Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We had fun at Rob's yesterday, playing adult games and kid games. Had some pizza and a good time was had by all. Today Laurie is going to a sewing class that she got when she bought her sewing machine and John and I will watch Survivor together. I will be going to 4:30 Mass and then we are going out to dinner. They leave tomorrow and as always I will miss them.
    I am finally 100% back to normal and feel good. I am praying things only get better from this point on.

    Have a wonderful day and stay heatly.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy Saturday to one and all. This morning I was going to meet Sheila to walk our dogs but it was cold and generally miserable so I phoned her to say George and Betty would not be happy on the moors and she agreed, her little Rosie, who suffers with arthritis, would suffer. We agreed to keep in touch and wait for more settled weather. Thinking the rain was easing, I took my pooches out about 9.30 and within 10 minutes we were caught in a torrential downpour! Back home, everybody towelled off and fire lit so not much of interest achieved but we are warm and relaxed!

    That’s great Sandy, you are feeling100% again.

    Barbie, I’m sure my winter feels longer than normal because we have endured record amounts of rain. Something that keeps us all shut up as if we are back in lockdown! Several seeds in pots are hesitating to show themselves in my greenhouse but I’m hoping once it finally warms up they will burst forth.

    Lin, I do remember such teapots, back in the 80’s I’m sure. Probably owned one myself for a while seeing as a cat was involved!

    7pm here and I’ve enjoyed a meatball and homemade tomato sauce meal with a glass of red wine so hearing Betty snore in front of the stove, think I will now relax with a cup of tea and choc ice!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    Our turn to have torrential rain overnight and all today. It’s chilly and I’ve just put on a padded sleeveless jerkin. Actually I’m a bit worried about my little pup. She’s not eating, just sleeping all day and when she is awake she’s licking one paw. Maybe pulled a claw backwards in her sleep last night?
    There again, maybe too many treats, she’s a con dog when it comes to begging and barking for treats.

    Mark and Mary Jo will be over soon, bringing MJs seedlings over because son Derek can’t be trusted to water them while they are on vacation. That should perk Jilly up a bit.
    They are off early tomorrow but Michael will be over. He worked today to make up for his two sick days.

    In desperation because I simply can’t find a bra I like here, I ordered one from M&S yesterday along with two summer tops. That was at 5pm yesterday and I couldn’t believe my eyes at 6am this morning. I got an email overnight saying they have already been shipped. Our Sandy and MJ have been trying to find my brand of bra for me, but I think it must be discontinued. Anyway, I hated troubling them so I hope M&S come to the rescue.

    So, horrible, miserable, chilly day had me stripping the bed and doing a huge wash.

    And that was the day, that was!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hi, it was a very cold and windy day. Overnight we may have a freeze warning, colder than just frost. People in the area with planted gardens are scrambling to protect anything that could be killed by this dip in temperature.

    Another quiet day here. I did a bit of cooking. I have been trying to cut out the cover die for my current project. It is slow going. 🙃

    A tiny package was delivered and when I went outdoors to pick it up, surprise, it was gone. Since it was windy, I hurried to walk around a bit (without my coat) and saw it had blown quite a distance. I didn’t take time to put on a coat, I just hurried to hustle over there to pick it up before it went further. Brrrrr.

    Anne, best wishes on your seedling sitting. I hope all remain healthy. And speaking of healthy, I hope Jilly is okay. Enjoy your time with Michael tomorrow.

    Sandy, what a nice visit! Time for them to go home once again. I am sure they will be back soon.

    Jackie, I hope you are getting a good night’s sleep. When will we all get some settled spring weather? I think we are more than ready.

    Be safe everyone.


    Happy Earth Day

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    edited April 2023
    :)Lin What a great teapot (the cat and mouse)

    :)Anne, I buy everything I wear online. I haven't bought anything in a store for more than five years.

    :) Weather was warmer today (59 degrees) so Jake and I got outside and did a bit of work but didn't overdo it.

    <3 Barbie
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited April 2023
    Sandy, so happy you are feeling 100 percent….Saturday Mass and dinner….its been years since I did that.
    Jackie, glad you got dried out and warm
    Anne, I did wash today also
    Lin, I luv the Globe teapot
    Barbie, such a weakling I am, I wouldn't go out in 59 temp.
    I had a very lazy day with my roomie gone. Actually, my sweet granddaughter texted amazing pictures from todays activities. They did a spa, lunch and the ocean and then a patio feed at Leilani’s. Lori texted me they are spoiling her. I have got this old and never lived alone…my parents died young,boarding school, an aunt and uncle, my husband, and my children! So today besides my laundry and cleaning out a purse, I read and read and did crosswords. I did get up every hour to walk indoors. I am a converted believer of movement to soothe the old achy bones. And yesterday my back felt like it was getting worse, bur today it is much better. Just indoors and ten minutes at a time. What a difference. Tis now seven pm, or gone seven I think my DI said, and I only have 20 minutes left in my DI Janssen book and after that, I will watch a Hallmark movie😲
    Hope you all have a great Sunday.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE, Happy St. George’s Day. Patron saint of England.

    The Ms will be now off to the airport on another chilly forecast day. Michael is supposedly coming over so must get moving and bake a chicken and veg pot pie. Jilly Beans foot seems a little better. We think she did pull a claw and Michael’s going to have a go at cutting it and others back. Traumatic all around! They grow very quickly and for such a small girl are very thick.

    So all for now. I try to buy a white rose to celebrate St. George’s day but don’t think I will be venturing far unless Mike drives me to a store.

    So all for now at 6 in the morning.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Joy, When I worked in the yard I was wearing long pants with fleece leggings and wool socks. Also a turtleneck, sweatshirt. fleece jacket, outdoor jacket, wool scarf and wool hat. I prefer temps in the high 60's and low 70's but I was eager to work on my project. Today it is drizzly so I'll stay in and work on my indoor projects.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    Ah yes Anne, once more unto the breach dear friend! I nearly cried out as we set off for the morning walk and spotted dark, stormy clouds gathering but we made it home just as the downpour arrived.
    George tries to chew his own nails at times but is a wriggle bum if I try to trim them. He has been brushed this afternoon and I tried to trim around his face but stopped when he pulled so many times I worried I would poke him in his eyes! Betty on the other hand loves to be brushed.

    At 3pm there was an iPhone critical alert test on all our iPhones in Britain but I switched my notifications off because I was sure Betty and George would react badly to the noise. Yesterday a programme I was watching sounded a few beeps when someone swore and George immediately went to the nearest ceiling fire alarm to check it wasn’t making the low battery noise. Such a clever boy!

    Housework and sorting through laundry is as exciting as the day has been so far and since the sun is finally showing itself, I will now take a cup of tea to the greenhouse and potter.

    A pretty teapot Lin but what a shame every day isn’t Earth day!

    Happy Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Had a great visit with John and Laurie despite the fact we had to wait over and hour for our dinner last night. For some reason the restaurant was behind in everything from being on time for our reservations to bringing our food. The food itself was delicious but after waiting that long we were no longer hungry so most of our food went home with us. They left this morning and will see them again at the reunion if not before.

    Jackie, our weather is miserable as well, cold and damp. I can't wait to go to Florida and soak up all the sunshine I can. George is a smart little guy, you should feel safe with him by your side.

    Anne, have fun with Michael and I hope the M's have a wonderful getaway. I am sure if you asked Michael to buy you a white rose he would be more than happy to do so.

    Joy, I never lived alone until my husband and I separated in 2012 for ten years. It was hard at first but then I grew to love it. Please excuse my asking but are you divorced or widowed? Having a daughter for a roommate would be fun but then I only have one daughter.

    Barbie, that's what I call bungled up to work in the yard. Sounds like you stay nice and toasty.

    Lin, oh my goodness, chasing the package in the wind with no coat. I am glad you finally caught it and got back in your warm house. I never plant anything outside until May 1st. I just don't trust our weather. I don't put my hummingbird feeder out until then either for the same reason.

    Patsy, hope all is going well with you and your family. You are always in my thoughts.

    Have a great Sunday, I am just chilling in pj's all day while doing the laundry from the spare bedroom.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello, we did have a freeze this morning and the forecast is for below average temperatures for the remainder of April. At least that isn’t too long. 😉

    I watched online church this morning and it was quite good. The baby that usually cries for most of the service either wasn’t there or maybe he was sleeping.

    It’s laundry day (actually laundry afternoon) for me. And I hope to get a bit more straightening up accomplished.

    Sandy, goodness, what a long wait for your dinner. Maybe they were short of help last night? At least in the kitchen? So when is the family reunion? Oh, and I forgot where it is. 👀

    Jackie, brave defender George! Good boy but you must be quite careful! I hope playing in the greenhouse was lots of fun.

    Anne, how’s Michael doing? And did Jilly cooperate when it came to examining her foot?

    Joy, so time alone is a treasure for you. Sometimes I would like to hear a human voice. That may be why I watch old television programs—familiar voices.

    Barbie, you were well bundled up for the weather! Wahoo!

    Patsy, just saying hello to you and your family.

    Be well everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Jilly didn’t get her nails clipped. Mike is almost 6ft and Jilly is about 12 inches tall but if Michael can get out of trying to cut Jill’s claws he will. I think she is destined for the vet who is much braver. The vet who is ginger haired and short terrorizes the little thing enough to stop her wriggling.

    Anyway, she managed two long walks and is now stretched out next to me in dreamland. Meanwhile the two Ms are in their holiday hotel texting me that it’s sunny and hot in Florida. Here it looks like rain and is decidedly chilly. I’ve decided I’m NOT a lumberjack and I’m NOT alright! Fed up of wearing thick woolly clothes. Well at least the winter boots are put away.

    I haven’t killed Mary Jo’s seedlings…..yet. The geranium I brought inside last fall has a flower bud. Yeah. It’s in blissful ignorance that it ain’t geranium weather outside.

    Yours grumpily, Anne.☔️💦💦

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Anne, what part of the world are you. Oh, i luv geraniums. You are so witty when post
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited April 2023
    Lin….but nobody leaves me alone. Even now with my roomie Lori in San Diego, her sister Debbie is over all the time. Even my son in Georgia called to check on me😲
    I guess when you have six children, there is always someone. But I still always have the tv on for “company”.

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Oh, Sandy….I am divorced. After six kids…..good Catholics…..hmmm. He wanted to be free and I never remarried.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited April 2023
    I hope I didn’t overstep Joy! What a great mom you must be with six children! God Bless! After my divorce from my first husband I got an annulment so if I met anyone else that I loved enough to marry I wanted to be married in the Catholic Church. Was very hard for people to understand seeing as I had four kids. Babe was widowed so we were able to get married in Church. We were separated ten years but never divorced. BTW my children’s father died in September and Babe in February so I am officially single. 🥲

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Sandy….not at all. It was such a difficult time….I never worked, it was 1970 and they could ask anything in job interviews, etc. But, I think thats why we are all so close 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m a merry divorcee as well Joy. I wasn’t very merry at first having just arrived in Canada after a 20 year marriage but I did manage to find a job in an English speaking aircraft engine factory after being discarded for a younger model. When the firm sent the research team to Ontario because of anti English mutterings in Quebec me and the boys travelled to Ontario in a rusty old car which gave up the ghost on arrival at an apartment with flames shooting through the floorboards. My 14 year old and 17 year old enrolled themselves in the local high school whilst mom got on a bus to find the new office. We have lived happily here most of the time ever since. We are all from Yorkshire in England or that was our birthplace.
    I never remarried either being somewhat shell shocked at the time, and if I’m honest, apart from my dad, grandad, sons, grandsons and other family members I am somewhat wary of anything that grows a beard.

    What saved me in the job market was the fact I could touch type numbers accurately so we started off pretty broke but I worked myself up the ladder a bit and with Mike and Mark both working part time whilst at university we somehow made it to today. Good girl friends were the key in those early years with me and my long time pal Flo travelling all over the place in her old car. Happy memories!

    Well I’ve twittered on quite a bit and having consumed a banana, a boiled egg and two Ryvitas must get on. (I suppose! Mark is in Florida so I haven’t got two beady eyes checking up on me.)

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    It’s still cold here but we did manage a walk on the moors and get home before it began to rain. Both pooches were kept on leads because there was a police presence in the car park and I assumed they were checking on any dogs running free.
    A load of damp laundry is hanging on an airier in my dining room but that seems to be the norm this Spring.
    Now mid afternoon and the sun is out so I’m going to attempt some gardening because there is so much to be done. My neighbours that I shared the allotment with removed a large shed over the weekend that was close to our boundary hedge so the dogs have a Birds Eye view of their garden and are tending to be nosey! I understand they will erect a poly tunnel soon so they can grow veggies and that seems to be happening around the country because the cost of living is so high. There is a sign of my Violet French beans pushing up through the compost in their trays and the Kale seedlings are getting stronger so next will be peas. Hopefully it will start to get warmer soon although I heard on the radio that it might snow just north of Cornwall.

    I caught sight of myself in the mirror last night and was horrified to see my waist is disappearing so from now on I will really concentrate on losing a few pounds. Day 1 and not a biscuit to be seen!

    Happy Monday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy Monday! :) A do nothing type of day except for riding the bike. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning for my back and to be sure it isn't my hip. Will be sitting all day Wednesday and finally able to go to my meeting on Thursday. A cardiologist appointment on Friday to go over the heart scan I had done a while back. Weather is still cool and I can't wait for summer.

    Jackie, your weather sounds awful but it has to get warm one of these days. We are our own worst critics so I think you look fine, just stay away from mirrors. lol

    Anne, yikes, flames shooting through floorboards? That had to be scary. You settled in nicely in Canada and have a wonderful life with your family. Sometimes those hard times make us stronger even though we think we will never get through them.

    Joy, with how happy you are now, I am hoping those hard times are behind you now. I always wanted six children but after four C Sections I said I am done. lol

    Lin, yes there was some problem but of course we didn't take it out on our server, it wasn't her fault. The reunion is in July in Lake Geneva. Most of the family will be there but not all, Brad can't get off of work so I am going to see them the first week in July when his company is closed for a week.

    Hello to everyone else and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi everyone. We’ve been on the go and very busy. We were in Canmore for a week at a timeshare. Canmore is about a hour west of Calgary and beside some beautiful mountains. The weather wasn’t the greatest but we had a fun relaxing time. Into Banff taking in it’s gorgeous scenery. Just hanging out and trying out the good restaurants. Celebrated our 48th Anniversary.

    Today I am sitting waiting for a cortisone injection in my lower back. Then another in a week. Hope it works. I’ve had them in my shoulder with mixed results. Fingers crossed.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Monday morning to all…..Deb is picking me up to do a couple of errands today before we go to the airport to pick Lori up from her pampering weekend in San Diego.
    Anne, I see you also pulled yourself up and did what you had to do. You were wary of the boys and I had this “talent”…..put me in a room with 100 men….all of them good guys except one…..yep I will pick him. So after trying dating, decided it wasnt for me!
    Jackie, a walk on the moors, just luv the thought of it. But dont look at the mirror….worse is looking in the magnifying glass (i was looking at eyebrows in need) and it was pretty scary. Triple chins, creepy skin.
    Sandy, hope all good news from your tests.
    Have a great week start all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. Another cold day and now a bit of rain.

    I spent a good portion of the day working on sorting through a cabinet since I wanted to toss out the most paper and trash as possible—tomorrow is trash pickup morning.

    I watched what was supposed to be a learning program today. It was scheduled for 4 hours but I believe it ended up 5 1/2 hours and although there were a few interesting tidbits, it was an elaborate set up for selling a program to make more of your life. Sorry folks, the discount price was toooooo high.

    So tomorrow it is probably back to working on cards.

    Jeri. I hope the injections will be helpful. Happy belated anniversary.

    Sandy, glad you will be able to attend your meeting this week. I hope the appointments go well and nothing serious is found.

    Jackie, wow, a poly tunnel! Very good for growing in early season cold weather and here they put film over the top to serve as sun shade in the summer. They really help boost vegetable production.

    Anne, darn, I forgot to eat my banana today. Oooh. I will be low on minerals now. 😁

    Joy, I hope you had a nice day and found everything needed as you ran the errands.

    Be safe everyone.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, yes we had a good day. Picked up Lori from the airport about 5:30 and went straight to dinner. My grandson is in town visiting some old friends from college so we called him to meet us at the restaurant. Had the biggest wedge salad, with lots of blue cheese crumbles, which I luv. But it put me over my sodium goal…🙁
    We had a great visit at dinner tho. Now home and Lori unpacking. Im about to settle into my DI series…a body has been found 😲
    Hope you enjoyed working on your cards.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning. My injections went well. Fingers crossed. Still sore and I have to take it easy for a couple of days. That’s hard for me LOL

    Thanks Lin. 48 years seems so long but time goes by so quickly. Here’s hoping we make 50 years. Both Ed and I were married before. Just short marriages with no kids.

    Have any of you read Tuesdays with Morrie? Remember his tv interviews (a still available on You Tube). I saw a clip on tv the other day. His son has just published a book. I read the book “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom shortly after ( and I was so impressed and inspired. Morrie had ALS but handled it amazingly. Here’s part of the excerpt of the book from the website above.

    “The Curriculum
    The last class of my old professor’s life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves. The class met on Tuesdays. It began after breakfast. The subject was The Meaning of Life. It was taught from experience.
    No grades were given, but there were oral exams each week. You were expected to respond to questions, and you were expected to pose questions of your own. You were also required to perform physical tasks now and then, such as lifting the professor’s head to a comfortable spot on the pillow or placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Kissing him good-bye earned you extra credit.
    No books were required, yet many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and, finally, death. The last lecture was brief, only a few words.
    A funeral was held in lieu of graduation.”

    Have a wonderful day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Just got back from the doctor. The pain is not from my hip thank goodness and he either recommended therapy or an MRI with shots to follow. Probably like Jeri got as I have had them before. I am opting for therapy as it did help me before Babe was in and out of the hospital. If it doesn't feel better in three weeks than I will go for the shots. He did recommend me moving to a ranch style home without the stairs but we will see.
    I also got a mild prescription to help with the pain as I don't like taking Tylenol every day. This pill will help with the arthritis in my back. Growing old is not for sissys.

    Jeri, congratulations on 48 years of marriage. I am always impressed when a couple can stay married for so long. I made it to 14 years with my first marriage and 20 years with Babe before we separated for ten years and only had six months together after we got back together. We had 13 years together before we got married so almost 45 years of my life was devoted to him. I just wish things could have been different then they were. I did watch Tuesdays with Morrie and loved it.

    Joy, glad all is good and life is happy for you.

    Lin, nothing serious, was happy it wasn't my hip. Worse case I will have shots to ease the pain if therapy doesn't work.

    Hello to everyone else and hope your day is just wonderful.
    One Day at a Time

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Jeri…hope the injections help. And big Congratulations for your 48 Anniversary.
    Sandy, thats my fav saying…I am kinda a sissy, but workin’ on it. My Pt is very helpful. I try to do the exercises at home everyday….but….ya know how that can go.
    Today I am happy Lori is home and we are doing crosswords, but will have lunch soon. Besides laundry, it will be a lazy day. I did my exercises outside by the pool today. Have to do my treadmill walks too.
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good evening sneakers. Wow, no rain today although we’ve still got a freezing wind blowing about but it was ideal for drying the laundry that went through an overnight cycle. It was an early walk because I had a hair appointment later and as I was getting George and Betty out of my car in the usual car park, Sheila arrived with Rosie. We hadn’t made an arrangement to meet, it was a coincidence but we took a gentle route, mostly for Rosie’s sake and chatted for nearly an hour. She told me she had talked to Heather as she drove on to the moors, saying, there you are, I promised I would continue to walk. Heather had persuaded Sheila years ago to walk and gradually increase the distance and back then it seemed to save her from seizing up completely.
    My hair was too long for the past couple of weeks, especially in the constant wind, so this time it was cut slightly shorter and I’m pleased with it.
    I did some grocery shopping on my way home and while I was in the store, received a phone call from an ex neighbour, phoning to see how I was but I showed him on the video that I was in the middle of the store so would phone him when I got home. I’ve tried a couple of times but he doesn’t pick up so I will try again tomorrow.
    I can’t remember the last time I was needing to heat the property in late April but the fire was lit just after 4 pm so my cottage is cosy!

    Jeri, I read Tuesdays with Morrie a few years ago and remember thoroughly enjoying it. It could have been sad but instead was uplifting.

    Sandy, that’s good if your hip isn’t needing a replacement but being tall, I’m well aware how our backs can give us years of strife! One of my relatively new hips is painful again after just 4 years but I think that’s probably down to our damp weather and sitting too much. My exercise bike is still here if I want to exercise more but this morning I already walked over 6,000 steps so that’s more than enough for me!

    Hmm Lin? I’ve been trying to work out if that’s an elephant on the teapot’s lid or blue flowers! 🤔. Surely not the elephant. Poly tunnels are a great idea if one has the space and I’ll be interested to see how long the neighbours’ will be.

    Joy, I do agree, mirrors are best avoided these days but during my hour in my hairdresser’s chair, I couldn’t avoid seeing those wrinkles and when did my neck suddenly show signs of belonging to a Christmas Turkey?

    I hope everyone I missed today is well and keeping warm but do need to ask Patsy what she knows about a hole that has appeared in the seabed just off the Oregon coast. It might be old news but still sounded scary!

    A late cup of tea and an early trip to bed because I’ve not been getting enough hours sleep.

    Jackie 🥱😴

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    We, the Bean and I are having a very quiet day, me huddled in the thickest woolly polo neck I’ve got. It’s the sort of temperature where the furnace doesn’t come on but it feels very chilly. It doesn’t help that Mary Jo keeps texting me photos of palm trees blowing in a tropical breeze. I was looking at the palm trees when I heard Harry Belafonte has died and of course promptly remembered his Banana Boat song. Sad news. I don’t know how Mark and Mary Jo will cope with this chill when they get back because it’s predicted chilly rain for DAYS on the day they land at the airport.

    The other news is Mr Biden is entering the race for president again. Wow, he must be in pretty good shape to feel he can take on such a responsible position in the world we live in today. My mom and all her cronies used to say the age when the aches and pains set in is 80. Isn’t Mr Biden 80? Jilly came to live with me when I was 80 and I must admit I was still spry enough to keep up with a very active puppy, but maybe not today. A puppy I mean, Jilly Bean and I are sort of meeting half way these days.

    Which brings me to SANDY and JERI and their poor aching backs. Sandy, have I got it wrong? A ranch home sounds lovely but to me the name suggests ranch style grounds to match and an expensive gardener. I can’t see you enjoying flying around with a lawn mower unless it’s one of those powered ones. Or is it one of those senior bungalows you are thinking of where the communal grounds are maintained? From what I’ve read, Jeri seems to have the ideal home? I’m still managing the stairs here when I visit the washing machine in the basement and I still weed the garden if with less enthusiasm these days, but one does wonder for how much longer?


  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Jackie, with all those steps, I am inspired. I did two ten minute treadmills today and hoping to do another one in order to get my 30 minutes in. Glad you are happy with the haircut. And, I hope you are comfy in bed and not reading this til tomorrow. 🥰
    Anne, can you tell me where you are again…its finally spring weather here and I am not cold. My old bones cannot take cold weather anymore. Glad you are prepared to be warm and cozy today.