Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening…….almost forgot my daily teapot!


    The snow stopped late this afternoon.

    Thinking of you.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold out today. I am still in recover mode. Katie and John are my nurses. Katie is oddly subdued since I have been sick. I am hoping I regain some strength soon. Existing on frozen TV casseroles is horrible. But I can’t cook yet and canned soups are not appealing.
    Stay well dear friends,
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi PATSY, so good to know you are in recovery mode. However, make sure you FULLY rest and so get back to being the PATSY we all enjoy. Good girl Katie, look after Mom.
    Hugs from ANNE and a face wash from BEAN. ❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    My heart is broken.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    SANDY, I am so very sorry. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my dearest Sandy, I can’t tell you how very sorry I am for your loss. There are no words of comfort that helps I know. I so wish I could be at your side to help in whatever way I could. Please know this, you were a comfort and loving companion when he needed it the most. Ever at his side, constantly trying to find answers to his health issues. The issues were just too huge. I know all of the sneakers are saddened by your grief and suffering. I will never stop thinking about you, my beautiful friend. My prayers are with you and family.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023

    Sandy, I hope your family is standing by you. ❤️❤️ One day at a time for sure.

    Patsy, oh darn, you need a cook! Who can you draft? Is Damon able to visit? Maybe he could purchase some tastier options. Keep resting and recuperating.

    Anne, Jackie, Diane, Barbie and Jeri—Hello, sending best wishes to everyone.

    It was quite cold here today but warmer temperatures are expected tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Dear Sandy, I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. You were Babe’s rock these past few months and put all your energy into finding answers, may he rest in peace. I know you will have the love and support of your family as you give yourself time to grieve.

    Hugs, Jackie 🥰❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :'(<3Sandy, I am so sorry. You were there for Babe for so long. He knew he was loved.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Our miserable weather continues so I’m finding it a struggle to get motivated but have plans to clean the shower room and also trim George’s hair around his eyes because in the damp air it falls across his eyes. It looks cute but I think he would prefer to see.
    I’m contemplating adopting another rescue cat I’ve noticed is looking for a home. He’s a little cutie and being 10 years old might get overlooked. This link might take you to his page.

    Patsy, I’m worrying about you and John because you need nutritious food right now and I’m not sure shop bought frozen meals will offer that. Would your kind neighbour with the chainsaw do a shop for you both?
    Dogs are amazingly intuitive when it comes to our emotional state or wellbeing and I’m glad Katie is reading the room by giving you a quieter time. You will know you are getting better when she goes back to tearing about!

    Anne, money isn’t everything is it and like you, my pets get priority over anything I might think I need. I am trying to think of a special reminder of Chrissie I can buy with the money she left me in her Will. I miss our chats and the laughter we enjoyed about so many silly events. Perhaps a new garden seat.

    Well, this won’t get my shower room cleaned but first I have to find somewhere to put a soaked dog bed I tried to wash in my washing machine after Betty was sick in it. It became so heavy when wet, the machine couldn’t do a spin cycle and when I tried an extra rinse and spin programme it became even heavier. No point putting it out in the rain!

    Sandy, you are in my thoughts today and I hope Babe’s family show you the respect you deserve. Sending hugs. ❤️

    Hello Lin. Has your snow cleared away? Too early to be thinking about what veggies you might grow this year but still, not long to Spring now!

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hello, it was a sort of odd day here. It did get a bit warmer but we still have snow and ice. Forecast is for weather at about the same temperature and then another storm rolling in, likely Tuesday. 👀

    I have been foiling and die cutting and gluing die cuts pretty much all day with one exception. A good friend and co-worker passed away about 6 years ago and February is still a terrible month for her husband. She passed away in February, his birthday is in February (today actually) and I spent a couple of hours online chatting with him about his music, his band, the musical instruments he is repairing and restoring, the darling dog who is now 11, etc. We finally signed off and he thanked me for the conversation that took his mind elsewhere. We have done this before although I don’t think he remembers that. He gets so preoccupied with the sad events of prior years.

    Anyway, if I work hard, I can finish all the die cuts I need for some cards I am working on. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Jackie, did your sopping wet wash dry at all today? Oh and a new garden seat sounds like a lovely idea. I hope Betty and George are feeling well.

    Patsy, how are you feeling now?

    Anne, did the family stop by and work on any home improvements today?

    Sandy, I hope all of your friends and family are helping you with anything that needs attention. I hope you get some rest.

    Hello Barbie, Diane, and Jeri.

    Try to be safe my friends.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear friends. To answer you question about how I am feeling…..I went into the hospital on last Friday at 3:30 in the morning by ambulance. I had a vicious flu. (I had a flu shot by the way months ago) I was vomiting so hard I aspirated into my lungs and ended up with bacterial pneumonia. Recovery has been slow. Slower than I like but in hospital the tests revealed a fib and heart failure. I returned home by ambulance in hail and driving rain. and John was terrified. Now we are set up for cardiologist and all of that. This is manageable but annoying.

    John is trying to carry the heavy load of chores. Not something he likes but he is doing what needs to be done. I am trying to add a bit of effort each day.

    Now for my sermon that doesn’t need saying but here goes… attention to feeling unwell. Don’t wait until you need a hospital stay. Stay away from sick people unless you mask up and wash hands vigorously. I wash up but I guess I am guilty of being near sick people and I wash up but not vigorously. Take a probiotic cap if that’s possible. (I didn’t). Not that all that will keep the flu away but it couldn’t hurt.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    PATSY, what a horrible experience for you. Have you noticed that when something goes wrong and we visit the medics, they always find something else for us to worry about. Interesting what you wrote about the flu vaccine. My late cousin had the flu jab every year and every year she got the flu. I had the flu in 1957 and touch wood haven’t had it since.
    God bless John for helping out with the chores and PLEASE get well soon!

    Mikes friend flew to Mexico yesterday, she is filling in for a friend who had to back out so a cheap holiday, and now he’s been told by her brother who shares the house with her and his children (divorced) that he’s got the Corvid and is feeling very ill which makes one wonder if friend Sandy will also get it. Hey ho!

    Mikes supposed to be coming over for lunch but he should be okay because he hasn’t seen Sandy for over a week. I better get on because I’ve decided to make a lasagna but PATSY thank you for the explanation and you are most definitely in my thoughts.

    Jilly is on guard by the back door already. How does she know Mikes coming over! Meanwhile Mark and Mary Jo are looking after Hobbes the giant puss for a few days because we have a Monday holiday and he’s nocturnal and bugs them by pawing at their hair when they try to sleep. Can’t close their bedroom door because he has huge paws and scratches it! It’s like living with a giant mountain cat I guess. Be warned if anyone is thinking of acquiring a large oversized cat, stick to hamsters.

    ANNE. ❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Just stopping by to say hello. Will be back tomorrow. Thinking of you dear ones. May each one find the right path through our days.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Yesterday Jake and I changed our cell phone carrier and he bought an iPhone to replace his android. It was a change we'd talked about and decided together. The people at the store were kind and helpful and worked with us for a couple of hours getting everything completed. Today at home was day of technology learning. When Jake wanted to change phones, I cautioned him that with a different phone, I wouldn't be able to help him. So today he had to search and experiment and look for help on Google and YouTube but he has made great strides and loves his new phone. The only change for me was that I had to set up my voice mail again since we have a new carrier.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good morning friends. Today I have decided not to bother checking the BBC weather app because it is so often wrong. Before I went to bed I did look and based on their forecast of cloudy but dry, loaded my washing machine, including the still damp dog blanket. 6am I was woken up by a very wet Brady jumping on my bed so yes, it’s raining! Out with the airier again and as well as today’s laundry it is also supporting George’s dog bed that is slowly drying!

    Nothing exciting planned today but I’m waiting for a phone call from the company that will hopefully visit to check the macerator that seems to have developed a life of its own.

    Barbie, it took me a while to get used to my iPhone but once I did, found it easier day to day than android. The only thing it isn’t as user friendly with is photo editing but I see there is the latest update that might improve some aspects.

    Patsy, in the UK, cases of non Covid respiratory illness are higher than Covid itself but I think Winter time, with it being such a damp island, it’s quite common anyway. Reading about Vitamin D3 a couple of months ago, I decided to take one a day this winter even though I’m out in whatever sunshine we do see. It was pointed out that in the old days patients were wheeled outside in their hospital beds to soak up sunshine because it was acknowledged how important it was to build up our immune system. I tend to assume any blah days are due to getting older so try to ignore them but you are right, we shouldn’t!

    Anne, did you read the interesting article on the BBC website about house prices being so high in Toronto and surrounding areas, people are buying without first viewing. Con artists are pretending to be estate agents and selling the properties of people who are out of town. They don’t discover it until they get home!

    A gorgeous teapot Lin. Thanks you for your kind thoughts. The world is a disturbing place right now so we all need to take a deep breath and hope for better times.

    I don’t think I will go near the moors this morning but instead, stroll round the block.
    Stay safe and warm friends.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    A very early good morning. Yesterday was super for me and Bean. Mike took me to the bank and I managed to buy much needed bath towels as well. Then Mark and Mary Jo brought over the new electric car to show Mike and a trial run was called for. Me, who knows nothing about ANY sort of car was told it takes some getting used to driving. Bean was one happy pup with the family and best of all a car ride. She’s terribly nosy when in the car, head bobbing this way and that!

    JACKIE, I didn’t read the bbc article because much news over here on the house subject. Harry’s house is a good example and as for Maria’s house no sign of Maria but the son appears to be sleeping there regularly. Sometimes I wonder just how many greedy and criminally minded people there ARE out there in the world.

    My mobile has died a complete death. Screen just black. So, do I get a new one or just make do with the landline. The family favour the mobile in case I manage to trip up again on ice or the disintegrating footpath. Mmm.

    With Mikes friend in Mexico hopefully without Corvid he is talking of coming over again today it being “family day”.

    So time to move the creaking knees,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    I am still here although it been a rough week. His daughter leaves tomorrow and I will be happy to be alone again. Thank you for your kind words.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited February 2023
    Dear Sandy, I completely relate to that feeling of wanting to be alone to rest and gather thoughts. You have been through so much you might feel you are about to come down with a bump so take as long as you need. Your loved ones will understand and we love you too. ❤️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE usually says exactly what I want to say. So love, same as Jackie. Those lovely grand children will soon get you back to normal and you did everything you could for Babe which will comfort you. You never let him down for a moment.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I have never lived alone, ever. I am not sure I know how. I admire independent people who forge on and still remain in their social and family circle. I can understand those of you already saying…there are times when you have no choice. True! But some people are better at living than others. I have only one grandson and our two grown children. Our family has dwindled to a few cousins that I have not met. A death in the family really shows how some of us have abilities to remain vital and others only shine by reflected light. My thoughts are with you, Sandy.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Hugs all round!

    Today was laundry, card making (although today was a clumsy day so not much of value was made) and reading. I know all of my days are the same right? All ready to go to the post office and the library tomorrow.

    May tomorrow be a good day.



  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Well it felt like spring was coming today. 73, but now they tell us rain off and on for the next 4 days with much colder temperatures, plus more snow in the mountains. Ventured out for my walk once it became 63 since I was sure we were at the warmest part of the day. Enjoyable walk admiring a few trees starting to blossom already and lots of bulbs showing their pretty faces. The air even had a bit of a sweet scent...well almost, but it was a reminder to me as much as I love spring it just brings on my allergies. I am sure I am not alone on this.

    My goal today was to go thru some medical records from 20 + years ago because I see a new endocrinologist in a few days. I have been putting this off, but now that the pharmacy keeps sending reminders to my dr that my medication is known to cause heart disease in the elderly it is time to see a specialist. Between my bp increasing and dads heart attack I need to take things seriously. Though my current med hasn't been perfect I have done fairly well for the last several yrs and I hate change. Know he will want my history and remembering back to 9 yrs old is a challenge. Decided making a family timeline over all of those yrs helped a bit. Only have about 5 yrs I can't account for as far as what med I was on. Pleased that chore is now done.....

    Patsy ....sorry to hear you had to make a hospital visit, but glad you are home and slowly recuperating. Can relate well to bad flu episodes. Many a times I have had flu shots over the years
    and ended up with the flu. Get some rest and I am thinking of you.

    Sandy....Babe was so lucky to have found an angel like you. Feel good about what all you were able to do for him to make his life comfortable the last several months with you. You are so fortunate to have such a close family and I am sure they are there for you right now. Get some much needed rest when things settle down. Thinking of you.

    Hi Jackie, Lin, Jeri, Anne and Barbie and anyone else I may have forgotten.

    Spring is around the corner.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Lost a long post again as the page flipped and sent me to an advert! I will come back later when feeling less irritated! 😡
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    I doubt anyone is in the mood for this but I will forge ahead anyway.


    I might make a pancake tonight! I remember the days when many churches had Shrove Tuesday pancake suppers. 🥞


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    I took Michele to the airport this morning and I am now alone. Although it is hard, it is what I want at this time. I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and comfort. The funeral service was beautiful and many people came to pay their respects. He was a well loved man.
    Now all the business stuff with the attorney and removing Babe's belongings. I am so grateful my daughter was here along with Rob her brother. It was the hardest day of my life and the hardest 3 months. I will get through this with the support of my family and friends and with you my very special internet friends. Give me time to start addressing all of you separately but know that I care for all of you very much.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandy, we will be here! Take things at your own pace. ❤️❤️

    I have been on the phone for a good portion of the afternoon and have a Live event online this evening.

    Back tomorrow with our winter storm warning.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Artsy teapot
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there, cold and usual. But I wanted tell you all about another senior citizen rip off! This one is truly evil. As you all know I recently got out of the hospital. I was given names of a couple of in home care companies to help with cleaning and home health care help. The nice young woman showed up for the appt. And with contract in hand. She patiently explained what they did and don’t do at a reasonable price (not cheap) she handed over part of the contract but not all of it. Several pages were missing. When we requested all of it and a copy. It got a bit interesting. This was a really bad company taking advantage of senior citizens who were sick, disabled or recovering from an illness. Instead of cleaning service for 38.00 - $50 an hour, it was thousands of dollars for several weeks. This is an outrage! If we tried to opt out, the penalty was several ($10,000) thousand dollars. There was even more deception than this. Whew! I am steamed!
    How do they get by with this?

    Well enough ranting.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    PATSY. Unfortunately the world is full of, what else can we call them, evil people. It’s so sad, the days of trust have gone, and we have to start off on the wrong footing, which is difficult for most people who are naturally decent to do; by watching every transaction we make very, very carefully. I had the granny call the other day from a person sounding very much like my eldest grandson who lives far far away. When asked what his name was he replied after some hesitation, Michael. When told I didn’t have a grandson called Michael he quickly departed. I can’t understand why the phone companies can’t block these calls. I usually get three a day. I’m so glad you were “on your toes” but what about the poor souls whose brains are fogged!
    When and if I need a cleaning lady I will choose a local recommended lady who needs a few dollars to get by and not one of these companies.

    Old age sure is interesting.

    “Talk” later, I’m about to eat breakfast, but felt I had to put in my congratulations to Patsy and John. By the way, be wary about sending money to people who say they are escaping war torn or disaster areas in the world. Are they really! Compassionate people are very easy to scam by the unscrupulous.
