Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello. It’s been a day of moving from one task to another, talking on the phone and texting. It feels like the holiday has already started. The financial markets are closed tomorrow. I need to drop off a FedEx return in the morning. The downside of ordering clothing online. The sweater doesn’t fit. I am not trying another size. Just need a refund. I could use a few groceries but I think I will try to hold on until Monday. I really would like more fresh zucchini but I have other veggies.

    Virruth, I like to post a photo of a teapot everyday (not mine).I like them, I have a few, my mom collected them for a while and I used to drink tea with each of the grandmothers and somehow I acquired a fondness for all things related to tea. The Sneakers have been kind enough to not object to my little hobby. 😎

    Sandy, I am happy you are feeling a bit better already. I hope Easter is a good day!

    Jackie, my gosh, I can not believe how many acquaintances you ran into today! Did you ever get the butter needed for the hot cross buns? And I had no idea you’d not had a valid passport for so long. I just read an article saying, U.S. citizens needing a passport renewal should expect at least 13 weeks processing time. 🤦🏼‍♀️ That is a long wait if you want to plan a trip and want be sure you will be able to travel.

    Anne, argh, what a stormy wet day you and the Bean endured. I hope grocery delivery goes well and that no additional rain is expected soon.

    Barbie, good for you. More work accomplished. 👍🏻👍🏻

    I hope my church live streams tonight’s service. I will be checking.

    Be safe everyone.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, i luv you little hobby. The teapots are cute. Alas, i just drop a bag in a cup of water…but like looking at “yours”
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Evening all. I’ve just lost my post. It wasn’t very exciting but here goes……again

    For a start the storm of yesterday carried on to delight folks east of us. It turned into an ice storm on the east coast and looked beautiful on the tv news with ice sculptured trees which I guess wouldn’t thrill the easterners much.

    Much nicer day here. The groceries turned up with a new grocery delivery guy who wanted to pet an excited Jilly, but she just wanted to play “chase me” which he didn’t oblige.

    Then Mark and Mary Jo rolled up with electric saws to prune my two apple trees. More excitement on Jillys part and they did chase her for a bit until I took her for a walk for a sniff, her next most exciting thing in life. Oh to be a dog eh! Anyway six Easter chocolate bunnies were in my order so they finally went home clutching a bunny each. At 58 years you are still young enough to nibble a chocolate bunnies ears.

    Oh JACKIE, I often get the urge to totter onto a plane and buy a stone cottage in the beautiful Yorkshire dales. My pipe dream, but it ain’t going to happen. For a start all my British generation are now in the happy hunting grounds, secondly who would be daft enough to approve a mortgage for an 87 year old and of course thirdly I’d be terribly isolated with my two lads and their families 3000 miles away. Jilly would have to go into quarantine where she’d be most unhappy being a somewhat spoilt little 9 lb doggie. AND I haven’t renewed my British passport. My second choice would be the Hebrides. Fortunately, it’s a passing fancy for me because I am very happy here and truly blessed. Memory comes with rose tinted glasses. Walking on the Yorkshire moors is lovely on a warm summer day but not so lovely when a gale is blowing up your kilt from the North Sea.

    Mike is over tomorrow and the Ms are going to spray the pruned trees. More excitement for the Bean who is fast asleep exhausted right now.

    Anne off to make a teapot of what else, tea.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another wet da, chilly day. The incredible thing is that our neighbor is out in front of our house pressure washing the house. Katie is barking non-stop. John is off getting the taxes done. (This is a heart stopping thing. He insisted on doing it himself as always. Hoping he can get through this. He seems okay today but not great.)

    I am feeling just fine.other than dealing with all the noise from Katie, pressure washer, phone ringing from daughter and our son and a friend. The day has been crazy chaos filled. Also a realitor dropped by with an idea for our son. It know the house. It is inhabited by a horder. Kind of sad. It is a nice house but the cleanup will be massive!

    Lin: I do love seeing the daily teapots. I drink mainly coffee. Some tea. Mainly flavored teas, the kind no English lady would ever drink. Orange/cinnamon/clove sweet tea. And to make matters worse I use Splenda instead of sugar or honey.

    Barbie: We use Walmart curbside pickup. Also Fred Meyer and occasionally we go into costco. But this is becoming very difficult for John and for me. But we are doing okay. You are right, there are things in Costco that are not available anywhere else.

    Sandy: I am so glad you went to see the doctor. You are very good about checking with medical professionals. I wish I could adopt your good attitude.

    Jackie: we have lived in this house also about 30 years. Things have changed here also. We have changed! We have a huge area to take care of. But John would not be happy anywhere else. We have talked about aging in place. Our kids can’t imagine us anywhere but here. I dream of a smaller place with less stuff. Instead I will get rid of as much stuff as I can. Simplify!

    Hello Anne, Jeri, Diane, Viruth and all sneakers.
    Eat your chocolate bunny ears first. Never start t the toes! First warned me by the sales person at Woolworth many many years ago.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’ve been locked out again. Will return when I can figure things out. Won’t be for a few days though as a busy weekend is looming up. Hope you all can see this. It’s the fitness part that’s gone so far, and MFP won’t accept my password.
    Hope fervently everyone is well and enjoying the Easter weekend.
    ❤️🙃❤️🐕‍🦺 Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Lost my post even after selecting Save Draft!


    A glorious morning walk with views of mist rolling over the River Tamar.

    Still struggling to type so will come back later when fewer chores queuing up.
    Jackie 🥰🐥🐥🐥🐰🐰🐇
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Whenever I have a yearning to live somewhere else I look for YouTube videos and enjoy the scenery from the comfort of my living room on my exercise bike. It works every time.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy Good Friday! :) The sun is out and we are expecting a beautiful week. Laundry is started and another day of rest. I am feeling much better and only have a slight cough which is being helped by the inhaler and cough medicine. Two more days of the zpack and I am hoping to be back to normal.
    I had good news yesterday. My landlord stopped by and talked to me about my condo and said that he is not raising my rent and if I want a year or two year lease when mine is up that would be fine.
    He also has a 3 bedroom condo on the next street and if I wanted that one he would give it to me for the same price. It is on the first floor so I am thinking about it. I have to remember someone would be above me and maybe not feeling as secure as the second floor. I am nice and comfortable in my place although he is a terrible landlord as far as fixing things. I think I would at least like to see the other place but the thought of moving is just terrible. My first step would be to go to the doctor to check out my hip.
    I am having some pain when I go up the stairs but it could also be from my scoliosis and maybe a cortisone shot would help. I have a lot to think about.

    Enjoy your day and take a minute to say a prayer around 3pm if you are a believer.

    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Jackie, beautiful pic.
    Sandy, take good care of yourself. I will say a prayer for you when I do my online Good Friday service.
    For now I am going to do my PT exercises.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good afternoon. I too am having some difficulty with MFP loading pages, conversations and posts. Never know when something will work! Or when it will not.

    I did some laundry today, cooked some nice beans (cranberry beans), got some tofu into the press to get the water out, soaked some more broccoli seeds to start another batch of sprouts. I did get my return package dropped off and spent a bit of time looking around the store while I was there. Walgreens is my closest FedEx return location. This afternoon I was able to place a small grocery order and got it picked up. Now I have a nice supply of frozen blueberries, yogurt and a few fresh zucchini. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Sandy, you have much to consider. Moving is a tremendous amount of work. I will pray for you as well. Sorry, I didn’t see your request until after 3pm. Many blessings. ❤️🙏🏻❤️

    Virruth, good for you, sticking with your PT exercises.

    Barbie, I love to look at photos of other beautiful locations every day. I don’t want to move, it is just so interesting to see these images.

    Anne, enjoy your busy Easter weekend. And I hope your logins work next time you try.

    Jackie, so in your area are folks with dogs asked keep them on leashes during lambing season? Kerry has said many times that dogs can worry sheep and that can cause much harm in lambing season. I hope MFP is working for you now. Every time I hit post, the square appears that it is going to post but it just hangs there for an indefinite amount of time before it decides whether or not to complete the task.

    Patsy, I hope the tax appointment went well and John did not have too much stress with this task. Are your children going to stop by your home this weekend?

    Time to get back to my chores. Hope to see the Good Friday service this evening.

    Be safe everyone.


    Look at this assortment of teapots!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Sorry for confusing you. I did not mean pray for me, although feel free to do that anytime, but I meant because it is Good Friday and when I was little I was told that is what time Jesus died on the cross.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, I’m here, but MFP is being cantankerous today for sure. Difficulty getting on, difficulty posting.
    Simply can’t get onto the calorie recording part. Oh well, I guess we all have bad days.

    Today was a good day especially early on then it sort of went downhill a bit. Michael turned up and took Jilly for two long walks which made her happy but also tired. She slept all afternoon. Anyway he had lunch with me and then took off for home to spend the rest of the afternoon doing his taxes. Then the day went downhill a bit. He phoned to say his friend Sandy had tested positive for Corvid. He should be okay because he hasn’t seen her for seven days and she thinks she picked it up at a funeral on Monday five days ago. Mark and Mary Jo came over to spray the fruit trees and when they heard this bit of news positively refused to come near me. Totally paranoid about getting it again because they were so ill with it a couple of weeks ago and especially Mark. We talked through the glass outer door and they did spray the trees and put more renovation garbage out to add to tree branches and my bins for the poor garbage men tomorrow. Hope they pick it all up!

    So that was Good Friday. My posts are pretty boring but in actuality there’s hardly ever a dull moment here. What happened to the days of shawl clad granny dozing by the fire?

    Off to try and get onto the MFP food recording page but don’t hold out much hope.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hopeless. Still can’t get onto the my fitness pal front page. Everyone must be on holiday or quit. Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello everyone. It has taken an age to get on to this page so I dare not go back to remind myself who commented on what! Yesterday was constructive because my beekeeper friend arrived to collect empty hives, then inspected the bees I had set up in a quiet corner. They are healthy and just starting to build brood (babies) and food supplies so he will pop back one day to set up a special carrier so when it gets dark and all the bees are home for the night he will transport the colony to our local apiary. When I told him I didn’t want payment he said he will give me some jars of honey which seems a perfect arrangement. I was finally cutting my lawns when Linda arrived to give me a plant she collected from her sister in laws porch. I’ve mentioned before that the lady’s son and DIL have power of attorney but aren’t taking care of her so Linda is doing her best by seeking advice from a variety of charitable organisations and reporting to the GP involved. When she went home I cut the final piece of lawn then collapsed in a heap although did manage to cook a tasty chicken stir fry!

    It was like a Winter’s day on the moor this morning with a bitter wind blowing so after handing over the container of growing potato plants to David who had finished his walk with Hattie, I took George and Betty on a shorter route and we were all pleased to get back to a warm car!

    Lin, I think the ban on off lead dogs on moorland between March 1st and end July is now nationwide. We have signs posted in car parks spelling out the By Law so anyone disobeying will be fined. George has one of those extendable leads and since Betty is a Velcro dog to a point where I’m often tripping over her, hers is short. Sadly it is during busy holiday times when visitors with dogs are unaware that lambs get killed. So many teapots, they make my small Brown Bessy on the kitchen window ledge look lonely!

    Oh dear Anne, I would imagine a dose of Covid would leave one immune for a few months at least but if Mark and Mary Jo suffered badly they won’t want to test that theory. I’ve heard of many cases in my area recently and think it’s something we have to live with now. Some are out and about and call out “Covid, don’t come close!” when they meet anyone. Quarantine is definitely out the window!

    Sandy, my ideas about moving are changing just because I can’t cope with the trauma that goes with it and I would have to sell my house first. Now I’ve got things to be doing outside my wanderlust is diminishing!! From what I’ve seen from photos, your apartment is lovely and if it’s quiet, that is definitely a bonus. I can remember the previous place where wacky baccy was being smoked below your balcony!

    Patsy, I hope John got on fine with his trip out to sort tax returns. Has your cleaning lady visited yet? With her help and your wonderful neighbour giving Katie plenty to shout about, life sounds wonderfully interesting!

    Hello Barbie and Virruth. Happy Saturday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Feeling good and back to normal. Family video call later and then will run and return two items. I will welcome the fresh air. We have such a beautiful week coming up that it might even be warm enough to sit on balcony for a suntan. B)
    I will be wrapping the kiddos Easter presents today so that I am ready to leave early tomorrow to join Rob, Lisa and the kids for Mass at their church. We will then go back to their house and order an early dinner from Outback. I am so happy to be able to see them after not seeing them for two weeks.

    Jackie, I feel the same way about moving, packing everything up, setting it all up and hoping a new place would be as comfortable as this one is for me. My gut tells me to stay put for the next two years and see how things are at that time. (If I make it another two years) Sometimes I even forget I am 81 just because I feel good. I do have some health issues, nothing major that I know of, so one day at a time.

    Anne, I think MFP is giving us all a hard time. There must be a lot of members to slow things down this badly. I think Jackie is right about being immune to Covid for a while after you have had it, but I would stay away from any contact that could pass it on. So does that mean you will be alone for Easter?

    Lin, thanks for the prayers, I really need them. That is a lot of teapots but you have to have a big house to store them all.

    Hello to everyone else, have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Jackie, Lin, Anne, Jackie, Patsy…..and anyone I missed! Just back from the meat market and grocery store for our Easter. Now, to do some food prep…..I am only making macaroni salad and fruit salad. My SIL will be manning the BBQ tomorrow. We are expecting 70s, so right now he is helping Lori get our yard un-winterized…tarps off, furniture and fire pit cleaned. Pool swept……tho, the water feels lime ice water! Charlie is such a sweetheart and always ready to help anyone in need.
    Its going to be a low key Easter with only the four of us. My great grandkids are staying home in San Diego. My grown granddaughter in Cali cannot make it and her sister wants to move here but still lives in Georgia. One of my sons is in Georgia too and grandson (3) scattered. We usually try once in summer to get everyone together. I am a tad achy and will take a breather from my PT exercises….but get back on track on Monday. I am ashamed to admit I did not keep all my Lenten vows. I think this month will go quickly, the four of us have many doctor checkups and PT and lab appointments…wishing all a Happy Easter or Passover or Ramadan.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello friends. I did a bit of laundry again today. I have started to put away card supplies used for Easter cards. Now I am on the hunt for graduation card supplies, and birthday card supplies for a friend who is a true coffee addict. I finished my cards to be donated but haven’t put the box together, the submission form needs to be filled out as well as the address label.

    They did livestream the service last evening. They did cut it off at communion and calls for individual prayers. So I didn’t have the opportunity to sing the last song. If I know the cantata tomorrow, I will be singing along to that. Lucky I live alone right?!

    The weather today is sunny, very little breeze and it is in the 60s. I was just out on my deck and I see the planter where I had a few herbs (and lettuce) last year does have a clump of chives coming up. Nice to see something green.

    Anne, my friend and her hubby who are just recovered from Covid are taking full advantage of just having it and are going out to eat at restaurants, etc. as they are sure they have immunity!

    Virruth, I hope you have a good time with your family tomorrow. And I hope the macaroni salad and fruit salad are not too much work.

    Sandy, great news that you are feeling much better! Enjoy Easter with your family. I know you have missed them. And yes, I wonder where the person who posted that photo of all the teapots keeps them when they are all put away?

    Jackie, what a lot was accomplished yesterday! The beekeeper sounds as if everything is settled with his plan. Glad the new bees will be looked after. And honey seems am appropriate reward! Lucky David, live potato plants. Linda has taken on quite a job to try to get help for her sister in law with malicious people actually in charge. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Oh and I thought it interesting that Kerry talks about not worrying sheep when his dogs are not on leads. He just steers clear of areas where sheep are kept. He said today it is crazy with traffic and people, more than he remembers ever seeing before.

    He has been posting memory photos of Max and Harry and Paddy when they were small. I love this photo of Max and tiny Harry when he first came to live with Kerry and Angela.


    Better move along. Hello Barbie, Diane, Patsy, and other Sneakers. Jeri are you out there?

    Be safe.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! A rainy cold afternoon.

    Our neighbor is out in the rain pressure washing our shop and garden shed. He is such a sweetheart! John decided to give him our old van and he was so appreciative. But we never use it and it was a chore to keep the battery going and the mice away from the wiring. Plus the required insurance was annoying. This was not exactly a bartering arrangement because John saw that the truck our neighbor uses was decidedly ancient and faultering. He needed a van!

    Speaking of John, he got the taxes done and got back home. Yea! He does pretty good doing the early part of the day. Evening is usually hard for him. The family (Andrea and grandson and me) are keeping a close eye on him. He does get frustrated when he cannot express himself. Brain fog and depression is also part of his symptoms. Not an easy thing to Diagnose or treat. No doctor has put a name on this yet. Tests and head shaking mainly! We are so glad to have a small but great family and friends. I say a prayer of gratitude many times a day.

    Trimming my hair today. Katie and I have hair in our eyes! Also ordering some new jeans. My fancy jeans with rhinestones seem out of place these days. But still wear them when not cleaning house. Making an Easter dinner for John and me. Lemon chicken and pasta, tossed salad, asparagus and a sugar-free chocolate pudding for dessert. Not exactly a huge feast but I know John will like it. I baked muffins instead of hot cross buns. I mashed a cross in the center and I will fill the cross area with sugar-free marmalade. Calling all the family on Easter. Andrea and grandson will pop by for coffee and dessert. Remember that woman (can’t remember her name). She used to say “and that’s all the news that is fit to print!” Hahaha I need more news of any kind.
    Be good little bunnies,

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Your easter dinner sounds yummy and healthy, Patsy. And so glad you are feeling better, Sandy. I cant believe your comment, Lin, because you nailed it. After chopping all the peppers, celery, onions, etc. I felt like my back was killing me. I should be able do more. I luv reading all the posts….seems like I have been inactive for way too many years as everyone is much more active. I will have to do some changing. Hope you all had a good Saturday and enjoy tomorrow.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Virruth! Kitchen stool Is what you need- you can perch on one and chop and stir to your heart’s content.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Oh thanks Patsy. Thank you. My daughter Debbie told me that just a few minutes ago. Thing is we have one..two stools actually…so shame on me for not using! I wont make that mistake again.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) For us, this is just another Sunday. Dog walking, grocery pickup at 8, walk with friend at 9:30, lunch at 10:30, maybe a nap, some TV in the afternoon, and maybe a bit of yard work.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Happy Easter everyone, and also happy pagan springtime when the world wakes up,

    I’ll be back later because like everyone else I am busy preparing a very mixed salad to go with a vegan pizza.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member

    Peace and love to all Sneakers.

    We’ve lost the freezing north wind but with a mild south westerly comes rain off the Atlantic…. expected any time! Never mind, can’t have everything! I’ve been tidying the garden and also setting a variety of veggie seeds in trays and later have a couple of phone calls to make.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member

    Enjoy your day my friends. ❤️🐇🐇❤️

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Well, today we can finally enjoy our coffee in the yard…..Happy Springtime to all

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I’m jealous Virruth but happy Springtime to you! A week of rain predicted for me! 🐳🐬🐠🐙🐋
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Jackie, oh goodness! A week of rain!?!?! I hope they are wrong. 🥺

    They said we would have rain this afternoon. It hasn’t happened yet.

    Back to YouTube videos. There are so many interesting subjects.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Easter dear sneakers! We have rain as always. But that is an ever present condition here on the north coast. We are used to it but that doesn’t mean we have stopped complaining about it.
    Sadly no Easter egg hunts here today. I loved dyeing the eggs and hiding the eggs. I went all out and doned a rabbit suit with ears as I hid the eggs. I had a basket at the end of the kids bed each Easter morning and a carrot was nibbled for them to find beside the basket. What a hoot! I don’t think I fooled anyone. We all had fun. One Easter it was snowing in Colorado and we hid the eggs in the snow.

    I have a bit more to get ready for our Easter dinner. So my loves, have a lovely Easter. Or a lovely spring day regardless of how you celebrate this day.