Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    How funny is this?


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    That’s hilarious Lin! 😆😂

    Pat arrived lunchtime yesterday and we sat talking until after 1 am so a late start with her still in bed and me about to try to wake myself up with a shower! Thunderstorms later so I don’t think we will be going far!

    Happy Thursday. I will pop back later today.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    A good time was had by all!! No big winners but a great little trip. We will be heading home today and stop for an early dinner.
    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello all. A dreadful wet day so we stayed home. I did try to walk George round the block but he became soaked and really fed up so we came back and that was as exciting as it got. Lots of laughter though and talking! Tomorrow we will drop my car off for its service then go somewhere for Pat’s birthday celebrations.
    Hope everyone is ok… it’s very quiet on our Sneakers page!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wet and very cold. Katie popped out in the backyard for a quick pee-pee and dashed back inside in between rain drops. I watched from the window and that was my outdoor experience so far today.

    Yesterday was very hard. In fact I would like never to repeat it. But I fear that will not be the case.
    My appointment at the eye clinic was very bad news. I had an eye injection in the left eye. The headache that follows is horrendous. But the bad part was the news about my right eye. The vision has deteriorated significantly. Almost gone and no hope of recovery. Let me say I am beyond depressed.

    The good news is that our sweet neighbor mowed the grass and we have found a house cleaner. Yea! I am trying to count blessings today. I have many. I have support from many people. We get to live in our own house and we are comfortable. And we are getting more help to care for the property.

    I had to laugh when Sandy posts about her trips to the casino. We caught a terrible case of flu when we visited a casino a few years ago. Everyone in our party caught it, we were all sick for a whole month. John declared we were never going again. That was okay with me. I am a terrible gambler. I never win. I don’t know how and I don’t understand odds.

    Thank goodness for the iPad. I can increase the size of the type and see and read just fine.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello friends.

    Patsy, I am crushed to hear this bad news about your vision. Dear friend, I hope you and John are able to enjoy your home for many years to come. Now if Katie could just be more helpful. I wonder what chores she could do. Hugs and thinking of you.

    Jackie, a day of talking and laughing is priceless. While the weather was bad, the company was great. I hope you enjoy yourselves tomorrow. Happy birthday Pat.

    Sandy, homeward bound! And without major gambling losses. Well done.

    Anne, hello? Hoping you are well.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello, sorry I went awol but I was pretty mad with MFP when my long post disappeared for absolutely no reason that I could see. And here I join PATSY in the deteriorating eyesight. PATSY I’m so sorry about your eye problem and like you I’ve got the iPad on magnify.

    When I took Jilly Bean for a walk the other day we met the Anglican vicar from St Aidens church which backs onto us. Turns out she and Jilly bean are old friends because her and Michael chat when he takes Bean out. You will gather the new vicar is a very pretty young woman sporting the Anglican white dog collar and she took one look at me and invited me to the free over eighties dinner served at the church every Thursday. It didn’t matter what faith I was because all are welcome. Oh and Jilly Bean was welcome as well. I told her I was indeed Church of England or Protestant or Anglican, choose your title, and used to teach the poor little toddlers Sunday school in my hay day. Yes me!!!!! And in St Aidens itself when I first retired.

    Now I live in very friendly neighborhood. Most folks speak to one as they walk their dogs, push their shopping carts and walkers or whizz past on skateboards. Plus one can easily walk to the grocery stores or walk downtown and on to the lake. That’s when it isn’t icy underfoot! Mary Jo is very impressed because she lives in an area of big posh houses and everyone seems snooty. Every time she stands outside here, folk talk to her. The Ms are here a lot now both are recovered. We are at the painting the basement walls stage, and it looks so light and airy and spring like down there. Anyway I was feeling a bit nervous wondering if all this renovating meant goodbye dear old Anne and my beloved cottage got sold. Apparently not. They mentioned yesterday they are more likely to sell the big house in the snooty stick your nose in the air neighborhood and move into here when I either snuff it or end up being a nuisance in the local old age home. I guess Jilly Bean will come with the house if she outlives me, and they are talking of renovating everywhere, upstairs kitchen and all, so I guess I’m here for some time.

    Other than that, and the combination of spring I am feeling a pretty frisky old thing. Looking at the garden now the snow banks are receding, the tulips and daffodils are about 2 inches high in greenery.

    Anne - full of love for everyone.❤️🌷🌷🌷🐕‍🦺🌷🌷🌷❤️ and especially MFP as I don’t seem to have lost this post.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Went to bed at 9pm last night and slept until 8am. Fun, but exhausting trip. Laundry has been started and I am sitting later for Rob to go to dentist. Monday I leave to take a train to visit my son and DIL in Edwardsville, Il. While I am gone Cheryl asked if Marisa could stay at my house while they are remodeling Marisa's bathroom. I think she is bringing her dog as well so I hope there are no accidents. Their townhouse has two master suites but no guest bathroom so they are having a door put in from the dining room to Marisa's bathroom so people do not have to go through her bedroom to use the facilities. My only concern is that Beagles bay and she can be very loud so I hope my neighbors don't complain. I am sure all will be okay.

    So Anne, are you going to join the Thursday night over 80's group for dinner? It sounds like a nice time with friendly neighbors.

    Lin, some of us had bigger losses than others but we know what to bring in case of loss, never more than we can afford.

    Patsy, I too, am sorry to hear about your eye sight, is this from Macular? It does sound like you have other things to be grateful for so good for you to think positive.

    Jackie, have fun with Pat for her birthday as I am sure you will.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good afternoon. We have sunshine today and the temperature has climbed to about 50 degrees F.

    It has been a stressful day for this old girl. I decided to see if I could sell my car this morning. It was a long process and my nerves were quivering. Ultimately I did sell it and they did give me a ride home. I am glad I didn’t have to pay for a taxi or an Uber!

    I got home and was going to take my check to the bank and OMG, the battery was dead on my remaining old car. Finally got the charger hooked up and then did get the car started. I have made my trip to the bank and have spoken to the salesman at the dealership. I have an appointment with him Tuesday afternoon. He was all booked up again.

    We did talk for a little while, long enough for him to tell me that the car model I want is being manufactured without the blind spot safety feature right now. The components needed for that are not available. It will probably be 2024 before they will be able to add it in again. So, if that is something I want (and my old eyes want as many safety features as possible) I have to purchase a different model. Ironic it is the sports touring package of the CRV which is a HYBRID and more expensive. They do have a few on order, none on the lot and an estimated delivery window of late May to mid June. If he would have told me about this change in the CRV model, I might not have sold my car so quickly.

    At least I have an appointment now, he will show me several vehicles (used I think) so I can at least get an idea of how comfortable they are and how they drive.

    Monday is doctor day. Enough said!

    Sandy, oh gosh, I would have a difficult time allowing the dog in my home when I was away. You are so kind and flexible with these situations. I would have an ulcer!!

    Anne, nice to see your post today. And good news. You do have good neighbors. ❤️❤️ Oooh, the tulips are making an appearance. Spring is springing!!

    Jackie, is the birthday lunch and the celebration over? Hope all is well and you had a very good time.

    Patsy, hoping life is not throwing any additional curves.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Well, I might be cancelling my trip to visit my son as I am very sick with a sore throat which I think might be strep. I made an appointment with Urgent Care this afternoon to be safe although I home tested for Covid twice and both were negative. Charlie was sick and I might have caught it from her so we will see. Lisa and the kids are on their way to Ohio to visit her grandmother so since I was with them yesterday I do hope none of them gets sick.
    Video call with family then to the doctor, I don't think I will go to Church today so I don't infect anyone else. My throat actually feels better with the hot coffee so hopefully I will be better by tomorrow and still be able to go see my son and DIL. One Day at a Time.

    Have a good day and stay healthy, wealthy and wise.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member

    Have a lovely day Barbie ❤️

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    It’s a horrible day here, strong winds, driving rain and as dark as Hades. A day for comfort food and I’ve just eaten a lovely homemade plateful of fried eggs and English chips plus mixed vegetables. Will I be joining the over eighties lunches at the church? I gave this a lot of thought because it was very sweet of the lady vicar to ask me SANDY but……. Well for a start I have to be careful eating out because of the yeast allergy, plus I really do like my home cooked meals, (do free lunches consist of egg and chips?) and last whatever my outer shell looks like, inside I’m still stuck at the age of about 19. Somewhat immature at times I guess and probably irritating to the ladies in their nineties. Not much in common. It’s a lunchtime thing because I would guess most of the older ladies will have given up driving and who wants to navigate dark icy streets in the winter.

    Mark just text hoping the rain and wind will stop soon as he wants to do more work. Mike is at the office again, he’s working six day weeks because they are short staffed but he’s coming over tomorrow. I guess Mary Jo will be fed up with the weather as well because she took a weeks holiday to help Mark with the painting although thinking about that it IS Saturday.

    And that’s it from boring old me. I’ll join Jilly who’s snoring on the sofa.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Oh BARBIE is it your birthday?

    HAVE YOURSELF A SUPER HAPPY DAY BARBIE . Aren’t you lucky being an early spring girl!


    PS. And I’ve just seen SANDYs post. GET WELL SOON!!!!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)<3 Thank you for remembering my birthday. It may be spring on the calendar but there were snowflakes and temps just above freezing on my walk this morning. I started to the day with a lovely walk, first with Bessie, then alone because my dog walking friend has gone with her daughter across the state for a baby shower for a soon to be born great grandchild. Her gift in addition to her presence will be a giant pack of disposable diapers. She said that one thing she has learned in her life is that such necessities are far more important than buying a cute dress that will be worn once and then be too small. She no longer has to bring the cutest gift to the party to feel worthy. The rest of my walk was alone listening to podcasts and enjoying the bits of daffodils and crocus and other early flowers. I have over 12,000 steps and it's not lunchtime yet. Yesterday we got takeout tostada salads from Taco Time (my favorite). They are delicious but messy to eat and not something I would eat anywhere except home and only with Jake. Besides cards from Jake and two friends, I got email greetings from AARP and my supplemental medical insurance company. Life is good.

    :)Sandy, you enjoy your family so much so I hope your plans work out for you.

    :)Anne, I decided a few years ago that going out to lunch with people did not work for me. I am fussy about what I eat and prefer my own cooking that takes my food quirks into account. Also I don't naturally enjoy conversations. I made that decision a few years ago at lunch with some line dance friends and the conversations on every side were critical, intolerant, or complaining. I decided that I didn't have to waste time, money, and calories on that unpleasant experience. I loved dancing with those women, but not sitting down to eat and talk to them.

    :) I enjoy reading about your lives every day but have little happening that's different from day to day. I treasure having you in my life.

    <3 Barbie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Went to urgent care got tested for Covid, Flu and Strep throat, all negative. I have what is known as the common cold. I will be travelling to visit my son and his wife after all. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Went to urgent care got tested for Covid, Flu and Strep throat, all negative. I have what is known as the common cold. I will be travelling to visit my son and his wife after all. <3

    Safe travels Sandy. ❤️

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    BARBIE, good to know someone thinks like me.
    I love my friends individually but I am more comfortable with one on one friendships at a time and I definitely am not happy in restaurants with lines of folks at the table which I got stuck with when I volunteered at the senior social centre some years ago. Something I’ve never told anyone but at one such meal the lady opposite was dipping lobster into a buttery sauce and the sauce was dribbling down her chin. It was bad enough that I could never eat a poor lobster in the first place without the chomping and greasy chin. Lol.
    I am being urged by family and Michael’s friend to go to the lunches as it will get me “out more”! However I will give it a miss and thank you birthday girl for your supportive comment.
    Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    Colds are nasty things SANDY. I haven’t had one for YEARS and don’t want one.

    Anne. PS. The Ms are here painting.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    happy birthday Barbie. Happy that you are celebrating your birthday in your own way. Wishing you the best year ever with great health, and of course, the love and companionship of your sweetheart and sweet doggie. Best wishes
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Colds are nasty things SANDY. I haven’t had one for YEARS and don’t want one.

    Me neither Anne, that's why I was so concerned. Drinking tea and taking Tylenol, will get this cured by Monday. ( I hope)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. We had nice temperatures today and sunshine. I worked in my garage for a while, crushing boxes and sweeping. Tonight the temperature will drop and snow is expected. They are unsure of the amount, maybe 3 or 4 inches. Ack!

    I also finished reading my library book and have been working on April birthday cards. It’s a start.

    Received my completed tax forms from my accountant. I just need to review them, write some checks and return the necessary items to them or processing.

    Best wishes to everyone.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning everyone. I’ve had a busy couple of days but most enjoyable. Early Friday morning Pat followed me to my garage where I dropped my car off for a service, then we returned for coffee and birthday cake. The weather continued to be showery and our downpours have become so heavy shelter has to be sought if outside so when we arrived at the pub for lunch we had to sit in the car for 5 minutes until it eased. The pub was one we frequented before lockdown but it had unfortunately closed until Friday with new tenants taking over the running of business. What a fabulous time we had chatting to other customers, the chef and new owner, especially on the next table where it turned out the man was from Boston but now living here with his English wife. When I mentioned that I recognised his accent to be Canadian as there is a subtle difference, it turned out he had spent several years when younger in Toronto so small world! The food was outstanding so I was relieved we chose it for Pat’s birthday.

    On the way home we collected my car, then relaxed in front of the fire with a glass of Prosecco and did our best to install WhatsApp on my iPad but after a couple of hours gave up! It’s on my iPhone and that will do!
    Pat was going to travel home before George’s groomer arrived at 2pm but around 1230 she phoned to check if she could come early because a client had cancelled and suddenly we were in a Keystone Cops movie leaving coffee mugs on the table and rushing to grab her possessions and move her car before the truck arrived but too late, she was driving down the track. Luckily neighbours were out so there was enough space for them to manoeuvre round each other and Pat drove off, George was gathered up and was given a shorter trim so I’m hoping threats of snow over Easter don’t materialise!

    Anne, I’ve been invited to join coach trips for pensioners in the past and my heart runs cold at the thought! I get on with everyone I meet day to day but have no wish to join any sort of group of similar age. Now if 30 or 40 year olds invited me to join them I’d have a ball!

    The clocks finally sprang forward so time to take George and Betty for a walk between showers.

    Belated birthday wishes to Barbie.

    Happy Sunday
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Quickie from me. I’m beginning to think we Sneakers are a like minded group and I’m not such an oddity after all.
    Love Yutang Lin’s comment BARBIE. A very wise man.
    JACKIE wonderful time with Pat for you. A dear close friend is one of the blessings in life. My cousin Peter called the coach outings “The wrinklie trips”. I guess he had no desire either!

    It’s still dark outside but we had tremendous winds during the night. After effects from the terrible tornado in the USA? I will go out and take a look when Dawn breaks and pray the little pear tree which lost a branch last wind storm is still with us. The huge fir trees opposite where actually bent sideways last night.

    Michael should be over today and the two Ms are taking a break from all the hard work.


    PS. The little pear tree is still with us and the fir trees are still upright. It is still windy outside though not as bad as earlier. I bet Catherine and Darren are pleased the giant fir tree in their front yard is okay! It was a baby Christmas tree when I first moved here in 1989.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Still sick, seems to be getting worse. Was up all night coughing and spitting up mucus. TMI?
    Going to cancel my trip because it seems to get worse at night.
    Hope I can get some sleep.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :'(Sandy, sorry you are feeling worse and not going on your trip.

    :) Yes, the time I spend with my dog walking friend for an hour six mornings a week and the hour I spend with my Sunday walking friend are priceless but I wouldn't go on a trip and share a room with either nor would I want any more time together than what we already have. I am a more solitary person than most.

    :) My Sunday walking friend is in Texas so I have an extra hour for myself to do what I want. Jake is on the phone with his friend in California that he calls every Sunday morning. Bessie is asleep in her bed.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. The snow has stopped and the sun is out again.

    I have filled out all the forms and made a copy of my health care power of attorney so I guess I am ready for tomorrow morning’s appointment. I will need to drive during morning rush. Should be okay.

    Sandy, I am sorry you had to cancel your trip. I hope you feel better soon. Fight that cold!

    Barbie, excellent messages! I have enjoyed them. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Anne, cheers! The pear tree survived!!

    Jackie, what a lovely picture! Am I seeing parts of bridles? Bits among other things? Very interesting decor. Glad you and Pat were able to enjoy her birthday there.

    Patsy, I hope your weather is feeling springlike. And wishing you and your family all the best.

    I have been doing laundry today. Got a bit caught up! Also worked a bit in the garage again this afternoon.

    I will check in after my doctor’s appointment.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It's been a rough couple of days but I am hoping I have turned the bend. I still have a nasty cough but at lease I slept a little better last night. Bryanna went to the store and bought me the meds I wanted and some chicken soup. Marisa came and spent the night so I was covered in case of an emergency. Still very tired and weakish but just another thing I have to get through. Good thing the kiddos are on spring break and Rob doesn't need me.

    Have a good day and please stay healthy. I don't get sick very often but when I do it a doozy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello everyone. Just for one day we have enjoyed warmish sunshine so after early grocery shopping and a long walk on the moors where I knew we could ignore that awful sticky mud, I’ve been doing a variety of chores in my garden. Betty and George enjoyed the day too chasing about or snoozing in the grass.

    My weight has been creeping up and up so it was chicken salad this evening and in a minute I will make a cup of tea and eat nothing more than a small pot of yogurt. If brave enough I will weigh myself on Friday! 🫣

    Sandy, perhaps your body is telling you to slow down and recuperate after everything you’ve been through. Please listen to it and take care of yourself. ❤️

    Lin, that’s a cute bear teapot. A variety of brasses adorn the beams and walls of that pub, all very horsey! They give the bar area a cosy, twinkling atmosphere! I’m thinking of you, hoping your appointment has gone well.

    Anne, good news that your pear tree survived the high winds. I must take a photo of the fir Christmas tree I planted at one end of our track soon after I moved in 34 years ago. I bought it at a British Homestores in Plymouth, since long gone, and It’s now beautiful but massive! Everywhere seems to be dealing with extremes in weather but it takes a bit of getting used to!

    Time to put the kettle on!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny afternoon, still quite chilly however.

    Today is grocery delivery day and grandson is coming to vacuum around the traffic areas. Yea!

    And the drama here is that John might be going through early Alzheimer’s. Or he might have had a stroke. The diagnosis is still in process. Apparently brain injuries or trauma of any kind concerning the brain is very difficult. I am dealing with things in my usual way. Humor, terror, confusion and constantly watching every move John makes. The odd thing is, part of the day he is very normal. The late afternoon he can’t remember anything and has difficulty with language and finding his words. So I can see our entire family will be dealing with this. To say I am worried is an extreme understatement. I do have support and I have hope. I will try my hardest to help dearest John.

    We used to smile and say in an indulgent way…..oh the young think they are invincible. I think maybe as we age we feel the same way. It seems we are wrong!

    Scary news this morning. These school shootings have to impress our legislature! We must do something, we can’t keep seeing young people use guns to kill people. School should be a safe place.

    I apologize for the negative posting. I just got overwhelmed today. Actually I have so much to be grateful for. Including support and good family. Things aren’t really impossible. I must remember we all have challenges. Not the same ones but we all have them. And in the end we persevere and find solutions.