Senior Golden Sneakers



  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    edited January 2023
    Sandy I have you and Babe in my thoughts and prayers. Thinking of you at this time.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hoping to hear more from SANDY today and hoping it is good news. ❤️

    We, the Bean and I, had a good day. Michael, freshly shorn from the barbers, came over. It’s always a good day for Jilly when Mike, Mark or MJ turn up. She got two short walks because it was freezing cold and we’ve woken up to snow today. Poor Mark and hopefully Derek my grandson will show up to help him shovel. My Good Samaritan a few days ago was Darren. We had lasagna for lunch and a chat about the future, my future precisely, as I continue to age; help as in gardening, cleaning etc. The doctor didn’t help on Friday telling me “you are old” and then continuing with what I can expect down the road. Of course such dire news had the effect of making me feel like a spring lamb this morning after initially feeling somewhat gloomy at the prospect of no longer climbing up mountains etc.

    Anyway with two episodes of Midsomer Murders on TV last night to watch we had a fairly late going to bed for once which means Jilly is curled up on the sofa next to me as I write this and is fast asleep in doggie dreamland the way the feet are twitching. A good day to do the washing at the cheap weekend rate.

    I will keep checking in to see if SANDY posts and wishing and hoping for good news.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello sneakers. It’s another grey, dismal day but slightly warmer so the morning walk was one of our shorter strolls to the next village and back. It was unusually quiet for a Sunday but that made it more pleasant because we weren’t dodging cars. George did sneak in a grumble and run on his long lead at a black and white Collie that I hadn’t noticed as I looked at some plants for sale on a bench outside the property I once bought a cucumber labelled “yard long” that barely grew to 6”…. I won’t bother this year!
    I’m meeting Linda tomorrow for one of our coffee and cake outings, this time to a farm shop called Strawberry Fields in Lifton that is just into Devon, so I’m afraid I will be tempted to buy more than just cake. An early long walk should tire the pooches and hopefully make room for a few extra calories!

    I see Anne has popped in ahead of me. Hah, doctors putting us into boxes labelled “old” can get lost! A GP once told me I should be slowing down when I was 52 and struggling with a frozen shoulder, then he looked at my records and told me we were the same age so got my frosty response “And are you slowing down?” My age wasn’t mentioned again! Recently I watched a programme about our paramedics and they all said they loved to help us oldies because we never complained and were nearly always stoic whereas younger generations struggled!

    Sandy, the support you are getting is wonderful but give yourself the occasional break. I think DNR’s are mentioned in most situations just in case and I hope visits from his daughter went well. You have an awful lot to deal with without hassle!

    Patsy, the man with his white Retriever I chatted to last week told me he had adopted her as a puppy and she was so small he took her for a check with the vet who told him she was barely 6 weeks old. That’s against our laws and when investigations took place it was found she was bred in Ireland and her vaccination papers were fake so she had to go into quarantine. She was very much like your Katie in personality, adorable but bordering on anti-social! I couldn’t believe how much I had been missing when my cataracts were removed. It’s a simple but scary procedure but a couple of deep breaths and it will be done then you must nag John if he doesn’t follow post op instructions!

    That teapot is interesting Lin. His Most Excellent Majesty! I wonder when that was dropped. I can never remember if you are in Iowa. Yesterday I watched a YouTube video from a live feed from someone driving in heavy snow. Perhaps it ended up over Anne!

    Time for a lunch snack then I will vacuum up the staircase and beyond!
    Jackie 🥰
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh Sandy. Glad you are staying with him. It’s good for both of you. Fingers crossed that he gradually gets better - well hopefully soon. Big hugs.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandy, hoping today brought good news. Thinking of you and Babe. ❤️❤️

    Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    No offense Anne, but your doctor is a jerk! In the first place, people are living longer. The pandemic caused a few steps back but in general we are getting healthier. We exercise and eat right. A few naughty treats occasionally but not too much or too often. We have vitamins and good meds now. A good attitude and strong family or friendships extend our life. I have read many good articles on aging and they say do as much as possible without risking damage (ladders or power tools) stay social with family or friends and stay interested in life and life’s activities. As sneakers we do that!

    Sandy: all my love and prayers, dear. Thinking of you and Babe’s family and hoping for good news soon.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Of course you are right PATSY! I have to admit when I first met my doctor he had light brown hair and mine was just starting to turn a bit. Three years later he is white all over and I’m just beginning to turn a bit. A good belly laugh helps as well as we age. I had to give him a urine sample, “I don’t feel I can pee right now”I bleated. “Try” he said, so off I trotted clasping a tray and a small container, followed by the stares of mainly elderly men in the waiting room who knew exactly what I was up to. Well, I tried and I tried for ages and ages and finally trotted out with barely a1/4 inch. The old men were still staring when I handed it to the receptionist at which point I got the giggles. “Can you use THIS” I asked at which point after assuring me it could be tested she got the giggles as well. Probably made her day surrounded as she was by crutches, walkers, walking sticks and other paraphernalia.

    Shower and hair wash time,
    Return later I expect when SANDY posts with hopefully good news.❤️❤️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I’ve struggled to get anywhere near to the MFP Community pages until now but not much to report. I was walking on the moors by 0830 with George and Betty then got picked up by Linda and off we set for our coffee and cake. It was sunny but cool which was perfect for a drive and sitting in a coffee shop with wide windows. Our cakes and coffee were delicious so we sat talking for a couple of hours, mostly with Linda telling me about her distressing visit to see family where her brother’s 85 year old widow was being controlled in an unpleasant way by her nephews wife. A dreadful story made worse because her nephew has power of attorney. This story is to be continued because Linda is planning to drive back to stay for a few days and hopefully find a way to intervene.

    Back home around 3pm I collected tools to instal a new towel rail in the shower room only to discover by Google searching that a special drill piece is needed to make holes in ceramic tiles. I managed online to order and pay for what I needed then drove to the pickup point, drove back home, put up the rail, made a cup of tea and that was my day over!

    The sneakers page keeps going blank so I’m not going to risk having to start again.

    Thinking of Sandy and Babe. ❤️ Hello to everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I wondered what was going on.! Thought it was my machine. Seems okay now.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) very cold today so perfect for an afternoon nap
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Barbie. A perfect day for a nap. Lovely!

    Jackie, wow, you did a marvelous job and I was amazed you were able to get what you needed to install that towel bar so quickly. You are very handy!

    Anne, are you having very cold temperatures? We definitely are chilled through and through but it should get warmer later in the week. I cannot wait!

    Patsy, thinking of you and your family. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, I hope you are okay and not overly tired. We hope to hear from you when you get a chance. Hugs. ❤️❤️

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited January 2023
    So today Babe had a Picc line put in for nutrition. He is not allowed any food or water until he has a swallow test scheduled for tomorrow. He has not eaten for three days and is starving. The lung doctor came in today and was brutally honest. He said if the swallow tests fails he could be put on a feeding tube or Picc line and other tubes. If he does nothing and enjoys food he will always have pneumonia. His throat problem could cause him from swallowing right and some of the food goes into the lungs causing bacteria pneumonia. He also had fluid in his lungs from his heart so many things wrong but he looks great. We will take it one day at a time and make decisions as they come.
    Michele went to shower and sleep at my house so it is just me and Babe. She is in denial and is his cheer leader but got upset with me when I said I wouldn’t move him to another hospital in down town Chicago. She thinks a teaching hospital would cure him of everything. She seems to forget he is 83.
    Anyway other than being exhausted I am okay. Talk to you soon.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Fine drizzle has been falling since first thing so I didn’t rush to go walking. Finally took the pooches round the block and am now going to drop off some of my recycled clothes in a Heart Foundation charity collection bin, go on to the tip to dispose of the electric towel heater the electrician removed then drive on to the next town for groceries. It’s usually relatively quiet there.

    Sandy, that’s a lot of information for Babe to take in but the important thing is he can make decisions based on an honest diagnosis. Stay strong sweetheart. ❤️

    Lin, that teapot could be a fancy Brown Bessie, brought out for Sunday afternoon tea and cakes! I’m not particularly handy but so long as my brain can still cope with a maths test to get the correct measurements, I get by telling myself it’s not magic, just common sense! 🥴

    Time to get going on my errands.
    Happy Tuesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    So may or may not be a swallow test today. The lung doctor was in and said with his oxygen levels the test may not work. I told him they put picc line in yesterday and he said to Babe so you decided to go through with it. I told the doctor he is starving so wants to try. Later went to talk to him without Babe and told him not everyone understands how serious this is and he said it is very serious.
    He looks good but so it is hard to comprehend.
    No swallow test today but oxygen is much better. Roller coaster days who knows how this will end.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Still watching/listening to YouTube live streaming videos. Going later than usual.

    Sandy, very tough decisions ahead I am sure. Am sorry Babe has so many health problems. My mom had many health issues and she ended up on a feeding tube for several years. They had to thicken water if she was to have a bit. Her prescription pills had to be crushed really well and everything had to be cleaned really well. It was a lot of work. My dad had two ladies who came to help care for her and later on he got a couple who slept at his house as he didn’t want to be alone with her as the care was complex. She got great care. Many hugs my friend.

    Jackie, I was quite fond of that teapot too. I don’t know which company made it but it looks beautiful, sturdy and I imagine it would stay warm for quite a while. I prefer to think of you as a magician when it comes to work around the house. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Hi Anne, Diane, Barbie, Jeri and Patsy. Who did I miss?


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello ladies. LIN, such a heart aching story about your poor mother and your dad, and especially for you.
    I don’t know how old you were, but even more devastating if you were a child. Life’s strange isn’t it, so many untold story’s from our past lives.
    And today, poor Babe and poor SANDY.
    I’ve just heard from my cousin in Australia who said she knows it’s all wrong, but she imagines me living in a vast area of frozen tundra. No, but it sure feels like it with a wake up temperature of Minus 12 C today and it gets much worse on Friday. After which our roller coaster of a winter rises up again. Just in time for Valentines Day and the roses.
    Totally pleasant but a nothing day yesterday. I expect the same today.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello everyone. It’s still cold and when we walked this morning across the moors the wind was bitter! When we got home I tidied the downstairs rooms before the chimney sweep arrived, as if they would have cared, and when two very tall, dark and handsome young men arrived, kept the dogs shut in the garden room so they didn’t get in the way. Will, who was in charge, said he had been told by Robbie that used to sweep my chimneys that George would lick him to death so once they had finished I let both pooches in to be fussed! As I finished wiping the two hearths before rubbing in a special oil, Jill arrived with a gift and we sat catching up then I went out to her car to see Scruff and the new puppy she adopted before Christmas. It’s very sweet so I understand the attraction but still think she is brave to take on another dog. Scruff was as excited to see me as George and Betty were to see Jill.

    I’m now cooking chicken that I will turn into spicy buffalo wings with a Schwartz pack of ingredients even though the pieces aren’t wings! It’s well past its sell by date but I don’t see spices will deteriorate! Hmmm, that might come back to bite me!

    Patsy, the other day when grocery shopping I noticed bottles of white wine on offer from your neck of the woods. It’s called Left Coast from a vineyard in Williamette Valley, Oregon. It’s an interesting colour for white wine
    but I’m no connoisseur so wasn’t put off!

    Sandy, decisions become even more difficult when the patient looks alright and feels even the slightest bit better. It truly is a one day at a time situation and my heart goes out to you. ❤️

    Brrr Anne, that’s cold and I think north Scotland has similar temperatures. Never mind, February has arrived and my primroses that sit in sheltered corners are flowering and a Daphne shrub outside the garden room door is smelling gorgeous so Spring is on the way!

    I must find my magicians wand Lin. Perhaps it’s been left in the back of the garden shed! 🪄

    My chicken is cooked so must toss in the spices and make salad.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Today's big adventure was a visit to Costco. Now the freezer is full of fish and chicken
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Looking at the clock and thinking it must be February 2nd in England so:


    I hope your weather is pleasant and that you have a wonderful day. George and Betty—be good!

    Singing the birthday song for,you 🎶🎶🎵🎵🎶🎶


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    And a teapot for all of us.


    Be well my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Babe is ok they are giving him morphine for his very bad sore throat. He is back on hot fast oxygen. His pneumonia is a little better. One day at a time.
    His daughter however is driving me crazy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A beautiful sunny very chilly day. So happy to see Mr. Sol, even if going outside requires a lot of coats, sweaters, hats and gloves.

    Our neighbor who is now doing some yard work for us is an amazing guy. We are so grateful for his help. He is a longshoreman and only works when the big container ships come into port and needs unloading. On his off days he does odd jobs like this. Katie is driving us to madness by barking at eardrum piercing level for hours while he works outside. You remember how I was so concerned about the condition of our yard….this has been a real godsend. I fear we had turned into that eccentric old couple who lived in the disheveled old house.

    Damon is coming to accompany us to our physicals. He wants to be there in case John or I needs help. Although I think we will be fine. He is still looking for a house. He decided against the one he was interested in. Our daughters husband is having problems again. He has undiagnosed early dementia. Or last years brain damage from a serious fall. Winter must be that time of year that stresses people and machines. Most breakdowns happen when most inconvenient …winter and bad weather. Our family has health issues but we are working on a plan to address the problems.

    Jackie: the best Oregon wines are Pinot. We generally do not get hot enough for the strong Cabernet grapes and our soil is not right. But light fruity wines are our best! Oregon is also famous for hazeLnuts, flower seeds and tulip bulbs. We have a wonderful spring tulip festival. The wooden shoe tulip company opens the fields to everyone to pick armloads of flowers then have a lunch at the cafe. Oh the fun!

    Sandy: I think the worst thing is a loss of hope when trying to overcome a serious illness. I wonder if his daughter would agree to a second opinion instead of moving Babe to a different hospital? I am sure you are cheerful and positive when around him but maybe his doctor is taking the dark view. I had a doctor like that when I had cancer.a change of doctors made a world of difference.
    Thinking of you all,

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Jackie: John, Katie and I are wishing you a lovely peaceful birthday. I always feel that you live in a place very much like where we live…except across the two oceans. Your love of animals, respect of all living things, both plant and animal, make you a rare species in your own right. The way you help your friends and love your animal family tells me a lot about you. I know I am not the only sneaker who does thus, I have a feeling that you are family, that sweet little English sister with the amazing garden, chickens, doggies, cat and bees. If only we could all celebrate at a birthday party and see you cut your birthday cake. Happy birthday and please remember how much we care for you!
    Patsy☘️, John & Katie
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Chilly here, but with no rain this week it is pleasant just seeing floating clouds scattered here and there. Three out of four days I have bundled up for a 35 min walk, which does wonders for making my lower back feel better from too much sitting. It also does wonders for putting a more positive spin on life too.

    Had to laugh. I had 3 messages up at the top of this site. Some guy showing some interest in me. One of his 2 photos he had a bicycle helmet on. Now my photo on the home page is about 8 yrs old with brown hair. Trust me I am more like an old lady with a combo more white with gray hair. I am sure I would be a disappointment to him. Not likely capable for a 10 mile bike ride. LOL I can hardly keep up with my current husband at times.

    Anne....we are only as old as we think we are and I certainly don't think you are old. A current photo of me has me looking older than you now...that is if that is a current photo of you. As Sandy says "One Day at a time". The fewer the issues the better and I think we are all doing just great.

    Hello to everyone. Hope you are all doing well and thinking of you Sandy also.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hey JACKIE, I can take my notice off the fridge saying Annsie don’t forget Jackie’s birthday tomorrow, as if I would, so:


    The photo was taken during the pandemic DIANE and before I got the shingles, lol. I’ll try and get back to Jilly!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Made it.,! ANNE. Phew.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Happy Birthday, Jackie.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! Still on the same roller coaster. Can’t do swallow test unless oxygen is down. His throat is better and he slept good but still weak. The cardiologist was in and put him on heart monitor because of his AFIB. He doesn’t think fluid is from heart but is getting an echo. Everything seems to be riding on the swallow test. If that doesn’t happen there are decisions to be made.Cheryl and I are going to go over final decisions with his daughter. Because we think she is in denial.
    More tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello and thank you everyone for my birthday wishes. I’ve enjoyed the day with friends either chatting over coffee or online on WhatsApp and it’s been a lovely reminder of what a joy it is to have these people in my life. The same goes for you, my wonderful Sneaker friends. You are all just as important to me because each day I look to see what you are all up to it is with genuine fondness, concern or excitement, depending what’s going on in your lives. ❤️

    It’s been cold and damp again and I have a horrible scratchy sore throat and aches that hopefully won’t develop into anything. Perhaps I’m just getting older!!

    Time for my bed. George, Betty and Brady are already snuggled up for the night.
    Jackie 🥰