Senior Golden Sneakers



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Patsy, it sounds like you make Easter so much fun. Sorry for the rain. I bet your dinner was fun as well. We had a BBQ early so we are already relaxing.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Jackie, I am sorry for your week coming if its rainy. I hope we have continued spring weather. I really liked being outside, even spent a half hour on the patio lounge by the pool….meditating ad it were😲
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning all. You all had a really great Easter Sunday, me as well but not at all as I expected.
    I made the salad and the pizza but when it got to 10am, no sign of Michael so I phoned and he was still in bed with a migraine. So me and Jilly ate lunch alone wondering if he’d got Corvid. Well he hasn’t according to the test. I decided to wash and iron in the afternoon accompanied by a barking Jilly because two cars showed up at Maria’s old house. Presumably the new folk who will probably move in today.? I’d been in contact with Mike on Friday so I opted out of going over to Marks place for dinner. However, when they found out Michael was okay, Mark, grandson Derek and Bev came over to pick up Derek’s summer tires which wintered in my garage and take me and Jilly back to Marks house for dinner. By then I was stuffed with MY pizza and huge salad and tired out cleaning, washing and ironing, plus Jilly had fallen asleep as well from all the woofing. So….we stayed home which was too bad because Mary Jo is a wonderful cook! Just as well because my family are night owls and I’m an early bird.
    Anyway, after 10 hours sleep us two girls are wide awake with Jilly I’m sure in for an exciting day. Probably moving van arriving. Plus the Ms are spraying the trees this afternoon.

    I’m happy as well because the bed is changed and the washing done AND we are going up to 66F today. I am thinking gardening later. Oh joy!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day with temps going into the 70's F. I had the perfect Easter yesterday starting with Mass with family, then lunch at Outback where I had steak and lobster, followed by an Easter movie called Hop and then Cheryl and Marisa came by to meet the kiddos.
    It was just wonderful and I am so grateful.

    Today I plan on making a few phone calls to get some questions asked and to set up an appointment with my Orthopedic to check my leg/hip out and find out what is causing pain when I walk up the stairs.
    Doesn't hurt walking down but it seems when I put pressure on my left leg is when it hurts. I need to know if I can continue to stay here on the second floor which I prefer.

    Plans have been changed as far as driving to Florida with Lisa. Rob has decided he wants to go so he will drive with her and fly home. I will still go to visit my daughter but not at the same time as I will watch Ewok while Rob is away. I might go in May or late June haven't decided yet. John and Laurie come in next week and in the beginning of July I want to visit my son in Ohio. Our family reunion will be the middle of July to it is going to be a busy summer. Plus Lisa and I want to do lots of things with the kids.

    I hope you all had a wonderful Easter/Sunday and your weather is as good as ours. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Luv the pics, Sandy. So glad you had a nice Easter. You deserved it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Sandy Beautiful family pictures
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Sandy, what a great day. 🤩 Lots of plans in the works. A busy (and happy) summer!

    Anne, sorry Michael couldn’t join you yesterday but you did have a lovely feast and got much accomplished. I hope today isn’t overly tiring. You need a cubbyhole for napping. 💤💤 on both sides of my family, naps were a regular part of a daylong visit. Everyone had their favorite spot.

    I have been on the phone with a friend for oh so long today. Must zip along.

    Be safe everyone.


    This is a beautiful teapot.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It’s been a dodging rain showers sort of day but George and Betty enjoyed a local stroll on quiet roads and I continued to sort through more seeds and even planted lettuce plugs outside in a container so hopefully we won’t see any more frosty mornings! I had a long chat with my brother in Spain who is recovering from a bad fall and also had a hospital appointment to check on a spider bite that has left a hole in the side of his head that won’t heal! Needless to say, when he popped up on WhatsApp he was wearing a large bandage!

    Lovely photos Sandy.

    Anne, new neighbours at last and hopefully pleasant. Do you see anything of the current people in Harry’s? Your dream Yorkshire stone cottage still exists in a few rural areas but sadly most of our green and pleasant land is disappearing under poorly constructed housing.

    A gorgeous teapot Lin and looking big enough for a large family gathering,

    The pooches have had their last trip outside so time for bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    Jilly and I slept for 10 hours last night despite me being as creaky as an old gate. Why, because it was 70F yesterday.and we had to join Mark and Mary Jo in the garden after they sprayed the apple trees. They pruned everything down the long side of the house and I was the sweeper upper and collector of twigs. We stopped for lunch and then the front garden was weeded and onto the back. The ivy was cut back and a beautiful hydrangea planted in too shady a spot was dug up and it was so big that it split into two and I’m praying at least one section takes root after planting both at the back of the garden. Mark bought me it for a Mother’s Day gift long ago. Another huge bush was dug up. It had spread into the back from the never to be forgotten Harry’s plot. Harry wasn’t a gardener, just a collector of old junk and it was one of those bushes that puts out new twigs around itself. The two holly bushes were trimmed and so on and on.

    Finally they took off for home, Jilly drank a bowl of water and I drank a mug of tea barely able to stand upright because I’m determined to keep plodding on and not give in to Father Time.
    The Ms are heading off to Miami in a few days so me and Jilly can enjoy our tidy garden in peace. Marks back injury is definitely on the mend.

    After a long hard winter that had us all huddled indoors JACKIE I have yet to meet the neighbours in Harry’s house. The mother appears to be a nurse on night duty and the girl a student, and both are very pleasant when we have waved etc. A lady keeps appearing at Maria’s house who I have yet to meet.

    The good news is I’ve woken up with hardly an aching back and bones.

    Off for my breakfast and cup of tea.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Not the best night’s sleep for me because I was woken up about 3.30AM by George barking outside in the garden. He had slipped out the cat flap for an emergency pee break but having got up to let him in and gone back to bed, I couldn’t sleep. Wide awake I watched the clock crawl to 6AM before finally getting back to sleep. I heard Brady go out before returning to curl up against my knees so perhaps it was a feeling of being trapped that helped me nod off. It was supposed to rain all day but luckily I got round the blustery, cold moors with George and Betty, then drove into town for pet supplies and just got home as the rain began to pour down. My cousin phoned as I put the car away to let me know my aunt’s funeral is next Thursday but they don’t expect me to travel so that’s a relief! We had a reminisce about the war experiences of our respective fathers who both ended up fighting Japanese in the Far East but would never speak of their experiences. Then he reminded me about his shared 21st birthday party with my brother Bernie when both were given the bumps out in the street until a large police van full of bobbies screeched to a halt and thinking a fight was taking place, tried to arrest the party goers until an angry Aunt Irene intervened and sent them packing!

    I’m still trying to get online with my new banking App but think I will have to phone for assistance. Then there is the passport application to be completed and emails to write so a quiet afternoon in front of the fire.

    That does sound like a busy gardening day Anne and a good sign with few aches this morning. Both my brothers are struggling through lack of activity and I’ve noticed it doesn’t take long for my muscles to lose strength when I can’t get my walking in.

    Brady just went into the garden room to use his cat flap and take a stroll round the neighbourhood but took one look outside and did a u-turn and headed back upstairs! 🙀😸

    Happy Tuesday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! 😀 I am sitting today while Rob runs around getting some personal things done. It is going to be a beautiful day with temps near 80.I am finally back to my “old” self and feel good.

    Jackie, sorry to hear about your aunt, can I presume she lived a long life? I wish I could send you some of our beautiful weather but I don’t think it’s here to stay.

    Anne, it sounds like you had a productive but fun day yesterday. Remember age is only a number, keep on feeling good!

    Thank you all for the compliments on my photos, I especially love the one of me and the kiddos. Nothing exciting going on, just waiting for kids to get home from school. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. We have had a hot sunny day. I got to the post office to mail my box of cards. And then I came home to wait for a package delivery. We have a lot of people in the neighborhood now working at at various houses and I just wanted to swoop in and put my package inside. I had lunch and then drove to the garden center and wandered and wandered. They still have lots of empty spaces but there were lots of blooming annuals, all gorgeous, and then I went round and round the displays of vegetable plants. I finally decided to purchase some lovely lettuce plants. I need to set up a place for these but with the temperature expected to be around 85 tomorrow with strong breezes I am not in a huge rush. Maybe by the end of the week.

    Sandy, a good day today. And I am happy to hear that you feel like yourself again. That is great!! Will you sit on your deck at all tomorrow?

    Jackie, what a trial you are having with that banking app. Frustration for sure. I am glad you had an opportunity to talk about old times and memories. That is pleasant from time to time. I guess you just cannot live there permanently.

    Anne, wow, what a day of hard gardening work! Yipes. Perhaps I will need to call you Wonder Woman!

    Hello Virruth, Barbie, Patsy, Diane, and Jeri

    I hope everyone has had a pleasant day, or at least a partially pleasant day.

    Be safe.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    edited April 2023
    :) We had some surprise sunny weather today. I will walk in any kind of weather but I am fussy about the weather for working in the yard. I did some work in the front and Jake did some work in the back. Not too much. We always start the season with about 30 minutes a day and gradually work up to more. Our work in the yard is a journey, not a destination and it's meant to be enjoyed.

    :) It has been a bit warmer at night so I switched from sleeping wool socks to cotton socks. Yesterday I pulled off the flannel sheets and replaced them with cotton, but it got so cold in the middle of the night that I used all three of my blankets as usual.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another beautiful day with temps near 80. I will be tanning on my balcony some time today just to feel the sun and all it warmth. I got to Rob's at 8am yesterday so he could do his errands and then later he asked if I could sit until 8pm since he was going to a meeting and the boys were going to a cub scout outing at the police station with Lisa. I went home in the afternoon to do a couple of errands that had to be done and then went back around 3:30. It was so beautiful the kids played in the yard and I sat in a chair watching them. Charlie went to sleep like an angel for a change so all in all it was a good day.
    I didn't sleep well last night so today is a day of rest. I will probably put in an order to Walmart but that is easy peasy.
    Maybe I will even put up my hummingbird feeder but I usually wait until May because we could get some cold weather again which they are saying will happen next week. I will also wait to plant my outdoor plants until May just to be safe.
    Tomorrow after my meeting I will go to my eye doctor to have him check my new lens that I had done at Walmart. The right eye is not right and Walmart said to take them to my eye doctor to check the prescription because they made what was on the prescription from the doctor. I have a stigmatism in my right eye along with macular so I always have a problem with new glasses.

    That's my exciting life, don't be jealous. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    We are still in the midst of a heatwave! I’m no Wonder Woman LIN I just didn’t think it fair to let the two Ms do all that work by themselves. I’m like BARBIE normally, but when I mentioned I was in the mood to do a bit of gardening the other day I suspect the Ms didn’t want me tackling heavy stuff whilst they were away on vacation and maybe having a fall or something. I’m just grateful it’s done, but you all know the great outdoors. It can become a jungle again in no time at all.

    I’ve limited myself to vacuuming today!!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Another wet and windy day with hail thrown in the mix. The wind is so cold and blustery I didn’t drive to the top of the moor which was just as well because walking only halfway up I was nearly knocked over by a gust on more than one occasion and I’m no lightweight! Luckily I could see for miles across Cornwall and recognised stormy clouds coming in our direction and returned to my car just in time. We were all shivering by then until the car heater warmed us but after a visit to the farm shop for a fresh whole meal loaf and pack of locally butchered bacon, George and Betty settled in front of the fire while I munched on a bacon and brown sauce sandwich and caught up on the BBC news App and a few YouTube videos.

    What’s all this talk of heatwaves? Betty has just asked to go in the garden and while I waited by the door to let her back in I noticed the thermometer in my garden room reads the greenhouse temperature is only 45F so my seedlings will be struggling! Who knows how cold outdoors but my poor, frozen lettuce plants!

    Sandy, it is so good to read that you are enjoying child minding again. It sounds like the kids are a perfect antidote for bronchitis and grief! My aunt was 102 when she passed so nothing to be too sad about although my cousin that lived close by for many years and gave so much of her time to ensuring she was cared for, is already missing her terribly and her brother told me yesterday it will hit her hard when everyone leaves after the funeral.

    Another stunning teapot Lin. You are right of course; no point living in the past and tomorrow is always a mystery until it becomes today! My today is a lazy one!

    Cup of tea finished so I might vacuum upstairs while the pets snooze by the fire.
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Well, good morning all. Just did a short Treadmill walk and shorten PT exercises. My girls are off to a health insurance seminar, so I plan to sit and read my detective novel. It is set in Norfolk…….is that near you, Jackie. I love my British detectives. Anne, you seem very energetic compared to me…..I finished my puzzles this am and then reading…Lin, love the teapots.
    I thought the cold nites were over here in Cali but they are back, and pretty windy here, Barbie.
    Sandy, its warmer there than it is here in the Valley….but I am pretty sure we will be having hot weather soon. Then I will be complaining its too hot and telling Lori we need to turn on the AC 😲
    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.
    Oh I notice you all go by your given name, not your user name, so I shall do the same.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE it’s 25C here at the moment and could get up to 29C later this afternoon. I’ve been sitting in the garden and fortunately a cool breeze is blowing. So hang in there it will reach you eventually.
    Next week we drop to 7C again. What a roller coaster! The TV weather man at lunchtime said he didn’t want to hear anybody moaning about it being too hot.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Jackie, where abouts are you? I am in California.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Also, where abouts are you, Anne?
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    Joy, I live in Cornwall, so if you look at a map of England it is the bottom left, sticking out big toe! More specifically, I’m between Liskeard and Bodmin on the map.

    Cornwall is a county on England’s rugged southwestern tip. It forms a peninsula encompassing wild moorland and hundreds of sandy beaches, culminating at the promontory Land’s End. The south coast, dubbed the Cornish Riviera, is home to picturesque harbour villages such as Fowey and Falmouth. The north coast is lined with towering cliffs and seaside resorts like Newquay, known for surfing.
    Area: 3,563 km²
    Population: 565,968 (2018)

    Norfolk, where your story is based, is on the east side of England and very flat compared to Cornwall’s rugged terrain. California is a big place! Are you north or south? I visited in my youth and loved the State but am guessing it has changed over time.

    Anne, goodness, rollercoaster is right! The jet stream continues its crazy behaviour! I do believe the sun might reappear next week!
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Well, after my last comment about where Cornwall is, I went to Google maps to check out locations and saw your area. I looked up your time, too. Its now 10:15 pm there. 😎 and I am in the San Joaquin Valley…..lots of farm land….but also a large metro area…its 2:15 here. I am in the middle of the state, a couple of hours drive to Yosemite National Park.
    I was in the San Francisco Bay Area. My daughter actually moved in the middle of Covid! Didnt even see house - at least not in person. Her sister said its perfect for you and Mom and come and live near me as we age. Both Debbie and Lori are just retired, 66 and 65! So Deb made appt. For viewing and with her Iphone showed us the house and that was that.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones, we have clouds but maybe showers on the way.

    The pressure washing continues. This time on the deck and deck furniture. Dear John is napping and Katie is snuggled next to his leg. She is devoted and is protecting him from all harm while the pressure washing is happening.

    We. Live on the north coast of Oregon, at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River. It is true Pacific Northwest. Rainy and chilly. Sweater weather 100% of the time. I am dealing with an older house and we are even older! My sweet husband of over60 years now is suffering from either dementia or Alzheimer’s. His is quite odd in that he has several hours a day of lucidity and as the day progresses he fades into a drowsy disorientated state. As we go from doctor to doctor and tests after tests, there is no real named diagnosis. No meds or protocol to deal with this. But through it all, he is our family monarch!

    I am planning to help us all enjoy our deck this spring and summer. I think it will be good for us to get out in the sunshine and fresh air. Maybe a few flowers and picnics on the deck…..

    Dinner tonight will be a Turkey sandwich with a few fresh veggies like celery and green onions and carrots.

    Our son is madly hunting for a house to buy in the area so he can help us when needed. The problem is that this area popular for people in the Portland area to buy second homes. We need a place big enough for my son to have his animation studio. He works from home but flies into California several times a year. And he has a huge sail boat. Fortunately there are many places for him to moor his boat locally. Like me, our daughter is a retired art teacher. I have enjoyed many careers. All were art and politically related. Our entire small family is concerned about John. He was always the guy who had all the answers, offered all the assistance, and made the big decisions.

    Still I must add that we are lucky that we we have a strong family connection and we still have our dear John. He isn’t the same but he is still the big cheese around here.

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Patsy, I so enjoyed your newsy post. Being new here I am just picking up info about everyone in bits and pieces.
    I am really sorry to hear of the struggles of your husband. I will say prayers for a blueprint of sorts for you. Wow, it sounds like you had wonderfully interesting careers. I started my family just out of high school and had six children so no time for career. Then, when our youngest was two….he told me he didnt want children after all. Huh. So i struggled with clerical work to put food on the table and shoes on the feet. 😍
    Hoping you son soon finds a house to buy. That seems like a good idea. Family support can do wonders.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) We live in NW Washington State on the Olympic Peninsula. I can see the Olympic mountains from my kitchen window and when I walk in my neighborhood. Jake and I have been married for 34 years. He has children from a previous marriage and they have children but we rarely see any of them. We are not family people and are fine with family members far away who phone from time to time. We live in a 55+ manufactured home community with private well paved roads and lots of tall evergreen trees. Our yard is small and has just enough to do to keep us busy during the warmer months. We have bulbs, maple trees, lavender, and a tiny Alberta Spruce. When it gets warm enough we'll plant zucchini and tomatoes. Jake's health is such that two doctors have told him to stay out of crowds so we pick up our groceries curbside, go quickly into Costco once a month early, and occasionally early to the post office and drug store. We like each other's company so we are fine with little socializing except in the yard or on the street with neighbors. Our dog, Bessie, is not social and except for us the only person she gets close to is my one friend who comes to the house nearly every morning at 5:45 for us to go walking. The same friend cuts Jake's hair once a month and does line dancing with me on Friday mornings.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello everyone. It was a hot extremely windy day. I drove out to REI to return an online order. My car was blown around on the road with the gusts. After returning my item, I spent a bit of time walking around the store looking at things. It is such a huge store! I didn’t make it through all of the aisles.

    I cooked another batch of beans this afternoon. Cooking small amounts of beans is working well for me. Do not have to worry about them going bad and I also do not have to make up little packages to freeze. Another batch of fresh broccoli sprouts were ready today. They are now in the refrigerator, ready for tomorrow.

    I spent the rest of the afternoon (until I was super heated) cleaning and scrubbing the garage floor. I got about half of it looking better. It was where my Prius was parked. There was dirt, grease, and rust stains. Not perfect but better. I will work on the other half of the garage one of these days. Maybe when it is a bit cooler.

    I put in a grocery order to pick up tomorrow morning.

    Joy, I live in Central Iowa. It’s the metro area of our state capital. I am in a suburb, on a short cul de sac of 2-story houses. We are close to a walking trail which I used every day when I had dogs. I have no immediate family. I raise a few pots of vegetables on my deck in the summer. I make cards year-round and take art journaling classes online from time to time. Oh, and I worked as a research analyst and statistician in my last job before retirement. I was married for 25 years and we lived on various farms during that time.

    Goodness, how boring!

    Patsy, I also hope your son finds a house soon. It is frustrating to not be able to find what you are looking for. Did he ever find a car? I am receiving an email every few days now from the car dealership asking if I have questions, etc. I am hearing from the salesman I visited with and now his supervisor as well. 👀. What a good idea to spend some time on your deck.

    Jackie, your weather is just totally crazy. I hope things get back on track soon so your garden is successful.

    Sandy, so good to hear you had a day of relaxing. Wonderful.

    Anne, so will your DIL provide you with some plants this year? Or will someone give you a ride to a garden center? I know, it is only mid-April so there is plenty of time. I ordered 3 tomato plants and the company said they estimate delivery around May 20th.

    Barbie, good for you. Excellent start to your yard work season.

    I need to get moving. Just remembered I left a couple of things off my grocery order. I still have time to add them.

    Be safe and happy everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Pretty name JOY. I guess that’s what you brought your parents at your birth. Much Joy.

    Mark and Mary Jo popped in, in the afternoon to check my drippy kitchen tap. It was driving me nuts even though I’m now deaf in one ear, so poor little Jilly my hearing aid dog must have hated it. Mark did a temporary fix and I’m to get a new tap. Best of all though my grandson came over later as well with Bev. I adore Derek and his buccaneer good looks. We spent a lot of time together when he was a little boy.

    My skin is getting thinner with age. By that I mean it bruises easily. I used to wear thin gold bangles and just lately I’ve noticed if I catch them ever so lightly on something I get an unsightly bruise on my wrist. Their day with me is over so I asked Bev if she’d like them and she said “yes please”. Derek said “ooh, a family heirloom “. I don’t know about that. Lol. I said be free to sell them if they are out of fashion these days, but she assured me they are still very much “in”.

    Other than that I vacuumed throughout and sat in the garden for a while but the heat drove me and Jilly in finally. So I read up on cataract surgery and found our local hospital had 14 complaints from people who had the surgery with no light sedation. Apparently an experiment to see how people would react because the government doesn’t want to pay for the sedation medication. One lady was so upset her blood pressure shot up alarmingly in the recovery room. No one was warned beforehand and the surgeon said it upset him as well. I’m thinking going private if and when I get mine done!

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Barbie…you live in beautiful area….I always wanted to see snow covered mountains from my window, but never did. I dont consider myself a social person. Your yard seems lovely and zucchini is my fav. Also tomatoes, but usually pair those with bacon and mayo sandwich, which course is unhealthy. We do luv a tomato and lettuce salad, tho. My friend has one every evening.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    So, Lin, you live in the heartland. You seem very industrious. Always doing something. You mentioned making cards, so creative! Yet, you were an analyst too…..doesnt that mean you use both sides of the brain? And no, not boring at all.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Anne, I have had cataract surgery and had some light sedation. My doc told me it is a bloodless surgery and for it to be successful, the new lens has to be placed exactly in center. He wanted me to be able to talk and answer questions. A funny thing, at my follow-up appointment, I repeated a story he told during my surgery….word for word. And, he was quite surprised I heard and remembered his story.