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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Good evening. We had nice temperatures today and sunshine. I worked in my garage for a while, crushing boxes and sweeping. Tonight the temperature will drop and snow is expected. They are unsure of the amount, maybe 3 or 4 inches. Ack!

    I also finished reading my library book and have been working on April birthday cards. It’s a start.

    Received my completed tax forms from my accountant. I just need to review them, write some checks and return the necessary items to them or processing.

    Best wishes to everyone.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    Good morning everyone. I’ve had a busy couple of days but most enjoyable. Early Friday morning Pat followed me to my garage where I dropped my car off for a service, then we returned for coffee and birthday cake. The weather continued to be showery and our downpours have become so heavy shelter has to be sought if outside so when we arrived at the pub for lunch we had to sit in the car for 5 minutes until it eased. The pub was one we frequented before lockdown but it had unfortunately closed until Friday with new tenants taking over the running of business. What a fabulous time we had chatting to other customers, the chef and new owner, especially on the next table where it turned out the man was from Boston but now living here with his English wife. When I mentioned that I recognised his accent to be Canadian as there is a subtle difference, it turned out he had spent several years when younger in Toronto so small world! The food was outstanding so I was relieved we chose it for Pat’s birthday.

    On the way home we collected my car, then relaxed in front of the fire with a glass of Prosecco and did our best to install WhatsApp on my iPad but after a couple of hours gave up! It’s on my iPhone and that will do!
    Pat was going to travel home before George’s groomer arrived at 2pm but around 1230 she phoned to check if she could come early because a client had cancelled and suddenly we were in a Keystone Cops movie leaving coffee mugs on the table and rushing to grab her possessions and move her car before the truck arrived but too late, she was driving down the track. Luckily neighbours were out so there was enough space for them to manoeuvre round each other and Pat drove off, George was gathered up and was given a shorter trim so I’m hoping threats of snow over Easter don’t materialise!

    Anne, I’ve been invited to join coach trips for pensioners in the past and my heart runs cold at the thought! I get on with everyone I meet day to day but have no wish to join any sort of group of similar age. Now if 30 or 40 year olds invited me to join them I’d have a ball!

    The clocks finally sprang forward so time to take George and Betty for a walk between showers.

    Belated birthday wishes to Barbie.

    Happy Sunday
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Quickie from me. I’m beginning to think we Sneakers are a like minded group and I’m not such an oddity after all.
    Love Yutang Lin’s comment BARBIE. A very wise man.
    JACKIE wonderful time with Pat for you. A dear close friend is one of the blessings in life. My cousin Peter called the coach outings “The wrinklie trips”. I guess he had no desire either!

    It’s still dark outside but we had tremendous winds during the night. After effects from the terrible tornado in the USA? I will go out and take a look when Dawn breaks and pray the little pear tree which lost a branch last wind storm is still with us. The huge fir trees opposite where actually bent sideways last night.

    Michael should be over today and the two Ms are taking a break from all the hard work.


    PS. The little pear tree is still with us and the fir trees are still upright. It is still windy outside though not as bad as earlier. I bet Catherine and Darren are pleased the giant fir tree in their front yard is okay! It was a baby Christmas tree when I first moved here in 1989.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Still sick, seems to be getting worse. Was up all night coughing and spitting up mucus. TMI?
    Going to cancel my trip because it seems to get worse at night.
    Hope I can get some sleep.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :'(Sandy, sorry you are feeling worse and not going on your trip.

    :) Yes, the time I spend with my dog walking friend for an hour six mornings a week and the hour I spend with my Sunday walking friend are priceless but I wouldn't go on a trip and share a room with either nor would I want any more time together than what we already have. I am a more solitary person than most.

    :) My Sunday walking friend is in Texas so I have an extra hour for myself to do what I want. Jake is on the phone with his friend in California that he calls every Sunday morning. Bessie is asleep in her bed.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Good evening. The snow has stopped and the sun is out again.

    I have filled out all the forms and made a copy of my health care power of attorney so I guess I am ready for tomorrow morning’s appointment. I will need to drive during morning rush. Should be okay.

    Sandy, I am sorry you had to cancel your trip. I hope you feel better soon. Fight that cold!

    Barbie, excellent messages! I have enjoyed them. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Anne, cheers! The pear tree survived!!

    Jackie, what a lovely picture! Am I seeing parts of bridles? Bits among other things? Very interesting decor. Glad you and Pat were able to enjoy her birthday there.

    Patsy, I hope your weather is feeling springlike. And wishing you and your family all the best.

    I have been doing laundry today. Got a bit caught up! Also worked a bit in the garage again this afternoon.

    I will check in after my doctor’s appointment.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It's been a rough couple of days but I am hoping I have turned the bend. I still have a nasty cough but at lease I slept a little better last night. Bryanna went to the store and bought me the meds I wanted and some chicken soup. Marisa came and spent the night so I was covered in case of an emergency. Still very tired and weakish but just another thing I have to get through. Good thing the kiddos are on spring break and Rob doesn't need me.

    Have a good day and please stay healthy. I don't get sick very often but when I do it a doozy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello everyone. Just for one day we have enjoyed warmish sunshine so after early grocery shopping and a long walk on the moors where I knew we could ignore that awful sticky mud, I’ve been doing a variety of chores in my garden. Betty and George enjoyed the day too chasing about or snoozing in the grass.

    My weight has been creeping up and up so it was chicken salad this evening and in a minute I will make a cup of tea and eat nothing more than a small pot of yogurt. If brave enough I will weigh myself on Friday! 🫣

    Sandy, perhaps your body is telling you to slow down and recuperate after everything you’ve been through. Please listen to it and take care of yourself. ❤️

    Lin, that’s a cute bear teapot. A variety of brasses adorn the beams and walls of that pub, all very horsey! They give the bar area a cosy, twinkling atmosphere! I’m thinking of you, hoping your appointment has gone well.

    Anne, good news that your pear tree survived the high winds. I must take a photo of the fir Christmas tree I planted at one end of our track soon after I moved in 34 years ago. I bought it at a British Homestores in Plymouth, since long gone, and It’s now beautiful but massive! Everywhere seems to be dealing with extremes in weather but it takes a bit of getting used to!

    Time to put the kettle on!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny afternoon, still quite chilly however.

    Today is grocery delivery day and grandson is coming to vacuum around the traffic areas. Yea!

    And the drama here is that John might be going through early Alzheimer’s. Or he might have had a stroke. The diagnosis is still in process. Apparently brain injuries or trauma of any kind concerning the brain is very difficult. I am dealing with things in my usual way. Humor, terror, confusion and constantly watching every move John makes. The odd thing is, part of the day he is very normal. The late afternoon he can’t remember anything and has difficulty with language and finding his words. So I can see our entire family will be dealing with this. To say I am worried is an extreme understatement. I do have support and I have hope. I will try my hardest to help dearest John.

    We used to smile and say in an indulgent way…..oh the young think they are invincible. I think maybe as we age we feel the same way. It seems we are wrong!

    Scary news this morning. These school shootings have to impress our legislature! We must do something, we can’t keep seeing young people use guns to kill people. School should be a safe place.

    I apologize for the negative posting. I just got overwhelmed today. Actually I have so much to be grateful for. Including support and good family. Things aren’t really impossible. I must remember we all have challenges. Not the same ones but we all have them. And in the end we persevere and find solutions.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Hi. It’s been a busy day. After the doctor’s appointment, I had a number of errands to do. All completed with one exception. Nope, didn’t get gas for my car. I will need to do that soon. Crummy appointment this morning. Am now on high blood pressure watch. I must take my BP several times a week and keep a journal of them and forward the readings to him in 6 weeks. He wants me to take nasal steroids and he thinks I have sleep apnea. None of that was happy news. So time will tell what will happen.

    Jackie, wow, a nice day. What a treat! Glad Betty and George enjoyed the time outdoors.

    Sandy, I hope you are on the mend now. You poor dear, that cold sounds miserable. Glad you had someone to bring you meds and soup.

    Nothing else to offer. Kind of looking forward to finding more information about the new Hondas tomorrow.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Yesterday I would class as a crummy day over here as well. But first to say LIN welcome to the Blood Pressure Club. You sound like me busy jotting down readings. I was horrified at first but you do get used to the morning pill when one first gets up. It took ages for my doctor to find a pill I wasn’t allergic to. At the moment I am on a daily half pill. Anyway, I realize now that it’s best to be aware and not in denial which is my usual head in the sand way of dealing with things I don’t wish to know.

    PATSY, I was worried when you didn’t post but of course realize now you must be worried stiff about John. I think Alzheimer’s can be slowed down considerably when caught early. That goes for a stroke as well if he had a warning sign? That’s why my doctor Tim gave me quite a lecture when I was put on pills rather than be trusted with diet alone. I know you are extremely worried love, but maybe it was actually a good sign to catch things early?

    Yesterday was a day of rain here, and cold. The sort of cold that isnt extreme but creeps into one’s bones and makes them creak and crunch. No matter what one puts on, it still feels shivery. So that didn’t help when I read all the awful news in the world, everywhere it seems. Alas, the wonderful country I grew up in is no longer that wonderful place it seems, the terrible, terrible school shootings in the USA make my eyes fill with water when I think of the poor parents and even here in Toronto the once good, deranged people stabbing bystanders at random on our transit system. The latest a 16 year old boy sitting on a seat waiting for his bus home. His poor, poor distraught mother who heard the news and didn’t think for a moment it was her child murdered. He joins quite a few women who previously died. I think the police and the city councillors are at a loss how to deal with these random stranger attacks. Not sure but didn’t the mental hospitals get closed down?

    I had one glimmer of hope on such a miserable day. I haven’t written on the pound a week club because SANDY was in the middle of her recent trauma. BUT, I have tried very hard to keep to the diet and record daily all I eat on MFP. SO, big drum roll! I appear to have lost a little over 2lb on a half a pound a week diet. Jumped on the scales this morning.
    All is forgiven MFP on my recent Sneaker post losses. Your calorie count appears to work.

    So, in a better, or more normal frame of mind today I’m off to the shower to wash a little less of me. You are all constantly in my mind dear sneakers, I wish us all a beautiful peaceful day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Might be turning the bend a little, still have a headache and a cough but both are getting better. I took a teaspoon of honey this morning and it seems to be working a little. I have no temp although my blood pressure is high. Blaming that on all the coughing I am doing. I haven't been this sick in years and I hope I never get sick again. I think Jackie might be right that I was just run down from all that has gone on in the last 4 months. Staying up until all hours at the casino didn't help either.
    This too shall pass.
    It's a nice sunny day here and temps are going to the 50's but I will be inside in my jammies.

    Anne, since you mentioned weighing yourself I jumped on the scale and I am down to my goal weight.
    Not the way I wanted to do it and once I feel better and start eating more again it will probably change.
    Good for you on recording you food it paid off and you should be proud of yourself.

    Lin, this is a nasty cold, if wasn't tested I would think it was Covid or at least the flu. I normally am pretty good about not catching a cold, but I guess it was my turn.

    Patsy, try not to anticipate what might not happen it will just drive you crazy. You and your kids are doing the best you can and will figure this all out. You are in my prayers and heart.

    Jackie, I think we are all ready for summer or at least spring. This weather is just too depressing.
    I am resting up and hoping to be well by the weekend at least I hope so.

    Hello to Barbie, Dianne and Jeri.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello friends, well that didn’t last long, the sunny mild weather I mean. Rain poured heavily until about 4pm so very little has been achieved. I did phone friends to find out if they know any more about Les being in hospital and apparently he contracted Covid while at an indoor bowling event. Although blind he is able to play when a friend stands with him and describes where the Jack is (ball they aim to get closest to) and because Les has played for over 60 years he knows weight and direction needed and often wins. It’s great exercise and a way of socialising, otherwise he is quite isolated during the day, but unfortunately Covid is still with us, even if mild for most. The rest of my day has been relaxing to get over a few aches from yesterday’s gardening and taking George and Betty out once the rain stopped. The pets have loved their lazy day too, especially George now that he can sleep on his fluffy bed in the spare bedroom while Brady and Betty snuggled by the fire!

    Patsy, your concern for John must be overwhelming because our brains are scary but if you met my friend Pat who suffered a stroke before lockdown you wouldn’t know. I’m aware she is slower towards the end of the day but several of what she calls symptoms, I’m beginning to deal with myself just from getting older. So much research is now being made into Alzheimers and how best to care for sufferers. Support organisations you can talk to if that turns out to be John’s diagnosis might be another option but as Sandy commented, you can go mad imagining the worst scenario. ❤️

    Sandy, I’m delighted to read you are staying in your Jim-jams today. Someone once said if you don’t look after yourself you can’t look after others. It could have been the Dalai Lama, Confucius or Socrates but there again it was probably a long forgotten celebrity!! 🤪

    Oh dear Lin, not the best news from your doctor and lots to think about but at least you are being monitored so a few adjustments will hopefully be all that’s required.

    Anyone would think we are all getting older but good news, Sandy and Anne both happy with readings from their weigh scales. I, on the other hand….!!

    Gosh, 6pm and I only just finished my afternoon cuppa. Clocks springing forward has completely thrown me. 🫤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello. I made my trip to the dealership and then stopped for some vegan yogurt and frozen cherries.

    Well, I got to sit in an HRV and a CRV. They were both comfortable. There’s nothing to purchase on the lot, the cars that are ordered and are being shipped are all sold, the new order they just placed has only 3 cars left without a deposit (and none of these are built yet).

    Seems the best thing to do is decide exactly what I want, have them order it and place a deposit on it. It could arrive in 6 months or perhaps 9 months. The bad thing is the price is not locked in when you order, you pay MSRP in effect at the time it ships I guess. You can decide you do not want it, they don’t really care, they will sell it.

    So, time to decide what I want which is difficult because I really didn’t have much to look at. Should I toss a coin?

    Interesting facts for me today. The guy said all new cars are designed to draw on the battery all the time now. So you better get the vehicle out and drive it each week. The other thing was that cars in general are not designed to last more than 10 years.

    Jackie, at least you did get some information about Les. I hope he is recovering from that darn virus! It is better to know than to keep wondering. Brady and Betty look extremely comfortable. Glad everyone has their spot!

    Sandy, is that true? Coughing can increase your blood pressure? If so, I know by mine would be high sometimes. Stupid chronic cough! Staying in your jammies is a wonderful idea. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 feel better! I am sure you must have run yourself down over the past months. Must build yourself up again.

    Patsy, good old MFP did not show me your post yesterday. I am so incredibly sorry that John has more problems. Thankfully your family is standing with you. All best wishes.

    Anne, yes, I will write these downs but I think he will want me to come in every 3 months to have it checked on their machine. The numbers were fine this morning. 128/75 with heart rate of 69. I would be happy with those each day. His office adds on lots of points!! I hit my internal panic button whenever I start to drive over there.

    Well, time to work on some cards, cook something to eat and get ready for the live weekly broadcast on YouTube at 7pm.

    Wishing everyone well. We could all use good news. Hi Barbie, Diane, Jeri and all other Sneakers.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi LIN, my problem was I got good results on my home machine for BP, but it shot to high heaven a couple of hours later on the Doctors machine. This went on for ages with me scribbling the numbers daily. Doctor Tim finally said he wasn’t a great believer in “white coat syndrome” but after taking my machine to the office and it matching his figures there, he finally conceded it might be true. That’s what is probably happening to you as well. I really like Dr Tim as a person but have a true mistrust of doctors in general and avoid them like the plague.

    My Jilly is at the front window barking her head off but I can’t see anything outside.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Anne, I think we have the same issue! I have noticed my doctor asks many questions and clearly does not believe the responses. His visit notes were posted to my electronic file and I see phrases such as ‘patient denies’, ‘patient alleges’……hummmmm.

    Well, I would be glad to bring my little unit with me if needs must!

    111/69 today 👀 (patient alleges)

    Have a good day. I am home from finally getting to the gas station. Good to have my old beast full of fuel!


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Finally had a good night's sleep. I have to laugh though with all the OTC meds I am taking the thing that helps the most with my cough is a teaspoon of honey. The problem is it is full of calories so I already gained weight. I don't care though because it suppresses my cough. My blood pressure is usually higher at the doctor's office also. It is normal today so yes, I think too much coughing can raise your blood pressure. I am no doctor but I think I know my own body. (patient alleges)
    Another day of rest and doing nothing, it is becoming a bit boring but nice at the same time.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited March 2023
    Rain, rain and more rain, so much so we haven’t walked anywhere because George has slept all day and Betty hates the wet stuff. I’m not as tolerant as I used to be either and am getting fed up generally. When I went into my garden about 4 pm to feed the hens their afternoon snack I noticed the potato plants have grown another 4” in their sacks so added more compost then fiddled with the hosepipe I have fitted to my water collecting barrel to ensure it is feeding the container next to it that was only set up Monday but already is almost full. The search is on for a third just in case we suffer another drought in the summer!

    I tried to get fuel for my car on Monday but a tanker was blocking the forecourt each time I passed. Betty has her nail clipping appointment tomorrow morning so I will hopefully fill up in town.
    The tea set is beautiful Lin but a bit mean to only offer 3 biscuits!!

    I’ve purchased a chiming mantel clock online with some of the money Chrissie left for me. It should be with me next week and I will continue to search for a suitable garden seat.

    That’s my day as I see the rain is becoming torrential. I shall chop vegetables and a piece of cooked chicken ready for a stir fry…. Too much excitement in one day!!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Miserable day here. First pouring with rain and now mixed with snow flurries. Mark popped in to pick up an empty paint can to go and buy more matching. He still has to go to physio with his back but fewer sessions now because he finally has some relief after suffering for over three years. I personally think the time with Corvid finally allowed his back to heal a little. My personal opinion of course on health practitioners and doctors. again!!!!

    Watching the new “all creatures great and small” had me slightly watery eyed as I remembered the similar Christmas’s we had long ago. Not quite so many people in the old house of course but oh so similar in the decorations, relatives full of good humour, the mistletoe in the hall and the holly decorating the grandfather clock top and the Venetian wall clock, both now over at Marks house. Midnight carols at the Norman church and exactly the same Christmas dinner next day with cracker pulling. But….. here we are in 2023 with “hoity toity April” and Easter just around the corner.

    Sorry this is boring, but it’s very quiet here with the rain and snow and Jilly on her back next to me, and slightly “talking” in her sleep.
