Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Wow! I am sorry you are losing your friend. But sometimes change is good. You will always have good memories.❤️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    YES!!!!!! Lol.

    Mike over today, hopefully. Snow melting….. birds singing. More later.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The sun is shining and temps will be in the 40's F. Bryanna and Spencer will pick my up this afternoon to enjoy pizza and cake with the kiddos and their parents. Tomorrow my new cleaning lady comes at 10am and then another free day before I start my new adventure of sitting twice a week for kiddos. It should only be a couple of months until Lisa's parents return to help so I can handle it. (I hope)
    My SIL is in the hospital with a kidney stone. It is not moving so they will do a procedure this afternoon to remove it. The other boys are cringing just thinking about it but he will be put to sleep. lol

    Anne, glad Mike is coming today, I know you enjoy your family as much as I do.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, keep staying healthy and happy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    I’m enjoying a quiet Sunday and apart from walking round the block with George and Betty then spending far more time than I wanted trying to sort out online banking. After a long phone call with my bank while they talked me through deleting their App, changing all security numbers and password, then downloading their App again, nothing much else has happened. All the resetting hasn’t made a difference so I wrote a cheque to post to my coal and logs supplier. Hooray for the old fashioned modes!
    I’m contemplating a sausage toad in the hole with roasted sweet potato and steamed green beans this evening because it is a dismal day outside and cold. Comfort food!

    Lin, we are having similar local discussions about the environment if mining starts up around here. It shouldn’t involve farmers losing land because they will probably find the minerals on the moors, but I did hear years ago of someone who lost half their property to a compulsory purchase but that was when Charles was Duke of Cornwall and very interested in mining lithium. I’ve been told there was a small minerals mine shaft near our access track in Victorian times so hopefully Prince William won’t be quite so focused on making more money now he owns the Duchy! An Australian mining company is nosing around here with their flying metal detector so I can’t see the proceeds from any find being poured back into the local economy! Experience taught me years ago that those retail jobs rarely offer what we would like to do. I once worked in a gardening department and me who loves every little creepy crawly, was told to fill the shelves with all the poison powders, sprays and traps. I referred to that section as the killing fields which didn’t impress the boss!

    Sandy and Anne, enjoy your Sunday. Hopefully Patsy and John are tucked up safe and warm.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Michael did come over and he cleared up my remaining snow which he said was very heavy and he checked the gutters for blockages, none. Mark was very grateful because he is still stuffed with sinus problems. Then he went for my mail with Jilly and came back with remaining tax forms and a letter from Maria’s realtor asking Mark and MJ to chuck their tenant out - me of course - and to sell the cottage as they’d just sold next door for almost two million dollars. Our place is nowhere near that sort of value it NOT being only 10 years old like next door, but being 100 years this year. I feel like writing back and asking how they feel about suggesting an elderly tenant should become a homeless street person. Lol. Anything for a buck eh.

    Mike also brought over a lovely veggie soup he’d made from scratch for lunch. I provided chicken pot pie and a hearty salad. He’s now gone home to do his weekly wash and I thought I might as well do mine. Jilly is sleeping on her pink blankie exhausted from two walks and a hearty lunch.
    And that was Sunday that was. Well up to now, 2:30. It’s + 6C outside or 44F.

    JACKIE, the premier of Ontario is talking of building houses on our green belt. There’s always something to fight isn’t there!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We had sun for an hour or so but it isn’t raining or hail or snowing. All is good but chilly.

    Realtors in general are money grubbing hard-hearted pond scum! We have had at least 4 offers from realtors and interested locals to buy our house and properties. The realtors come sniffing around when they see a family member has passed. It is scandalous. Hitting people when they are at their most vulnerable. They saw or heard about the ambulance coming here at 3:30 in the am and assumed I had died!

    Well enough nasty attitude! I want to get back to positive thinking and doing positive things. I have been rewatching Hugo, the incredibly charming and beautiful little movie. The art direction is magical. Today I am fixing Boca burgers. I like all the veggie burgers. This one is good.

    Damon is working more on his side design studio. He wants to concentrate on that in the near future. His work now is “singing other people’s songs.” By that I mean he has to animate special effects for movies and Tv that another director does the directing. Good paying work but there is more to life than that.

    Katie had a birthday yesterday! She is now 7 years old. For a labradoodle as big as she is, she is now middle aged. She isn’t aware of this. She still plays ball and carries around her toys and unfortunately, she still loves to eat Kleenex. Yuck!

    Walmart order day. John is always ordering hand sanitizer.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good evening friends. I attended online church this morning. The rest of the day I played with tiny little dies and finally finished one card. I certainly could have done a better job but it could have been worse. Maybe the next card will be better.

    Anne, every time a realtor sells a house in this area, they print cards or notices and try to get additional listings by saying what a wonderful job they did on a recent sale. Just an ordinary business tactic. I am glad Michael visited and brought delicious soup. Good day!

    Jackie, I swear when something stops working with an app, you are fortunate to ever get it working again. Using my library app is impossible now. I cannot put books on hold, or check when books are due, or even see what I have checked out. I am hoping it will work on one of my devices. I still have plenty of checks on hand. Of course, trusting the post office to deliver checks or other materials is more of a problem. So good for you, you found a way to get a bill paid without online assistance.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying (or did enjoy) the celebration today. Wahoo! Pizza and cake (and wine?). 👍🏻👍🏻

    Patsy, thinking of you my friend. I am concerned for you and John. Keeping my fingers crossed that you are feeling better.

    Hi Barbie, Diane, Jeri, and any other Sneakers.

    Be safe.


    Art deco tea set
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just lost my post, hey ho. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited March 2023
    Happy Monday! :) Rainy day here but just have to run to Target for my prescription. Cleaning lady is coming at 10am and groceries coming at one. The rest of the day is mine to just relax. Tomorrow starts my new "job" meaning I have to get up at 6:30am. I know the rest of you do that daily but I am not a morning person so it will be different. I think I will like it as the weather gets warmer.

    Sorry you lost your post Anne, please check in later.

    Lin, I did enjoy our birthday celebrations. Pizza, cake, wine and games. I have more celebrating to do later in the week so it will be a fun week with lots of food.

    Happy 7th Birthday Katie!

    Hello to all the sneakers, I have to jump in shower before cleaning lady gets here.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited March 2023
    A foggy day here and I have some errands to do. I was hoping it would have cleared by now but nope. Would like to get these out of the way though. Lots to do like figuring out if I need some groceries. Chance of snow W, Th, F, Sat….! I don’t know about Tuesday.

    Sandy, best wishes on getting everything accomplished today and really hope the new cleaning person works out for you. Wow, you are will be going to bed early now and setting a couple of alarms right? 😁

    Anne, sorry you lost your post. Annoyance!

    Patsy, happy belated birthday to Katie.

    See you later.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Morning from frustrated Annsie. First of all happy belated birthday greetings to KATIE who is 7 like Jilly the Beano.

    Second, a furnace repair van is at Harry’s old neighbours. I feel so sorry for the mother and daughter living in the almost million and a half dollar home. They’ve only been in for 6 months and first Harry’s badly made gate blew down in the wind and now this. Remembering the one who built it, one wonders what else they’ve encountered. I am not going to get drawn into any conversations come summer when we are all out gardening. Before the year long last owners left the plumbing had to be sorted out so hopefully they won’t encounter any more flooding.

    Yes, we are inundated with leaflets and phone calls when a house is sold LIN, but Mark and Mary Jo have never had an actual personal letter before. It does make one wonder though if people who own property they rent out are persuaded to sell, what happens to their tenants trying to find somewhere else, and especially if they are seniors on a fixed income. A young couple down the street with a baby rent and the house was sold but the old owner gave them two years to find new accommodation. However the new owner wants them out NOW because he wants to pull the delightful little cottage down to build and sell something bigger. So sad. Legally I believe he is stuck and they have another year.

    Well I haven’t lost this post……so far!

    Gorgeous spring day yesterday, but the skies look full of snow today.

    Must get a-moving. At least no cooking today. Michael went home with chicken pot pie and there’s enough left over for me.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hi again. I did my errands but unfortunately discovered my Prius will not start. It has a 12v assist battery and I have the charger out but cannot get the plastic cover off of the area under the hood where the positive charge connector is located. I called the handyman and he said he’d be out later today. So, I order some groceries for delivery. I am concerned just charging that battery won’t help and I will have to have it towed to the dealership. The main battery may have finally failed. We will see.

    Hoping for a quick fix. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello All and especially Katie!

    I was up early and out to do a grocery shop in town. Just in time because as I unloaded my trolley to be checked through, calls went out for more checkouts to be opened and I was surrounded by a loud hubbub! Home to unload and collect George and Betty before driving to a quiet area of moors because from March 1st to July 31st we have to keep our dogs on a lead no longer than 2 meters to ensure new born lambs aren’t attacked. Of course George tends to get too much attention from the sheep because of his looks but I can’t use that as an excuse! More shopping on the way home for pet food then lunch and a tidy.
    Our postman arrived as I was putting my car in the garage and handed me a leaflet that looked like an estate agent’s so I laughed and said if someone wants me to move they can forget it but turned out to be about a holiday home site less than 5 miles away! It went straight into the recycling bag. Patsy is right, these people are mercenary and don’t care about anyone becoming homeless. It used to be those with mental health or addiction problems that struggled to find even a room to call their own but we are seeing respectable older men and women having to sleep in a car or tent because greedy owners throw them out of rented accommodation. Sandy, I’m relieved to know you won’t rush to make any decisions about a possible move.
    Enjoy your extended birthday celebrations! ❤️

    Anne, I’m still in awe of people who spend over a million dollars on a property without a professional survey!

    Lin, I’m now wondering if the problem lies with my iPad so downloaded the latest Apple update that seems to have slowed everything down! 😬😡 Did you follow the detective series Unforgotten where there was a shock ending for the about to retire detective played by actress Nicola Walker? A new series began last week and I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch but it is just as complex so I’m won over. Second episode tonight.

    That cold wind has finally stopped blowing but we are warned snow might reach us on Wednesday, the day my hair appointment is booked! Oh well!
    An avocado needs to be eaten so I will prepare a salad and not think about snow!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    It looks like the car will start tomorrow and I found a place that has a replacement battery. Hoping all works out. 😉

    Jackie, yes, I remember that series but I haven’t watched it for a long time. Amazon Prime has 4 seasons available. Will need to go back and watch some of them again. I have so much less British, Australian, and Canadian programming since I ditched Acorn TV.

    Have a good evening everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday!😀 Here I am at my new job! Got up at 6:30 and was here before 7:30. All kids are in school so I have a couple of hours to myself. I will take a shower and make myself presentable since I just threw clothes on to drive here. It is better than sitting at home alone. I was with Babe everyday in the hospital or rehab for three months so I am used to be busy. Don’t get me wrong I like my alone time but not every day, at least not for now. I am sure once summer gets here and the pool is open I will welcome being home. One Day at a Time.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    It’s been a relatively mild day so I switched off the heating and opened doors to freshen the air. We didn’t walk far because George had a dicky tummy soon after we set off so we came home and I washed him with warm water and cut off the fur around his bum 🤢 to remove the mess. Back out we went but only round the block because I intended to work outside and knew both George and Betty would keep me company. First early seed potatoes are planted into containers, the hen house was cleaned out and warm bedding spread across the floor, then I split a mother-in-laws tongue indoor plant that was bursting out of its pot and will give one half to Linda. We are doing a swap and I’m going to get a fancy South African flowering plant called a Clivia or Forest Lily.
    The threat of heavy snow tomorrow is still with us although my weather App tells me rain so I will just have to look out my windows in the morning and make my own mind up!

    I’ve booked an appointment at the local garage for an MOT, which is a safety check all cars over 3 years old have to have annually. That will be on the 16th, same day as my lung CT scan so I’ll be busy.

    The main fire is lit and has Betty snoring in front of it but George decided to retire for a few hours on his favourite bed in the spare room.
    An interesting teapot Lin as I’m wondering what the lady with her parasol is carrying?
    Time to cook my evening meal, pasta with steamed asparagus and Parmesan cheese.

    Enjoy your day. Spring is just round the corner. 🌼🌸🌺🌻🌷🌿
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE it feels like spring is just around the corner here, although we still have mounds of snow lining the roads. Slowly melting though.

    I think Mark is officially over Corvid tomorrow. I hope so because we haven’t seen the Ms for 16 days and it feels funny not having them around.

    So, a quiet but enjoyable day for us which I spent reading this afternoon and Jilly spent on her back fast asleep with four legs in the air. She was also doing a lot of talking in her sleep which sounds uncannily almost human.

    Just been to the bathroom, the only window (apart from my bedroom window) which overlooks Maria’s sold house. A car is on the drive, so I guess I will soon be having more neighbours who I have yet to meet. The times they are a changing.

    So, sorry for a boring post. Really just keeping in touch.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again, lost my post yesterday. It always makes me dispirited and very annoyed when that happens. Nothing if great importance but it would have been nice to chat with you…….

    Thank you for the birthday cards for sweet Katie. Yes she is 7 years old now. For a big labradoodle she is middle aged and in truth she is showing it. She naps much more, she doesn’t run quite as fast and she cuddles her toy animals more than tossing them in air. Oh she still loves a good ball game and she still barks at a sound level equaling a jet engine, but time has mellowed her just a bit.

    I am trimming John’s hair today again. It is odd. He is mostly bald but the fringe grows incredibly fast. He says his hair looks like an old Bozo the clown. Maybe…..that is why we trim so often.

    I am making veggie Lazonia for dinner. Yea! Enough to freeze for future dinners.

    The thing about an old house and lots of hobbies, interests and past times, keeping up with cleaning and straightening up is never ending. There is always some immense task that needs attending. I am lucky in that it is my nature to be investigating or working on some project. Our two children are a source of comfort and joy. The grand son is great but he beats to his own drummer and I confess that he is a mystery to me. I have very little contact with my neighbors except for the one dear man who keeps an eye on us. I really think our daughter has asked him to keep an eye on us from time to time. He bops over, checks to see if we are okay and off he trots at a gallop. Perfect! The others in the neighborhood I only hear about from the great neighbor when he has time for coffee and a chat. We are the oldies left in the area. Everyone else got out when real estate was at its peak price. Oh well………

    I really think most of us sneakers are intellectually curious and busy. According to what I read, that makes for a long life and good mental health.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    No snow storm thank goodness so it seems the warm air won over the Beast from the East. Pouring rain instead! The pooches have been walked to the next village but goodness, so many cars, mostly huge Discoveries with one parent and one child driving to our local school. Why they don’t share or walk I’ll never understand. I’m getting ready to head for my hair appointment and still undecided on colours! I’ll report back once I’m home.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Oh my gosh. Yesterday’s post disappeared and I was just going to try to post this morning and it disappeared as well.

    I hope to be back later.

    Just in case, making up teapot photos.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! 😀 Last child on bus, now it’s just me and Ewok until 11:15. I might just take a nap. Still working on my finances but things seem to be falling in place. Tomorrow I have an eye appointment and then my friends will pick me up from eye doctor and take me to late lunch for my birthday. I hate driving when my eyes have been dilated so this works out great.
    Rob really appreciates me doing this so it is worth getting up early.

    Lin, sorry, you lost your post.

    Jackie, glad you didn’t get snow, we might on Friday. I wouldn’t like to walk in the rain to school so I would be one of those people.😜

    Patsy, you are a jack of all trades, impressive.

    Anne, glad Mark is feeling better, he is vaccinated right?

    Nothing exciting going on here, so have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Not much going on here except it’s a beautiful day if chilly.
    Mark and Mary Jo are both fully vaccinated Sandy, but a lot of good that did as Mark told Michael he’s never felt so ill. I haven’t had Corvid so far, I got the allergic reaction to the vaccine instead.

    What follows is not morbid but more rather boring, skip if you don’t want to be bored.

    Meanwhile my ex has told my eldest that when he falls off his perch he wants him to get on a plane headed for England clutching his ashes and then to chuck his ashes into the dark North Sea. Why anyone would want this beats me. The dark North Sea is a cold cruel sea as someone who comes from the east coast and it’s fisher and trawler men can testify. Different strokes, eh. My Australian cousin wrote today and I had to smile because her dad who was a sea captain said of her mothers family (and thus mine) that we never die, if someone wants to get rid of us they have to shoot us. This I can understand as most of the ladies on my mothers (and aunts) side lived well into their nineties. This is not a morbid post, I am full of the joys of spring, just a little perplexed. About the North Sea wish. He’s no connection to the North Sea apart from the odd paddle on a rare warm day of 50 degrees Fahrenheit. He’s a farmer son. Remember the song anyone? Who’s that hammering on the anvil, down by the dark North Sea. Tis’ Thor striking on the anvil, and Odin where the sparks run free. Something to that effect anyway.

    Well got that off my chest! Actually I am definitely on the mend from the allergies. Today to Jilly’s horror, because I have an AWFUL singing voice, I burst into song. Spring is on the way. The mounds of snow are slowly disappearing, the birds are singing and much better than me, alls right with the world!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Just a short note (and hoping it will post 🤞🏻). I went to the post office early and mailed my St. Patrick's Day cards. It was raining lightly then. After I got home, I wrote out my property tax checks for both my house and my farm and trudged out to the mailbox so they would get picked up today. I did some laundry, and watched the rain change to little ice balls! Yipes! Luckily those stopped fairly quickly. Winter weather warning is out now for tomorrow morning through sometime on Friday I believe. Apparently snow is expected this time.

    I wrote other checks, hunted down packages that were to be delivered today but I couldn’t find them.

    So pretty much a normal day here.

    Anne, I hope you had a good day.

    Jackie, wondering what color you decided on for your hair this time.

    Sandy, did you get a nap? Finances take some time to work out, hopefully you don’t feel pushed to make decisions.

    Be safe my friends.


    Look at this teapot collection. There are 3 photos in total. One at a time is probably enough.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Good grief, can you imagine dusting that lot! ANNE.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi everybody. Yes I had a super day yesterday LIN. Actually, most of my days are happy. The only ones that are less than perfect are when something hurts as in knees creaking when it is excessively cold.

    We had a good sleep as well, tucked up in the back bedroom. Much darker away from street lighting and much quieter as well. We had visitors though judging by the paw prints of a fox or coyote in the snow and just outside the bedroom window.

    Just popped in to say Morning All because it’s grocery delivery day and I need to give the hair a trim before I leap into the shower.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just had to tell you. I ordered the groceries for 10 to 12 o’clock delivery window. Good job I went for my shower, the guy delivered at 7:50! Turns out someone on the next street has an early delivery, so rather than do the rounds after his delivery to them and deliver me last, the men hope I’m up! At least everything is fresh! Me as well as I’d just emerged from the shower looking “lovely” and combing out my frizzy locks.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello friends. Yesterday, I was over 3 hours with my hairdresser while she used foils for one colour of not so streaky streaks then, after a shampoo another colour was placed all over so I’ve ended up with a colour I can’t easily describe. A hint of gold, pink and natural grey!
    I’m pleased with the outcome because it isn’t too obvious. By the time I returned home and lit the fire I felt exhausted even after sitting most of the day.
    It remains mild in Cornwall so we continue to avoid the heavy snow and after a walk round a muddy field with George and Betty, I collected Linda and drove on to the moor for coffee and cake. A lady arrived with a mini George at one point and proceeded to not only feed him a constant supply of treats but then shared her sausage, egg and bacon breakfast! That poor dog!! While we sat for a couple of hours, low clouds and mist drifted in so we decided to head home, Linda to continue a long process of typing a manuscript of a friend’s novel and me to start Spring cleaning in my kitchen.

    Anne, I agree, it’s a better option to receive the first grocery delivery then relax knowing you don’t have to wait. As for tossing ashes into the North Sea, I hope you know someone living in that area who would agree to a special transatlantic delivery and take a small boat out on a calm day to dispose of it. It would save the cost of a return flight and accommodation!

    What an eclectic collection Lin! A very light feather duster would be needed to flick dust off to avoid accidents.

    Sandy, enjoy your lunch with friends. A great arrangement after an eye test!

    Patsy, are you ensconced in your dungeon?

    Time for me to attack my kitchen surfaces. I’m quite looking forward to it!

    Happy Thursday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Help JACKIE, I’ve no intention of being tossed in the North Sea!!! If you misunderstood. I’ll let Mike know your suggestion though if his father persists in wanting poor Mike to do the honours. Personally I’d just chuck him in Lake Ontario. Much cheaper and he won’t be around to know!

    Your hair is very pretty by the way.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello, I keep losing my posts. User error? Maybe.

    It is trash day and I have more than I can stuff into the trash cart. Saving some for next week. Akkkch,

    Jackie: love the new color and style on the hair. Very attractive. Since I do my own, I have never learned the trick of really good coloring. Mine is all or nothing.

    Lin: we had little ice balls as well. Katie loves to go out on the deck and eat them like ice cream. The bookkkeeping chores eat up a day and in the end, it feels like nothing was accomplished.

    Anne: I agree with you about the disposition of our final remains. Who cares? We will not know and why demand a huge expensive effort for the fish to enjoy? I suspect sometimes it is an effort to control when we are gone. I hope Mike considers these things carefully when the time comes.

    Sandy: I know you are enjoying you grandmother duties. Also the kids love having you around. Would you ever consider living with your son? In Europe there are many multi-generational households. We had that. Only I lived with my grandparents. My parents came to visit when my dads work permitted. We live in changing times. Who knows what comes next?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good evening. Several inches of wet heavy snow today. But the temperature was close to freezing so there was some melting. Refreezing overnight and then more snow coming. I didn’t listen closely but definitely Saturday and perhaps Sunday.

    I have a number of things on Amazon’s subscribe and save that were to be delivered today. One item arrived and the rest (in one box) went from delayed to being delivered by 10pm, to may be delivered by the 12th. And if not, request a refund. What a crazy time. I felt like a ping pong ball getting jostled about.

    Patsy, what else can you do but save the extra trash until the next week. I do that sometimes. I kind of think I am headed in that direction for the next pickup on Tuesday. Every once in a while, I think I would like one of those dumpsters to fill!

    Jackie, I adore your hair. It is marvelous!! It sounds like coffee and cake was a very fun time to visit.

    Anne, an early delivery is nice but sometimes it is too early! Good thing you are prepared.

    Sandy, how was the birthday celebration? Hope it was lots of fun.

    I am looking for tiny extra touches for the front of my Easter cards. Just cannot find the ‘right’ thing.

    I did speak to several friends today which was nice.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Here is another multi-le teapot photo. In that same group, someone posted this photo of her collection.
