Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I was home in time to miss the rain, kicked my wellies off to pop to the loo then back out to check the hens had everything they needed, this time wearing plastic gardening clogs. Long story short, I slipped on a paving slab with one foot going forward and the other ending up under me. Thank goodness I’m relatively fit otherwise I would still be sat there but got myself up and apart from a few aches and sore knee where skin was removed by my denim jeans as I hit the ground, I’m here to fight another day. After bathing the graze I removed a leaf from my Aloa Vera plant and dabbed its gell on the area to take the sting away. It should help to heal it too. Learnt a lot… I’d left my phone in the cottage (naughty!) so couldn’t have called for help if needed, plastic and wet slabs are a bad combination and how things go awry in seconds!

    Lovely photos Sandy and I’m so happy for you that Marisa is back in your life. You’re brave to have a tattoo but do show us when it’s done!

    I checked out the Oscars fashions and thought the maturer women looked beautiful, especially stylish Jamie Lee Curtis and Cate Blanchett.

    Yesterday’s slow cooked bean casserole was delicious and I’ve leftovers tonight so an easy meal with a jacket potato.

    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good thinking SANDY. Don’t spoil your good looks with a tattoo. I had a lovely British boss who was a sailor in his war years. One night he got drunk in a bar in Hong Kong. When he awoke the next morning he had a huge anchor tattooed on his arm which his mates had done for “fun”. He hated it, his wife hated it and especially because by the time I knew him he was a manager at the AIRCRAFT firm we worked for. So he decided to have it removed. In his sixties. It was horrendous involving burning the ink I guess. Lots of soreness and infection. I don’t think the scar ever left him.

    Of course, it’s up to Marisa and you if you fancy that sort of decoration and none of my business but I suspect Babe would prefer you just as you are.

    I’ve just been reading up on the Oscars. They look as if they are fun. Must watch next year.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    I agree Anne, I don't think Babe would want me to get a tattoo.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE, what a horrendous accident. These things happen so quickly and out of the blue. Put a note on your back door so you always remember to have your phone with you and you’ll read when you leave the house. Well that’s what I do ever since Jilly and I sat on the ice waiting for someone to pick me up. I lost my favourite anorak in that tumble. Split the sleeve when I tried to save myself. Just glad it didn’t happen to you when you let the pets out last thing at night!

    SANDY, the boys bought me many years ago when they were still 12 and 15 and bought out of money they earned themselves, Mark mowing grass and Mike in a store part time, a gold Libra pendant which I still wear all these years later and almost every day. I just thought maybe something similar for you? Something that you and Babe loved together. Maybe a photo of Daisy in a heart shaped locket for instance.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Actually I have several different things. When we first met Babe called me hot dog. He had a gold hotdog made into a key chain for me. Then he bought me a locket with a gold chain. There is a picture of us on each side. I wore it to his funeral. He also bought me a birthstone ring which I wear all the time and my most precious is a dainty necklace with small diamonds that I never take off except for swimming. I have wonderful memories from each and every piece. And of course my engagement and wedding ring. ❤️ Thanks for reminding me how special these pieces are to me.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sun shine for a couple of hours now! Looks and feels wonderful.

    Andrea came for a great visit and grandson vacuumed the rugs. How wonderful is that? Now I am dusting and I will clean the bathrooms tomorrow. John and I will be going to see the new cardiologist tomorrow morning. High hopes for a new strategy concerning his condition.

    Odd thing about Katie and our grandson. She just doesn’t like him. She seems afraid of him. He is a real animal lover, so this is strange. She will not warm up to him.

    As far a tattoo goes, they start to look kind of strange and misshapen when on older wrinkled skin.
    No matter how hard people try, they loose collagen in their skin as they age. An image that is inked in on the skin never stays the same. They tell people differently but I have never seen a tattoo, on an older person that didn’t change over time.

    Jackie: you learned a hard lesson but you were lucky. Carry your cell phone with you at all times and get garden shoes with better non-slip soles! Sounds like you lost some skin but no broken bones. I lecture our family about this every day. I am so glad you are okay….we all need you!

    Anne: what a sweet thing you received from your boys. What a loving treasure to have from your sons. It must mean the world to you.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. It was cold today but we did have some sunshine. It was lovely to have some sunlight. Makes for a happier mood.

    I spent a good portion of the day listening/watching financial news and making several inquiries into changes to my accounts. One account is take care of, at least as much as possible. I wanted to change to a different type of account and the bank is very concerned about fraud so even though I wasn’t taking any money out of the bank, I was required to write a letter and mail it to the head retail officer. She called and said the rule change was made in March and she just found out. No texts, emails, faxes allowed. Written letter. She is to certify how she knew it was me. Good grief! God forbid I would want any money from one of those accounts.

    I am going to the credit union tomorrow to make a change there. I spoke with them this afternoon and they told me what they needed to make a change. I hope it goes well.

    Each day this week, there is a watch party for an online class I am taking and it starts at 8am. Today was especially long, nearly 2 hours. Yipes! I had no idea. I thought it would be a half hour!

    Sandy, it sounds as if you have many wonderful mementos. Good decision on the ink.

    Jackie, I am incredibly sorry to hear of your accident. Thank heavens you did not suffer a serious injury. My friends are always telling me I need to take my phone with me on every trip out of the house. I don’t do it of course. I don’t always have a pocket and if I carry it, I would likely drop it and it would skitter away from me as I fell. That wouldn’t be too helpful. A lady near here planted 25 small containers with seeds, put covers on them and put them outside. They still have a layer of snow on them today. I do not see how that is a good way to start tomatoes or sweet peppers. They will rot with no heat! But this is not the climate to pull off that type growing.

    Anne, I did watch the entire award show. That was the first time in years! Much of the supposed comedy wasn’t very good.

    Patsy, I am glad you had a nice visit today. I wonder why Katie doesn’t get along well with your grandson, he sounds like a good guy who loves dogs. I hope the doctor’s appointment is helpful.

    Hugs everyone. Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just two comments because I want to chop my hair off today.

    Do your remember our stories PATSY? Dogs and vacuum cleaners don’t mix well. Maybe Katie sees your grandson as an extension to the vacuum cleaner? I so agree about old skin and tattoos! But speaking from personal experience one can’t tell the young one day they may well look like a dried out prune with weird coloured markings,

    Secondly what a lovely generous man your Babe was SANDY and of course still is. Lots of lovely things to remember him by.

    That’s it folks for now.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited March 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) A beautiful sunny day for a change. I have appointment with my primary doctor this afternoon, two errands and then home sweet home. Trying to make a nail appointment for Saturday and waiting to see if Bryanna can do my hair before our casino trip next Tuesday.
    Going for dinner tomorrow but early so should be home early as well. Will wear my green shirt with my St. Paddy's jewelry even though I am 100% Polish. :D

    Anne, yes, Babe was very generous maybe too much so with his children. But those are the things I will hang on too with love. If I did get a tattoo, which I won't, at my age I don't think it would shrivel up in the amount of time I probably have left. lol I am a people pleaser which is a defect of character and sometimes I say yes when I mean no. I am a work in progress.

    Lin, you make my head spin with all the financial things you are doing. I just called the lawyer yesterday asking him where he wants me to bring all of Babe's tax papers for filing. He wanted me to make copies of everything and then said to just bring it to him and he will make copies and get it to the accountant.
    Next year I have to file my own taxes and I have no idea how to do that but luckily my children will be able to help me.

    Patsy, if I remember right your husband has AFIB which is very controllable. Babe also had AFIB along with many other heart issues for years. Hopefully, John just needs a pill. Try not to worry too much.

    Jackie, so sorry to hear about your fall but so happy you didn't do more damage like break a hip.
    I hope you are mending and not in too much pain.

    Hello to everyone else. Have a beautiful day.
    One Day at a Time

    PS. Love my new sippy cup from Rob and Lisa.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello one and all. Thank you for your concern after my slip and trip. I slept well last night and although a little stiff, took George and Betty to the moors this morning because hooray, blue sky and sunshine greeted me. There is still a cold wind blowing up there but at home just enough of a breeze to dry 2 loads of laundry. I met David with Hattie when we were almost back to the car park so we caught up with news then I detoured into town for pet food. My plan was to start gardening as soon as we got home but as I sipped a coffee and made plans my friend Pat phoned and amongst other things, we agreed to meet for lunch next week while she visits a friend in Plymouth and she may also stay over at mine for a couple of nights before going home. All up in the air because I have to see if my car passes it’s MOT on Thursday. The wind dropped so I spent the afternoon weeding and pruning but although I’m in some pain tonight it’s hard to say if that’s due to my fall or just overdoing the bending and digging. At least the Aloa Vera gel had worked on my knee and dried the bloody grazed area but it’s a struggle to get out of a chair tonight. Perhaps a couple of pain killers and early night will do me good..

    Confession time! My phone call with Pat was cut off when the battery in my phone died so before I went into my garden I plugged it in a wall socket to charge and it wasn’t until I came in late afternoon for a cup of tea and read your post Anne I realised I had spent hours walking up and down carrying all sorts and no phone in my pocket!

    I’ve ordered more seed trays to sit in my heated propagator because at the moment seeds in ordinary open trays are not germinating and I must soon set my tomato seeds starting to grow otherwise it will be a very late season.

    Patsy, I do hope you get lots of positive advice to give you confidence in the new cardiologist for John. Trusting any doctor is as good as a dose of healing medicine.

    Time to go sit in a more comfortable chair!
    Stay safe and warm everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello,friends. Sunshine this afternoon but still cold. Tomorrow is forecast to be warmer with sunshine, then back to potential for storms and more cold, grey days. I made my trip to the credit union and was able to get the requested change made and I left with updated paperwork! Paper!! 😁

    I returned some books to the library and picked up several they had been holding for me.

    My newest project is considering purchase of a new car. The last car I purchased was in the summer of 2009. I purchased a car that was on order but the dealership had a similar model so I was able to drive it and to ride in it. It was the cheapest model available, which was what I was looking for. Now, I would like to get rid of both of my old cars to purchase what I consider an expensive car with lots of safety features, comfy (and heated) seats. I have an idea of what it will cost, I need to visit with Car Max about purchasing my new old Hybrid car, and I want to talk with my car insurance agent. I will lose the 2-car discount and oh my, the coverage will be astronomical compared with an old car. Same with yearly tags. I am sure it will all be a shock to examine. My drivers license is good for 3 more years at this point. I should pull the trigger as soon as possible if I can manage it.

    Sandy, if you have always had your taxes done as a joint return with Babe, maybe you could talk to the current accountant to see if they do simple, less costly, returns. If not, there are many tax prep firms for simple returns. Or maybe one of your sons has access to tax prep software. Best wishes on getting that settled. When my dad died, the timing was right to do taxes for the prior year and file it as a final return. I was glad that didn’t have to drag on with another return required the following year. Lots of space in that sippy cup. 🤣😂

    Anne did you get your hair chopped off? Is Jilly interested in the process?

    Jackie, how are you feeling today?

    Patsy, how was today’s doctor’s appointment?

    Well, on to more details! This morning’s online class was a bit difficult. Things kept stopping and the chat kept asking me to login over and over. Not as much fun as yesterday and thankfully much shorter in duration.

    Be safe.


    A springy looking teapot

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A beautiful sunny but slightly chilly day. The atmospheric river drowning California is dipping over into Oregon but so far we are doing okay here.

    John returned from the doctor with new meds and a health plan that hopfuly will help manage his heart condition. He has a-fib and some other heart conditions that need to be addressed. At his age, some issues will not be addressed. We are going for managing the biggest problems. He is blissfully comfortable with that. Our daughter was at the doctors office and lab with us the whole time. She wants to be sure her dad gets the meds he needs so she is insisting on being the drugstore pickup person. Very considerate!

    I am taking a deep breath and will be in the dungeon for a couple of hours. Tonight I will heat up a chicken pot pie and stirfry veggies. Simple and John likes it, so I am opting for an easy does it meal.

    Anne: Katie is as crazy as a hoot owl! We are constantly amazed at her intelligent and also her neurotic issues. This little girl is complex and lovable but she isn’t easy! In fact there are normal everyday things that are a huge problem with Katie. Clipping her nails, getting a bath, getting groomed, going to the vet, using the vacuum, seeing our grandson and/or our daughter, strangers walking on the deck or coming to the front door, opening plastic bags. Just to name a few……

    Sandy: taxes don’t have to be a challenge unless you have a big complicated financial income. For us oldies it can be pretty simple. Even the state and local is pretty cut and dried. Here is what you owe…write a check and send it to them. Done! Use a tax service like H&R Block.

    Jackie: you are scaring me. There are cellphone holders that have long necklace like straps that can be under your jacket or even under your shirt. They are with you but out of the way. Our daughter made one for me. I slip it under my tee shirt or jacket. I plug mine in at night and back on in the morning. John however refuses to carry one around. He yells that he is NOT always on call.

    Lin: our son is buying a new car. He is using Costco auto buying plan. Check it out. You save a bit and they do the negotiating. And you can tell them you want it delivered to your doorstep. There are probably other auto buying services like this. We have used this also.

    Who can top the Irish since they are at the root of it all?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Patsy, you are so right about the Irish. I saw a documentary not so long ago that pointed out that if you take the growth of the Republic’s economy since the time so many millions either died or emigrated because of the potato famine, theirs would be one of the largest in the world today if that tragic event had not occurred. The good news is they are rapidly catching up in spite of it! Must be down to the sale of Guinness!

    On that note I’m off to bed!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    The Irish. My maternal grand dads surname is either Scottish or Irish. Everyone on that side of the family has/had red hair in various degrees. Maybe I should look further into where the heck that side of the family actually came from. Not my dads side, purely Scottish and English roots. We are a mixed bunch aren’t we!!
    Nothing to do with Guinness though. Moms dad once embarrassed his friend by asking for a glass of milk in a pub. Teetotaller!
    Anne (G).
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) I use my Smart Phone for so many things that I insist on having it with me all the time. Making and receiving phone calls is the thing I do least. I listen to audio books and podcasts when I walk, I track time and route while walking, I keep track of the amount of time I ride my exercise bike, use the timer when cooking, use the alarm to wake up each morning. look up info using Google or Google maps, find out things like weather, sunrise here or elsewhere, use the converter to convert currency, speed, temperature, etc., check email, read a book on the Kindle app, and probably a few other things. I wear pants with pockets so I can carry my phone with me. The charger is next to me at the computer so whenever I sit at the computer, I can charge my phone. I keep my phone with me at night to use as a flashlight to get to the bathroom safely in the dark and to read on my Kindle app if I have trouble sleeping. Thus, if I ever were to fall, I'd have it with me to call for help.

    :) There aren't many luxuries that interest me, but the $400.00 I pay every year to have my taxes done is one that I won't do without.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Wow BARBIE I need a smart phone! Taxes, I always did my own until last year then Mark helped me out with the eyesight being not so hot and I wait to see if I can get the eyes fixed. He’s late this year because of the Corvid and I feel a bit, but only a bit, oncerned. Usually owe the government peanuts.
    Life is good ! Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Well, our one sunny, mild day of the year so far was quickly forgotten this morning as the rain and cold returned! We did manage a short walk before meeting a neighbour and stopping to talk. He seemed to know a lot about recent local council problems which will take time to sort out and if I had let him, I would still be out in the rain but I told him that I keep away from such matters since relinquishing the allotment plot and managed to get George and Betty home before they were soaked. My car insurance due for renewal next Tuesday had gone up nearly 40% so I cancelled and spent an hour on the internet searching comparison websites and came up with a £50 saving that included breakdown recovery. That meant cancelling my current recovery policy too so more phone calls but all sorted as far as I can tell. Like Barbie, I have Apps for all these companies but they never offer a box to select that cancels a policy so I have to phone them and of course their agent tries to change my mind! I don’t bother to log steps and calories anymore but go on the basis I know if I’ve eaten too much or not moved enough!
    Another BBC App article today on healthy living that confirms coffee, dark chocolate and reading a book for at least half an hour a day improves blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Lots of other benefits too!

    I’ve just enjoyed homemade soup and toast so will now sort through items to take to the local hospice charity shop on Friday while Betty snoozes in front of the fire. George will insist on checking everything I go through so we could be some time!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) A beautiful day here with sunshine and warmer temps. I went to see my primary and once in the office the tech asked what brought me there. I said I don't know, the doctor wanted to see me after my blood work. Now I did already talk to the doctor on the phone with my results of both the blood tests and the heart scan so I am not sure why I had to see her in person except maybe she makes money off my visit. Don't get me wrong I do like her but all she did was take my blood pressure which is good with my new pill, check my lungs and carotid artery. We talked a lot about probiotics but that's about all. I did ask her what the cardiologist might do for the plaque on my heart but she wasn't sure, she thinks probably a stress test to make sure I have no blockage. I can handle that but I am hoping I don't need an angiogram. One Day at a Time. My appointment isn't until the end of April.

    Jackie, last year my car insurance also went up so I researched and ended up with AARP insurance which is Hartford. Saved a ton of money but will see what happens this year. How nice you donate to hospice charity, I wish I knew where one when trying to donate medical stuff that the hospital had given us.
    I ended up donating all of Babe's clothes to the Veterans, those that need help.

    Barbie, I also use my smart phone for many of those things but I do a lot of texting since I don't like talking on the phone. I am rarely without my phone, only if I forget it while running out to the store. Babe used the same accountant for years and we really like him, but he is more for business and more money than I have. My SIL is an accountant and will be able to help me with my taxes next year.

    Anne, you have a good mixture of bloodlines, but I have to admit the English language is so beautiful to me along with an Australian accent. I have a Chicago accent which means we are tough guys. lol

    Patsy, when I watched some of the Oscars and saw that the Animation people were from Portland, I immediately though of Damon. I wondered if he was among those on stage. At least he knew them so that had to mean something. Just to reassure you, Babe had many heart conditions for many years, he even had six stents. With today's medicine and heart specialists you can live a long time with heart problems. Babe didn't die from his heart problems but from acute respiratory failure. Just take it one day at a time

    Lin, woot hoot! A new car!! I am sure you will research and get the best deal for the kind of car you want. Can I presume it will be an electric car? What model are you interested in? Cheryl has a Tesla, it does so many things that made me laugh. At Christmas time it puts on a show singing Christmas Carols.
    When you are driving you can change the cars on your screen to reindeer. When she uses her turn signal it rings bells. All very distracting to me but funny.

    St. Paddy's dinner this afternoon with friends. One of the husband's is going so no gambling, thank goodness. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Just got home from the dealership. Busy place. Could not get any assistance except a few quick minutes of a guy’s time as he was running on to his next client. Cars are scarce. You have to pay a deposit to hold a car that is being shipped. He did not sound too positive about getting a car anytime soon.

    Time will tell.

    Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Beautiful sunny but chilly day. Lovely to see. I believe that the never blooming lilac bush out in the lower flower bed is LEAFING OUT! I see green leaf buds on all the branches. This silly bush never blooms. I have threatened the poor old thing many times. “Either you start to bloom or I will cut you down to the ground!” So far after many years, it just does what it wants and is an ug,y old bush. But it is still here. I will see about getting it trimmed and a jolt of fertilizer.

    I have so many doctor appointments this month my head is spinning. Eye appointment, then cardiologist, then primary care doc. I hate going and I loath those tests

    Damon is relenting and getting a Subaru. He calls them the official car of Oregon. Everyone has one in their garage. They do seem to be everywhere here. Damon has had a BMW for years. But the insurance and an repair was simply outrageous. He decided they were just a rip off and refused to pay that anymore.

    When we lived in Alaska we toured the oil rigs on the Noth slope on the tundra. There were boot prints on the tundra that were made 25 years ago and clearly had not changed or grown over in all that time. The tundra is so slow growing and fragile. The thought of another set of oil rigs in the willow tundra area is disheartening. While the Arctic is warming, the wildlife and marine life is struggling. The bio is not in balance at all right now. I hope this decision is rethought. I know….we can’t do anything about this. Write your congressperson. Let them know how you feel. Your opinion does matter.

    Irish soda bread, bubble and squeak, stewed chicken for St. Patrick’s Day. John and I don’t eat red meat. My bubble and squeak has cabbage, potatoes, onions, and any leftover veggie in the fridge. Served with 1/2 Guinness and 1/2 good local beer. I don’t dare dye it green like I used to in our younger days. I miss the days when my Granu to give an Irish blessing in Gaelic. She also asked a blessing on our house and all who slept there each night before she went to bed. Sweet memories!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning. It’s hardly worth mentioning that horizontal rain is sweeping across my garden right to left which indicates a south westerly off the Atlantic. Everyone I chat to locally is fed up because it seems to be the longest Winter but I remind them and myself that it is only mid March so just have to hang in there. Sorting through old boxes yesterday I found a box of letters my mother had kept that I sent when I first arrived in Toronto. Of course I began to read a few and it seems Winter 1970/71 was the worst Canada had a record of since 1935. There was also a postal strike in England that went on and on but because my mother worked for a government department called Crown Agents she was able to write via their offices in Washington DC and requested they send letters on to me. Haha, the good old days before emails when we had to use lateral thinking! It was also a time to repair my relationship with my mother who had walked out of our family home when I was 17 so we did our best to stay in touch.

    George and Betty haven’t raised their heads and it’s already 10 am so I will make sure I have necessary paperwork to take with my car for its test and I must reread the letter inviting me for a CT scan this evening in case I should be doing more than just turning up!

    Patsy, what is happening in Alaska is an avoidable tragedy and I despair that governments are not brave enough to say NO to lobbyists. It’s not just your country; it’s going on everywhere, as if we humans have a death wish but as you say, nothing we can do to stop the greedy few.

    Sandy, it could be your doctor wanted to see you just to make sure you are ok physically after a rough few months. Mental strains can mutate into other issues if we aren’t careful. Perhaps give her the benefit of the doubt. ❤️

    A pretty teapot Lin with its trailing clover. Wow, sounds you were on a serious mission to buy your new car and I’m surprised none were available. Was it an import or a model and make that’s too popular. I gather dealerships can’t give their cars away in Britain at the moment because all our money is going on food and heating. There is some kind of deadline to go all electric in the next few years but I can’t see that happening. Most people I know of my age say the petrol car they own has to see them out and hopefully we’ll be around a long time!

    Anne, have you or your boys thought of searching your family history online? It’s quite easy once you get started and fascinating.

    I hear 2 dogs jumping off my bed so time to face the rain!
    Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello. Very difficult to buy cars in Canada as well as in the states. Mark and Mary Jo struck lucky with their new electric car. They should have waited for weeks, but someone else just had a car delivered in the same make and colour they wanted and then found they couldn’t finance it so it was offered to Mark and Mary Jo instead. So, chosen on a Thursday they got it 2 days later on a Saturday.

    The boys aren’t interested in our old family history JACKIE. I can go back to the 17 hundreds via an old family bible but it’s just names and dates. So no idea who these relatives were or what they did. I know my grandmothers family, mothers side, owned canal barges and my great grandad on my fathers side emigrated up north from Norfolk toYorkshire Hornsea.

    I wasn’t really amused at getting my delivery groceries ordered for 10 to 11 delivered as I stepped out the shower at just gone 7:30 am last week. You have to answer the phone or they don’t deliver. I figure at $10 for each delivery we should get the correct time to receive. So today I’ve chosen the 12 midday to 2pm window. It’s rather nice not rushing about like the proverbial fly,

    Do you remember the beautiful flowering lilac tree/bush I was so upset Harry chopped down to make room for a boat he took with him two weeks later when he moved PATSY? Beautiful huge flowers, I still miss it and the birds. Don’t even mention Alaska! Pure greed. Maybe, just maybe the Dutch are on the right track on todays news.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Dinner yesterday was fun and getting home early even better. Today is my meeting and maybe a few errands if it isn't pouring rain. Tomorrow I sit early so an early bedtime tonight.
    I am glad I bought my car when I did since prices are just out of control now. Between groceries, utilities, rents and the price of condos who can afford any of it?

    Anne, I usually schedule my groceries for early afternoon so I can be showered and waiting. Walmart is pretty good on getting here exactly at the time requested. I have a yearly subscription for grocery delivery which is equivalent to $7.95 a delivery but you can have as many deliveries as you want. Not sure about tipping but I do tip $10 for anything over $100 just because I don't have to bring them up the stairs. Babe and I both said it was worth it.

    Jackie, those little pups are lazy today. I hope you are out of pain and moving and grooving like your usual self.

    Patsy, I am with you on doctor's appointments but I do want to take care of myself so I go. I am not looking forward to the appointment with the cardiologist but I do want to know if there is a problem that he can fix.

    Lin, can you go online and research cars at different dealers to see what is available and the cost?
    I did that when I bought mine although when I got to the dealer she said oh we just sold that one this morning. Anything to get you in to hard sell you. I was glad I had my son with me.

    Time for breakfast, have a good day everyone and stay safe. Carry those cell phones.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    A very nice lady I’ve had once before showed up with the groceries at the correct time.
    I never complained about the previous guy showing up early but apparently other folk did because the delivery lady said he’d been sacked. She said he was too early for the majority of elderly who use this service. That I can believe, however I’m sorry he got laid off. But one old disabled chap in a wheelchair had phoned to say his groceries never came. The grocery firm said they had been delivered but instead of taking them through to the kitchen for a man in a wheelchair they were eventually found on the stairs in the hall.
    Apart from that and I do feel sorry for the laid off guy, he was always pleasant with me, even if early, it’s an absolutely gorgeous day here. Very sunny and very very springlike. Jilly enjoyed galloping around the back garden up to her tum in snow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, a drizzly damp day with no hint of the sun. We have a high wind warning that’s set to start a bit later and lasts through the night. Not conducive to uninterrupted sleep.

    I had a quick online chat with the dealership late yesterday. A salesman has branded me as his customer and I said I would call this morning. He said call anytime. So I called and he finally answered. Again, a quite short conversation as he was with a customer. Apparently I have to call to make an appointment to come to the dealership to get some time.

    I did go back and research car sales and yes, overall they are down which should either bring a bit of a price break or at least not so many increases. But the auto makers are passing along 100% of material increases along in their MSRP. Second, I am looking at Honda and they have been quite poor in their ability to get the parts and electronics needed to build cars so supply remains quite low. Generally, the advice I read is to wait until later in the year to see what shakes loose in the economy. No one will tell me how much a deposit would be on selecting a car that is in the shipment channel. I am not thrilled about handing over potentially thousands of dollars for a product that may arrive whenever. I don’t have an immediate need for a car, thankfully.

    So I will spend a lot of time trying to research answers for my questions online.

    Anne, I am glad you got your groceries and closer to the scheduled time. My grocery orders to be picked up have been filled several hours earlier than the scheduled time. I think it is because my orders are so small! 😂. So please keep me updated on the new electric car. Did they have to have a special charging plug-in installed at their home?

    Jackie, I know, we would like spring as well but it is not normal here. We have many Easter Sundays with very cold temperature and snow. So, I am not surprised at our weather. Yours though, I have seen many photos of early spring flowers online in various parts of Britain. I always wonder if they are from prior years.

    Patsy, too many appointments, and even the thought of appointments makes me tired! Best wishes as you make the rounds.

    Sandy, glad you are having good days! Best wishes. And just to be sure, you purchased a gas powered CRV right? Sorry, I didn’t pay close attention to all the details. 👀

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited March 2023
    Sandy, glad you are having good days! Best wishes. And just to be sure, you purchased a gas powered CRV right? Sorry, I didn’t pay close attention to all the details. 👀

    It is gas powered but it is an HRV which is smaller than the CRV. I still love it!! <3 I couldn't afford the electric car which I am sure they must make. So I hope I don't have to change in the near future.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Sandy, thanks. Yes, the HRV! I was texting with a friend this afternoon who has a CRV—-got them on my brain. She is thinking of getting a new car but she is moving up the food chain to a more expensive car, an Acura RDX (I think). I looked at it for a second until I saw the $$ and then ran away! Thanks again.

    It is snowing. Hoping it stops soon. ❄️❄️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    LIN, When I see Mark I will ask him about his Tesla. I did ask him about a special plug and he said no, just plug it in the already there outlet in the garage. I will make sure about that. Mike tells me it is an expensive car, but me who’s never driven, on the road anyway, wouldn’t know.

    We are in for a dreary rainy day here. Mark wants to get going painting the downstairs finished walls. Me as well, I’ll be glad not having to pass a “builders” yard every time I do the washing, which I might do today.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) For the last year we have been researching and considering buying an electric car. Jake has watched countless YouTube videos and done internet research. There are some awesome cars out there but most have awesome price tags. We are coming close to making a decision on something modest in price. Yesterday we had a man from an electrician company come and look at our electricity and garage to make an estimate on what it would cost to have a dedicated plug for the car in the garage. Yes, you can plug in to ordinary electricity but it's best to have the right system which is pricy.

    :) The weather was so nice here that Jake cut the grass in the small back yard,

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member