Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hi! So glad to hear you had a good day Jackie. Well deserved!! But not a scratchy throat. Hot tea and rest may be just the ticket.

    Yesterday was a relatively crazy day for me with my sinuses going on the fritz again with headache, watering eyes, and general malaise. It is a bit better today. When did winter become such a burden to endure? Argh! We have dangerous wind chill factor tonight and tomorrow morning. Staying in again. I am addressing envelopes and adding finishing touches to my Valentines. Slow going. Part of the turtle pace is the fact that I do not have enough cards to mail to everyone on my list. Selections must be made. Trying to do my best.

    I am reading a book and watching the endless airing of the movie “Groundhog Day.” Love that movie.


    Dear friends, I need to finished my supper.

    Be safe my friends.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Yup, woke up with the sniffles but at least the sore throat has lessened so I’ll live! 🤧 It is mild but still drizzling so our walk was short although I did drive us to the moors. After the chimney sweeps left on Wednesday I cleaned up and vacuumed so don’t feel I have to do much this afternoon, nothing urgent anyway, so I’m going to search for a tv documentary one of my friends mentioned yesterday. A tv presenter who was born in Cornwall, has filmed several of her favourite places and my friend said she recognised some and half expected to see me wander past with George and Betty! Should the rain stop I might get some fresh air later in my garden but since my weather app tells me it should be dry all day I won’t be surprised if that doesn’t happen!

    Happy Friday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Babe is having an echo test as I write and is scheduled for a swallow test if approved by speech. I slept at home last night and doing a big load of laundry. I am not rushing to hospital as I am sleeping there tonight. Bryanna is coming to visit Babe this afternoon and then she and her mother want to take me for dinner for a couple of hours to get me out of the hospital. I feel kind of guilty doing that but will see if he does indeed get the swallow test and results.
    We did explain things to Michele but knowing her the way I do she did not agree with anything we said.
    Forgot to explain his wishes for a funeral something she definitely will not want to hear.
    I hope a miracle happens and he will recover but at least now everyone knows his wishes.

    Tomorrow Lisa is picking me up from the hospital and we are going to Disney on Ice. I will be gone all afternoon so I said I would spend the night again. Michele stays up all night when she stays and wanders the halls. When I stay I open the couch to a bed and try to sleep and usually get at least 6 hours.
    Michele is leaving next Wednesday to go back to California for two days and coming back Saturday until the 18th. We asked why she was only going for two days and she said she didn't have enough clothes.
    What? We said buy some. She wants to go home to see her husband who's birthday is today and see her rescued 28 year old dove. Now do you understand my reluctance with her???

    Have a good day and I will keep you updated.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Jackie, so sorry the sniffles have descended on you. I hope they don’t last long. Stay safe, warm and comfortable. George and Betty will have to exist with whatever outside air they get for a while.

    Sandy, I don’t think we ever doubted you. She sounds like a very tightly strung person and if she never agrees with you, I guess so be it. Maybe a trip home for just a little while will provide her some comfort with her familiar surroundings. Maybe? I hope you can enjoy the Disney on Ice cute show from what I’ve heard.

    Take care everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Oh dear Sandy, I probably shouldn’t, but I did laugh at the need to see the 28 year old dove! You are following Babe’s wishes so there shouldn’t be any discussion. Try not to feel guilty about an evening meal with Bryanna. I expect she can see how much you need a break from the hospital and you definitely do Sandy.

    Ooh Lin, the lemons and limes do look refreshing… what a pretty picture. I expect this is just a chill rather than full blown cold so easy to cope with. To cheer myself up I just purchased a large round rug to place under my dining table and chairs because I’m finding the tiled floor a bit too chilly this time of year.
    Keep warm if you still have that cold blast outside.

    My brother John phoned this afternoon to wish me a belated happy birthday, the first time in at least 30 years, possibly longer! He does sound miserable after that fall downstairs so I did my best to jolly him along even though he brought a lot of his woes on himself.
    I must think of something easy to cook although a plate of salad might be easiest!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Not much from me except it is bone chilling cold here. You can get frost bite in under ten minutes I gather so my emptied blue bin can stay where it is on the snowy verge unless some Good Samaritan chucks it onto my front lawn. It’s a damaged bin anyway from garbage men cracking it open on their truck. No loss if it disappears because I have another undamaged one in the garage.
    My life is SO exciting!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wind and rain and a bit chilly. What was that quote? Something about weather and mad dogs and Irishmen, I can’t remember that quote except that I thought it was funny.

    This is trash day and the wind surely tips over the trash cart. Embarrassing trash would have scattered and been an arduous job to clean up. Instead our wonderful neighbor retrieved the cart for us. I don’t think we deserve that thoughtful neighbor. I must try to think of some way to thank them.

    Feeling very much like Lin. My sinuses and allergies are showing up. Oh well! Let’s me know I am, in reality, an alien trying to live here on planet earth. Making a poor adjustment!

    Sandy: I remember when my mom was so sick. I was so sure my brothers and my sister-in-law was making the worst decisions. I still wonder about a few things but in the end, my sweet little brother made a family announcement that touched my heart. He said this is our mom. My sister (me) is heartbroken to see mom’s health going down. She is wanting a miracle, she is hurting. Give her a break, if she seems unreasonable. Her mom is at the end of life. And that is hard to face. Maybe Babe’s daughter is suffering to see her dad so very I’ll.

    Anne: good plan! Stay inside, saving a trash bin that is broken isn’t worth risking your life or your constant companion, Jilly.

    Jackie: I dearly hope you are on the mend. We all need you. A day of rest couldn’t hurt.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun Patsy but I have no doubt our Irish friends have their own version! This mad English woman is about to go out in the cold and damp with the crazy pooches to meet up with a walker I usually only bump into twice a year but the last time she asked for my phone number and has messaged suggesting we walk then have coffee somewhere. Her dog doesn’t stop yapping so I can’t imagine we will be long before getting thrown out! It’s the last thing I feel like doing because this bug is still making me feel blah but am too polite to tell her I won’t be going… what we do to ourselves to please others!

    Gained a pound in weight what with birthday cake and tasty Oregon wine. 🤨
    Back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 2023
    Yes, mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun. It goes on about, and a misquote, “Spaniards don’t care to, Indians don’t dare to.” Well this mad Englishwoman can’t wait for some midday sun after waking up to minus 20 centigrade just now and the back door with a sheet of ice on the bottom despite stripping and a heater going full blast next to it.

    And guess what, on the coldest day of the year the daughter from next door (new folks) hammered on my front door on TWO separate occasions to let me know my fence is leaning over a bit, - as if I didn’t know! Mark repaired it to the best of his ability with a prop on our side after the gale force winds we had earlier and did a super job as far as I can see. It’s a minor lean. She then requested my last name and phone number, both requests ignored! I saw her galloping across to a house opposite earlier and hauling the owner back to her house. He didn’t linger! I hope the late Harry isn’t coming back to haunt us in the blame game. Our fence was weakened by his ladders which he had screwed on at his side and we couldn’t see - until he left.

    PATSY is thinking like me SANDY. Babes poor daughter lost her brother earlier and now she may lose her dad. She must be frantic with worry. I know I was with both my parents and especially my lovely dad who was far too young. I had the same problem with clothes when I flew to England when my mom was dying. Couldn’t buy more because it took me all my time to find the airfare and then to pay for the funeral and the family gathering afterwards.
    Is the dove actually that old? I didn’t know birds on the whole lived that long. Marvellous really.

    Well must get moving before the frozen joints seize up. It’s warm in the house but my joints ache more when the temperature plummets. Hey ho, the flowers that bloom in the spring! Not long ladies! 🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Babe passed the swallow test and is now allowed puréed food. He is very happy. He is doing much better and they are talking about sending him to rehab. Things are improving daily and hopefully he can get off oxygen and get stronger.
    I wish his daughter waited for the results of swallow test before extending her trip and coming back. She asked if we spend the night at rehab and I said no.
    Yes, I understand Babe is her father but she has many issues and can make him anxious.
    I am being as nice as I can be but I know she really doesn’t like me. I ruined the family as far as she was concerned. It is hard to forget those things.
    I went to dinner with Bryanna, her mother and her younger sister for a couple of hours yesterday and it was great to get out.
    Going to Disney on Ice with Charlie and Lisa this afternoon so I am getting some breaks.
    I slept here last night and will again tonight since I will be gone all afternoon.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good evening. I have been glued to the news this afternoon/evening as I cut and glued bits for my cards. So we shot down a ginormous balloon. Bad China! Interesting.

    Sandy, what good news about Babe! Wonderful! Maybe the daughter should just go home and stay there given her father is doing better. I hope the ice show was entertaining.

    Jackie, my gosh and you going out for a walk, coffee, and visiting. A good time I trust!

    Anne, It sounds as if you have a sort of unhinged neighbor. There’s a lot of that going around. I hope it warms up in your area soon. We have done our best to have warmer air and ai am convinced we will share it.

    Patsy, so we are aliens trying to exist on this planet. That gives me much to think about. I am still sniffing. You are right, sinuses and allergies. What a combo.

    I need to get back to work. I would like to read one of my books for a while. Too many interesting things to do.

    Take care everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning. I didn’t get back to our Sneakers page yesterday because our trip out with my new friend Janet was long, cold and tiring so I spent the afternoon engrossed in rugby matches then in the evening watched a 1970’s movie called The Tamarind Seed. A very young Julie Andrews and rather gorgeous Omar Sharif! Back then I used to read most Eveline Anthony novels as she produced them when the Cold War was very real and spies were everywhere! Ironic that all these years later we find we’ve come full circle! Anyway it was good fun nonsense! Back to the morning walk, Janet was late so I had to hang around in the cold while the pooches sniffed around and we then walked for an hour before arriving back at the local Post Office that has a coffee shop but because we had 3 dogs we sat outside! I kept a scarf wrapped round my throat but was chilled to the bone when I finally got home. I’m beginning to feel a bit better so walked early in cold, bright sunshine and halfway round, bumped into David with Hattie. Good news for him is doctors told him last week the biopsies were all benign so that just leaves one area they aren’t sure about but surgery could leave him paralysed so sensibly he won’t have that done.
    It’s a beautiful day so I will wrap up after lunch and get some pruning of shrubs done.

    That is good news Sandy and hopefully Babe’s daughter can feel more relaxed about his care.

    Neighbours Anne, who’d have them eh? I’m convinced lockdown has sent too many people a bit bonkers, probably because they spent all their time arguing with strangers on social media and have forgotten their manners! I’ve probably mentioned before that I’m sure we humans arrived from another planet as some sort of experiment that’s going horribly wrong. There are some amazing structures now being unearthed that have been carbon dated to before the dinosaurs and governments have admitted UFO’s do exist that definitely are not Chinese weather balloons! 🎈 Back to work Lin now that blob in the sky is no more!

    My washing machine is beeping to let me know car seat covers have been washed so I need to hang them out.

    Happy Sunday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning all. Lol, not unhinged after all LIN. Around the corner of the house where I couldn’t see the wind had blown our fence partly down. Unfortunately the horrible Harry had nailed a gate without permission between our fence and his then house. So… the wind brought the gate down along with the fence. Of course Mark can’t fix it right now in the winter but how do we explain to the poor girl and her mother they are living with Harry’s disasters. He had printed on his van, “carpentry artisan”. We feel so sorry for them. NEVER buy a house without viewing and learning its history. Of course Harry vanished into thin air clutching his million. I think the best we can do is “know nothing” except sympathize.

    Good news though, it’s zero degrees as I eat my porridge and Jilly enjoys her chicken.

    Mark and Mary Jo came over to see what the fuss was about and came in for a chat. Jilly lost her favourite “baby bone” toy this morning. I finally found it under the chair MJ was sitting in. I guess Jilly was hoping for a game of “chase baby bone”. Baby bone is a wee, much chewed rubber toy which fits jilly’s little mouth. Disaster there for a moment. We had a jocular talk about turning their large separate dining room into a living room for me! With a small washroom next to it, it would be perfect actually. But it was just an “all in fun” thing of course! When they left MJ actually said she was very fond of me! As I am of her of course, but to have my DIL tell me that really made my day.

    So alls well that ends well, and very pleased to read SANDYs Babe is improving. Mike will be over today so better get moving.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just spotted JACKIE above me. I’m feeling a little guilty jumping to conclusions when I should have known it was the never to be forgotten Harry at the root of all problems! There doesn’t seem to be a husband next door so we are all feeling a little sorry for the two ladies. Spring will probably reveal more because who wants to venture forth in this cold. Well Michael, he’s just gone to pick up Beans favourite treats.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    Nice quiet day at the hospital. Michele went to Marisa’s house to cook food together. Don’t ask me I guess Michele shows her new recipes even tough she’s a Vegan. I slept good but still very tired. His SIL and niece are coming to visit which she just lost her husband Babe’s brother in March. Babe was unable to attend his funeral so it could be emotional.
    Still improving so we will see what happens tomorrow.
    Have a great day
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Soggy cold Sunday here. But we are chugging along . Nice music…Vince Garold's trio…the Charlie Brown album. Happy bright but mellow jazz.

    Damon has found another house he is interested in. He keeps getting really busy at work then finds something else he likes better! Interesting news there…he is animating a lot of stuff for NASA now. He is working through Lockheed-Martin. So in the near future we can click on the nasa channel and see his animation. But this guy needs a house and bigger studio.

    John woke up this morning being very uncomfortable.and easily irritated. So he is trying to have an attitude adjustment. I know when I have that problem, it is the only way. It can be done. He is trying valiantly. He also realizes that he gets along much better on plant based protein. He can handle fish and egg whites. Not sure what is going on with him but I prefer that diet as well.

    Katie has been barking non-stop for at least an hour. What? Why?

    Sandy: So very happy to hear Babe is doing better. I have had that same kind of medical experience in our family. A doctor by their experience, see a patient as hopelessly ill, then the patient decides I am not through with life. I will persevere. It can make a huge difference sometimes. Certainly not all the time.

    Anne: we have the most wonderful neighbors, they look after us. We have some other neighbors that are just concerned with their own life and desires. Rather like your old neighbor, Harry. We know they do what pleases them. We do not expect them to be thoughtful or considerate. We each go our own way. Your new neighbors have a few unpleasant surprises in store. A poorly built house has a potential for much trouble.

    Lin: as much as I love sweet Katie, grooming her causes me a huge allergic reaction. I am trying to figure out a method or some sort of way to minimize the reaction.

    Jackie: colds and flu is everywhere now. Please take care of yourself. Nice hot tea and soup and a warm sweater and throw in front of your fireplace. If it were me, I would take a couple of aspirin and a nap. I am a wimp. Only Necessity might drive me to do a few tasks if I feel unwell

    Veggie soup again tonight.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good evening. Watch PBS this evening. I know, everyone will talk about the Grammies tomorrow. I guess I will survive with just the highlights.

    I am quite happy, I finished writing in, addressing, and applying postage to the Valentines I intend to send. I have a list of people left and a number of them are local if I change my mind, although I don’t have enough cards. We will see. I also have the next needed birthday card ready to mail. It will require a trip to the post office for special postage. And finally, I have another box of cards ready to send to the card charity. I just need to tape down the ends of the box a bit.

    I got a bit of laundry finished today and I tried to watch online church this morning but the broadcast froze up after about 4 minutes and never came back online. I will check tomorrow and see if they have uploaded a full broadcast.

    TBS had some old romance movies on this afternoon which I watched while working on cards. “When Harry Met Sally”, “You Have Mail” and then one I really have not watched “Two Weeks Notice.” I guess the old Meg Ryan movies have always been my favorites, Sandra Bullock, not so much.

    I am sorry for all the issues (like the partially broken fence) and the poorly health. Jackie, I hope you stay warm while recovering from the sniffles. And Patsy, I hope John feels a bit better soon while the allergy problem is a harder one to address. Have you tried wearing a mask? I know, poor option.

    Sandy, I trust Babe’s health will keep improving.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 2023
    The temp. Is minus 2C ! It feels tropical after what we recently endured! I’m dashing around doing the weekly washing and up and down the stairs. I can’t wait to get to a garden centre and pick up some annuals to brighten the old homestead up. That’s if I can get someone to take me come spring. Not easy to get to our garden centres unless in desperation we get to use Canadian Tire or Home Depot Instead. Leftover roast chicken Alfredo for lunch.
    ANNE. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Things are looking up for Babe. He is going to be reevaluated by speech to see if he can have more solid foods. His oxygen intake is lowered and he will be evaluated for the rehab facility at the hospital. He is sitting in chair and watching TV. I am home because I have a new cleaning lady and not ready to leave her alone. I also have some errands to run. I called the nurses station to find out if I could surprise him with a milk shake later and she said yes. He will be excited for that. His daughter is here until Wednesday and Cheryl said she talked about canceling her trip back since he is no longer critical. If he goes to rehab there will be no reason to spend the night with him like we do now. He is able to push the call button for the nurse and they take good care of him.

    So things are looking up and the doom and gloom is gone, it has been quite an adventure these past few weeks. Thanks for listening to me and letting me vent to you.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Wahoo! Great news Sandy. I hope things stay on course with continued improvement. ❤️❤️ Also hoe the cleaning person does a good job and is trustworthy. Enjoy what you can of your always busy days.

    Anne, warmer weather! All right. Same here. Some sprinkles expected later. A bit warmer and time to think of spring. Someone posted that it is 42 days until the official start of spring. I just had Alexa verify it for me. 😂

    Am gluing cards together today. I just noticed I have to make a trip to the library to return some books— today. I guess I will be going later.

    I am also hunting for a tiny stencil. I swear I saw it early this morning but it has disappeared. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 it will surface again.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    We’ve enjoyed another bright day with lots of sunshine and temperature about 6C. George’s groomer was booked for a visit this afternoon so I decided to only walk round the block first thing so that when we home I only had to brush a few collected bits off his tummy. I managed an hour of housework before carrying the vacuum cleaner and other items out to my car to hoover and clean the interior. So much dirt and grit gets carried in after our walks until I reach a point I can’t stand to look at it! The seat covers are back on and floors tidy but that won’t last long! George was well behaved during his grooming session until the last 10 minutes when he decided to wriggle about so I massaged his shoulders while his face was trimmed.
    I’ve just let Betty into the garden and viewed the full moon amongst twinkling stars. It’s going to be a cold night but the log burner is lit in the snug so we are cosy.
    Last night the final episode of Happy Valley was amazing and at one point I was wanting to hide but saw it through to a brilliant finale.

    Sandy, we’ll done Babe for getting himself through a difficult episode but just as important, well done you! I do hope you will now have time for yourself to recoup some energy.

    Anne, yesterday I planted 3 small trays of seeds, sweet pepper from last year’s crop, some large blue poppies and rare wild Salvia that are on the endangered list so my thoughts were also of the coming Spring. Annoyingly, my neighbours lit a Smokey bonfire just after midday so it wasn’t a pleasure to be outside!
    The BBC series Winter Walks has moved on to Spring Walks and we are again in the Yorkshire Dales, currently in a field of wheat!… next stop Healy!

    Lin, a few years ago that cottage style pottery was collectible but not so much today. Yesterday’s pot was wonderfully large so no one would go without!

    Patsy, I can’t tell you how happy I feel to read you are receiving help from a neighbour and also that Damon might soon be living closer to you and John. I know you will be feeling energised to get on with tasks you can manage and hopefully John’s cataract procedures will soon have him feeling so much better.

    My sore throat has eased and I’m just left with sniffles so feet are up as I sip tea next to Betty while George and Betty snooze on the spare bed. It’s lovely to relax.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sort of mixed kind of day. Some high thin clouds but chilly. It looks like a few showers are possible. Tomorrow John has an early echocardiogram. I am sure he will end up with a diagnosis of heart failure. Our doc has strongly hinted at that possibility. It can be managed to a degree but at our age, we really don’t like to hear that diagnosis, actually at any age!

    Feeling a bit upended today. My world has been rattled. We will persevere just like Sandy and Babe. However, in truth, I worried all night and consequently I am low energy and exhausted. I even became worried about Katie. If we could not care for her, who would? She isn’t an easy dog. She is smart and yet so fearful of many things. John isn’t fearful but he also isn’t easy. His OCD makes medical issues even more difficult. Can you see that I need a nap and I need an attitude adjustment immediately? Without a doubt!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooops forgot to sign that little note of crazy worry. Need coffee or a snuggle with a warm blanket…
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    We are sitting on the sofa having just made out our grocery order. Bean is snuggled up and I’ve ordered her “good morning” vitamin treat along with the broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc. I have to get my weekly order tomorrow because I’ll be at the feared docs on Thursday morning.

    PATSY, you’ve got the February blues. Hey, you will still be around for Katie when you reach my lofty age and I’m not going anyway else if I can help it. Jilly will be seven around Valentine’s Day and I hope I can annoy everyone for another seven years!

    Talking of which an unexpected treat last evening. Mark arrived with Derek and Bev to put Derek’s winter tires in the rapidly filling up garage, and it’s a big garage! My wee collection of garden tools and garbage bins is to one side and the rest is Marks tools and bench, logs for the basement emergency stove, old planters, the.Ms discarded but beautiful garden furniture which I intend pinching this summer, lawn mowers, snow shovels, etc etc well you get the picture. The Bean was over the moon at the unexpected company and pats. I am trying to emulate the Bean, so little makes her one happy little dog.

    SANDY, I hope Babe makes a speedy recovery, good news from you! JACKIEs throat is on the mend and crossed fingers that LINS sinus are gone, gone, gone. BARBIE, love the doggie quote, Jilly sure warms my soul.

    Well must away,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A mild day with lots of sunshine but because my back was aching when I got up, probably from all the bending to clean my car interior, I didn’t walk until about 10am. Not a soul to be seen anywhere but then I parked at a place I don’t often visit because it looked peaceful.
    There were lots of zoomies then George couldn’t resist rolling in fox poo, no doubt to wipe away the beautifully scented spray he received after yesterday’s groom! I dropped them home then drove to the next town for grocery shopping but now that’s been put away and I’ve had a bacon and brown HP Sauce sandwich clouds have rolled in so I will need something warm on to do some pruning.
    A group working with my GP Practice has written a letter booking a telephone consultation for a targeted lung health check (their words, not mine!). It’s all about preventative medicine aimed at people aged 55 to 74 so I just got in there and if after the chat, it’s felt I should receive a lung CT scan, one will be booked. With all the walking I do I’m sure mine are healthy and I’m not aware of problems but will go along with the process for now.
    Patsy, sometimes, knowing what we are dealing with is the better option and I’m convinced, keeps us going a lot longer than would have been the case a few years ago so hold on tight and hopefully John’s health check won’t be scary.
    Yesterday I had a similar conversation with George’s groomer about my concerns for him if something happened to me. Betty would slot into any home but George has many issues I’ve come to recognise over the years that would get him into trouble. Even one day in kennels would put him back to the disturbed pooch I adopted, growling and biting out of fear. We must ensure, along with Anne, that we look after ourselves and don’t tempt providence!

    Barbie, That’s a true comment about our dogs warming our souls and I would like to add cats to that because even my crazy, controlling Brady has his moments!

    Hello Lin and other Sneakers popping in.
    Gosh, I’d better get on with something, at least toss some corn into the hens.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    Happy Tuesday! Babe kind of had a bad night with oxygen so not a good nights sleep. His daughter will sleep here tonight and I will take her to airport tomorrow morning. I think she is cancelling her flight back to a later date since Babe is not critical any longer.
    I am hoping I don’t have to sleep here
    anymore since he is better. They are still trying yo get him stronger and lower his oxygen before sending to rehab.
    It is a one day at a time situation.
    The best thing here is the doggie visits, they are so cute!


    More are coming today and tomorrow.

    Have a good day
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    On a day that was to be dry and warmer…it isn’t! But tomorrow should be better. It is our yearly physicals day. John had his echocardiogram this morning. Our sweet daughter showed up early at the hospital to keep us company and cheer us on. She ended up giving a handmade iPhone holster to a lady also getting a echocardiogram. She had fallen on her cell phone and couldn’t reach it to call for help. So our daughter, Andrea, said you need one of these. And took off hers and handed it to her. So thoughtful!

    Now our son Damon is coming from Portland to be with us for the physicals. He wants to be there for his dad. John has memory problems and looses words when trying to articulate concerns. I sort of act as a prompter for him. It eases his anxiety when he is talking. Damon can do that when he is with the doctor in the exam room. It is difficult because John was a dynamic speaker and writer. Now he asks me to spell for him and I write emails for him because he can’t. But he is still with us. He can understand most of the conversations. He even helps with household tasks. He is just missing some of the cognitive skills that he used to have. Tough times bring the family together.

    I know for a fact that animals have strong nursing talents. That is why they do such wonderful things for people who are depressed and unwell. When we feel bad, Katie is very affectionate and attentive.

    So it is almost Jilly’s birthday! I know Anne will have something special for her. 7 years old! She is in her prime! Katie is now middle aged. She naps more and understands everything. Sort of scary how much these animals understand and try to communicate with us. It seems we are all animal lovers here on sneakers. I admit, if someone doesn’t like animals, I regard them as mentally unfit! That’s just my opinion, I know!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good evening. Today was a day to drift from one conversation to another and I forgot to call back the heating and cooling people—I have to schedule my spring air conditioner service call already. Since I was busy all day, I will call them tomorrow and will probably be lucky to get an appointment in June.

    Patsy, it would be lovely if Damon does find a house near you. Best wishes at your physicals tomorrow. ❤️❤️.

    Sandy, Have a safe trip taking Babe’s daughter to the airport. I love the therapy dogs. It would be a good day to spend time with one of them. ❤️ I really like the beautiful Australian Shepherd.

    Jackie, you have such nice walks. Beautiful photo of Betty and George.

    Anne, oh my, filling up the garage! Do you get your choice of anything left in there? Nice to see Derek I would imagine. I picked up my little grocery order this morning so I am set for the week.

    Barbie, good thought. Dogs are wonderful.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member

    Not sure this will work for any of you but it is a dramatic dog getting his nails clipped.