Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    PATSY, great news from you. I’m so happy that John is back to being John again and Patsy finding your old self. The cleaning lady and her little boy sound PERFECT. Does she speak Spanish? Gosh you could be bilingual by Christmas time AND you could end up being an adopted Grandma who can draw for little boys. Derek once loved me drawing, can’t remember the name, pokerman? Characters.

    SANDY and LIN weathered the dreadful storms, more good news! I can only remember creating swans from napkins in Home Economics. Would have much preferred bunnies although I did knit a stuffed rabbit in the same class. Was quite proud of that knitted bunny. I think my baby cousin Andrew got it at his christening. Andrew is now in his late seventies. Jackie, is right Sandy, we never forget our departed loved ones, but in time the pain eases and we can find solace, and often laughter as well in memory.

    And JACKIE you seem to be finding some peace with the endless rain. What can I say? April showers bring May flowers? Don’t throw a plant pot at me! BUT think how lucky you are compared to George, Betty and Brady who haven’t got wellies like you, lol.

    Me, I’m just so happy that Maria appears to be back in my life. When we first met both she and Tony thought I was the same age as them, I’ll try and keep up that appearance! I think she’s about your age Jackie.

    Just have to hear good news from the other ladies and all will be well in Sneaker kingdom.

    Anne. ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I did not go in person to Church after all, I watched it on TV this morning. On our video call because I was talking I was coughing a lot, so thought it best to just stay home and rest. I am thinking I might have bronchitis because that is what Charlie has. They really don't give antibiotics for bronchitis as far as I know but I will probably give my doctor a call tomorrow to see what she says.

    Anne, I am also happy that Maria reached out to you, I know how much you liked her. Does she live close enough to walk to her new house?

    Jackie, glad the rain has finally stopped. I know what you mean about unused muscles, I am feeling weak since this cold and hope to get back on my bike soon.

    Patsy, you made me laugh as well with your new cleaning lady and her son. My cleaning lady is Polish and does speak some English so at least we can communicate. I like Anne's idea of you reading and using puppets to entertain her son. Katie will probably love him.

    Lin, I am just glad we both escaped the horrible destruction some people had and are both safe.
    Love the bunny napkins.

    Going to be another binge watching day of Yellowstone which is not for the faint of heart. I watched the movie The Whale last night, it was very good and only had 5 actors in it.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello. I watched church online this morning. Palm Sunday is always a special day. Nice message and then they signed out. There was a party after church for the little kids. They have an adult sized bunny costume and always manage to talk someone into wearing it. I saw one picture posted by the grandmother of the little one sitting in the bunny’s lap. I guess one photo is better than none at all.

    After lunch I finally launched into writing my big checks. Argh. 🫣 Then I transferred some money to cover the checks but they haven’t been mailed yet so I could have waited but didn’t want to forget. It could happen.

    Then I spent some time sorting through a closet looking for a light weight hoodie to wear this spring. Surprise, I found 3 heavy weight hoodies good for colder weather but nothing in great shape to wear in warmer temperatures. I will check another closet later but I do not think there are any hoodies in there at all. Well, I will find something.

    Sandy, you may have bronchitis. My friend had it recently and her doctor put her on a couple of meds which she told me did help but unfortunately I didn’t ask what they were. I thought she said one was an antibiotic. I gave up Yellowstone although I watched it for quite a while but it was just too brutal and most of the people were devious and seemingly had no morals. I hope it is better now.

    Anne, I hope you do have opportunities to spend time with Maria. It is good when friends don’t totally disappear. ❤️

    Jackie, I hope the rain disappears for a while and that you spent some time outside. We are expecting rain tomorrow and then, ack, storms again on Tuesday. Did you ever get gasoline for your car? I hope you’ve had a pleasant day.

    Patsy, I love the description on the lady who will be helping at your home. I think you will enjoy having her around and working on how to communicate.

    Be safe my friends. I plan to watch “Call the Midwife” this evening.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Sandy, you may have bronchitis. My friend had it recently and her doctor put her on a couple of meds which she told me did help but unfortunately I didn’t ask what they were. I thought she said one was an antibiotic. I gave up Yellowstone although I watched it for quite a while but it was just too brutal and most of the people were devious and seemingly had no morals. I hope it is better now.

    I am only at the end of the second season and agree it is brutal and no one has morals. I am not sure why I am watching it but do like the actors. Too much time on my hands I guess.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    I watched Yellowstone with my son in law. Because he is a cowboy, I enjoyed the experience. Just cuz I luv him and he liked the show. I would not have been interested otherwise. I just finished Shrinking on Apple tv plus.
    I am back on My Fitness Pal for the umpteenth time. I even bought Premium so I can track my macros. I am 85 and will turn 86 on June 3. Thought my sweet tooth would abide by this age, but my cravings continue 😎. Living in California with one of my daughters and only 3 minutes drive to another daughter. I am feeling quite blessed.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Oh, forgot to mention that I watched Palm Sunday Mass online too today.
    Looking forward to becoming acquainted with you all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    virruth wrote: »
    Oh, forgot to mention that I watched Palm Sunday Mass online too today.
    Looking forward to becoming acquainted with you all.

    :) Glad to see you. I don't post a lot but I read every day. My life is simple since Jake and I stay home almost all the time. Our big Sunday adventure is picking up our groceries at QFC using curbside pickup. We go at 8 AM when the traffic is light. I walk a lot but Jake has a few issues that make long walks hard so he rides the exercise bike while watching TV.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning all, and Hello Virruth! A lady close to my own age! I read that your SIL is a cowboy? I suppose you could have called my father in law and his brothers cowboys because they ran a dairy farm with cows affectionately called daisy and buttercup. However with their flat caps, corduroy pants and wellies (think of the farmers on All Creatures Great and Small) none of them looked at all like John Wayne!

    Back in Canada it was cold yesterday, freeze your fingers cold for Jilly Beans walk. Mike was here to do the honours, he’s my eldest son, and when he came back with the Bean he pressed his fingers against my face which had me galloping to the bathroom, they were so cold. BUT, we are going up temperature wise to in the fifties today! Time for short sleeves again, or almost.

    Pleasant day yesterday, but nothing outstanding going on and I hope Mark my youngest son turns up today to help with the horrible chore of tax paperwork, my eyes having trouble with small print forms these days. The government doesn’t send larger print forms for us octogenarians. Can’t complain though as I’m still living here with Jilly Bean and still managing the house work and cooking although I do ask Mike if everything looks alright before my lovely DIL turns up and offers to vacuum if she spots any of Jillys moulting fur now springs arrived. Keepin up appearances I guess, lol.

    ❤️ from tongue in cheek, Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited April 2023
    That’s a good start… lost my post! It felt more like Winter when we walked first thing but by the time we climbed over the top of the moor and headed back to the car park, it felt warmer. Halfway round I bumped into David with Hattie so we had a nice chat. On my search for petrol for my car, I drove into town and was delighted to see the forecourt of the garage empty until I drove in and realised every pump had a “not available” plaque locked on the front. After shopping at some local shops I drove into the supermarket that sells fuel and because the level in my car was less than a quarter, filled up even though the quality is inferior. Once in a blue moon shouldn’t hurt, especially as it had a full service 10 days ago.
    I’ve bought some Lollo Rosa lettuce plugs and scented sweet pea seedlings so it had better warm up soon! Also picked up a Cornish pasty that’s cooking in the oven as I type so that will be lunch. I avoided the weigh scales at the weekend but will definitely get going at the end of this week, in spite of a coffee and cake morning with Linda tomorrow while we finally sort through our seed boxes.

    Yesterday I caught up with the man who supervises the local bee apiary and offered to donate my hives because I’m struggling to look after them as I should. I explained about the small swarm that moved into one hive last autumn but he thinks it might be the wrong time of year to move them and will pop in one day this week to see what I have here.

    Hello Virruth. I do remember your name from previous visits so welcome back. You may have guessed I’m in England so catch up with everyone at odd times!

    Pasty is ready and the sun has appeared so that’s promising.
    Happy Monday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy Monday! :) I think I am feeling much better but it is only morning. I might take a ride to see kiddos today and bring them a ham that Babe's daughter had given to us so we can have it for Easter Dinner next Sunday. I miss seeing them and Rob would appreciate the distraction so he can work. It is supposed to rain the next few days so this looks like the best day to go. I will get them some Mc Donald's as my weekly treat. This all depends on how fast I can get moving today.

    Welcome Virruth, Ruth if I remember right, nice to see you back. Some of us have been here forever and still trying to stay healthy. We became friends and just share whatever is on our minds the good with the bad. Hope you enjoy being with us and feel comfortable sharing whatever.

    Jackie, is gas hard to come by in England? We have a gas stations all over the place, it just depends what you want to spend. I do hope you get some help with your bees, your plate is so full. And I had to read your last line twice because I thought you said Patsy is ready. lol

    Anne, sorry it was so cold yesterday but spring has to pop pretty soon doesn't it? I am glad I don't have to do taxes this year but next year will be different.

    Lin, I will see how today goes but if the coughing is letting up I think I will be good. So far so good.

    I better get moving and eat some breakfast. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

    Scratch me visiting kiddos, Rob is not feeling well and took a sick day. I am staying home.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Well, its not cold in Cali but my bones feel the cold more😲. Thanks to all for my nice greetings. Not doing much today….laundry and stuff. Tomorrow I am having my first PT appointment due to suffering a T6 fracture a couple of months ago. I am very excited to get back to simple exercises as I couldnt do any during my recuperation. My daughter and I plan to start cleaning up back yard this week. Hoping to be ready for patio dining soon. This year we may go from winter to summer and skip Spring! Have a good day everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello Sneakers and welcome back Virruth. Your name is familiar to me as well. Oh my, a T6 fracture! Ouch and double ouch. Glad you are starting physical therapy. I hope it is very helpful.

    Sandy, sorry your son is unwell. Maybe he will feel better tomorrow. The kids would love to see you for sure. And McDonalds would be a welcome addition I am sure. We have “an active weather day” forecast for Tuesday. I really hope we don’t have a repeat of last week’s alerts and storms. Time will tell.

    Jackie, glad you did get some gas finally even if it wasn’t your preferred brand. Oh boy, more plants to add to your garden. Hope the weather allows you to put them in soon.

    Anne, I hope you get your all the tax paperwork completed. Younger eyes will do the trick.

    Barbie, is the weather suitable for yard work?

    Patsy, sending greetings and best wishes.

    I made a trip to the post office to mail letters early this morning. Later I went to Trader Joe’s and stopped at a super duper car wash on my way home. Oh, the prices have gone up! I have been texting with a friend. You are never sure when that is over for the day. 😄 Also received a call from a lady I haven’t heard from for a long time. Nice conversation. My lunch was a bit too small so I think I will hunt or a bit of fruit or something.

    Must get going.

    Be safe my friends.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) We have been watching "Escape to the Country" and today's show is a family looking at homes in Cornwall.

    :) Today it was just above freezing during the morning walk followed by rain then sun but temps never got past 50 so I did about 15 minutes in the yard just to say that I did it.

    :) I would be the world's worst grandma because I'd never take kids to McDonalds.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Make that the two worst grandmas BARBIE. Lol.. In all fairness though I discovered long ago when I first arrived in Canada that I am completely allergic to Macdonalds food. Terrible stomach pains so goodness knows what was in their buns, but today I suspect it was yeast which I now know I’m allergic to. My daughter in law wouldn’t take Derek there either so poor Derek was a deprived child.

    We’ve got a rainy day ahead. What’s new.
    Anne. 🍔🍔✖️🥕🥕✔️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another rainy day here so staying in. I did make a doctor's appointment for tomorrow because I am sick of being sick. I just want to make sure my lungs are ok so I can get on with my life. Yes, I am a bad grandma but I don't care, the kids love me and that is all that matters to me.
    It is my weekly treat that I hope they always remember me for because it makes us both happy.
    Chicken nuggets, fries and a frosty drink and I have a cheeseburger with some of their fries.
    You only live once so might as well enjoy what makes you happy.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello. I’m struggling to get Myfitness to move today… just horribly slow so will try later. A pleasant day with coffee and cake then a walk, then trip to post office in town to pick up passport application. another department on strike so 10 weeks quoted. A good job I haven’t made concrete plans.
    O good, this is too plodding!
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Taxes done and in the mail. I need a Big Mac SANDY !!!!!! ANNE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello, I agree, MFP is just slugging along! Slower than a snail. It is laundry day and we’ve been told to get prepared once again, for severe weather this evening. The forecast is very uncertain today. I hope we miss all of the wind and hail, etc. I am sure everyone has that same wish.

    Anne, great! Taxes finished. Quite funny, I do not believe you want a McDonalds treat n😁😁

    Jackie, coffee and cake. Oh yum! I made an extra cup of coffee yesterday and I am sipping it cold this afternoon. But no cake….. Is there anything easy to get these days. I am sorry Passports are on the list of delayed items. Is yours expired? I haven’t checked mine for a while. I assumed I wouldn’t need it.

    Sandy, probably a good idea to check in with your doctor since you’re not feeling up to par.

    Barbie, I have heard of that program but have never seen it. It does sound interesting.

    Hello Virruth, Patsy, Diane, and Jeri.

    Have a good day my friends.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there, we had a sunny afternoon. Rain and hail in the morning. Naturally my cardiologist appt. Was for11:15am. In hail and sleet.

    Good news about my A-fib. Only requires a blood thinner and blood test every 6 months. So back to dealing with dear John. He does pretty good in the mornings and early in the afternoon. Then he starts sinking into that scary mumbling and he can’t think very well. I made an appt with a. Neurologist but as usual it will be in a few weeks. All doctors are very booked up and busy.

    The neighbor is cutting our blackberries. Yea! What a great guy.

    My evening entertainment is looking at YouTube channels. Some are very entertaining. Some are very educational. I love the Ted tTalk channels. Self improvement channels are inspiring to me. Even if I don’t do what is suggested.

    I am a work in progress and progress is slow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wet Wednesday! :) I have doctor's appointment at 10:00am and my cleaning lady is also coming at 10am. She came yesterday for my key so she can let herself in. I hope I get some answers today because this has been going on too long. I am hoping I am able to go to my meeting tomorrow and be well for Easter.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. Survived another night of storms. Winds, hail, and a tornado or two. The storms came in waves this time 3 waves passed through this area. One was particularly frightening to me as the weather folks were tracking a heavy storm and they kept giving roads and locations. Argh! It was coming right at this neighborhood and then thankfully it became less damaging and we had a strong thunderstorm with a bit of wind and hail. I am very thankful.

    The temperature has dropped from near 80 degrees F yesterday afternoon to 33 degrees F and windy. I may do a bit more laundry and then I plan to work on making cards to send to the card charity and yes, I need a couple more birthday cards.

    Sandy, I hope the doctor finds the solution to getting you back to 100%. 🤞🏻

    Patsy, glad to hear that you have a protocol to address your a fib. ❤️❤️ I am a YouTube fan as well. Anything and everything is available there. The commercials bother me a bit but I always skip if I have the option. I know that probably causes the person/company who created/uploaded the video to make less money. Oh well. What a wonderful neighbor. The blackberries will stay under control! Sending best wishes to John. I hope the upcoming appointment with a neurologist will produce some answers.

    Time to finish my coffee and run along.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello All. Wow Lin, what weather. Now I really feel guilty complaining. Cold and windy tho for us here in the San Joaquin Valley. I had my first PT session. It was long but good. I have a lot of exercises to start on. My daughter Debbie drove me and they invited her back with me. I like having someone with me, as if I forget to mention something, they pop up and say😲. It was actually fun as she watched me do all the tests, and then the exercises. Afterward we went by a Mexican restaurant and they had a Lent menu. I tried the grilled shrimp salad. It was very flavorful and no dressing came with it. MFP showed me all the protein and veggies I got in for lunch. Of course, we ate way too many chips with the salsa.
    Sandy, hope you are finding out about your health. Did you know there is a man on TikTok who is on a eat nothing but McD for 100 days but….eat only half. He just had his labs done and they improved! Interesting.
    Lin, do you have a teapot collection? Luv the Easter Bunny.
    Off now to eat breakfast and do my crossword.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello! The site is still slow for me but I will plod along and see what happens. Back to cool and wet weather but I grocery shopped early to avoid crowds then, when I was about to walk George and Betty, my friend who had a recent dementia diagnosis, phoned and we chatted for half an hour because her husband was out playing golf and I guessed she wanted human contact, even if over the phone. The dogs had enjoyed a long walk in yesterday afternoon’s sunshine so were not bothered to go far today, just long enough to do what was needed and once home I decided to drive to the nearest garden centre, about 20 miles away to find a birthday gift for Jill that George and I once walked with regularly. Knowing she loves Lupins I bought her a couple of plants to pot up for the summer, whenever it arrives! David phoned while I was there because he had seen a pretty Scottish cottage for sale online on the west coast that he thought might suit me but when I got home and checked I saw it was one I had looked at but decided it is too remote…. Perhaps if I was 20 years younger!!

    I lit my main fire in the dining room as soon as I got home and have spent a couple of hours catching up with internet business mostly connected to my efforts to open a new bank account. The app I downloaded refuses to recognise my user name even though I received a new bank card and paperwork in today’s post but I have to be in the right mood for any phone discussion!
    Lin my passport expired at the start of the lockdowns and because we were told it would only last about 3 weeks I didn’t bother to renew but then of course we rolled from one to the next and two years on, here I am! My only concern is if I have to suddenly travel to Spain where my brother lives, although he does have 3 daughters in England to help him if needed.

    YouTube is my favourite source of entertainment too whether it is dog rescue videos or investigations into any number of naughty goings on. Scamming scammers is always fun and tarot card readings if not taken seriously! I click on the skip ads box as soon as it appears!

    I bought hot cross buns this morning but another customer who was acting like he had forgotten to take medication was behaving bizarrely in the dairy section so in avoiding him I forgot to buy butter and a hot cross bun without a dollop is not the same! A lone cup of tea then! 🫤

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Bronchitis it is, now on a zpack, inhaler and codeine cough medicine. Should be fine by Easter and feel hopeful I will be back to normal soon. Thank goodness.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited April 2023
    Wow, what a day yesterday was. We woke up in the early hours to a tremendous thunderstorm. Lightening constantly making it look like day in the early hours and tremendous thunderclaps which had Jilly crawling under the bedding. Then it never stopped pouring lashing rain all day. Quite frightening so I can imagine how you felt LIN. We had the tornado warnings but nothing occurred here at least. Gorgeous teapot. Who can resist a beautiful bunny.

    Glad you saw the doctor SANDY. Bronchitis is not good. My mil was a sufferer every year.

    So it was a very much stay at home day yesterday. I caught up on recordings of “All Creatures Great and Small whilst trying to see out of the rain pouring down the windows. Grocery delivery day today which should liven things up a bit. I wonder how the delivery folks coped with yesterday? It is plus 8C right now, so we are warming up and thank goodness it wasn’t snow.

    So breakfast time for boring old Anne and the not so boring Jilly the Beano. ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Starting to feel better every day, so glad I went to the doctor. The sun is finally shining and it looking like a great day for Easter Sunday. Things are looking up!! :)

    Anne, sorry to hear your MIL suffered with this every year, I do hope this is a one time thing. Your weather sounds horrible as did Lin's, I am glad you are both okay. Hard to believe some people do not believe in Global warming.

    Barbie, so true!!!

    Jackie, are you interested in moving? Or are you like me and just look to see what is available?

    Virruth, always nice to have someone with you for medical questions and to help motivate you with your therapy. I don't think I could eat Mc Donald's every day but if it worked for him more power to him.

    Lin, again, glad you are safe from all the storms. I too, love that bunny teapot.

    Patsy, glad you got good news about your AFIB which I believe is common in us elderly people. Babe had his for years along with other heart issues. Now to find out how to help John to ease your busy mind.

    Have a great day and hopefully the sun will come out for all of us.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello Sneakers. It’s been a busy day starting with walking on the moors. The plan was to spend half an
    hour there before collecting my friend Christine and visiting other friend Jill whose birthday is tomorrow. Not a good start because as soon as I got out of my car with George and Betty I could hear David calling me from some distance so we met and chatted before another dog walker called Paul that I hadn’t seen since he and his wife had a holiday in the Caribbean stopped to join us. David went home and I walked a short way with Paul until I decided I needed to go in a different direction to give my pooches more of a walk but as soon as I made my excuses another dog walker came along and stopped to talk! In the end I gave up and drove to pick up Christine who had lots of jam jars to drop off for Linda then we did eventually get to Jill’s and stay for coffee while her dogs Scruff, Mischa and Cupid raced about like crazy things! I finally dropped Christine back home then returned to enjoy a pasty I bought at the local shop, then spent my afternoon gardening. I’m now about to collapse in a pile!
    Sandy, predictive text nearly always changes Pasty to Patsy or vice versa and I’m sure I do sometimes miss that it has changed!

    When our weather was so awful and I was becoming stir crazy I did wonder if I would be happier living somewhere else because Cornwall has changed lots since I moved here over 30 years ago but the thought of the upheaval involved puts me off. I happened to mention to David during a dog walk weeks ago that I was looking at areas of Scotland, only because he had once told me he spent time there with grandparents during school holidays and he jumped at the chance of having something to do on rainy days by looking at properties for sale, uninvited I hasten to add! Anyway, I now feel it’s too far away to contemplate house searches but am trying to break it to him gently!

    Barbie, I love the notice about an angry Winter. It is exactly like that here in Cornwall. I hope you enjoyed your visit to my county watching Escape to the Country. It’s all a bit waterlogged at the moment!

    I only ever had bronchitis once in my teens Sandy but do remember it was a slow process to shake it off so go with the flow!

    Washing up, then time to curl up under a throw!
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Yes, Anne, how can some not believe in climate change.
    Sandy….hope the antibiotics are kicking in and you are feeling better.
    Barbie, I also loved that post about winter.
    Jackie, wow your life sounds so romantic…as in a Bronte novel….i cant imagine walking on the moors!
    I just got back from grocery shopping with Debbie. We have a store called Food Max….is a huge warehouse and you bag all your own. My back was hurting, my heart rate was up, etc. I decided its not for me anymore. I am going back to grocery pick-up or delivery.
    Well, thats my treat! Really I have it so easy with two daughter so close…they spoil me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    edited April 2023
    :) I squeezed in about 30 minutes of pulling weeds and spreading bark before the wind came up. Now I am riding my exercise bike and enjoying the fire Jake built in the woodstove

    :) The mobile groomer came yesterday and now Bessie smells sweet her nails are trimmed and she enjoyed the session. It was money well spent

    :)virruth. We have been using grocery curbside pickup for two years and love it. We go to Costco about once every two months for some products we can't get at the grocery store.

    <3 Barbie