

    Well, that provoked a very long tedious exchange of text messages. They cannot get my service restored and scheduled an appointment for May 5th in the morning. That is a very long time without my usual doses of entertainment and news.

    I am very unhappy with the company. And I found out later that it isn’t just my house, there are 3 other neighbors within a block of me with the same problem. Internet is back on but no TV. Sounds to me as if some feeder line to our houses was breached. I don’t think they need to come I to my house, I think they need to check the lines.

    I have been investigating Sling TV and other options but so far, no one has all my local over the air stations which I enjoy quite a lot. I did try an over the air antenna once upon a time and couldn’t get any reception here.

    On a happier note, I did get my lettuce plants potted up and planted some potatoes. I need to get out another container and drag some bags of potting soil out to the deck to fill them bit that’s a job for another day.

    With that, I am going to close now and charge my ghost iPad. (Yes Anne, when the Internet was restored, it powered itself up and spoke to me!).

    Be safe everyone.


  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, that is so unacceptable internet/cable. I have Comcast - well Lori has it - and she calls and tells them its not right with the price we pay. She and Debbie also call and say its so expensive, is there a sale going on you can offer. And the usually say they can lower a bit. My son in Georgia cut the cord and signed up for You Tube. Its much cheaper than what he was paying with Direct Tv. Lori says she cant switch over because they dont show Science channel or something she watches. But it may be worth a little research. Mike loves it.
    And also, maybe they should give you refund for days without service!
    Nothing makes me rant like a TV problem😲
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    I agree Lin. What about Hulu? Two of my kids have UTube Tv. I have Comcast because I love their internet and I have wireless.